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WMG / WandaVision

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If Wanda finally lets go of the past, Vision's death scene from Avengers: Infinity War will be replayed.
Just to hammer home the All Deaths Final trope, along with extra symbolism about her making the decision to move on with her life.
  • Zig-zagged. The death scene is played, but in the context of Hex Vision restoring White Vision's memories up to the moment the original Vision died.

The real Vision will return by the end.
We never found out what happened to his body, but I doubt it was left lying around in the Wakanda jungle for five years. Maybe S.W.O.R.D got a hold of it, and eventually find a way to bring him back to life. The question is whether or not he'll be the same person, and how much of his personality and memories he retained without the Mind Stone.
  • Jossed. As it turns out, S.W.O.R.D did get ahold of Vision's body, but Wanda stole it, and the Vision we see is in his normal body. Vision also specifically requested not to be resurrected, so it seems unlikely anyone would do it a second time.
    • As of episode seven, Monica and Jimmy suspect that Hayward was trying to resurrect him anyway, as one of S.W.O.R.D.'s 'sentient weapons.' Notably, Hayward's been tracking Vision through Westview the entire time.
    • In episode 8, we find out that SWORD has reactivated Visions original body using the power that Wanda threw at the drone. Hex!Vision is a whole-cloth recreation by Wanda (which is why he can't survive outside the Hex.) With a working body, and Visions mind, reintegrating the two shouldn't be that hard, compared to everything else she's done.
    • As of episode 8, we learn Wanda didn't steal the body at all.
    • Bringing the Vision back would create the need for a retcon or handwave. By all accounts, WandaVision takes place shortly after Endgame. Spider-Man: Far From Home takes places about eight months afterwards. Vision is listed among the fallen heroes in the school news show. If he is rebooted, then he's underground, off-world, or otherwise believed by the general public to be dead.

Vision will be colorless and an amnesiac when he returns
In the comics, Vision died and returned as an all-white version of himself without memories. The same will happen here. When he died in Infinity War, we saw him turn gray and lose his color. When he is inevitably brought back, he will still be colorless and will have no memory of Wanda. The footage shown in the trailer with him in his original form, talking to Agnes was color-corrected so as to not spoil anything.
  • Jossed. He still retains his regular colors when he talks to Agnes in episode 6.
  • Episode 8 Zig-zags this. Hex!Vision has been the right colours all along as he's a wholecloth recreation by Wanda. SWORD still have the original body, and reactivate it using the power Wanda threw at the drone, where it is, indeed, colourless. Amnesia has yet to be determined.
  • Amnesia has been determined. SWORD!Vision is driven only by his programming (to kill Hex!Vision) until Hex!Vision presents him the Theseus' Ship Paradox, and which point SWORD!Vision allows Hex!Vision to restore his memories.

Wanda's Vision is still dead.
The Vision we see was created by magic or pulled from another dimension by Wanda, which caused a rupture in reality, which is why S.W.O.R.D., A.I.M. or some other entity trapped them in this weird Sitcom Realm.
  • First part confirmed, second part Jossed. Wanda did create her Vision when she made the Hex. Which is why the second part isn't true. The Hex is her own creation.

Wanda will banish Vision next
Most likely as the result of a “marital spat” (i.e. Vision coming far too close to figuring out the truth for his own good) but somehow ends up staying in the town, which is how he ends up awakening Agnes.
  • Jossed. Episode 6 establishes that Vision cannot actually leave the Hex without risking serious damage.

Eventually, Vision will notice Wanda's edits
Like in episode 3, he'll start to realize something is amiss, and then Wanda will rewind or edit the reality to put him a few moments earlier and come to a different, more mundane conclusion. But this time the scene will play out the way it did before, so she'll have to do it again...and again...and then Vision will notice those as well.
  • Vision is still up in the air, but Darcy and Woo have noticed.
  • As of Episode 5, he is aware of the edits, the mind control of the neighbors, and almost came to blows with Wanda herself over her abusing her powers like this...which is interrupted by the arrival of her brother.

The Vision we're seeing is THE Vision.
We briefly see how Vision looked when he was killed, before Wanda turns him back into his idealized version. It's possible we've been seeing his actual dead body this entire time, his systems powered by Wanda's magic and glamoured into looking alive. This would explain his overall discomfort with the whole situation, since he's the only one in his right mind.
  • Jossed. Hex!Vision is a construct formed from Wanda's magic. Vision's original body was repaired by S.W.O.R.D. and is under their control.

Vision's "Victor Shade" alias from the comics will be referenced as a Mythology Gag in a later episode.
He's clearly not using it to blend in now, as everyone just calls him "Vision", so a sly nod to his usual "human" identity would be neat.

Vision is at least as important to whoever is doing this as Wanda is
His "job" inside the TV reality is performing calculations to some unknown end. Whoever trapped Wanda also wanted Vision's brain for some purpose and may be responsible for his revival.

Vision will ask Wanda to let go of the fake reality
He will eventually understand what is really going on, that he's dead in the real world and that everything around them, including himself, is fake. The Dream Tells You to Wake Up, and Wanda will have to face the misery of her life. The story will continue in the Multiverse of Madness... with her as the villain!
  • Half-confirmed. The series finale follows this basic structure, though it gives Wanda much more emotional closure than this theory suggests. As for Wanda as the villain of Multiverse, we have yet to see. She didn't lose it and go full villain at the end of Wandavision, but she's more powerful than ever, studying a forbidden tome of black magic, and as we all know, With Great Power Comes Great Insanity...

Dead-Vision is the way he appears to everyone else in reality, they just have the play along
  • With the reveal at the end of Episode 4 showing Vision is actually a dead reanimated corpse puppeted by Wanda, what if that's how he actually looks in reality and Wanda is subliminally forcing everyone to play along? Essentially a massive Weekend at Bernie's meets the problem child from The Twilight Zone (1959) and anyone that says otherwise gets evicted from Wanda world or worse.

Vision hasn't been revived, but nor was he entirely dead to begin with.
  • Infinity War makes a point to mention how the Mind Stone isn't the sole component of Vision's consciousness and could theoretically be removed safely, and while this obviously didn't happen, some part of his AI did indeed survive and remains aware enough to break through Wanda's puppeteering. This explains his acting and thinking seemingly independently (and, more tellingly, outright questioning things) without her presence or awareness, being rewound the one time she does notice. All in all, he seems to behave a lot more like the people trapped in Westview, like Geraldine/Monica, than he presumably would if he were simply a figment of Wanda's imagination... and he's unlikely to be some part of her subconscious manifesting itself either, as it's implied that she's fully aware of what's going on while he's very much not.
    • The revelation of our Vision being a construct and White Vision having been created from his actual remains may play into this. What are the chances this is going to bite Hayward in the ass?

Vision possesses the powers of the Mind Stone as well.
  • Or at least trace remnants of it: in Episode 5 he is able to disrupt and then restore Wanda's personality rewriting of the inhabitants of Westview and can perceive the effects of "The Hex".
    • The answer seems to be that Vision IS the powers of the Mind Stone now.

The Human Torch will be an android based on Vision's remains.
  • If the Fantastic Four are introduced into the MCU via SWORD, as many are beginning to suspect, SWORD studying and reverse-engineering Vision's body will provide a means to set up an iteration of the character akin to the Jim Hammond version, in a sort of inversion of his fate.

"Cataract" is an effort to create a new Vision
If those involved are successful, this Vision will either be Jonas, the Vision of the Young Avengers, or Viv Vision. Both make sense, given the inclusion of Billy and Tommy.
  • Sort of. Episode 7 reveals that Project Cataract's goal was to bring Vision back, likely as a weapon for Hayward's own purposes.
    • Confirmed. In episode 8, it turns out S.W.O.R.D. had Vision's body all along and have rebuilt, albeit with a new plain white color scheme, and use Wanda's power from one of their drones to activate him.

Vision's living will has more stipulations to it than we were told, which is part of why Wanda stole his body.
It does make sense that Vision would want to keep his body from being used as a weapon in the event that he dies given his pacifistic nature. It also makes sense that he'd want to stay dead—in Avengers Ageof Ultron one of the differences between Vision and Ultron is that Vision isn't really concerned with the ide of living forever. It doesn't make sense that his body ends up with S.W.O.R.D., which is an organization he'd reasonably know nothing or next to nothing about. Not to mention that we learn about the will from Hayward (who seems dead set on painting Wanda as villain and would have no reason not to leave out any inconvenient truths that could jeopardize his plans) telling Monica about it.

If anything, Vision would likely leave his body with Tony Stark, who has similar anti-weaponry ideals and would have the resources to make sure that Vision's body is buried in a place that nobody with ill intentions could ever find. Since Vision and Wanda were lovers before the Snap, it would make sense for Wanda to be aware of his living will, so part of her reasoning for taking his body from S.W.O.R.D. might be because they weren't supposed to have it.

As for how S.W.O.R.D. got his body to begin with, Tony was very much off-planet at the time of the Snap and Wanda was snapped, so Vision's will likely wasn't able to be properly carried out before S.W.O.R.D. could get their hands on his body.

The "highly sensitive" material showing Wanda "stealing" Vision's body is doctored. Just like what happened to Bucky, it wasn't Wanda, but someone else
Zig-Zagged. As of "Previously On", we find out that SWORD still have the body, but judiciously edited the footage to make it look like Wanda did steal it.

White Vision and Hex Vision will merge
White Vision can survive outside of the Hex, but he probably won't have emotions or posses his original personality just like his comics version. The Hex Vision created by Wanda can feel emotions and does have his original personality, but can't survive outside of the Hex. The obvious solution would be to merge these two Visions. Maybe they can upload Hex Vision's mind into White Vision's body.
  • This troper was thinking the same thing.
    • It won't be a complete restoration, since Hex!Vision can't remember life before Westview; when Darcy told him his history, he said it felt like it was "someone else's."
  • This other troper thought the same thing. And while he might not remember his life, Hex!Vision will likely be upset with Wanda for bringing her back, since it wasn't what he wanted, even if accidental because she couldn't move on.
  • It could be a full revival if White Vision has the original's history as pure recorded information via some kind of black box recorder, with Hex Vision able to give it emotional context.
  • Zig-zagged. While they don't merge, Hex Vision restores the original memories of White Vision, who then declares himself to be Vision and flies off

White Vision won't show up until very late in the finale
The show seems to be building up to an emotional climax of the "Acceptance" stage of grief, but at the same time the entire series has been strongly hinting at a powerful, villainous Wanda becoming a major player in the MCU. Both of these outcomes could take place, in that order, if Wanda is finally convinced to shut down the Hex (through some combination of Monica and Agatha) and bid an emotional farewell to Hex Vision that seems to give her closure. This would seemingly wrap up the emotional arc of the series - only for White Vision to suddenly step in and try to assassinate Wanda. White Vision would hardly be much of a physical threat, considering Wanda's power level, but seeing the love of her life brought back as a heartless machine (possibly even with Ultron's voice), and being forced to kill him again, might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back for Wanda.
  • Jossed. He appears on screen within less than five minutes.

    Who created the Sitcom reality and why and how did they do it? 

The black-and-white idyllic world Wanda and Vision live in was caused by Wanda's powers.
Consider this: Wanda came back from the Snap, but Vision didn't. And even if she comforted Hawkeye about Natasha's heroic sacrifice, she may not have had enough time to process her grief. So, to prevent herself from succumbing to despair, she may have unknowingly warped all of reality to suit her fantasy of being with her deceased lover. Or alternatively, she may have had a sudden mental breakdown and created the fake world, in a manner similar to House of M.
  • Confirmed. In Episode 8, Wanda comes to Westview, to visit the site of the planned home for Vision and her. However, her grief over Vision's death causes a mental breakdown, which makes her magic go haywire and change the reality of Westview. In addition, Wanda's pastime of watching American TV sitcoms in Sokovia and as an Avenger, influenced the Sitcom aspect.

Wanda didn't deliberately create the new world herself.
Maybe another evil force captured her to use her powers for evil, and used a Lotus-Eater Machine.
  • The working theory is that the force causing all the warping around Westview is Mephisto, aka the Devil. Which plays heavily into the lore because Comics!Wanda got her powers from the demon Chthon, furthering the supernatural elements of the show.
    • Working theory jossed but original WMG confirmed. Episode 8 reveals that Wanda created the Hex by herself, but as an involuntary side-effect of her intense grief and subsequent mental breakdown. It came from Wanda but was not a consious or deliberate act just an instinctive attempt to avoid the grief of reality.

Nightmare or another one of Dr. Strange's enemies is using Wanda as a tool
Apart from the trailer line "Who's doing this to you" said to Wanda by Jimmy Woo, we know that Wanda is going to appear in the upcoming Dr. Strange sequel. Establishing a connection to that world early on will tie in well to that movie and if Wanda is being used by an outside power to warp the reality of a town, it will absolve her of (most?) wrongdoing in the process. Whether or not she's being used against her will or as part of a Faustian bargain she made to boost her powers or give her new ones is another issue entirely.

The BARF program will be used to create Wanda’s world.
The series is kicked off when Wanda uses Stark’s old BARF program to recreate old memories of Vision but things get out of hand.
  • It might even involve the version of the tech used by Mysterio, which is part of what causes things to go pear-shaped.
  • Jossed. Episode 5 clearly states that everything in the town is real, simply transmuted from something else.

Mojo will end up being the one behind the events of this series
I mean, c'mon, a setting that parodies and references a specific genre of TV show? That's Mojo's whole thing! Wanda could still be warping reality out of control, but Mojo is manipulating it in order to make it into a TV show.

The High Evolutionary has captured Wanda
The barrier surrounding Wanda and Vision seems to be technological in nature. Perhaps High Evolutionary captured Wanda and is tricking her into using her chaos magic so he can study it and further his experiments. He also rebuilt the Vision to keep Wanda from escaping, but Vision regains his memories and tries to escape with Wanda.
  • In the trailer, Agnes's husband is Herb, which might mean Herbert Wyndham, the real name of the High Evolutionary
    • Jossed. Herb's real name is John Collins, and Agnes' husband is named Ralph.

The whole series is Vision stuck rebooting up
  • This world isn't created by Wanda, but a technological fever dream of Vision being restarted.
  • Jossed. It's definitely an anomaly created by Wanda, but there are hints that something else might be involved.

Wanda created the sitcom world as a defensive measure
Wanda didn't have a breakdown but was severely attacked, either physically or mentally and so instinctively wrapped herself in a metaphorical warm blanket. Classic sitcoms are comforting, add in her love and a family to replace what she lost. Add in the ominous way things that don't fit are presented and I think it fits.
  • Jossed. The creation of the Hex was shown to be an involuntary coping mechanism after Wanda broke down in grief.

