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Note: Unless otherwise specified, all tropes pertain to the characters, not the content creators that play them.

Early streams

  • The pre-Day 1 introductions has its gems, before any semblance of a plotline kicks off:
    • Luzu is called up first, and he's very clear about what he thinks will happen:
      Luzu: I'm expecting this whole thing to explode and all of us to die within the next five minutes. Thank you!
    • Jaiden admits that she took one (1, uno) Spanish class and learnt nothing.
  • On the train to Quesadilla Island and later on the island, several of the more curse-happy content creators start dropping cusses left and right, intent on either annoying BadBoyHalo or being their normal selves... before immediately apologizing to Dan.
    • Dan is clearly resigned about it, declaring it too late and that his content is no longer family-friendly because of these interactions... except his reuploaded YouTube video detailing the event has all the curse words in the Day 1 stream bleeped out.
  • Wilbur and Charlie immediately start trying to convince the Spanish speakers all to say "I'm gooping, I'm gunking" by passing it off as a normal English phrase.
  • When Spreen and Foolish have a rap battle, things get ugly very quickly:
    Foolish: Mariana was my boyfriend, but he is trash
    I fucked him once, now I have a rash–
    FoolishG is bleeding. FoolishG was slain by SpreenDMC
  • After encountering the Census Worker for the first time, Quackity and Charlie get attacked by phantoms. When both have gotten to a safe area, Charlie asks Quackity what dark mods he installed on the server. When Quackity says that they (referring to the phantoms) are part of Minecraft, Charlie responds with this:
    Charlie: You think the rogue census AI is part of Minecraft?!
  • On Day 2, Quackity asks Roier how to open the minimap in-game. Roier first answers that he doesn't know either, then replies for him to try pressing Alt + F4, i.e. exiting the game.
  • Just before the Egg Adoption Event starts, Dan logs back onto the server for the first time since Day 1... and immediately finds the extremely rare naturally-spawning pink sheep he found and put in a boat sheared and "naked".

