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Funny / Voltes V Versus Voltron The Godaikin Wars

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Being an unintentional So Bad, It's Good fic, Voltes V Versus Voltron The Godaikin Wars is full of Funny Moments.

Part 1

  • The Big Falcon commander is described as "looking like an Amish priest in laboratory uniform".
  • Keith ends almost every chapter with something like "We'll, show you the power of Voltron: Defender of the Universe!" or "Don't mess with Voltron: Defender of the Universe!", even when he loses.
  • Every time Voltes V commences their Transformation Sequence, the author copy-pastes the Voltes V theme song lyrics (in both Japanese and English). Padding much?
  • In Chapter 2, "Commander Robinson switched from an Earth Defense Official, into a Ninja Master and moves in terrifying swiftness like a Benihaha chef."
  • The description of Imjad's room.

    The Imjad's meditation chamber was darkly lit.

    He sits, thinking of another way to make the Godaikins battle each other.

    It's just a matter of time before he could commence his plans of conquering and enslaving the universe.

    There's soft, yet unruly music circling around the chamber's atmosphere.

    Music coming from a 1980 defunct band called "Tears for Fears".
  • In Chapter 41, Pidge says that Keith is "a sight for sour eyes".
  • In Chapter 43, Edward says "that enemy woman really is bad news!".
  • In Chapter 49, Joanna (Nana) sees Richard (Kazuya) struggling against his fight with Voltron. She suggests that Edward (Kyoshiro) turn the plane around to help him, but he tells her to shut up.
  • Before Baron Hakone is killed, he hears the song "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" playing. This is portrayed as a deadly leitmotif), as Paul appears and pushes him to his death.
    • Paul's love for Tears for Fears manifests the same way Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Way loves My Chemical Romance; almost all his appearances have to have an excerpt dedicated to how he's such a huge fan of them.
  • The author frequently referring to the Roland Orzabal/Curt Smith act as a "1980 defunct band called "Tears for Fears". Ignoring the fact that they're a 1981 band, does he really think the audience is too dumb to recognize a band as mainstream as Tears For Fears?
  • In Chapter 69, Big Bert (Daijiro Go) screams "You aristocratic murderers!" at Team Voltron.
  • Also in Chapter 69, Allura's reaction to seeing the Voltes Team in the flesh.
    "Why...this Voltes Team is just kids..."Princess Allura voiced her observations. "And these children need spanking!"

    Hunk flexes his knuckles as he stared at Big Bert. "...And I'm itching to give it to 'em!"
  • One of the reasons Chapter 69 is considered the funniest chapter in the series - Keith Kogane repeats Prince Heinel's lines from Voltes V Episode 31:
    "No Big Bert..." He explained. "We are the Voltes Team and we have to show these invaders that we are but noble warriors protecting the Earth!". Steve looks at Keith and raised his fist.

    "Keith," he begins.

    "Did you see the ten billion people and my father on my shoulders?...It is their strength you are fighting!"

    Keith shook his head in disgust and stared back at Steve.

    "This planet is just a small speck among so many others, you're fighting against Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

    Steve ignored Keith's irritating reply. "Voltes V and the Voltes team are defenders too...We are honorable fighters and before reducing ourselves to "savages" I suggest you and your Voltron Force better leave us in peace!"
  • Keith's excessive hypocrisy. He insults Richard Hartford (Kazuya Ryuzaki) for being a karate user (when in the original anime series, Akira Kogane (Keith) was also a karate-ka) and calls Earth "a small speck amongst others" even though he's an Earthling.
  • In Chapter 69, Steve says that they won't be reduced to savages like Keith. Then, two chapters later:
    Steve smiled and exhaled. "Voltron..." Steve said in his thought. " assured the Godaikins of Planet Earth will hunt you down like the animal you are..."
  • The sound effects used to describe the combat in the fic.
    Barrra-rrra-Booooommmm!!!! (Chapter 9)

    Baddadda-Booooommmmm!!!!!! (Chapter 57)

    Bragak!! (Chapter 66)

    Pling-Plang-B-Zing-Bzang! (Chapter 78)
  • If you've seen Voltron: Legendary Defender, then Romelle being right all along about the heroes' Big Bad Friend is even funnier, because that's exactly what happens in Season 6.Context (spoilers)
  • Romelle figuring out that Imjad is evil.
    "There's something very odd about this Imjad that I can't lay my finger on... His way of persuading and influencing the Voltron Force seemed so uncanny and his war factories reminded me of the ones King Zarkon erected in the wars that Voltron fought out..."
    • Mind you, Romelle has just admitted she's seen him create war factories and STILL not realized that he's a villain.
  • In Chapter 82, Chain Knuckles is written as "CHAIN KNUCLES".
  • The author has a habit of using insults like [adjective] [noun], even when the adjectives don't make sense. Key offenders include:
    "You aristocratic murderers!" (Chapter 69)
    "You gleaming clowns!" (Chapter 33)
  • Jeff is a complete asshole who treats Shaider badly for being Asian. In the end Shaider throws him into a space time warp.
  • At one point, the skies turn "angry red".