Wanda is using the fake reality to recreate the Mind Stone and revive Vision.
Wanda is powerful enough to destroy the Mind Stone, and it's likely that her connection to it is what gives her the ability to warp reality in a similar (albeit way scaled down) manner to the Infinity Stones even though they are destroyed. She was almost certainly told that Thanos destroyed the stones and that there was no way of getting Vision back. What if she's putting all her power into recreating this sitcom environment to keep herself and Vision happy while she recreates the Mind Stone? Kind of like a twisted wellness retreat or something, a way to escape so that Vision can "heal"?
  • Jossed.

Wanda is trying to recreate the Infinity Stones
So far, with the sitcom-based episodes, there has been a commercial break in each one that displays an item bearing a significant resemblance to at least one of the original Infinity Stones. The toaster in the first episode has a red light in an otherwise black-and-white scene (Reality), the Strucker watch of course tells time and is implied to be green in colour (Time), the Hydra soap is contained in a blue cubed box (Tesseract/Space), the Lagos paper is used to clean up an orange liquid (Soul) while also featuring the liquid being pushed towards the edge of the counter, symbolising the price to pay to get that stone, the Yo-Magic yoghurt ad features a great white shark riding a distinctly purple surfboard (Power), and the Nexus medicine capsule is red with golden yellow writing in the center, much like the Mind Stone being set in Vision's forehead. Now, with all of them at hand, there is only one thing left to do to empower them: create a cosmic explosion.
  • Jossed.

Wanda absorbed some of the energy emitted by the Infinity Stones and its messing with her mind
Assuming she is behind the whole situation she has so far demonstrated abilities that can be associated with three stones. First she has essentially created a pocket dimension where everything that enters is change to fit with the 'theme' which can be associated with the reality stone. Second she has a large amount of control over the residents behaviors which of course can be associated with the mind stone. Third those 'rewinds' of hers can be associated with the time stone. Additionally the anomaly is emitting CMB radiation which as explained in the same episode that mentions it is associated with the Big Bang which would indirectly link it to the Infinity stones.

Basically due to the nature of her abilities which came from the mind stone and manipulate cosmic forces and being in close proximity to two snaps Wanda absorbed energy from each of the Infinity stones. The resulting absorption is messing with her mind leading her to create Westview.

  • Jossed. While the Mind Stone greatly enhanced her abilities, she simply created the Hex while grieving.

Wanda has the Infinity Stones.
The WMG above notes the similarity to the Reality, Time, Space, Soul, Power and Mind Stones. Wanda found out about the Quantum Realm time travel suits in the aftermath of Endgame, then used one of the suits to get the Stones and try to bring back Vision in some capacity. She couldn't resurrect him properly without risking injury or death like the Hulk and Tony, so she used them in a more limited capacity, recreating Westview to serve as their home. The hexagons reference the six Infinity Stones.
  • Jossed.

Wanda made a deal with Mephisto, and Agatha Harkness is in Westview under Mephisto's orders to watch over her.

  • Jossed. Mephisto doesn’t even appear.

Wanda is implied to be and is seemingly revealed to be the culprit for the Westview incident for the first few episodes up to episode 4. However, the fact that this reveal is very early on in the series is slightly anti-climatic, and may be being used to hide a more shocking twist that someone else is responsible for everything. In episode 5, she states that she doesn't know how everything happened while arguing with Vision. While this could be another one of her gaslighting attempts, it's possible she means it in that she genuinely doesn't know how Westview even exists the way it does. Notably, Peter Maximoff's presence baffles everyone, even her, suggesting that someone else is the culprit. Considering that she seems to be the solution to every problem that Wanda encounters and shrugs off and knows things about Wanda's life that even other Westview characters would logically be surprised by (such as her boys instantly aging up, Wanda manifesting a keychain out of thin air, and the idea that she can resurrect people) even a little, and even doesn't have a known actual identity its possible that Agnes is the real culprit for the Westview incident. Not to mention that her uncomfortable reaction to Wanda saying "I should just be myself." could carry a double meaning in that while she should endear herself to Dottie, she should also play the role that Agnes gave her.
  • Episode 6's commercial seems to imply something is feeding on Wanda's "magic."

Wanda is responsible for the Westview Anomaly on some level, but she isn't lying when she says she has no idea what's going on.

It's entirely possible that she made it subconsciously, and is completely unaware of what's she's doing, and how she's doing it.

  • Confirmed.

All the "Actors" made a deal with Mephisto

In Episode 5, Vision un-brainwashed Abilash (aka Norm) who exclaims that he has a sick father. Mephisto has been known to cure illnesses such as Aunt May and Johnny Blaze's father as part of a bargain, so it's possible that Abilash made a deal to cure his father and is forced into Wanda's sitcom-reality along with everyone else who made a deal.

  • Jossed. Westview was just a normal town.

Mephisto isn't behind Westview...the Shadow King is
  • At least his comic book version, I haven't seen the TV show: he's a psychic vampire who feeds on torment and pain and manipulates others to do his bidding, and Westview would be the world's biggest smorgasborg for a parasitic astral entity like him. PLUS...he was already an established threat in the comics before Charles Xavier began his crusade, and was one of the first threats Professor X faced as a hero. We could be seeing the birth of the X-Men in the MCU, only in real time, not retroactively.
    • Jossed.

Wanda didn't create the Hex but hijacked it
Wanda took Visions body from S.W.O.R.D. with intentions of burying him somewhere where he couldn't be found. But as she was passing through Westview the Hex formed, it interacted with her powers and she took control from the creator.
  • Jossed. Wanda was shown creating the Hex.

The true Big Bad behind Wanda's actions are Chthon
Mephisto has been the most commonly theorised villain behind it, and to their credit he did play a role in some of the comics that inspired the show. However, Mephisto has already been previously theorised as the Big Bad of several Marvel works, from Defenders to Agents of SHIELD Season 4, to the upcoming Spider-Man 3, Loki, and Thor: Love and Thunder. While there's some logic behind it, it just seems he's being floated around constantly because he's such a big picture character he could be anyone's villain.

This, however, is why I personally think it should instead be Chthon; another Satanic Archetype of Marvel's and an Eldritch Abomination who is one of the earth's primordial Elder Gods, they're most prominently known for their connection to Wanda. As a child she was marked by Chthon when they tried to invade the world, and as a result Wanda is connected to them in ways she can't control; Chthon has tried to commit Demonic Possession on her several times, and is basically the closest she has to an archenemy.

The clues we've got so far about what's behind the hex line up rather well with Chthon:

  • Westview being a Fisher Kingdom that changes to suit Wanda's storytelling needs and the Lotus-Eater Machine-like reality Wanda is in line up with the idea that she's being gaslighted into embracing this reality.
  • She's being encouraged to use more of her power in ways she never even thought she could. While she's already demonstrated new applications of her magic, the death of Sparky and the nudging to bring them back imply something is trying to make her push herself.
  • The implication something is feeding on her magic, as hinted by Episode 6's commercial, strongly indicates that whatever is behind this is specifically after her power.
  • The false reassurance she's gotten that what she's doing here is 'ethical' and OK, making it clear that whatever is going on is actively trying to corrupt Wanda.
All this lines up with the idea of Chthon. Mephisto is more a Deal with the Devil sort, so while that is possible depending on the circumstances behind what lead to Westview, Chthon lines up better with what's going on. There's also the fact that, as seen with the popular reception to One More Day, a Deal with the Devil is something that is hard to empathise with, and would still make all this Wanda's fault (not a good thing to do for such a popular character). Chthon meanwhile takes the responsibility out of Wanda's hands, and so she can still be used by the MCU after this without having become Unintentionally Unsympathetic.

  • Continuing with information provided in Episode 8, Agatha might not be helping the big bad, Chthon, like most people thought. From the episode, Agatha mentions that she wanted to break Wanda free from this fantasy, preventing Chthon from feeding on her magic. So here's the theory I have.
    • Agatha has been holding onto the Darkhold, seen in the last pisode, which is where Chthon is trapped. Chthon, feeling Wanda's power and grief after Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, decided to manipulate events to bring Wanda into Westview through his acolyte, Hayward, so that he can feed on her chaos magic, get stronger and break free. As Wanda created her fake reality, Agatha, being in her basement, was unaffected. Seeing everything and feeling Chthon starting to get stronger, so she started befriending Wanda in the guise of Agnes to help Wanda break free. At the same time, Chthon continued having Wanda use her magic, from subconsciously implanting the idea for Wanda to create children to having Hayward antagonize her, causing her to expand the barrier. Agatha in Episode 8, hoping to break Wanda free, started showing her the truth
  • Basically, Agatha is a Well-Intentioned Extremist whose plans to keep Chthon trapped include capturing Wanda's children to force her to face the truth, rather than a villain.

Agatha Created the Sitcom
She seemed to put her own opening credits in Wanda's head, so it's not outside of her power set. Wanda wasn't able to provide any answers when having dinner with the Harts, so confused she couldn't even come up with a lie, even a ridiculous one. The entire sitcom is sort of a riff on Mysterio's plot in Spider-Man: Far From Home but with magic involved instead of tech. The entire progression of the show was to slow play it, decade by decade in order to get the twins. Simultaneously, as the decades progressed, the problems even sitcom characters face progressed. Dinner with the boss is cakewalk compared to having kids deal with the death of a dog. As of episode 7, Wanda is visibly exhausted, her powers are weaker, and her control is failing. Agatha has the twins and probably Wanda. Maybe a side-effect of using magic to create the sitcom is that it actually got broadcast. Oh, and maybe Hayward is Ralph, the missing husband (who has his own agenda to re-animate Vision).
  • Jossed. Agatha explicitly stated that her magic isn't powerful to create something as advanced the Hex, and to Westview to find out how Wanda did it. And no, Hayward is not Ralph, as Ralph is a normal Westview resident.

"Senor Scratchy" is actually Mephisto, and the real power manipulating The Hex, Agatha Harkness, and Wanda.
  • Mythologically, "Old Scratch" is an alias for the Devil, and Senor Scratchy is the only non-human character who has been on the show across multiple genre/time shifts — from his introduction in "Don't Touch That Dial" through to the more modern episodes.
  • Agatha's "big reveal" is both absurdly over the top and presented two episodes before the finale, so on a meta level it's implausible that she's the ultimate mastermind behind everything.
  • Jossed. Señor Scratchy appears to just be Agatha’s familiar.

    S.W.O.R.D and its employees 

Tyler Hayward will be responsible for creating the Sentinel mutant-hunting robots in the MCU.
Aside from his clear prejudice against Wanda, he retasked S.W.O.R.D. from manned space missions to "robotics, nanotech, and AI".

Monica Rambeau will get her own spin-off series- Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.
Why else would you put her in? Besides, imagine the possibilities of a ragtag group of foul-mouthed, anti-social, near-psychotic antiheroes who are more deranged than the Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Episode 4 makes sure to emphasize that the first two acronyms for S.W.O.R.D. stand for 'Sentient Weapons'. 'Sentient Weapons', like a certain alcoholic, human-hating, Do-Anything Robot?
  • Problem with this theory is that MCU Monica isn't Nextwave Monica, as MCU Monica takes more from the non-Nextwave characterization of Monica. That said, Machine Man could end up being a result of SWORD trying to recreate Vision.

S.W.O.R.D. is in this show because they are trying to stop Wanda from tearing apart reality with her abilities.
Perhaps in the real world, they take Wanda into custody, trying to do everything they can to snap her out of her illusions. Because if this works, then the world is saved.
  • Jossed, S.W.O.R.D. is present along with multiple other organisations trying to understand what is going on.

Darcy got a job at S.W.O.R.D.
Jimmy probably scouted her to try and get someone with experience with Asgardians, presumably after being turned down by Jane (not involved anymore) and Selvig (already working at SHIELD). She'll probably give him a lot of ribbing at how he ended up with his third choice, but end up being important when she realizes the situation in town is extraterrestrial but mystical, and potentially dig up Agatha's connection to the Salem Witch Trials.
  • Jossed, she is an independent scientist who was brought in to help out.

Both SHIELD and SWORD are attempting to contact Wanda and a major part of the series will be the race to see who gets to her first.
This is assuming, of course, that SHIELD and SWORD have split in this universe. The former agency being involved would help contextualize Jimmy Woo's cameo in the second episode, seeing as he was a former SHIELD agent.
  • The MCU version of Woo was an FBI agent and doesn't seem to have anything to do with SHIELD, at least going by his appearance in Ant-Man and the Wasp.
    • Melinda May does have Woo as a contact on her phone, as seen in "Face My Enemy", so there's the implication that he was a member of SHIELD at one point.
  • Jossed. Woo is still FBI and SHIELD has both been called in.

Monica was in the helicopter that we saw in Wanda's rose bush
Monica only appears after we see Wanda picking up the helicopter that crashed in her rose bush. We also see a SWORD logo on the helicopter while promos have shown Monica having a SWORD logo necklace. That’s how she arrived in Westview, SWORD sent her on the helicopter which somehow crashed. It’s also why Woo reached out with the radio, because Monica went missing or didn't update them.
  • Zig-zagged: The toy helicopter was a S.W.O.R.D. drone rather a real helicopter. Monica did go missing soon after, however, and was the reason for Woo's message.

The Grim Reaper was a mercenary hired by S.W.O.R.D to try and break Wanda out of her dream world, only to be Killed Offscreen.
This is why his helmet and some bones are hidden in the floor during the second episode's opening.

Wanda accidentally gave Monica powers
When Wanda expelled Monica from Westview with the full force of her powers, Monica absorbed at least some of it. With Monica's power level in the comics, something like an Infinity Stone (even by proxy) would make sense as a source.
  • Partially Comfirmed: After Wanda blast Monica through Westview's barrier, Monica's cells begin to change. However, Wanda's magic is not directly to be blamed, as the magical barrier actually effects Monica. She doesn't get her full powers until Episode 7, when Monica willing goes through the Westview's barrier for the 3rd time.

Wanda turned the agent turned Beekeeper into Swarm
He already had bees around him and is now the swarm of bees.

Tyler Hayward is hiding something
He was awfully eager to shoot Wanda and paint her as the bad guy. He also hid the fact that Wanda stole Vision's body from S.W.O.R.D. for seemingly no reason. This may also be why he sent Monica to Westview in the first place.
  • Also, the S and W stand for Sentient Weapons, which could definitely describe Vision. What was SWORD doing with Vision's body in the first place?
  • Darcy found something in Hayword's files when she broke the last firewall...and SWORD's sensors are all fixed on "the asset," aka Vision.
  • Confirmed. Hayward lied about Wanda stealing Vision's body to hide the fact that he still has it and that he's turned it into a sentient weapon.

Monica will replace Tyler as the director of SWORD
It seems like Tyler is being set up for a more antagonistic role, so he will probably lose his job as director at the end of the series. This means SWORD will need a new director and Monica seems like the most likely candidate: she has a lot of experience and her mother founded the organisation.
  • Jossed.