The Egg Adoption Event

  • The announcement for the Egg Adoption Event is preceded by a showcase of all the houses that everyone built on the SMP (and Foolish's dragon statue). It also showcased a few... underdeveloped houses, accompanied by a Vine boom. This includes an unfinished face of a house, a house that resembles a prison cell, the entire village that was built into the destroyed part of the wall, and a 5×5×4 birch shack that may have taken a single minute to build.
    • The fact that it repeatedly cuts to the prison-like house and birch shack near the end of this showcase.
  • The event itself required several groups of two (one English- and one Spanish-speaking member) to take care of one of the many eggs left by a dragon that rested beneath the island. Not even within an hour of being paired with Mariana, Slimecicle quickly became an Abusive Parent to their egg, JuanaFlippa, in the most hilarious fashion.
    • Slime's idea for a lullaby was to sing CaptainSparklez's "Revenge". Mariana responded to the first line with a Little "No".
      • Slime's other idea for a lullaby was to casually sing a rendition of "Feliz Navidad" about him and Mariana getting a divorce in front of JuanaFlippa...
      • ...and Quackity, who was right outside the door to their house and doing his best to not devolve into a laughing fit.
    • One of the tasks the members needed to complete was to build a house for their egg. Slimecicle and Mariana decided to carve out more of the wall to create a small room that had no windows above the main room that could only be accessed by breaking a wall and climbing up a ladder. Slime and Mariana made JuanaFlippa's house the attic.
      • Slime proposing that JuanaFlippa uses two blocks of gravel as their bed.
      • Slime and Mariana try showing the room to BadBoyHalo, who proceeds to bail from the house when he watched Slime break open a wall to get to the room. Slime, not wanting the "playdate" between his and Bad's egg to be ruined, chases after him.
        Bad: I'm not locking my child inside because–
        Slime: He likes it in his box! He loves his box!
        Bad: Oh, he does? Well, maybe you should ask him that.
        Slime: Well you haven't even seen his box! It could be the coolest box you've ever seen. You wouldn't know. Right, Dappernote ?
        Bad: You're literally describing it as a box!
    • "Mariana's really bad at being a fucking mother."
  • Within approximately the same time frame as above, Dan and Maximus decide to make a temporary house for Trump before settling on a more permanent structure. They wind up luring the egg into... a 1-block metal cage inside the house, allegedly to keep him safe, but the clanking when the "trap" cage is activated somehow turns this into Crosses the Line Twice territory.
  • Slime giving JuanaFlippa her first toy that he definitely did not obtain from a Deal with the Devil: a gun.
  • After Quackity tells Tilín that she might have two fathers, her other parent is either Luzu or Wilbur, and she gets to pick who her other father isnote , Tilín then puts down a sign with the following message, to Quackity's horror:
    For context, la tres leches is a type of sponge cake made from three kinds of milk, hence the name. The implications are obvious.
  • The Courtroom Episode between Slime and Mariana over JuanaFlippa's death and the preparation leading up to it.
    • Slime's plan of getting every single person on the server to act as his judges so that nobody was able to defend Mariana.
      • This includes Philza, whose egg Slime has successfully killed once and had camera footage of Slime trying to destroy Chayanne's house with a chainsaw.
      • The fact that Bad said that Quackity wouldn't be a good pick for a lawyer if those skills were just as good as his parenting. Ironically, Quackity is the only real-life law student on the server.
      • When Charlie asks his lawyers to proceed to the stand, Quackity asks Slime how many lawyers he had for the trial after he realizes that Jaiden, Foolish, Bad and Fit followed him to the stand.
    • The evidence brought up in court includes the crimes Slime committed against Philza, TikTok edits of JuanaFlippa and an image of Mariana and Foolish looking at each other. Considering that Mariana was once Foolish's boyfriend...
    • Foolish's defense against Slime telling him that he's being fired as a lawyer consists of releasing a dancing cockroach wearing a sombrero and four maracas. Everyone nearby breaks out into a dance.
    • Fit randomly giving the judge four Netherite ingots as a bribe. Keep in mind that, at this point, nobody on the server had even gone to the Nether yet.
  • During his first meeting with Wilbur and Tallulah, Quackity asks to speak with the latter in private right to the former's face.
    Quackity: Can I speak to Tallulah? Alone?
    Wilbur: No, you cannot speak to my daughter alone, you freak!
    (Quackity and Fit start laughing)
    Wilbur: What do you fucking mean!
    (Wilbur starts laughing)
  • Slime initiating a battle with Quackity by playing the 'trainer detection' noise and immediately playing the Generation 3 Pokémon battle theme. Because he was on two hearts when he began approaching Quackity, who was holding an iron axe, Slime instantly got incapacitated in one hit before he even threw a single punch.
    • Slime does this again when he and Quackity fight Bad and Dapper. This ends poorly.

The Elections

  • This quote:
    Fit: How do you say 'apple' in French, Pomme?

The Disappearance of the Eggs

  • While the hospital scene after Forever took the reality syringe and put into coma isn't exactly funny, what makes it funny is what Phil is doing. He uses a ladle and a pan while loudly singing at the same time to make as much noise as possible. While it doesn't work at all, the amount of comedy from Phil made this a hilarious gem to be added.
    Phil: Wake up! Wake the fuck up! You idiot! Why the fuck would you take drugs from a psychotic bear?! You fucking numbskull! WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!! (singing) Wake up! Forever is a dummy! He took drugs from a fucking bear! Why would you take drugs from a fucking bear that steals and lies all the time!? You fuck!

Purgatory 2

  • When Etoiles got kidnapped into a Purgatory Island, instead of listening to the Purgatory worker like what the others did, Etoiles bullies the worker into a fight, even delaying a fight when he goes to a shipyard to start bullying the worker again. The funny thing about the fight is that Etoiles laughs it all off at bullying a worker that is associated with the Observer's evil intentions.
