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Quotes / Moe

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"Now she is going to make the Disney face: her lip is going to quiver and her eyes will flutter but they won't ever actually close, but do not feel sorry for her!"
Jeff Winger about Annie Edison, Community

Gibbs [quoting someone else]: "Her eyes just screamed, 'Help me!'"
Tony: I love that look on a woman.

(913): Very cute, but more “I wanna put you in my pocket and keep you as a pet” and less “please bang me” type of cute.

His appeal didn't spring from any sort of trustiness, but instead from the feeling that if left to his own devices he'd probably end up walking off a cliff somehow — he evoked a strange sort of protective instinct in people.
Baccano! 1933 - The Slash

Haruhi: In this situation, moe is an important concept to keep in mind.
Kyon: Sorry, what'd you say?
Haruhi: Moe! Moe! This girl's a prime example of moe. It's a rule that in stories with strange things going on, you need to have one moe character. Someone with glasses, or in a maid costume or anything fetishy. It's essential! And that's just the beginning! She's tiny, but she's got bigger breasts than me! I mean, look at these things! They're immense! This is another important aspect of moe.
Kyon: Indeed. [...] So Haruhi, you brought this girl, Miss Asahina, all the way up here just because she happens to be cute, tiny and extremely well-endowed? Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Haruhi: That's right!
Kyon: She truly is an idiot.

"That girl... how do I say this... she has this aura that seems like a little child, right? Like you can't just leave her alone, or like it kinda tickles your maternal instincts..."
Kyou on Kotomi, CLANNAD

"She does look kinda weak, but it only makes me wanna protect her, ya know?"
Junpei Iori on Fuuka Yamagishi, Persona 3

"The power of cute compels you!"
Yui and Ritsu, K-On!

"Most important thing for maid word is, uh..."blushy-crushy"."

(with hearts in her eyes) Ooooh! She looks... cute.
Let's get her, Zuke! I wanna pinch her cheeks!
Mayday on Sayu, No Straight Roads

The way that Iino-san is always trying her hardest combined with how tiny she is... makes me feel like cheering her on.

Now, a lot of people, myself included, have referred to moe as a genre before, so let's just set the record straight and say definitively: Moe isn't a genre... technically - in the same way that Shōnen isn't technically a genre, but people often refer to it as one because of the trends and commonalities we find within the shows. In this case, "moe" describes the general theme and tone of the show and its characters. For the most part, a show someone would drop in this moe genre would likely just be a Slice of Life drama or comedy, but with how broad that definition is, it doesn't really tell you what you need to know. Planetes and Great Teacher Onizuka could also be described in that way, but they sure as hell aren't moe shows. K-On! and Lucky Star may not have been the first examples of Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, but they sure as hell cemented the concept into the mainstream, and, more importantly, directed moe down a more defined path, because it was sure as hell these shows' successes that others tried to emulate. (...) What Kyoto Animation did was perfect a working formula. It made moe more targeted, more marketable, it was a tangible thing that other companies could try to replicate. You had the more rounded, cuter artstyle, a bunch of character archetypes, an almost all female cast, little to no romance, scenarios you could put them in, and a fresh new audience that found out this was a thing they wanted and would invest deeply in.

"The reaction of any male to Katy is to put his arms around her, pat her on the back, and say, 'There, there, I will look after you.'"