Wanda didn't actually protect Monica when she expelled her. Or at least not intentionally
Wanda fully intended to just launch Monica out of Westview without any protection, which is why she looked so horrified afterwards. Controlling people is one thing but outright killing someone is another line to cross. Instead, given that Monica's body appears pure white under X-rays, being transformed in Westview somehow uniquely altered her to give her powers. In the comics her powers are basically being a conduit to a dimension of energy, which allows her to absorb and release it. This often times being demonstrated as increased durability because she also absorbs kinetic energy.
  • Confirmed? After Monica returns to Wanda's house in Episode 7, Wanda threatens to throw Monica out again.

'Darcy' is a Skrull
Darcy having become a renown astrophysicist was already kinda odd, but in Episode 6 she also reveals being able to hack past high-level security firewalls. What if she's actually a Skrull who is keeping an eye on the developing situation, perhaps even the young Skrull Monica befriended in 1995 who has come back to look after her friend?
  • Unlikely, as she does not appear with the hostages in Secret Invasion.

Going through the Hex again will give Monica the same powers she has in the comics
In the sixth episode, we learn that being through the barrier multiple times has been re-writing Monica's DNA, and that she's planning on going through again despite the irreversible changes it could make to her. Who's to say that those "irreversible changes" won't include superpowers?
  • Confirmed!

Darcy's potential role in the "sitcom"
Since we saw the Hex catch her at the end of episode 6, but we didn't see her among the S.W.O.R.D. agents-turned-clowns.
  • A relative of Agnes who unexpectedly visits. Remember the New Guy? will be thoroughly lampshaded, and she might serve as an implied love interest for Pietro (which might also serve as a nod to her status as a Launcher of a Thousand Ships among fans).
  • A pastiche of Max Black.
  • A ticket-taker (or some other menial job, or several menial jobs) at the aforementioned circus; she'll dispense snarky commentary in every scene she appears in.
  • Any combination of the above.
  • All Jossed. Darcy briefly becomes an "escape artist" at the circus. This happens after she gets handcuffed to the truck.

Hayward will turn out to be the MCU's take on Grim Reaper.
The character already exhibits beef with Vision and much of his characterization seems to revolve around death (experimenting with Vision's corpse, trauma from surviving the Snap, being fascinated by watching Vision slowly die). Maybe he'll enter the Hex and turn into Reaper. Maybe his brother Simon is a victim of Westview or was used to help bring back Vision.

Hayward was replaced by a Skrull after Monica went into the Hex.
When Monica has her first conversation with Hayward in Episode 4, he's very reasonable and respectful to her, telling Monica that her mom built S.W.O.R.D. from the ground up and that Monica should have been able to help name her replacement. After she gets out of the Hex, he's seemingly gone crazy, deliberately trying to provoke Wanda and throwing Monica off the base with a disrespectful insult about her mother's death. Maybe he was faking being nice in his first scene, or maybe he's literally not the same man Monica knew.
  • Unlikely, as he does not appear with the hostages in Secret Invasion.

Hayward is Ultron
This troper has long maintained that, based on his nature in Age of Ultron, it is easy to find a way for Ultron to return for future projects; he was hive minding an army of drones, all he had to do was send one off to a secure location away from Nova Grandi before the Avengers arrived to act as a backup, no matter how arrogant he is Ultron is a logical entity, twisted logic but still, it makes sense he would develop a backup plan in case he was defeated. After his defeat it then makes sense that he'd lay low, beyond losing his workspace and resources due to the destruction of Nova Grandi, he knew the Avengers, Vision and the UN would descend on him if he revealed his survival.

How would he have replaced Hayward? An LMD, perhaps finally giving Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D a nod of respect by namedropping Radcliff as the creator if/when he's exposed. Why do it? Well it should be obvious that he saw S.W.O.R.D as a useful place to build up his resources. When did he do it? Probably after the Blip; taking advantage of the confusion and the fact that many people would have changed due to their grief, ensuring no one would particularly notice that 'Hayward' had suddenly changed personality.

It also explains what he wants with Vision's corpse; from the Beginning Ultron intended Vision to be he ultimate body, if he managed to restore Vision's body without awakening him, Ultron could finally claim Vision's body as his own, theoretically he could even pose as a restored Vision, given the time frame perhaps claim that Bruce unknowingly restored him with everyone else but he was disoriented, which is why he couldn't be found immediately. Through this we can even guess why he wants Wanda dead, with Tony gone Wanda is the only person that might be able to see him for what he was if he did steal Vision's body.

  • Jossed.

The "sentient weapon" Hayward is after is no longer Vision
Hayward was wary of the situation in the Hex from the beginning, but became much more aggressive and hostile as soon as Monica confirmed that Wanda's children are biologically hers and that she really gave birth to them. Vision begins fragmenting as he crawls out of the Hex (not unlike how Peter Quill "flaked" while he held the Power Stones in Guardians of the Galaxy) and Hayward doesn't lift a finger; that's because his target has changed, and he's now trying to get to the twins instead. Billy has powers similar to Wanda's, and Tommy seems to have somehow inherited Pietro's super speed, and as children they're still malleable and can be influenced into working for S.W.O.R.D. without all the resistance Wanda would put up or the challenges of re-animating Vision.

There never was any "Missing Person" from the Witness Protection Program in Westview
Hayward may have already known about the creation of the Hex, so he made up a reason to send Monica there, possibly to get her out of the way permanently so she couldn't challenge his position as the head of S.W.O.R.D.

White Vision is Ultron
Maybe Hayward's experiments have actually brought back Ultron from the depths of Vision's subconscious.
  • Jossed. He is Vision, but he was essentially brainwashed to be Hayward’s weapon.

Monica will help and save Wanda in the finale
While she didn't show up in episode 8, she will return in the next episode, which will mean that she'll still be attempting to save and help her.
  • Confirmed, though it was more to protect the kids.

Monica and Wanda will be on good terms in the Series Finale
Even though Wanda did not trust Monica after realizing she was working fo S.W.O.R.D. due to a symbol on her neck, she was still terrified of almost killing her by throwing her out of Westview, and felt horrified ar the idea of killing her, which might mean she at least cares for Monica.
  • Confirmed.

Tyler Hayward killed Monica's mother.
She found out Hayward was trying to create a sentient weapon to combat super-powered humans, which she was against and tried to shut it down. So Hayward had her killed and lied to everyone that she has a relapse.
  • Jossed. The Marvels confirms that Maria's cancer had returned.

Strongman/Agent Monti will remember Darcy punched him in episode 8.
To save face, he tell her she's lucky he doesn't hit girls.

    Wanda and Vision's children 

Speed and Wiccan will appear in this series.
Wanda and Vision are seen holding twin babies in the trailer. Naturally, the implications are that this won't end well for them like in the comics.
  • Maybe Viv and Vin alternatively or a mix of the two.
    • Episode 3 shows that the babies are Billy and Tommy.

Going off the above, The pair of siblings will be the specific combination of Wiccan/Billy and Viv.
There are a few reasons for this:
  • The fact that the marketing is willing to reveal that Wanda and Vision have children but refuse to show both children at once (one human baby is shown in the January 1st teaser) implies that one baby is being hidden from the audience pre-release. The other baby being a synthezoid would be a good reason for that.
  • This scheme would make the Vision household fit the scheme of the standard sitcom nuclear family: a mother, a father, and two children, one of either gender. Considering how close the series is intentionally sticking to sitcom clichés, following this trend would fit the show's apparent MO.
  • The B+T on the fridge has been speculated to be for Billy and Tommy, but could also be for Billy and Teddy, a name comics fans would recognize with respect to Wiccan, retconned (or simply established early) as a childhood friend of Billy's who comes over frequently instead of a full-on boyfriend, considering how young Billy will probably be.
  • Many have speculated that Billy and Tommy will be introduced to join the Young Avengers with the Phase 4 introduct-ees Kate Bishop, America Chavez and Cassie Lang, but the introduction of Kamala Khan and Riri Williams also suggests the imminent formation of the Champions, of which Viv is a prominent and core member.
  • One of Viv's biggest storylines in Tom King's Vision is growing resentful/suspicious of her mother; this character direction would fit VERY WELL in a series where Wanda may or may not be trapping an entire town to act out her fantasy.
  • Also, to clarify why Billy, as stated above, one of the children is decidedly human, and Billy is the far more popular twin compared to Tommy.
    • Jossed, Tommy is one of the babies. The first one to pop out of Wanda, in fact.

Wanda will send Billy and Tommy back in time
If Wanda is trapped in this reality by an outside force, it might be doing so in an attempt to capture the souls of her twins before they can fight back. In the finale, Wanda will use whateve reality-warping she has at her own disposal to hurl their souls through time as well as space like she did in the comics. This way, they'll actually already be teenagers by the time the show takes place and they'll be a similar age to the other Young Avengers characters that have already been cast for phase 4 and beyond (Stature, Miss America, Kate).
  • Since Tommy and Billy are about ten years old physically and mentally at the moment, Wanda would have to sent them to around 2018, just after the Snap/Decimation(so that neither of them get caught up in it). They'd likely be put up for adoption, where they'd be taken in by the Shepherd and Kaplan families respectively. Despite being torn away from each other, they still try to keep in touch. After the Blip, they may go to try and locate Wanda, but it may be some time before they're reunited.
    • Jossed. They’re erased along with the Hex, but the second post-credits scene implies that they may still exist in some form.

Wanda was put in this world to give birth to the Demiurge
In Volume 2 of Young Avengers, we learn that Wanda and Vision's son Billy is destined to become the Demiurge, an essentially godlike being who can create entire universes. Wanda's suddenly-advanced pregnancy, along with the neighbors constantly repeating "for the children", could point to someone trying to ensure the birth takes place at all costs. The immediate consequences of this would be explored in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which Wanda is confirmed to play a large role in, and is confirmed to debut America Chavez, who hails from a dimension which worships the Demiurge as their god. The agents are watching, and Jimmy Woo is asking Wanda who is doing this to her, because they are studying how beings from other worlds interact with one another. They specifically say children, rather than child, because Tommy is being set up as a direct counterpart or foil to Billy, like Patri-Not was revealed to be when possessing Tommy at the end of the same story arc. Given how many timelines were messed with over the course of Endgame, the effects could have impacted more than just this universe, and so beings from others could be working to ensure that things return to the way they were meant to be, leading to their direct intervention in ensuing Demiurge's existence.
  • Given the implication of the YoMagic yogurt commercial, this may be right...but for far more sinister reasons.

One episode will have a teenage Billy's Coming-Out Story
We see the twins as babies, as well as a faint, blink-and-you'll-miss-it look at them as kids in the trailers. If they grow at a rate of a different era of childhood/teens per decade parodied, rather than perpetually staying as children once they hit a certain age, (and of course, if at least one of those twins IS Billy) then the B plot from either the 90's or 00's will focus on a teen Billy trying to come out to come out to his parents, a plot that sometimes came up in sitcoms during the era. Them growing older with the eras would also be a way to have them age properly into the MCU, though the twins may lose their memories after everything happens.
  • The twins are indeed Billy and Tommy. As for Billy being gay, sharp-eyed viewers have noticed a childlike gay pride flag painted by one of the boys in the kitchen in the fifth episode. It's upside-down, but it's clearly meant to be a flag and not just a little kid painting a rainbow.
  • Jossed. Billy remains a kid by the end, and was seemingly erased when Wanda lifted the Hex.

Evan Peters will play Speed.
His role is supposed to be very meta. What is more meta than playing another Marvel speedster?
  • The only real reason I doubt this is Peters' age. He's 34, actually a few years older than Elizabeth Olsen. Sure, Tommy could age rapidly, but it'd be pretty weird if Speed not only ends up being older than his mother, but also later join the Young Avengers as a grown adult.
  • Jossed in Episode 5, when Evan Peters plays a "recast" Quicksilver, which makes more sense than Speed due to his age.

The twins already have their powers
Tommy already has Super-Speed and Billy already has Reality Warper abilities. The latter especially is responsible for the stork and the butterflies that Wanda couldn't control in Episode 3. Potentially this will simplify their origin story (nothing says comics convolutions like being reabsorbed into the devil and reincarnated into older bodies) should Marvel move into the "teen heroes" direction.
  • Episode 5 adds some weight to this, as the twins undergo Rapid Aging simply by looking at each other conspiratorially.
  • Episode 6 has them develop their usual powers, but their aging in episode 5 hasn't been explained.

Viv Vision will be introduced
  • Now that she has two boys, Wanda will realise that she also wants a daughter and since Billy and Tommy have the same powers as her and her brother, she will decide that Viv should have her fathers powers and should thus be a synthezoid too. It also fits with the sitcom format, since most sitcom families have at least one boy and one girl.
  • Jossed. Viv isn’t even alluded to.

Tommy and Billy will wear Cheap Costume versions of their superhero outfits for the Halloween Episode.
Just like how their parents are doing the same in the promotional footage and screenshots so far.
  • Confirmed with Billy, but Tommy wears the same costume as Pietro.

Tommy and Pietro will form a bond
Evan Peters' portrayal of Quicksilver has been noted to have more in common with Speed than the canon character. Perhaps Tommy, in growing close to his Cool Uncle, will take inspiration from him in terms of style and mannerisms, and should Tommy become Speed in the future, how he uses his powers
  • Tommy is a lot more happy about "Uncle P" then Billy and even dresses to match him for Halloween. Pietro is also noticeably excited when Tommy displays super speed.

Billy and Tommy will keep aging until they are teenagers and then stop
That way they will be the same age as Cassie and Kate and then they can start the Young Avengers together.
  • While they're currently ten as of this writing, maybe in the climax(episodes 8-9), they can decide to age themselves up to around 15 so that they can gain better control over their abilities and help their parents.
    • Jossed. They’re still kids.

Tommy will dye his hair white/silver to match his comic-book look.
He will think it looks cool on his uncle Pietro and decide he wants white/silver hair too.
  • Sort of confirmed. He does dye his hair when he and Pietro get their Halloween costumes, but the next episode shows him with his natural hair color.

If/when S.W.O.R.D. breaches the town, the twins will be taken for experimentation, which will set up their arc in a potential Young Avengers adaptation.
S.W.O.R.D. will want to study how two living humans were, essentially, willed into existence by a single magic user. The boys will be taken to a facility for testing (which also fits in with Tommy's comic backstory), leading to a History Repeats sort of situation mirroring Billy and Tommy/Wanda and Pietro.
  • Jossed.

Alternatively, they will be separated and given new identities to "protect" them.
S.W.O.R.D., seeing Wanda as dangerous and needing to be contained, will take the twins (and possibly Vision) away to isolate her in an attempt at controlling her. The twins will be fostered by the Shepard and Kaplan families as a way of simplifying their backstories while still keeping their canon names.
  • Jossed.

Something is feeding on Wanda...and the twins are next.
  • Look at the lyrics to the "Something is Cooking" theme song and consider that it refers to Wanda being pregnant with the twins...then at the implications of the commercial from Episode 6. Brrrrrr...
    • In fact, creating them for it to feed on may have been the whole point, given how things didn't start truly unraveling until after they were has what it wants and is waiting for them to "ripen" into their power (or at least for Billy to) and is losing interest in Wanda. I admit, that last one might be a long shot, but this isn't "Mild Mass Guessing" after all.

