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Quotes / Unconvincingly Unpopular Character

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I'm so cool, too bad I'm a loser.
Barenaked Ladies, 'Falling for the First Time'

Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby I don't care
Keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me
New Directions original song, 'Loser Like Me'

For those of you who might be new, the dope with the glasses up there is Les Moore, who has gradually taken over the role of default protagonist from the strip's title character over the past forty years. This was pretty much cemented during a long-running, fan-favorite storyline where his wife, Lisa, died of cancer. Les would later write a book about the experience called Lisa's Story that would become his first and only success, almost making up for his first book, a complete flop about the murder of TV host John Darling, during which he actually solved the murder himself and revealed that it was a local plant-themed vigilante killing. You can see why nobody would want to read about that, I'm sure.
Chris Sims on Funky Winkerbean

"Moffat writes the Doctor discovering girls, but Tennant plays the Doctor getting laid."
Dr. El Sandifer on Doctor Who ("The Girl in the Fireplace")

"So, you should know the story by now: 'Peter Parker-Uncle Ben-BANG BANG Dead-Power and Responsibility-Shitty Villains-Whine Whine Woe is Me-I'm Beating the Pussy Off With a Stick' et cetera."

After two movies, I think I have a good idea of what my issue is with Andrew Garfield: he’s actually a pretty decent Spider-Man, but he’s an awful Peter Parker. Tobey Maguire, who’s gotten a lot of unfair flack since his series ended, had kind of the opposite problem, in that he was a great Peter Parker but only an okay Spider-Man. If you can only nail one of these, being a great Peter Parker is far more vital in the long run.

Sam is still an annoying prick of a main character. This is a man who has the Transformers as best friends, has an underwear model as a girlfriend, and has been involved in several battles with an alien race. Yet in this movie he feels like he is owed more from everyone else and does nothing but bitch and moan about his oh so horrible life.

Yeah, you freak with your good looks, and your...your nice hair, and your fancy clothing...
LittleKuriboh imitating one of Goku's bullies in The Nostalgia Critic's Dragonball Evolution review

"You're not a nerd, you're just—coolness-challenged."
Clover, Totally Spies!

"Hey, Mordecai and Rigby! Thanks. (beat) For being the coolest losers we know! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!"

Luz is an awkward teenager who's into awkward things and sadly, can't make any friends, which, I'll be honest, I don't buy at all. You're telling me this kid couldn't make friends with these type of kids or these type of kids or any of these types you see at any school?
Doug Walker in his Disneycember review of The Owl House
