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Characters / Santiago of the Seas

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  • The Captain: The good pirate captain of the legendary magical ship, El Bravo
  • Cool Sword: By saying "Sword Force" he can summon a magical sword can turn into a rope
  • Friendly Pirate: Santi and his crew are good pirates who help others and defeat villains like Bonnie Bones- actual bad pirate
  • The Strategist


Santiago’s clumsy energetic cousin whose magical guitar can be used to harness the wind.


A knowledgeable mermaid who can speak to sea creatures and transform into a young human girl



A rude and devious pirate who's goal is to become the Queen of the Pirates with the help of her first mate palm crow, Sir Butterscotch and Kitty Cat Crew.
  • Alliterative Name: Bonnie 'Bunny' Bones
  • Cool Sword: Her sword is made of black obsidian material with a carving of the squid forming the handle. Fitting since her ship is called "El Calamar".
  • Pirate Girl: She is a villainess 8 year old pirate girl.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Bonnie and her mother, Billie Bones, both share the same green hair and their outfits share similar colors.


A mischievous faun villains who specializes in music, magic, and his sneaky nature to cause trouble.
  • Faun And Satyrs: He is a faun who lives in the forest of Isla Encanto.
  • Shapeshifting Trickster: Pepito can shapeshift and disguise himself as different people though his voice, eye color, and leaves in his hair will always remain.