If the twins are still around after the series ends, they'll be forced to go underground for some reason
Basically: S.W.O.R.D. under Hayward will want to experiment on them — maybe because of their powers, maybe because they were created under the Hex. Either Monica, Jimmy, or Darcy will end up running off with them (my money's on either Monica or Darcy, since Jimmy appears to have a family he can't just up and abandon, though he might check in on them from time to time) and going into hiding to protect them. Bonus points if it's Monica, because that might mean they'll appear in the next Captain Marvel film, thus potentially leading to Billy meeting a certain Kree/Skrull hybrid...
  • It could be Jimmy. He did say that he wants children.

Wanda was already pregnant before the blip
Wanda got pregnant during her time with Vision in Scotland, but didn't find out until after the blip. Discovering she was pregnant may also be why she decided to revive Vision and start the hex. Her pregnancy was then sped up due to either her own reality warper powers or an outside influence who wanted her to have kids. This also means that Tommy and Billy are real and Wanda and Vision's biological children.
  • Jossed. The twins were simply a part of the Hex.

    Westview citizens 
Agnes is really Agatha Harkness
She has a similar first name and is seen wearing a witch costume in the trailer. It will be revealed that she is Harkness and knows more than she lets on.
  • Her husband really is the devil, and she was sent by him to trick Wanda into this. It will be revealed that the way the Wanda and Agnes first met was by Agnes going to Wanda’s apartment and telling her that she was her “new neighbor.”
  • Confirmed!

Agnes still isn't Agatha Harkness
She's Lore pretending to be Agatha Harkness. The Nexus advert alludes to Nexus Beings from the comics.
  • Jossed.

Agnes is the person in Witness Protection
So far, SWORD has been able to identify everyone in town except for her, because she's the only person in town without any sort of identity for them to find. The government has thoroughly hidden her. The "devil husband" she's talking about? The sort of monstrous criminal you need to go into Witness Protection to get away from. All of the hints that she's Agatha Harkness are just red herrings. Maybe.
  • Jossed. Probably been Jossed ever since masculine pronouns were used to describe the Witness Protection guy, but definitely now that she's been confirmed as Agatha Harkness.

Everyone populating the town Wanda created is dead
Not just Vision, not just (potentially) Agatha, but all of them. They're either illusions or ghosts of those who fell to the snap or Thanos himself.
  • Or, potentially, those from Sokovia from Age Of Ultron, or the humanitarian workers from Wakanda at the start of Captain America: Civil War, in response to Wanda's guilt for her part in what happened to them.
  • Jossed, takes place after Endgame and everyone gets identified as various American citizens that presumably live in the town and were alive before this happened.
    • Except Agnes. No ID for her, yet.
    • Also jossed for Agnes, who is Agatha Harkness, and seems to not age.

"Arthur" is Sy Ableman from A Serious Man.
It's in the same universe as the MCU and Wanda was responsible for Sy's abrupt crash, Larry's illness, and the impending tornado.
  • Jossed. He's a civilian named Todd Davis.

"Arthur" is one of the agents from outside the bubble
Notice how he's deliberately goading Wanda and Vision into a self-awareness train of thought, which in real life is how you awaken from a dream. He's probably a therapist going for the Mundane Solution.
  • Jossed, he is one of the civilians who lived in Westview before Wanda arrived.

Agnes is not Agatha Harkness, but rather, Natalya Maximoff, Wanda's biological mother, and her given name was just a misdirection
Since this series is going to explore the 'Witch' aspect of her being the Scarlet Witch, and in the comics, Scarlet Witch was revealed to be a legacy title with Natalya Maximoff (the twins' current biological mother in light of retcons) being the previous holder of the title.
  • Jossed.

Agnes isn't Agatha Harkness, but Monica Rappaccini, and she's one doing this to Wanda along with A.I.M.
A.I.M. in the comics has attempted to manipulate reality on more than one occasion and, every time, it hasn't worked out.
  • With Wanda specifically they attempted to splice her genes into children to use as reality changing tools. One of them rebelled from their control and had taken the hobby of making bubble realities drawn from stories he reads, that accidentally pull in real people to play out the roles in it. This could also tie into episode two, which has the Arc Words "For the children".
  • Episode two also had a mysterious beekeeper appearing. A.I.M. uniforms have been commonly mocked as being beekeeper suits.
    • This bit has been Jossed. Beekeeper guy was an agent of SWORD investigating the town. His hazmat suit was turned into a beekeeper suit to make it fit in better with the town's apparent setting.
  • Jossed. She is Agatha.

Agnes is Doc Ock from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Kathryn Hahn plays both, Doc Ock was experimeting with interdimentional travel, and SWORD couldn't ID Agnes.
  • This makes a lot of sense. Olivia made the device in the film to break the boundary between multiverses and the last time we see her, she got hit by a truck from an alternate universe and is not seen in the film ever again. What if that truck lead to her being in the MCU and, being someone who understood the tech, she was able to stabilize her molecules in the new reality she was in. And starting to look at how to create another multiverse device to try to get back home, she discovers Wanda and her abilities, figuring that she can be used as a power source for her new Multiverse device. Maybe Liv underestimated Wanda and Wanda took control of the device and has been using it to creating the reality bubble. The casting of Katherine Hahn could be a tie-in to not just the upcoming Multiverse of Madness film, but also the rumored live action Spider-Man multiverse film (where it's been rumored that Toby McGuire and Andrew Garfield are coming back to reprise the roles of their Peter Parkers). And also, many fans of the animated film have noted how similar that Olivia's character model looks to Katherine Hahn that makes it be even more possible.
  • Jossed by her reveal as Agatha Harkness.

Westview was chosen for having victims of the Snap
Any Snap victims were affected in a permanent way by the Infinity Stones, just like Wanda. She's hoping that one of them has something in their physiology that holds the key to restoring Vision the same way the Time Stone did one time. Which is also why Monica was sucked into it so easily - she passed the sniff test.
  • Jossed - Vision picked the location long before anyone knew all the Infinity War stuff would go down. Though the reason Monica's being affected differently is up in the air.

The Westview residents are either illusions that Wanda created for her reality or actual people who are kidnapped by her to be part of her reality
I had a feeling those residents are either illusions or actual people. Did Wanda kidnap them to be part of her games or she create them out of thin air to make her own world? Some people like Mrs. Hart act like a Non-player character by repeating the same words non-stop like "Stop it" or "For the children". This is definitely a bizarre one.
  • In episode 4, most of the "cast" are revealed to be the hapless citizens of Westview trapped in the show. One exception shows up little ways in, Geraldine, aka Monica Rambeau, agent of SWORD investigating the anomaly. The other has been in the show since day one, Agnes, who constantly references a devil husband we never see and whose real identity SWORD hasn't been able to figure out.

None of the people in Westview, barring Wanda and Vision, are going by their real names
Herb? Not really a Herbert. The Harts? Not really a couple with that name. Everyone from Dottie and Dennis to Norm and Jones are, in truth, simply living under different names and identities forced onto them within the illusion of the town. The Harts probably aren't even a coupling in reality. This is why Monica is "Geraldine". The only possible exceptions are Agnes and her unseen husband Ralph and even then, they could just be going by aliases by choice.
  • Confirmed for the Harts, Herb, Norm, Beverly and Jones in Episode 4 (though the Harts actually are a married couple).

Real life Jones is a jerk or a villain.
His karma is him becoming a Butt-Monkey in this reality.
  • Jossed - he's shown putting up signs offering piano lessons and implied to be otherwise unemployed, so if anything his life was worse.

"Ralph" is a demonic entity
Possibly Master Pandemonium, or even Mephisto himself.
  • Jossed - "Ralph" is revealed to be Ralph Bohner, a regular citizen of Westview who was under Agatha's control.

What exactly were he and Agnes talking about? Why was he cutting into a wall like that's totally normal? Something is up with Herb. Perhaps he has a role to play in all this beyond just being one of the kooky supporting characters in Westview.
  • Herb's real name in John Collins, and there hasn't been anyone in the comics with that name. It's possible he may be the MCU equivalent of a comic-book character, but so far there's been nothing that suggests he's anything but a normal civilian caught up in the Hex.

Dottie and Dennis aren't identified in episode four to avoid spoiling relevant names
S.W.O.R.D. may have figured out who they are, but their names aren't shown in order to keep from spoiling a twist that they are characters from the comics. This could be as minor as semi-obscure but relevant characters being brought to the spotlight, or it could be something bigger than that - perhaps they may even turn out to be the earliest-known mutants introduced into the MCU?
  • Jossed. Dennis was a pizza delivery man before the creation of the Hex. Dottie is a woman named Sarah.

Agnes is not from Westview
SWORD was able to identify all the other civilians from the tv, but not Agnes.
  • Not quite confirmed by the reveal of Agnes as Agatha Harkness, but it seems very likely.

Mrs. Hart's headache wasn't from low blood sugar
It was from straining to resist mind control and/or a head injury she sustained when the town was taken over.

"Dottie" is actually Clea
Admittedly this guess is mostly because of how similar their hairstyles appear but we do know this series will lead into the Doctor Strange sequel, and Clea is one of his most well-known supporting characters, so it's possible.
  • It would also fit in with the Three Faces of Eve trope that's common with witches: Dottie/Clea as the maiden (no children), Wanda as the mother (two kids, plus responsible for the wellbeing of West View) and Agnes/Agatha as the crone (been around since the 1600s)
    • Not only that, IIRC they never figured out who "Dottie" was outside the hex...
  • Jossed. When freed from her Dottie personality, she gives her name as "Sara" and apparently is the wife of Harold (Phil).

The Big Bad will be one of the townspeople who was identified in episode 4.
People with ordinary lives can have powers and evil schemes.
  • Jossed. It’s Agatha, who was present since the first episode.

Dennis and Dottie are homeless or from a survivalist community
That would explain why they haven't been identified yet.
  • Jossed.

"Pietro" was ripped from the X-Men universe
Assuming his is from there, either Wanda or some other entity somehow managed to find an alternate universe where a version of him was alive, which just so happened to be the X-Men Universe. Wanda, if responsible, may have done it accidentally or specifically sought out an Americanized Pietro (or Peter) while a something/someone else may have done it to give her another reason to fight for control over Westview.
  • Jossed. The final episode reveals he's a seemingly normal Westview resident, simply taken over by Agatha for her purposes.

Agnes murdered Sparky
It seems suspicious that he would just randomly die from eating the wrong leaves and that Agnes just happened to find him.
  • It's shown in episode 3 and 5 that Agnes seems to be growing increasingly tired of "playing her part" in Westview, and seems to have more leeway to act out than the rest of the town. She killed Sparky as a "plot acceptable" way of rebelling against Wanda's control
  • Confirmed! And she bragged about it.

Ralph doesn't exist at all
Agnes made up a husband, so that she wouldn't seem suspicious in the fifties episode. This is also why he never appears even when it would be expected like at the neighbourhood talent show.
  • Jossed. Ralph's the Fake Pietro's true self. Agatha seemingly just referred to him as her "husband" because she took over his house for herself.

"Pietro" is actually the missing witness protection contact Woo alluded to...
... and the fact that he happens to be portrayed by Evan Peters is meant to trick the audience into thinking it's actually the Quicksilver of the X-Men movies because we already know this series leads into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. There's also the fact that Pietro is literally a person Wanda is missing.
  • It goes unmentioned if that's the case in the end, but Monica does discover that he's Ralph Bohner via what appear to be headshots of himself in his house.

Wanda/whoever is controlling the town is about to kidnap a whole bunch of children
Since we haven't seen a single child in town, and now that Vision is concerned about the lack of them, either Wanda (likely subconsiously) or whoever else might be involved in the creation of Westview is going to bring in a bunch of children towards the barrier Pied Piper-style, or maybe through some kind of teleportation, to bypass both the new red barrier and S.W.O.R.D.
  • Apparently jossed. Kids do appear in episode 6 dressed up for Halloween, but Pietro guesses that Wanda kept them asleep somewhere in the last few episodes.

Agnes intended herself to be the midwife in Tommy and Billy's birth.
Monica's appearance in Westview ended up becoming a Spanner in the Works for Agnes, depriving her of participation in one of the most pivotal moments of Wanda's domestic life.

This whole thing is a bid by Mephisto to capture souls
Wanda is being manipulated by Mephisto, and all the people in Westview have actually lost their souls. Vision can’t be affected by this because he has the soul stone, which is also why he can bring back people’s normal selves by touching them. He’s bringing back their souls from Mephisto, which makes him ultra-dangerous, but he also can’t be gotten rid of because Wanda insists on having him around.
  • Jossed. Mephisto doesn't appear.

The residents of Westview will mutate
The Hex will be a Mass Empowering Event.
  • Except going by what Darcy said it's only going through multiple times like Monica has done that does anything. Plus this would make does empowered mutates and not Mutants.
  • Jossed. Mutants aren’t even mentioned.

Pietro is actually possessing someone
Wanda didn't just cast someone as her brother but his soul is possessing one of the people in the hex.
  • Jossed. He’s actually Ralph brainwashed into thinking he’s Pietro by Agatha.

Agnes isn't Agatha Harkness but based on her
Agnes like everyone else is being controlled, but having been put in the role of the wacky neighbor she was based on someone Wanda knew and trusted: Agatha Harkness.
  • Jossed, she specifically says that she's Agatha.

Who exactly is the person in witness protection?
We're about three episodes away from the end of the series, and we've still haven't gotten a clue on who the witness might be. It can't be Agnes, since she has yet to have been identified by either S.W.O.R.D. or Jimmy(assuming he was told the witness' identity). It could be that their identity in of itself is a spoiler, and they could be a character who may become an important piece in the MCU's future.
  • A deleted scene confirms that it was supposed to be a Ralph.

Agnes just pretended to be under Wanda's control
The scene with Vision waking her up seems to imply that she is just a normal citizen who is mind controlled by Wanda. This doesn't line up with other things we know about her though. She is in the opening credits and the only other people in the opening credits are not under mind control and able to make their own decisions. She was also still able to talk and move a little while she was at the edge of town, while the other citizens could not. This implies that she is just faking being mind controlled. The reason for this may be to convince Vision to go outside the borders or to create conflict between Wanda and Vision.
  • Confirmed. In the ending song from Episode 7, you can see her in that scene, clearly in control.

Señor Scratchy (Agnes' rabbit) is a person
Episode 7 revealed that she is a witch, so she could definitely do it. Scratchy was a person who annoyed her, so she turned him in a rabbit. Maybe it's her husband Ralph, who she keeps complaining about. That would explain why we never see him.
  • Jossed - While we don't know what happened to Señor Scratchy at the end of the series, Ralph isn’t the rabbit, but rather a regular Westview resident named Ralph Bohner.

