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Recap / Animaniacs 2020 Episode 15

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Release date: November 5, 2021

Opening line: (Dot) "Inertial reference frame-y!"

Please Submit: The Warners have trouble with internet security.

The Flawed Couple: While Pinky and The Brain go missing, Ms. Norita shows some failed pilots of the show.

Everyday Safety: The Warners explain how to survive a completely ordinary scenario that you're likely to face.

Tropes found in "Please, Submit":

  • Assimilation Plot: When Wakko gives in to temptation and opens one of the spam emails, he gets "hacked", becoming digitized and talking like the spam.
  • Big "NO!": Played for Drama as Yakko does it before he is Buried Alive by the killer spam mail.
  • The Cameo: Slappy Squirrel appears on the cover of a comic book that falls out of Wakko.
  • Don't Celebrate Just Yet: The Warners spend the first half of the episode being stalked by a "please subscribe" message that stalks them into reality. When even its supposed death doesn't stop it, they begrudgingly submit their e-mail address, which causes it to go away...and as they celebrate, spam mail starts raining from the sky.
  • Downer Ending: Zigzagged. It appears all three Warners were killed rather viciously, then it reveals that not only are the Warners alright, they are trying to convince you to go to a website that's obviously virus-infested.
  • Group Hug: Yakko and Dot embrace Wakko in one, upon saving him from being hacked.
    Wakko: What happened? Did I get the cool looks and hot prices?
  • Unexplained Recovery: Despite all three siblings receiving gruesome deaths, they show up alive and well to deliver the episode’s final punchline. Considering the many ways some cartoon characters have died and came back as if nothing happened, it's justified.

Tropes found in "The Flawed Couple":

  • The Cameo: Larry (from the episode "Pinky and The Brain... and Larry") appears in the credits sequence of "Narfs."
  • Clone Degeneration: It's revealed that the beings Nora has been dealing with have in fact been clones. When Brain demonstrated this to Pinky, it's obvious that each new clone has been degenerating, with the last batch being particularly bad.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Parodied. In the Honeymooners spoof, Brain speculates that the restaurant Pinky wants to go to will just happen to be the one at which his employers are eating, despite the astronomical improbability of that in a large city.
  • Parody Episode: Or, rather, four brief ones in one. The pilots depicted are parodies of The Honeymooners, The Brady Bunch, Cheers, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
  • Take That!: Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain was the result of the studio wanting to see Pinky and the Brain in a more sitcom-style setting. This short is nothing more than a giant flashing neon sign announcing "THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!"

Tropes found in "Everyday Safety":

  • Crazy-Prepared: The way to survive the "completely ordinary scenario" of a flood of burning-hot syrup from an uphill syrup factory explosion is with a survival kit that includes the following: a raft (to throw at the syrup to buy yourself time), a giant block of ice (to carve into an igloo), pancake mix (to eat while trapped in the igloo), a spigot (so they can put some syrup from the flood outside on their pancakes), an ant farm (to eat any syrup that spills onto your hands when you don't have a napkin), a radio (for entertainment), and a baseball bat (to smash the radio when it gets stuck on a boring channel).
  • Too Dumb to Live: After the Warners successfully sequester themselves in an air-tight igloo and plan to wait out the syrup flood, Wakko realizes they forgot butter for their pancakes, and opens the door to go get some. The inevitable happens, though the Warners are fine, as it's only been a demonstration.


Video Example(s):


Animaniacs - Please Submit

Yakko and Dot embrace Wakko in one, upon saving him from being hacked. Which gets interrupted by the living spam, furious and ready to kill the Warners.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (9 votes)

Example of:

Main / GroupHug

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