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Recap / Craig of the Creek S5E3 "War of the Pieces"

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The Stump Kids race against the Red Poncho to find the remaining puzzle cubes.


  • As You Know: Parodied when Craig starts giving a report on the situation, until Kelsey interrupts to say that they already know all that.
  • Book Safe: At a secret comic book/manga library, Kelsey finds the cube inside a seemingly misplaced textbook, realizing that no kid would think of opening it.
  • …But He Sounds Handsome: The Red Poncho says he couldn’t be the handsome King Xavier which just gives away that he is Xavier.
  • Butt-Monkey: Kelsey receives a lot of pain in this episode, including getting a cookie tin thrown at her face, hit by Xavier's arrows, and getting stuck in a playhouse window. Lampshaded by J.P. when he whispers to her, "Not so easy being the comedy relief now, is it?"
  • Discouraging Concealment: The Stump Kids are looking for pieces of Kenneth's cube in a secret comic book and manga library. Kelsey finds a textbook on dirt that doesn't belong and realizes that no kid would think of opening a boring textbook, and thus would be the perfect place to hide a piece. And sure enough, there's a puzzle piece inside it.
  • Does Not Like Spam: After shoots ring pop candy into the mouth of the Stump Trio and Omar before he escapes, Omar complains his candy is banana-flavored and he hates the taste of artificial bananas and deems Xavier's actions unforgivable.
  • Door Slam of Rage: The episode ends with Craig, Omar and Xavier at Maya's front door asking for her cube. Maya, still mad after being accused of being the Red Poncho, just shuts the door in their faces without saying a word.
  • Edible Ammunition: Xavier's drones fire candy pacifiers after he says "See ya later, ya babies!" after the battle for the Cat Kids' cube.
  • Evil Laugh: Xavier laughs the entire way from his house to Maya's, despite the fact that nobody else can hear him.
  • Extra-Long Episode: Instead of the typical 11 minutes, the episode is double its length.
  • Failed Dramatic Exit: After Xavier shoots candy into the Stump Trio and Omar's mouth to knock them down, he has his drones fly him up through the trees to escape while he laughs evilly, only to be heard hitting branches on his way out and complaining someone needs to cut them.
  • Foreshadowing: After Xavier's drones fires ring pop candy into the Stump Trio and Omar's mouth before he leaves, Kelsey and J.P. are enjoying the candy but Omar angrily rejects the candy and throws it to the ground, then Kelsey and J.P. follow suit, but Craig is the only one to keep the candy for later. Craig keeping the candy would foreshadow later on that he would come to accept Xavier as a friend while the others, especially Omar, will still refuse to trust him. Some other bits of foreshadowing happen later on in the episode, when the Stump Kids confront Xavier on how many pieces he's got, and Craig shows respect to how he obtained them, then, when Craig, Xavier, and Omar are running up the stairway to Maya's front porch, Omar shows respect to Xavier's commitment to his evil laugh.
  • Fury-Fueled Foolishness: During their battle with arrows, Omar is so furious at Xavier for "ruining" his friendship with Maya again that he forgets about the puzzle cube, which allows Xavier to steal another one and he even calls Omar out on this.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: As everyone rushes to beat Xavier to Maya's house, J.P. gets caught in a rosebush, while Kelsey gets her head stuck trying to jump through a playhouse.
  • Human Cannonball: Different projectile, similar principles. In Xavier and Omar's duel of trick arrows, Omar fires Kelsey at a toy dragon arrow, with an arrow's shaft taped to her back.
  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: When they find out that Maya has the last piece, Craig quickly says “I need to go change my cat”, while Xavier says “I need to go vacuum my laundry” before they run off to her house. And then J.P. says that while they're ruining their chores, he's just going to Maya's house to ask for her cube.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down: While racing to Maya's house, J.P. and Kelsey get stuck (in a rose bush and a playhouse, respectively) and tell the others to go on without them.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Omar is even more furious at Xavier for making his friendship with Maya even worse despite the fact Omar ruined it first by quickly accusing her of being the Red Poncho without giving her a chance to explain herself.
  • No, You: Happens twice. First when Craig says the Red Poncho is Xavier, the Red Poncho says ”Your face is Xavier”. Craig is confused by that. Once again it happens when Kelsey finds a cube in the library and Xavier snatches it from her he tells her to quiet down because she is in a library. Omar says ”No, you’re in a library” only for Craig to point out that they are all in a library.
  • Noodle Incident: Along with the cubes they find onscreen, Omar mentions that they got cubes from the Boba Kids, the Alien Kids, the Kid-harmonic Orchestra, and the Secret Agent Kids (with J.P. adding that the latter may have erased his mind).
  • Spreading Disaster Map Graphic: Parodied when Craig uses a red marker to indicate on a map of the Creek the parts that Xavier will take over... until the entire map is covered in red. J.P. asks Craig to go easy on his markers.
  • Trick Arrow: Xavier and Omar have a duel of trick arrow versus trick arrow in the battle for the Magician Kids' cube, with Xavier firing an arrow first, which Omar counters with one of his arrows. In order, listing Omar's arrows first, they are a baseball glove arrow for a baseball arrow, a crayon arrow for a paper airplane arrow, a frying pan arrow for an egg arrow, a toy chattering teeth arrow for a PB&J arrow, a pie arrow for a mannequin head arrow, and Kelsey for a dragon arrow.
  • Villain Has a Point: Omar tells Xavier things between him and Maya were going great, as they were slowly repairing their friendship, until he came along and ruined their friendship again. Xavier points out that he can't be faulted with any problem he and Maya are going through since he wasn't even around when it happened. After Xavier swipes another puzzle cube from him, before he leaves, he tells Omar he should have focused on keeping track of the cube instead of letting his anger get the best of him. After Xavier leaves, Omar drops his head in shame for allowing Xavier to leave with the cube.
  • We Need a Distraction: To get a puzzle cube from the Cat Kids, J.P. knows of a sure-fire way of luring them away — pretending to work on a laptop. Sure enough, the Cat Kids proceed to lie down on the laptop, allowing Craig to get to the cube.


Video Example(s):


Omar Vs. Xavier

Xavier and Omar have a duel of trick arrow versus trick arrow in the battle for the Magician Kids' cube, with Xavier firing an arrow first, which Omar counters with one of his arrows.

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4.89 (9 votes)

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Main / TrickArrow

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