"Pietro" is really Nicholas Scratch
Episode 7 revealed that Agnes is really Agatha Harkness, and it's heavily implied that "Pietro" is The Dragon to her. As such, it's entirely possible that "Pietro" is actually Agatha's son posing as Pietro.
  • Jossed. He’s Ralph.

It was Agatha all along... trying to help.
Agatha Harkness has never been a villain in the comics, and Adaptational Heroism is more common in the MCU than Adaptational Villainy. Since her Villain Song leaves open the question of who the Big Bad really is, it may turn out that the manipulations shown in the song have all been for the purpose of helping Wanda and Vision question and break out of the reality. By brainwashing "Pietro" into thinking he was Wanda's brother, she helped Wanda question how much control she really had over what was going on. By manipulating Vision into leaving the Hex, she forced Wanda to expand the Hex and weaken her power over it. Even killing Sparky was done for the purpose of making the children age themselves up, which would have increased the amount of power they had available to fight whatever the Big Bad turns out to be. In The Vision (2015), her comics counterpart murders her cat for the purposes of getting a vision of the future to help the heroes, so horrifying as that is, it may turn out to be a case of Dark Is Not Evil, which would be more appropriate than turning Wanda's mentor into her full-fledged antagonist.

"Pietro" is Peter Maximoff, abducted and made to believe he is Wanda's brother by Agatha.
He's played by Evan Peters. Peter Maximoff is good with children, as shown when he treated his young sister with patience and kindness, a trait that "Pietro" possesses as well. He doesn't seem to know much about Pietro's past, as he "remembers" his childhood in Sokovia differently from Wanda and avoids talking about the details. Agatha is clearly a powerful witch and could have pulled Peter from the X-Men universe as a "close enough" substitute for the MCU Pietro Maximoff. His mean streak and desire to spread chaos could be explained as the only ways he can rebel against Agatha's Mind Manipulation, as he says he's playing a role, but it doesn't seem to be the role Wanda wanted given that she's confused by him causing mayhem at Halloween and is horrified by him being callous about Vision's possible death.
  • Jossed.

Agatha messed with Quicksilver's arrival
At one point during her Villain Song Agatha can be messing with Peter/Pietro/whoever that is. Evan Peters Quicksilver (if he is a version of Quicksilver) was originally supposed to be the MCU’s version, but Agatha changed him last minute for some reason (maybe even one of the above ones).
  • Confirmed, though she actually used a Westview resident to fill in for Pietro.

Dottie is Arcanna from Squadron Supreme.
This one was posited by MovieBob - Arcanna's last name is Jones, she also has a husband named Phil, and her magic is notably color-coded yellow. The flowers in Wanda and Agatha's gardens match their magic, and Dottie's flowers are yellow. We may be getting a three-way technicolor witch fight by the end of all of this.

Dennis is the man in the Witness Protection Program.
Considering that he was eventually identified by S.W.O.R.D unlike Dottie or Agnes, on top of him having a low-paying pizza delivery job before Westview was createdExplanation , it's possible that he's our guy that Jimmy Woo needs to extract from Westview.

Agatha is actually Good All Along, or at least an Anti-Villain

Her 'Agatha All Along' song is just like the other openings and doesn't actually showcase her. Remember the question she asks Wanda earlier in the episode: 'Do you think maybe you deserve this?' and she keeps doing and saying things that threaten to break the illusion or remind Wanda of what she's trying to escape from.

And keep in mind the lyrics of her Villain Song:

'Who's been messing up everything?'

'It's too late to fix anything, now that everything has gone wrong'.

...But what exactly is she messing up or making go wrong?

Wanda's ideal world.

Rather's it's to punish Wanda for doing this or even to snap her out of it, Agatha's motives aren't nearly as one note as her opening makes it look like...just as things aren't nearly as perfect as Wanda's make it seem.

"Dottie" chose that alias because she's here to defeat wicked witches.
  • As Agatha prepares to kill Wanda's children to trigger another burst of chaos magic for her to harness, Dottie yells "Cut!" and walks on saying there'll be no child deaths on this show. She chides Agatha for not remembering what Dottie is short for, and then we get a reprise of the villain song: "Who's been tidying up everything? It was Dorothy all along!" showing "Dottie" dressed like Dorothy Gale preventing harm from coming to the other characters (and maybe even saving the little dog, too!). Señor Scratchy acquires a monstrous aspect and attacks her, and she casually kills him with magic, explaining that she hates bunnies.
  • Jossed. Her real name is Sarah, and she’s just a normal citizen in Westview.

“Ralph” is the man in witness protection.
“Ralph” being Peter Maximoff, from the X-men universe. He was put in Witness Protection because he somehow traveled dimensions, and this was one of the only ways the government could think of of keep inter-dimensional travel a secret while figuring out a way to put him back. Ralph Bohner is the name he was given/insisted on having. Plus it has a non magical explication for his super speed and why Agatha chose him of all people to impersonate Pietro.
  • Partially Confirmed, after nearly 3 years! A deleted scene confirms that Ralph was indeed the witness. However, the scene does not confirms if he is the same Pierto from X-Men.

    The Sitcom format (commercials, editing etc.) 

Each episode of the show will be styled after a different decade of American Sitcom
I.E. The first episode is an I Love Lucy style affair complete with corny jokes and monochrome coloring, the second episode is a saucy ''I Dream of Jeannie" style romp with sexy costumes and wacky magic shenanigans, so on and so forth.
  • Confirmed. The first episode was a 50’s sitcom, the second took place in the 60’s, the third took place in the 70’s, etc. although there are episodes that don’t pertain to any sitcom era.
  • Zig-zagged. The show does not so much style its episodes after decades as much as it does general eras. Episode 5 styles itself after the Dom Com shows of the 80s and early 90s (namely Family Ties, Growing Pains, and Full House), while Episode 6 is a clear Expy of Malcolm in the Middle (which premiered in January 2000) with elements of late 90s and early 2000s Disney Channel single-camera shows.

A future episode's opening sequence will take a horrific (or surreal) turn in the middle

The two commercial actors are Wanda's parents
We see two actors first promoting a Stark Industries toaster which may be a hint to how they died from a Stark bomb, and then promote a Strucker watch by HYDRA. They could be Wanda and Pietro's parents with the commercials being stylized flashbacks to her past.
  • Jossed in Episode 8 which shows Wanda's parents played by different actors. It's unknown who the commercial actors actually are.

Commercial Predictions
In the middle of each episode, we get an advert. The first Episode has a Stark Toaster, the second has a Hydra Watch. These commercials may be representing part of Wanda's life. As mentioned above, the Stark Toaster that slowly beeps, since Wanda & Pietro were trapped staring at an undetonated Stark Weapon. Later, Hydra gave Wanda her Powers. Is it possible, they may do some thing like a shoe advert to represent Pietro, or when they reach "Infinity War", it'll be like a Store doing a Sale with them saying; "We are snapping our prices in half!"
  • There will also be a commercial referencing Ultron, maybe a toy robot.
  • And maybe one that references her accidentally blowing up those Wakandans in Civil War.
    • Not Wakandans, Nigerians. And sure enough, in Episode 5 we get a commercial for Lagos Paper Towels, "For when you make a mess you didn't mean to..."
  • Once it gets to the 2000s and 2010s style sitcoms, even the commercials are going to start messing up. Instead of a traditional commercial, we get an [adult swim]-style Infomercial that may even bleed into the sitcom when it's over.
    • There could be an ersatz Old Spice commercial featuring a Terry Crews-like Thanos, who is "too powerful to let this commercial end" and interrupts the show. Maybe the "director" gets around it by saying that specific part of the episode was also part of the ad to retcon him out.
  • The last commercial is going to be a Time Life box set of WandaVision or an ad for a TV Land spoof, stressing that the viewer can now relive these special memories any time. Could also potentially be Biting-the-Hand Humor if they get some digs in at Disney+.
    • Alternatively, the box set could be a representation of Wanda coming to terms with her actions in the Hex and her grief. The commercial could advertise "uncut footage" (everything she edited out of the 'broadcast'), behind-the-scenes material (talking about herself and the real Westview), and in general make her realize her experience in the Hex is something she needs to carry with her for the rest of her life.
  • The YoMagic yogurt commercial for Episode 6 seems to imply something incredibly hungry is feeding on Wanda's powers...and judging by the condition of the castaway in the commercial, it's not going to end well for Wanda.
  • If Wanda gets knocked out in an episode, then the segment/following episode is entirely paid programming while she's unconsious. And you know what they say about late-night infomercials...

Episode 4 will feature the show's "real" Title Sequence.
Elizabeth Olsen recently told the press that the fourth episode will be a Perspective Flip, and since the third episode ended with Monica kicked out of Wanda's version of Westview and reuniting with S.W.O.R.D., it's a safe bet that a "standard" version of WandaVision's title sequence for an episode with a Framing Device taking place in the real world will be revealed soon.
  • Episode 4 had no Title Sequence.
  • Correction: the real title scene is at the end of each episode.
  • The real title scene will play at the start of the final episode.

The fifth episode will be titled "Back To Your Regularly-Scheduled Program" or something to that degree
The fourth episode was titled "We Interrupt This Program" to tell people that the sitcom format taking a backseat for the episode. The fifth episode could use a title like the one mentioned on the header to represent the sitcom format coming back.
  • Jossed: the episode's called "On A Very Special Episode..."

The Stark Industries toaster is supposed to be a reference to Ultron
  • Or, with the slow beeping, meant to represent the Stark Weapon that Wanda & Pietro had to stare at, when it was used in Sokovia.
    • Confirmed by Wanda's flashback in Episode 8

Other potential moments that were edited out from S.W.O.R.D.'s viewing.
  • The endings of the commercials. They certainly count as 'references to our reality'. They also have a common theme of being something from Wanda's past traumas so they could have been too personal.
  • Agnes' interaction with Dennis the mailman. It's too odd and clearly hints at something, no one knows what though.
  • The choking scene. This is just obvious.
  • "That's not the only place the Devil is"- Only if Mephisto is the one in control. He doesn't need hints to him like that.
  • All Wanda's intentional edits, like the Beekeeper and the one with Vision from episode 3, they just played out the second way. S.W.O.R.D. is probably still waiting on their agent to appear.
  • Vision's talk with Dr. Neilson and then with Herb and Agnes. It is the longest stretch without a laugh track after all.
  • Vision meeting Tommy. What if it's too sincere, too genuine, too real for the sitcom world. Maybe the editing is a double edged sword, with all the bad stuff that doesn't fit being edited out, but also having real, emotional moments being cut as well.

Why A Sitcom?

In this reality, that seems to be focusing around Wanda & Vision, why has it chosen to be the style of a Sitcom? It could be similar to that Scrubs Episode, where J D Imagines the World as a Sitcom. In a Sitcom, no one is ever truly hurt and things get wrapped up all nice and neatly. Wanda, however, has practically lost every thing! Her Parents, her Brother, Vision, not to mention the guilt she has from "Civil War". It does make sense, she would be tempted for a life with Vision and a setting like a Sitcom.

  • It's common for countries that don't have a developed entertainment industry to broadcast old American shows. It's entirely possible that Wanda grew up watching American shows in Sokovia. To her, a sitcom could represent a happier time in her life that she wants to replicate.
    • Episode 8 reveals that Wanda grew up watching American sitcoms with her family. In fact during a viewing of The Dick Van Dyke Show was when her childhood home was bombed and her parents killed. In later years she's also seen watching sitcoms as a way to cope with trauma.

Broadcasting the sitcom.
Why broadcast their life as a sitcom at all? To not only to dissuade people from trying to come in (as a way to show everything as "okay"), but also so Wanda can show off to the world that she got Vision back and (by her perspective) earned her happy ending. "We Interrupt This Program" seems to imply the sitcom started only around the time S.W.O.R.D. started picking up the signal. Who knows how long it went on before that. If Woo and Rambeau had been there a few days earlier, would the show have been a Depression-era radio drama?
  • Last part is jossed. The Hex is shown beginning in the 1950s since that's the era the Dick Van Dyke show (one of Wanda's favourite sitcoms) aired.

The 2000s/2010s episode is going to be less like Modern Family and more like Arrested Development.
Considering how dysfunctional the family and the show was becoming in the "1990s" and how the theme song is telling Wanda to embrace what the sitcom world is doing to her, the show will skip past the quirky but functional new-normal comedy of Modern Family and go straight for Arrested Development-style Cringe Comedy, symbolizing Wanda's increasing lack of control as a deeply dysfunctional family barely holding itself together. Jokes about Wanda's failures will become part of the humor, much like Westview's self-awareness, and if there is a narrator like the one in Arrested Development it may be the first glimpse of whatever it is that's sapping Wanda's powers.
  • Jossed. The 2000s episode sticks to Modern Family-style humor, though there are a few Cringe Comedy elements to it.

There will be a Clip Show with all-new clips.
One of the episodes will have to show us what happened with Wanda in between Tony Stark's funeral and the beginning of the series. Since the show is paying homage to TV sitcom forms, what better way to do that than a clip show where Wanda, Agnes and the gang share their repressed memories in the form of flashback clips?
  • While not directly confirmed and the episode itself drops the sitcom framing, Episode 8 does feature Wanda going through various memories in clips we have not seen before which makes it seem almost like an ersatz version of a Clip Show.

The commercials are aimed at Wanda.
While I can't remember whether or not we've seen the S.W.O.R.D. agents watching them, it's clear that the commericals are all intended to sell Wanda on the idea of staying in Westview. They tell her to "forget the past" and settle down permanently with her "toaster" (used in the comics as a derogatory term for Vision), that she can get "time" (in Avengers: Infinity War she said she and Vision "just wanted more time"), and they remind her of the traumas she's gone through in the real world. Most recently, the "Yo Magic" commercial tells her that if she isn't willing to tap more deeply into her magic, she (or those she loves) might die. Whoever is "sponsoring" her program is trying to ensure that she will stay within the Hex and use her magic in bigger and more dangerous ways.
  • Confirmed. Wanda is even shown taking the Nexus pills advertised in episode 7.

One of the final two episodes will feature a corruption of all the title sequences.
Much like Too Many Cooks, there will be a mixed up version of the previous six title sequences. The visuals and audio will go back and forth between the fifties, the sixties, etc., constantly broken up by TV static. It will signify that Wanda's sitcom world is falling apart at a larger scale than what was shown in Episode 7.

Shared universe of Westview sitcoms.
"WandaVision" is aimed for real world and "Agatha All Along" is for Agatha'a superior.


Wanda will say "no, more mutants" in the series finale
As a call back to House of M, bringing the Mutants into the main MCU.
  • I mean, the phrasing "'more' mutants" implies that there were mutants already to begin with, so...
    • Unless Waanda sees herself as a Mutant...or...we introduce Mutants to the Marvel Cinematic Universe during the Series?
    • It would still be too unrealistic a reaction in a short period of time. Within nine episodes, they would have to establish the concept of mutants, and then Wanda would have to develop such a hatred for them as a group to will them away. Maybe she could have that kind of hatred if someone did something that prevented Vision from returning, but she would hate that person. The iconic line has a lot of history stemming from her relationship with Magneto as her father and being on both sides of the battle. It may not even be possible to use the line as just a reference without being forced.
      • This WMG means that Wanda will bring the mutants into the MCU, ("no, more mutants") not erasing them ("no more mutants")
  • Jossed. No such thing happens.