Part 2

  • The author gushing over Jamie with this rather plain description.
    The morning in Camp Big Falcon is quite calm and quiet. Jamie enters the training center; she wears a different out fit from her usual uniform. This time, she wears a skin tight, stylized spandex costume based on the black, Ninja drab. But like her yellow, mini-skirted spandex, the out fit is alluringly sexy.
  • The fight scene that the fic opens up with, which definitely sounded a lot more cooler in the author's head.
    Cmdr. Robinson turns around to throw shuriken blades at his daughter who immediately countered with a Japanese native bomb.
    The bomb blew the oncoming ninja stars off course.
    Cmdr. Robinson threw himself away from the ninja stars shrapnel, only to receivethe ball and chain wrapping around his legs.
    Off balance, Jamie lands on his stomach and aimed a micro knife at his eye.
  • The sudden scene transition from a fight scene to an emotional daddy-daughter bonding moment.
    Ninja fighting was replaced by Kodak moments as father and daughter exchange hugs.
    "You're doing pretty well, Jamie. You have made our ancestors proud." Commander Robinson said with pride.
    Jamie smiled yet she shook her head. "Yes, dad..."
    Cmdr. Robinson looks at his daughter and smiled. "My how you're grown. Well who'll be it, Steve? Mark?"
    Jamie shied and remained silent.
    Cmdr. Robinson released a great guffaw, "Don't tell me you're going tomboy?!"
    Jamie's cheeks turned red, "Oh, Dad!"
    "C'mon Jamie, I'm just kidding..."Commander Robinson replied.
    Both of them took a seat near a mineral water dispenser.
    "I hope you're mother can see us now..."
    Jamie closed her eyes and tears formed, something she don't want her teammates to see.
  • Even after they were thrown into the time warp and defeated, Team Voltron is still suicidally overconfident about defeating Voltes V, even as Koran is bleeding and almost dying.
    "Yeah, nobody messed around with Voltron and go scott - free!!" Pidge replied.
  • We get more gems of the author's using insults like [adjective] [noun].
    Those unwholesome beings!
  • The author suddenly remembering that the Boazanian conflict existed, and incorporating them through Mark having traumatic flashbacks to them, through a long That Makes Me Feel Angry segment
    His arm lashes the whip with such professional strikes, whereas his mind wanders back to those grim days...Those days highlighted by the intrusion of the Boazanian invaders! He remembered how the human race was succumbed by the sheer might and power of the Boazanians : It was so overwhelming...these Boazanians ...and the Earth and its people were like a small kitten, pitted against a large concrete slab. He recalled those heartless alien beasts taking human prisoners and subjecting them in the most horrendous, roughshod conditions, perhaps no other race in the universe had been through...
  • Even AFTER they've proven themselves to be unworthy of redemption on multiple occassions and reject reformation, Steve still tries to insist there is good in Team Voltron.
    Little Jon felt an overwhelming surge of excitement. "I don't care, what counts is we can now polish off that no-good Voltron for keeps!"
    "No Little Jon," Steve said as he shook his head from his little brother's reactions. "In that last fight with Voltron, I realized that the pilots are honorable. Voltron's no evil doer..."
    Mark was startled by Steve's words and looked at him in disbelief. "Did I heard right?... Do you mean that invader's honorable?"
    Steve slowly distanced himself from Dr. Hook and the Voltes Team.
  • This awkwardly written line.
    Coool!...Vavilos is awesome!" Little Jon made a comment.

Part 3

  • The Voltes Team are shown footage of Voltron's villainy, alongside a documentary revealing their origins, and Steve wonders if what they were shown was propaganda. Mark asks if he's serious and Steve says that Team Voltron are group of planetary defenders just like them. Mark is so angry he punches Steve and makes his nose bleed, until Jamie stops the fight.
  • While Garth's in space, the author suddenly references The Beatles.
    Cmdr. Garth knows not all in outer space is black and star ridden; there are oasis of multi-colored spatial bodies and various nebulae clusters resulted from conglomerates of stars, space dusts, quasars, pulsars and super novas. But the current celestial display outside his ship changed into some strange, psychedelic patterns. As if like his whole fleet was thrown into the hip, magical world of "Yellow Submarine."
  • Garth asks a question "smartly".
    "Navigator..." he asked his underling smartly. "Full status report regarding our conditions..."
  • The way Captain Froy's assault against Garth is described. They fully acknowledge it's stupid and useless, but still go through with it.
    They decide to take on a new task...Suicide!

    Cmdr. Froy took one last breath of air. "We've faced countless enemies...but this one easily took the ranks of our comrades without even a dink!" Gradually, his crew started to cry one by one they fell on their knees. "We will die in the glorious name of the Galaxy Alliance and Voltron, Defender of the Universe... Men, full speed ahead!"
  • Again, the awkward [adjective] [noun] insults.
    You armoured dog!