The twins will be Retconned into having been mutants the whole time, and the scepter simply unlocked a latent mutation.
This would also explain how her powers shifted from telekinesis and mental manipulation to full-scale reality warping.
  • Jossed hard. Wanda is revealed to be a witch, a specifically magical one whose existence is foretold in the Darkhold.

Wanda will be the creator of mutants in the MCU
Perhaps in an inversion of her infamous 'No more mutants!' from the comics, the X gene already exists but is only active in two percent of those carrying it. (i.e. Professor X, Magneto, Jean Grey, etc.) It is canon that the soul stone unlocked the twin's powers, not creating them. Wanda can even say the iconic line, screaming 'No!' In response to something else, and then the phrase, 'More mutants.'
  • Perhaps all the people in Westview will become mutants because of the magic. The only one who went from Westview to the outside seems to react abnormal in medical tests. Also, it wouldn't be strange if DNA and/or molecules were rearranged, the structure of the clothes they are wearing also changed at the start and with each timeskip (going to a new decade in Wanda's Sitcom). Or alternatively people who were brought back after the snap have a chance to be mutated.
  • As of episode 6, it's been revealed that Monica Rambeau's DNA has been altered by entering the Hex. The results of this have yet to be seen, but....
  • Jossed. Mutants make no appearance and aren't alluded to.

This series will begin to explore the recently reacquired X-Men rights
To this end, Wanda's status as a mutant will be re-canonized and the Beekeeper will be revealed as a minor X-Men character.
  • Jossed.

Mutants won't appear or be referenced at all
The X-men universe just ended and Marvel may want to wait a little bit before introducing new versions of those characters.
  • Jossed when Evan Peters' Quicksilver appears at the end of Episode 5.
    • Not Jossed yet, as we actually don't know what the deal of that "Pietro" is by the end of the episode.
      • The audio description does describe him as "the version of Pietro from the X-Men films."
  • Confirmed.

"Pietro" really is Peter from the Fox-Verse, sent to recruit Wanda.
He notably never calls himself "Pietro", only "Uncle 'P'" (which could mean Pietro or Peter), and is notably fuzzy on some details from the past (Wanda says his flashback is "not how she remembers it", and he describes his death in Age of Ultron as being "shot in the street for no reason at all"—despite his Taking the Bullet for Hawkeye and the child he was guarding.) He makes genuine effort to connect with Wanda emotionally, acting as her support and getting her to open up about what she's doing, and applauds and encourages her "achievements." Perhaps someone from that universe caught wind of Wanda and her abilities in this one, and found a way to go back and forth between universes, with the intent of bringing her over to their side.
  • Jossed. He's actually a seemingly normal citizen who's native to Earth-199999.

The circus at the end of Episode 6 is a hint at an appearance by Magneto
While it is funny that Wanda views S.W.O.R.D as basically a bunch of clowns, the use of a circus in the context of the show is interesting when you take into account that Magneto's first big return in the Clairemont-era X-Men was freeing the X-Men from being brainwashed into being Circus Freaks.
  • Jossed. Just a coincidence.

Magneto will be introduced and will be related to Wanda
But instead of being her father, he will be her grandfather, allowing him to retain his status as a Holocaust survivor while still being family to Wanda.
  • Jossed, as Magneto doesn't appear.

    Cameos, guest appearances and casting 

The OG Agents of Atlas will appear.
They first teamed up with Jimmy Woo in 1958, and considering he'll re-appear in a show set partially in the '50s...
  • Jossed. It's just Jimmy and Atlas still doesn't appear to exist. The last episode does imply Jimmy'll become a leader at some point though.

Evan Peters will play Mephisto in this series
  • His name appeared in the file on the Tesseract in The Avengers, as someone who was brought in to study it. What if he learned much of the Tesseract's reality-warping powers to create the alternate reality Wanda and Vision are trapped in.
    • Jossed, at least for now. He appears to be playing a recast Quicksilver. Then it turns out he was Agatha's puppet all along.
      • Then again, he seems to know a LOT about what's going on in Westview and Wanda's manipulation of it...and seems to be encouraging it. Plus, Continuity Nod or not, those are some suspicious-looking hair-horns he's sporting in his Halloween costume...
  • Jossed. His character is revealed in the last episode to be Ralph, another Westview townie.

Ultron will appear
Maybe Wanda's plans to bring back Vision will also bring back the less pleasant AI from his subconscious.
  • Jossed. Ultron makes no physical appearance. He does get mentioned though.

Pietro will make a surprise appearance in an episode
The first thing he will do is ask his sister, "You didn't see that coming"? Then, in keeping with the sit-com motif of the show, he will make an exaggerated Aside Glance to the audience.
  • Half-confirmed—while he does appear at the very end of episode 5, he doesn't say "You didn't see that coming?"
  • He doesn't appear for all of episode 7 until he ambushes Monica in The Stinger

Doctor Strange will be referenced, or even appear, in the final episode
As a tie-in to Multiverse of Madness, which will feature Wanda.
  • And Strange will play the role of a Drop-In Character in Wanda's sitcom world.
  • Strange might take his insensitivity a step too far and cause Wanda to snap.
  • Alternatively, he will 'appear' on a phone call from S.W.O.R.D. about the current situation.
    • During the virtual launch event, the three "fans" that show up are Tom Hiddleston (who has Loki coming up), Anthony Mackie (who has Falcon and the Winter Soldier coming up), and Benedict Cumberbatch (who has... hmmm).
    • You forgot the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness already?
  • Confirmed. Agatha mentions him (presumably) as "the Sorcerer Supreme".

James Spader will make a surprise cameo
  • As Vision's father.
  • Jossed, though that would've been nifty.

The "surprise secret actor" Paul Bettany mentioned would be appearing is...

Quote Bettany: "I’ve been wanting to work with [this actor] forever who is just unbelievable and we have some real fireworks together."

  • Someone with Marvel history:
    • Nathan Fillion, who was rumored to cameo as Wonder Man in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Simon and Wanda also have history together in the comics.
    • Evan Peters; his Quicksilver will be an alternate universe version to retcon the Fox movies as part of the multiverse.
      • As of Episode 5, this has indeed happened, but it's currently unconfirmed if he's the actor they were talking about.
    • Either Magneto actor, "in town to see his daughter".
    • Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston; Wanda is already scheduled to crossover with both characters in future Marvel properties, so an early cameo wouldn’t be out of the question. Both also called in to a Q&A session for the show, maybe adding more fuel to the fire?
      • Jossed on Cumberbatch. Bettany implied in an interview that the secret appearance was not Dr. Strange, but rather a character that no one guessed.
  • Someone who led a "classic" 20th century sitcom like Henry Winkler, especially those that inspired the show, like Dick Van Dyke.
  • All jossed—as it turns out, he was jokingly referring to himself as White Vision.

Evan Peters is playing Quicksilver
Perhaps Marvel decide to take their big Bewitched homage to its logical, meta conclusion and have Evan Peters play The Other Darrin to Aaron Taylor-Johnson, with some kind of allusion to the recast. Perhaps Peters is playing a version of Quicksilver from the Fox film series, somehow ending up in the MCU for unexplained reasons. Perhaps Peters and Johnson both appear in the series as their respective iterations of the character. Perhaps Peters somehow gains the knowledge that Johnson's iteration had. Lots of options...
  • Unlikely after Episode 3, where it's made pretty clear that Pietro is dead even in this false reality... though that could change as things get more Mind Screw-y.
  • If anything, he'll be coming back as a part of the multiverse and keeps his own memories and personality. He might not even be brought into the sitcom world and only appear after Wanda's illusion is broken, likely she runs away out of a broken heart and accidentally ends up in his universe.
  • Possibly confirmed, although at least one more episode will be needed to see. At the end of Episode 5, he shows up. He's dressed as Quicksilver, and Wanda calls him Pietro, but he's acknowledged in-universe to not look the same, and there may be more to it.
  • Still not entirely confirmed: in Episode 6 he acts like his slacker X-Men movie version, but he has memories about Avengers: Age of Ultron (even of getting riddled with bullets) and he's aware of everything Wanda is doing in Westview and encourages it.

David Haller will make an appearance/have a cameo
As unlikely as it is, it would be interesting to see two Reality Warpers who happen to be the children of the two most famous mutant frienemies meet however briefly in live action.
  • Jossed.

Kevin Feige will cameo as a director of the finale's sitcom
Wanda will try to break out of her reality, he will yell "Cut!", run up on the set and berate them, trying to get her to play her part. Wanda will refuse and Feige will morph into whomever the Big Bad is.
  • Jossed. There isn't anything resembling a Creator Cameo for Feige, the actual director Matt Shakman, or anyone else.

Grey DeLisle's role in the series will be a commercial announcer
DeLisle teased that her voice would be in the show, yet we still don't know what her role is. However, after fellow voice actor Piotr Michael voiced one of the commercials for the show, it now seems plausible for DeLisle to do the same.
  • Confirmed—she voices the announcer for the Lagos commercial.

Other Potential Characters
  • Professor Hulk
  • Erik Lensherr
  • Robbie Reyes
    • All Jossed.

There will be a Meet the In-Laws episode
With Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Pietro and/or James Spader as Ultron, showing again how fractious the setting is as both are dead.
  • Pietro does appear at the end of episode, though he is played by Evan Peters rather than Johnson.

Wanda is going to add Pietro to her reality
After the...incident with Monica, Wanda will revive/create a copy of Pietro like she did with Vision to further indulge her fantasy and to prevent further situations like that from happening in the future.
  • Episode 5 looks like it is headed in this direction with a version of Pietro showing up at the end, although more information is needed.

Hawkeye will appear
  • The SWORD agents may contact him to talk Wanda down, considering he seems to be the Avenger that she has the best relationship with.

Dr. Nielson was originally going to be Stan Lee's cameo for the series.
It's revealed in the episode he's in that his first name is Stan. Perhaps he was originally meant to be Stan's Creator Cameo before his unfortunate passing. It's also possible that Stan being Dr. Neilson's first name is a nod to Stan The Man since we don't know how long they've been planning this series or if they thought that far ahead.

That isn't just a recasted Quicksilver..
It's the Quicksilver from the X-Men movies, having been transported to the MCU somehow and his memories were rewritten like everyone in Westview.
  • Jossed.

The X-Men from the Fox movies are going to appear.
With Evan Peters reprising his role as Quicksilver, and hopefully as his character from the Fox movies, his friends and teammates are likely to be worried about him. Towards the end of the series, they'll find some way to the MCU to rescue Peter and get him back.
  • The first to come through will be Michael Fassbender's Magneto, and he'll be pissed. He'll be wearing his helmet so Wanda won't be able to control him within the Hex.
  • Jean Grey will also come back, so the final time we see the main X-men cast is in a way that can connect to the ending of X-Men: Days of Future Past.
  • Jossed.

The aerospace engineer mentioned in the last episode is a pre powers Reed Richards
As an Omnidisciplinary Scientist it is certainly something that he could do, his ensemble film is set to come out fairly soon in 2023. There will both be foreshadowing to the powers he will receive after he becomes Mr. Fantastic and he will mention his best friend Ben, his girlfriend Sue, and her brother Johnny while describing them in ways that allude to their future powers as well.
  • Jossed. Matt Shakman has confirmed that they were never intended to be Reed.

The aerospace engineer is Abigail Brand
Either she's working with Nick Fury and Space!S.W.O.R.D., or MCU Brand is the grown-up Skrull kid from Captain Marvel in human disguise - or both! The Director of S.W.O.R.D. will have to step down (or get killed) at some point, and Brand will be invited to take over.

the TVA will play a part
  • And since Loki (a Loki from another timeline) is in league with the TVA in his own series, he can also make an appearance.
    • Jossed. They don’t appear.

Had Stan Lee still been alive

  • Then his inevitable cameo would have been as his usual Informant self, though due to the reality warping bubble, he'd accidentally end up getting caught up Wandas' sitcom shenanigans and would get re-cast... as a character named Stan Lee! Just to bring the meta full circle. Alas...

    Inspirations and references 

The series finale will go into Crossover territory.
Fresh Off the Boat, 2 Broke Girls...
  • Alternatively, Jimmy and Darcy will have Actor Allusions to those two shows. Maybe they will be drawn into the sitcom world and play similar characters.
    • He's a restaurant manager and she's a waitress. It literally writes itself.
    • Not looking too likely, we already saw that Darcy's Westview character was a circus escape artist.
  • Jossed. Jimmy never even get's a Westview persona.

The idea of this show was inspired by Too Many Cooks
At one point, Melinda Cook turns into a superhero that resembles Scarlet Witch.
  • Given the implication that something is eating at least one of the family members...

There will be a reference to Full House
This show sees Wanda living through various TV eras, including The '90s. With Elizabeth Olsen famously being the younger sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, it’s a fun little opportunity to throw in a nod to their show. Maybe Wanda will even utter their Catchphrase, “You got it, dude.”
  • While we're there, maybe the Olsen twins will get a cameo.
  • Or maybe they'll do something subtler and smaller, like having the font from the title and opening credits sequence appear on a sign or on some papers.

The series will adapt elements of Avengers Standoff
It probably won't be a huge influence, but the idyllic, small town 50's setting, full of people whose memories have been given false memories by an incredibly powerful young reality warper, is too similar to be completely coincidental.

In Episode 6, the "actor" Pietro will be credited as Rory Monahan
Now that would be a Mind Screw for people who get the reference! Alternatively, he'll be credited as "Peter Maximoff" (since that's what the version of Quicksilver that Peters played was named), Unknown (reflecting the mystery and confusion around where he came from and how), or simply Evan Peters (so As Himself, but in a really weird way).
  • Jossed. Pietro's credited As Himself in episode 6.
At some point, someone will say this to Wanda:
Hey Wanda, remember when Thanos got the Mind Stone? (cutaway)
Someone will Call Vision Wanda’s Metal Husband
Just as a fun little gag (like the Kickass reference.)

The last episode will reference MASH
As Wanda's sanity and control over Westview grow strained, her trauma from the Sokovian civil war will start bleeding through, and Westview will be turned into a wartime medical dramedy.
  • Jossed. The TV show references fall to the wayside, save for some references to the Land of Oz and its adaptations.

Episode 8's inspiration was Once Upon a Time
Wanda's situation with Westview, in that she controls everyone's roles and memories down to a T, is comparable to that of Regina's control over Storybrooke, with bonus points of her also grieving for the loss of her love (albeit in a more agressive manner). The Hex being akin to Storybrooke's townline and how stepping over it results in something bad happening (in Westview's case, mutation). The basement where Agnes reveals herself as similar aestetics to the Mausoleum's basement, a common setpiece in the show. What ties this altogether is Episode 8, in which it's mostly a Whole Episode Flashback, the exact sort of set up Once Upon a Time uses.


This series will reveal that the people Wanda believed to be her biological parents actually adopted her and Pietro
  • Alternatively, only their mother is their biological parent. If she appears in the alternate reality, she'll describe their real father as having "a magnetic personality".
  • Jossed. Even if that was the case, Wanda certainly doesn't know it herself and no other character even suggests that Oleg and Iryna may not have been Wanda and Pietro's parents.

Because at this point, either she and Pietro were adopted or her father faked his own death to preserve his secret. There's not really much of a go-between.
  • Alternatively, their mother had an affair, or was unknowingly impregnated by Magneto.
  • No such thing gets revealed. While they could certainly do that, the show feels it necessary to call them Oleg and Iryna Maximoff and show them as normal people who died tragically sudden deaths.

Multiple organizations and factions are trying to get to Wanda
That's why the creepy beekeeper had a SWORD insignia on him; SWORD is using AIM's technology. Various specialists in several fields, such as Darcy, have also been brought in to try to help. If Jimmy isn't affiliated with SWORD and is still with the FBI, that means American government agencies may be part of the effort too. The remnants of HYDRA could also be trying to interfere in order to abduct Wanda and use her as a weapon to regain their prominence. Heck, even the Ten Rings or some hidden Mutants may be targeting or monitoring her.
  • This may be why there's no ID on Agnes and Dottie - they're from two other factions. Good money's on Agnes coming from a mystic-based group and Dottie from another country. Like Russia.
  • As of Episode 5, it is a joint effort between SWORD, the FBI, and possibly others.
  • As of Episode 7, it looks like SWORD is after Vision, but Agatha Harkness is after Wanda.

Wanda will get her accent back
It will be revealed that, just like the recent "suburbia" setting, the American accent Wanda has taken since Infinity War has been an attempt to "fit in" with her surroundings. Part of her character arc of truly becoming the Scarlet Witch will be her deciding to talk with her natural Sokovian accent and accept herself as she is.
  • Somewhat confirmed; it slips out when she says Pietro's name in Episode 3.
  • Confirmed: in Episode 5 when Wanda leaves the "Hex" she has her natural accent.

Agatha Harkness has Adaptational Villainy and is the Big Bad of the series
Similar to Cecelia Reyes of The New Mutants.

The events of WandaVision will be a tie-in for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
That much has been confirmed, but on that subject, it is possible that the Climax Episode of the series will have Doctor Strange called in to try and get through to Wanda, leading in to the events of Multiverse of Madness. Similar to how the Mid-Credits Scene for Doctor Strange tied in to Thor: Ragnarok.
  • Not in the show itself, but Doctor Strange is a follow-up to Wandavision.

This series will introduce a new Marvel Studios logo
We got one with the second MCU film of each phase (except Phase 1). Since WandaVision was original the third installment of Phase 4, I can see them introduce a new Marvel Studios Phase 4 logo. Although the Phase 3 logo was the most popular of the three.
  • It's also possible that they might create a new logo specifically for the Disney+ series.
  • Jossed. They keep the same logo, though they add in some clips from Infinity War and Endgame, such as Tony’s snap, Cap wielding Mjolnir, Bucky spinning Rocket around for a circle attack and Dr. Strange’s multi armed illusion during the fight against Thanos on Titan.
    • Actually zig-zagged; although the logo is formulaically/structurally unchanged, the "concept-art" style Avengers in the intro shift to greyscale in order to match the black-and-white sitcom style. So even though the logo seems to be sticking around, the logo is personalized to match the show.
    • Zig-zagged again with a Logo Joke at the beginning of Episode 8, as the background turns purple instead of red to match Agatha's magic, since the opening scene is a Distant Prologue showing Agatha's background as a Salem Witch.

Wanda will get a new costume by the end.
This will reflect her new power levels and Start of Darkness.
  • Further hinted at in Episode 8, when the Mind Stone shows Wanda a version of herself in the full Scarlet Witch outfit.
  • Confirmed. Wanda materializes a new outfit befitting her now solidified status as the Scarlet Witch.

The Grim Reaper was an agent that kidnapped Wanda.
  • He was killed as they were taking her and that is how in the animated opening his helmet was seen within the walls.
  • Jossed. It appears that was a mere Mythology Gag.

The Beekeeper from episode 2 is Swarm
Even if it turns out the Beekeeper isn't a villain like in the comics, his name will be given as Fritz Meyer.
  • Jossed on both counts - Episode 4 reveals that the Beekeeper is a S.W.O.R.D. agent called "Agent Franklin."

There will be animosity between Carol and Wanda the next time they see each other.
Wanda did just trap Carol's niece in a creepy Stepford Suburbia universe.

Wanda has the Reality Stone.
In the end credits, we see pixels of blue, green and red, mostly in hexagonal form. Especially red. It's a reference to the Infinity Stones, with emphasis on the Reality Stone. Wanda's got it, and has used it to create this reality. SWORD is trying to gently extract her from this reality she's created, before she severely affects our and possibly every other reality (i.e., the Multiverse).
  • This doesn't seem that likely, considering that Thanos destroyed the original Reality Stone and Cap presumably returned the old one to 2013 Asgard.

The thumping heard at the beginning of the second episode wasn't actually from a tree hitting the window.
It was the sound of SWORD trying to breach the "reality bubble" around Westview.
  • Specifically, explosives being used to excavate a tunnel underneath the town. The beekeeper was probably a man in a protective suit.
    • Half-Confirmed. The Beekeeper was wearing a hazmat suit, but the thumping seems to be the result of all the drones being sent in.

"Geraldine" was actually supposed to say something else in response to Wanda mentioning Pietro.
Assuming Pietro's death is actually part of the fantasy sitcom world Wanda's in (if not by the same methods as in canon) given that she acknowledges it, the "script" probably called for "Geraldine" to instead simply empathize with Wanda's loss without asking any more questions, possibly forging a deeper bond between the friends. Instead, "Geraldine" mentioning Ultron threw everything off.

The FBI's witness that they're protecting is somehow connected to all this.
The thing that got the FBI involved in the first place was a someone in their protection going missing inside the town of Westview. The show hasn't revealed who this person is, but this person most likely has some sort of connection to Wanda.

Something unfortunate happened to Ian
In case you don't remember, Ian Boothby was a character introduced in Thor: The Dark World who developed a romantic relationship with Darcy and hasn't been seen since. Until this show, this was the case with Darcy as well. Even if Ian is still alive and not dead, perhaps some sort of trauma related to the Blip led to the two breaking up or being forced apart.

The missing person mentioned in Episode 4 is either The person causing all of this (by manipulating Wanda), Magneto, Pietro, or some combination thereof.
Isn't Quicksilver convincing her to rewrite reality what caused House of M to happen in the first place? Would make sense. Honestly this troper is just hoping it has something to do with either or at this point.
  • Jossed. We don’t find out who they were.

Wanda and Vision didn't move into an existing house - one was created as part of the altered reality.
Episode 4 shows Monica being pushed out of Westview through the living room wall, the nursery wall, and the back fence. This means that Wanda and Vision's house is right on the edge of town. This not only symbolizes their status as outsiders trying to fit in to Westview, but may indicate that the house itself is part of the illusion - easier to create a brand new house at the edge of town than smack in the middle of it.
  • This may be supported by some characters noticing that "Geraldine" doesn't have a house to live in. In effect, the original town of Westview was overwritten with the fictional one, including homes for all relevant characters. And since "Geraldine" entered after the show started, there wasn't one for her.
  • Perhaps the house belonged to the person who was in witness protection.
  • Confirmed. Episode 8 reveals that Vision planned to retire to Westview with Wanda following the events of Civil War, having even bought an empty plot of land. When they both died in Infinity War, the house construction went into limbo and was never started. Come Endgame, Wanda is back but Vision isn't. She goes to Westview and has a breakdown in the middle of the plot, which unleashes her powers, creating the house around her, as well as Vision and the Hex.

There is a connection between the events in the show and the time-reboot from X-Men: Days of Future Past.
The gimmick of the "WandaVision" sitcom jumping decades every episode with no-one noticing or aging significantly is identical to how the last three main X-Men movies did the same: X-Men: DOFP took place in the 70s, X-Men: Apocalypse the 80s, and Dark Phoenix the 90s, with the main characters remaining the same ages despite the 10+ year timeskips.
  • Not that this was planned ahead of time, of course, this would just be a retcon based on similarities if used.
  • Judging from the shocking appearance of the Fox Quicksilver in episode 5, this may have more truth to it than we thought.

Wanda can't control anything she creates
This is why she couldn't control Vision(created when she formed the Hex), the stork(created when her powers went haywire during her pregnancy) or her children(created as part of her married life). She can control the Westview citizens, but that's because they were already there to begin with.

Jimmy Woo will be MCU's Gambit.
Maybe him learning Scott's card trick is a foreshadowing and this series will end with a Mass Super-Empowering Event where he'll be one of those affected.
  • Jossed.

Unbeknownst to Mysterio, the Snap did tear a hole in reality, which will form the basis of the "Multiverse Trilogy" this show is supposed to be part of.
Whoever's behind the WandaVision show took advantage of this to snag the Fox Quicksilver from his reality to further their plan, and this will eventually result in Doc Ock and Electro being ripped from their universes as well to kickstart the plot of Spider-Man 3. Multiverse of Madness will then be about finding a way to fix this hole before things get worse.

The Reveal that "recast" Pietro is in fact Fox-verse Quicksilver will be done through giving him a Bullet Time sequence.
They're kind of his trademark and he didn't get to do one in Dark Phoenix, so it'd be an epic way to confirm that he is in fact the one from the X-Men universe. As for what song would play...? Eh, something that was popular during whatever decade they're spoofing in the episode.
  • Jossed.

When Wanda called the director of S.W.O.R.D. "director", she didn't mean it in this way.
Her series need a director too. what if she knows him as the director of her series. It could be a hint about who the villain in the shadows is (if there is one).

Wanda will have her superhero name "Scarlet Witch," at the end of the series
In Episode five the fact that Wanda doesn't have a superhero name yet got mentioned. The reason they call attention to this is because she will get one in this series.
  • Confirmed...though it's unclear if she'll be a hero after this.

The identity of Monica's outside contact
Monica has made mention of a so far unnamed scientist contact seemingly unaffiliated with S.W.O.R.D that is able to, in the span of no more than an afternoon or two, whip up an absolute beast of a machine for Monica seemingly on a moments notice that can pass through whatever is going on with the Hex. Perhaps it's someone with a mind and drive that can solve everything?
  • Jossed. Matt Shakman confirmed that the aerospace engineer was not Reed.

The aerospace engineer is Talos' daughter
The Spanish version referred to the engineer as female and she and Monica are friends.
  • Jossed.

"Pietro" is not actually Pietro
It's just someone who pretends to be Pietro to get information out of Wanda. He seemed suspiciously interested in how Wanda created the hex. This also explains why he looks different and seems to have different memories.
  • Confirmed. He’s actually Ralph, the man Agatha pretended was her husband.

Wanda was empowered by going through the border
But instead of altering her physiology, it enhanced her powers. This is how she attained her reality-warping abilities.
  • To elaborate, the Hex already existed when she entered Westview, but wasn't more then an odd barrier, after crossing Wanda's powers got an upgrade allowing her to create the sitcom in the hex. Then after exiting & reentering in episode 5 Wanda's powers grew to the point were she could affect the dimension of the hex if not alter reality outside of it.
  • Jossed.

Wanda is still brainwashing Monica
Monica is still pretty insistent on protecting Wanda despite everything that she did to her. If she can expand her wall and change matter in the hexagon, perhaps Wanda’s power is still affecting her.
  • Wanda's powers when in the Hex world appear to not extend outside of the Hex's field of power. If they did, then she wouldn't have needed to expand the Hex field to bring Vision back after he left the Hex.

Agnes wanted the Hex to expand.
Going off the idea that Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness, it's possible that she was manipulating Vision to force the issue of him venturing outside the confines of Westview. This ensured that Wanda would attempt to save him by expanding the borders of the Hex even farther, thus expanding the sphere of influence of whatever demon is leeching off of her and the Westview victims and adding more victims to the count like Darcy and the S.W.O.R.D. agents.
  • To expand on this, you can pretty clearly see Agnes moving a little bit while in her "frozen" state. And not a loop like others we've seen, but the slight twitches of a person normally trying to stay still.
    • Adding to this, Agnes is the only person on the edge of the border who can still talk and move somewhat normally in her “frozen” state while everyone else around her at that point is frozen completely still like statues, showing either she was faking being still, or she’s much more powerful than the average person or possibly a combination of both.
  • I'm pretty sure Agatha wanted the hex to expand, but for almost the opposite reason. Wanda's powers have limits, and by being forced to expand the range of the hex she's exhausting herself. In episode 7 she's lethargic and her control is clearly suffering. It's a bad idea to go against a fully powered Wanda, but she's been weakened.
  • When Vision "frees" her, she doesn't act nearly as panicked as "Norm" did and implicated Wanda by mentioning her name specifically, something Norm did not do.
  • Another thing to keep in mind, she was conveniently parked right at the edge of town, right where Vision wanted to go.
    • Confirmed

Monica's contact is either Nick Fury, a Skrull, or Reed Richards.
Fury seems to be the most obvious choice considering his cameo status, but why would he constantly be referred to as an 'aerospace engineer'? Rumors floating on the internet is that it's Reed Richards, and that this series is serving as the beginning of a new crossover between the X-Men and Fantastic Four, which despite having the rights to both for close to 20 years Fox never managed to accomplish.
  • As mentioned in the episode's WMG page, this is still up in the air after episode 7. Monica got her vehicle from some non-notable military guys, but it is a space rover and it's not clear if her engineer was actually among them.
    • Jossed on all guesses.

The Mind Stone gave Wanda magic powers.
Wanda's powers in the MCU up until now were just telekinetic and telepathic powers granted by the Mind Stone, and this definition is mentioned again in the S.W.O.R.D. scenes, but between her new abilities, her upcoming role in Doctor Strange's sequel, and Kevin Feige saying that she would become the "Scarlet Witch" in this series, it's pretty clear that she's being moved over to the mystic side. So how will they explain why she had magic powers and didn't know it? The comics have at various times explained this as a demon granting her magic powers at birth, or her mother secretly being the previous Scarlet Witch. But that kind of birth retcon may not be Feige's style. From the fact that the trailer shows a flashback of Wanda getting her powers from the Mind Stone, maybe we will learn that the experiments gave her some kind of power to tap into magical energy, which allows her — on a limited level — to do things that are possible for all six Infinity Stones, not just the one. Basically, science experiments gave her magic powers. That sounds like something Feige would go for.
  • This troper is a ceremonial magician, and it makes perfect sense for an all powerful artifact that allows the alteration of the mind to be connected to magic. A lot of real world magical practices involve affecting one's perception of reality through various forms of symbolic storytelling, changing how one interacts with the world. Mind over matter and all that. Juice that up to 11 in a world with superpowers, and presto! In fact, one could say that Wanda is using magic to tell herself that her life is happy and perfect. However, things slowly start to intrude that makes her self-delusion start to unravel, as she falls apart from her bubbling grief.
  • Sort of. Wanda already had minor magical talent/hexes, but it would have eventually fizzled without the mind stone giving her a super-boost. At least, that's Agatha's theory.
  • Zigzagged. It did awaken her powers, but Agatha concludes that Wanda always had magic and was always meant to become the Scarlet Witch.

The titles of the last two episodes.
Keeping up the meta TV reference theme of the episode titles, Episode 8's title will be "Let's Take It From the Top" and will be a Whole Episode Flashback explaining how Wanda recovered Vision's body and how the hex started, while the finale will be called "That's a Wrap."
  • The penultimate episode could also be called "Behind the Scenes" or "WandaVision: The Making Of".
  • Episode eight will be called "Bubble Watch", and the finale will be called "Cancelled".
  • Thematically confirmed. Actual title is "Previously On", and the finale is simply called “The Series Finale”.

Agatha isn't at all what she seems

Rather the Agatha All Along Intro is no more indicative of what's actually happening than the WandaVision intros are and like everything else, she's nothing like she seems.

Not!Pietro is a brainwashed Whizzer

Specifically Stanley Stewart Whizzer. Thus explaining why he also had speed powers and Silver hair.

  • Jossed. He’s a man named Ralph.

"Major Goodner" is Talos's daughter from Captain Marvel (2019).
  • This would explain why she has personal loyalty to Monica, as opposed to just being loyal to Maria. They were friends, so of course she would.
  • Unlikely, as a completely separate Skrull woman appears at the end, one who was specifically sent to invite Monica to see either Nick Fury or Talos in space. If Goodner was a Skrull and Monica knew it, that wouldn't have been needed.

"Dead air" after Wanda expanded the Hex is actually due to digital migration.
  • S.W.O.R.D. think the TV signal stopped in episode 7. It's actually still broadcasting, but S.W.O.R.D.'s current "experts" are too ignorant to realize the signal just switched from analog NTSC to digital ATSC, as real over-the-air TV did in the United States in the late 2000s.

Agatha is actually Good All Along, or at least an Anti-Villain

Her 'Agatha All Along' opening is just like the other openings and doesn't actually showcase her. Remember the question she asks Wanda earlier in the episode: 'Do you think maybe you deserve this?' and she keeps doing and saying things that threaten to break the illusion or remind Wanda of what she's trying to escape from.

'Who's been messing up everything?'

'It's too late to fix anything, now that everything has gone wrong'.

...But what exactly is she messing up or making go wrong?

Wanda's ideal world.

Rather's it's to punish Wanda for doing this or even to snap her out of it, Agatha's motives aren't nearly as one note as her opening makes it look like...just as things aren't nearly as perfect as Wanda's make it seem.

  • Jossed as of episode eight. Agatha murdered her entire coven, including her mother, when they tried to confront her about dabbling with forbidden dark powers.

Agatha will create the MCU version of the Nextwave universe.
She will trap Monica in that universe as revenge for interfering with her plans. Wanda will rescue her, repaying her debt to Monica for saving her life.
  • Jossed.

Agatha is manipulating Wanda toward tearing a hole in the multiverse.
The extent of Agatha's powers has not been fully established, but it seems clear that the Hex is Wanda's creation, considering its red color scheme. Agatha may be a much less powerful but more experienced magic user, who is crafty enough to infiltrate the Hex unnoticed. Throughout the show, as "Agnes", she has subtly influenced events, mostly through psychological manipulation rather than magical powers, which always seems to result in Wanda unlocking new powers of her own. First, Agnes encouraged Wanda and Vision to make babies, which led to Wanda apparently conjuring up the twins, who are either extremely vivid illusions or living beings with their own powers created through the magic of the Hex. Next, by killing Sparky, Agnes started the discussion around death, and the twins encouraging Wanda to attempt necromancy. While "Agatha All Along" seems to indicate that Pietro was created or possessed by Agatha, it's still possible that Wanda brought him from another dimension using her own powers ("Agatha All Along" doesn't necessarily seem like it should be taken entirely at face value). Agatha may have been feeding into Wanda's grief to convince her to take these kind of measures and expand her powers to the point of reaching across different dimensions, possibly weakening the boundaries between them - this may be Agatha's end goal, possibly in the interest of strengthening or releasing some kind of patron deity like Mephisto, Nightmare or Dormammu. Agatha also encouraged Vision to leave the Hex with her scene in the car, and this led to Wanda very literally expanding her powers. It's possible that the existence of the Hex itself weakens the fabric of reality. The purple glow in Agatha's basement appears to have been growing for some time, like she's been casting a long-term spell of her own that feeds off the sheer magnitude of Wanda's growing powers.
  • More or less Jossed. Agatha was simply seeking to steal Wanda's power for herself. There's no reference to any further end goal of hers, simply that stealing other witches' powers is "her thing".

Agatha will be taken out or killed by...
White Vision, thus leaving him to be the final obstacle that Wanda must face. It'll be played for tragedy, since Wanda will once more have to kill the love of her life, this time for good.
  • Jossed; Wanda defeats Agatha while White Vision fights his Westview self. He also survives, with the other Vision restoring his memories.

Agnes' spellbook is the Necronomicon.
  • Assuming the book even has a name, it can't be the Darkhold or the Book of Cagliostro because it looks totally different. The Darkhold is shown to keep a consistent appearance across properties, and the Book of Cagliostro is bound with metal. That leaves the Necronomicon as the most well-known spellbook.
    • Feige has a very well-known bias against the Marvel TV shows, including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It could very well be the MCU version of the Darkhold.
    • In the comics, there are actually multiple copies of the Darkhold, each with a slightly different design, so it's not outside the realm of possibility for both Darkholds to exist in the same continuity.
    • The Darkhold's main distinguishing feature is the big "D" on the cover, or the "Darkhold" ambigram in the Marvel TV shows. This book doesn't seem to have similar distinguishing features.
    • The title of the book seems to be immaterial compared to the fact that the book glows with an orange light, therefore implying that it is not directly tied to Agnes' power set. The name "Darkhold" wouldn't even register with any of the characters if she said it. For now, it's just a magic book.
  • Jossed. Agatha calls it the Darkhold in the finale.
    • Though based on the Darkhold's origin in the comics, and the fact that Sam Raimi is directing Wanda's next appearance in a movie with a title that echoes an H. P. Lovecraft novel, it stands to reason this version of the Darkhold may have a great deal more in common with the Necronomicon than the version seen in S.H.I.E.L.D. canon.

The Finale
Wanda is going to create an entire pocket universe to house Vision, Tommy and Billy and herself, safe from harm. This creation causes the fracture in the universe that leads to Electro and Doc Ock entering the MCU from their respective universes, leading to Strange summoning the other Spiders to even the odds. This leads to Spidey and Strange travelling to the Wanda-verse to get her help, as something is threatening every reality and Strange's powers are not enough.
  • Spidey Villains aren't exactly Universe Breaking threats. If Strange was going to get involved couldn't he punk Electro and Doc Ock himself? Or even just call up two other heroes instead of messing with the universe.
  • Jossed. Westview is returned to normal and Wanda leaves to live in a cottage far away within a mountain range where she can study the Darkhold.

Agatha's "crime" was making a deal with Mephisto.
In "Previously On", Agatha was guilty of some kind of great crime against magic that warranted her coven — led by her mother — to be executed. We have yet to find out what this crime was, but it likely has to do with her Life Drain power. This theory exposits that she essentially made a deal with the devil (a crime that Muggles for years believed all witches to do) and the best devil you can find in the Marvel canon is Mephisto (portrayed as simply the ruler of another dimension as the MCU tends to do with supernatural elements). This deal is what made Agatha as powerful as she was. While it is possible that we don't meet Mephisto in this series, it is likely that he will be introduced at a later time and will be clarified to Wanda that he was associated with Agatha.

"Agatha All Along" shows what Agatha wants to be, not what she actually is.

Like with Wanda's openings and 'show', Agatha's shows what she wants to be. Namely, after her conversation with her mother, she decided her mother was right and say Then Let Me Be Evil...except she's not as pure evil as she'd like to be. Take note that Agatha hasn't actually really hurt anyone except Wanda's 'constructs,' which she doesn't seem to see as being 'real', and her coven which was self-defense. While she does hurt Wanda, she notes she tried to be gentle with her first and 'nudge' her, and actually hurting her isn't her first resort. Deep down, Agatha wants to be as evil as her opening makes her out to be, but she isn't.

Wanda will forgive Monica in the Series Finale
She did not make the rest of the S.W.O.R.D. agents aim their weapons at Monica, as she has them turn and aim their weapons directly at Hayward, and none of them at Monica.
  • Well, it's less Wanda forgiving Monica and more the two empathizing with one another.

Wanda will fight Wanda in the finale.
Since the existence of White Vision seems to be setting up a Mirror Match between the two versions of Vision, Wanda may also need someone to fight. Agatha seems to believe that her raw power isn't on Wanda's level, so it could be that the only bad guy who could give Wanda a run for her money is Wanda herself. In Wanda's comic book limited series from 1994, the Final Boss is Lore, an alternate-universe version of Wanda and fellow Nexus Being. If the writers have already pulled "chaos magic" from 1990s comics, and nodded to the "nexus being" concept with the last Parody Commercial, it might make sense to have a Wanda vs. Wanda magic battle while the two Visions duke it out in the tech battle.
  • Jossed. It's Vision who fights Vision.

Jimmy Woo will arrest Director Hayward for breaking the Sokovia Accords in the finale.
  • Since reactivating an AI violates a very specific part of the Accords, Hayward is liable to be sent to prison at the moment. The fact that he knowingly shared a doctored video to deceive Woo, a federal agent of the United States, might also count against him.
  • Confirmed, to a degree. Woo calls in the FBI and Hayward is properly cuffed up, with Woo telling his colleagues everything.

Doctor Strange will appear at some point in the final episode to deal with Agatha Harkness.
  • Presumably either to pull off a Big Damn Heroes moment, or to magically incapacitate her after Wanda defeats her. Either way, Agatha definitely is a mystical threat that would show up on Strange's radar, and he also has both the knowledge and raw power of magic that could definitely bring her down.
  • Jossed, but he does get mentioned by title.

  • She will pull off a Big Damn Heroes moment in the final, Everybody forget about her but she's still inside the hex without a tie to the series (with her own memory).
    • Confirmed. She ends up T-Boning Hayward's armored vehicle, leaving him unable to escape arrest by the FBI.

The child depicted on the milk carton that Wanda is seen holding in Episode 7 is Peter Quill.

The series was meant to be a pro-choice allegory
  • i.e. Wanda, or more specifically her magic, represent an “unplanned pregnancy”; she comes to westview and, without even intending to, releases a magical storm that transforms and takes over the town and its citizens, with the end result being the creation of new life, Wanda’s twins and the false Vision. Even if she did not mean to, and had no malicious intent, and even if her children and WestView!Vision cannot survive outside the Hex, Wanda’s magic still took control of a whole town that was not hers and enslaved its citizens to her will without their consent. Even if it means the death of the new lives she created, Wanda must free the town from her control, as they never consented to it.

"Señor Scratchy" is actually Nicholas Scratch, Agatha's son in the comics.
He's human but Agatha transformed him into a rabbit, possibly because he displeased her in some way.

    Post release theories 

The Vagueness Is Coming Agatha talked about is Chthon
Seemed logical, what with him being the entity Wanda's magic is tied to in the comics

There will be a new series called "Agents of S.W.O.R.D."

The Vagueness Is Coming Agatha talked about is Galactus.
Now that she's the Scarlet Witch, Wanda's new power will beckon him to come to Earth.

The Vagueness Is Coming is actually Mordo.
Since Wanda has used her magic to brainwash an entire town, Mordo will no doubt try to come for her. And Agatha has ran into Mordo before during his crusade against sorcerers, only barely escaping with her life.

A West Coast Avengers team will be established.
The triggering event can be White Vision's erratic behavior. He, Scarlet Witch and Monica Rambeau will be among the founding members. Some otherMarvel characters not yet depicted in the MCU, like Mockingbird and Wonder Man, will also join.
  • Mockingbird has already been a member of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wanda will try to bring the boys back at a later point.
She may decide that even if they weren’t born/created in the healthiest of circumstances, Billy and Tommy still deserve a chance at a proper life. This would be why she’s studying the Darkhold, though it might cause quite a bit of trouble in of itself.

No matter what may happen in the process, she’ll eventually succeed. Billy and Tommy will likely be a bit older when they’re brought back, which would set them up for joining the Young Avengers.

  • Confirmed. Though they're the same age. And will probably only make it to superheroes through multiversal incursion.

Alternatively, the boys weren’t erased. Rather, they were taken into an alternate dimension.
The second post-credits scene has them cry out to Wanda to help. Unless it was Wanda remembering them, it could be that they’re in danger. She’s studying the Darkhold so that she can find a way to save them, setting up her role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
  • Kind of - in some alternate dimensions, Wanda is still a mother.

When White Vision returns, his behavior will be a Bait-and-Switch
[Please note that I use the name "White Vision" strictly for convenience, since when we next see him he could very well have returned to his previous color scheme]

Vision will be keeping his distance from Wanda, and it will initially appear that, as in the comics, his mind is not fully restored and he no longer has any emotional attachment. But it will eventually be revealed that the actual reason is his guilt/horror that he nearly murdered the woman he loves.

Karl will free Agatha.
He'll see her as a victim of witchcraft while unbeknownst to him, Agatha is also a witch. They'll team up with each other in The Multiverse of Madness.
  • Jossed. Karl and Agatha do not appear in the Multiverse of Madness.

Westview!Vision and the twins are trapped in the Dark Dimension.
On Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson figured out that even magic can't create something from nothing. Matter and energy that the Darkhold appeared to create from nothing was actually stolen from the Dark Dimension. Since Wanda appeared to create Westview!Vision and the boys out of nothing, they could also be made out of matter stolen from the Dark Dimension. Undoing the hex sent them back, but still in the forms Wanda gave them.

Evan Peters will return as Fox!Quicksilver despite the reveal in the finale.
Evan Peters will resume his role as Fox!Quicksilver and someone will mistake him for Ralph Boehner. Quicksilver will laugh at the Boehner name, just like Fake!Quicksilver in finale.
  • Peters is rumored to return in Agatha: Coven of Chaos in some capacity.

White Vision will eventually go onto build Virginia, Viv, and Vin to be his family
He may lack his emotions, but the memories he now has may result in him coming to believe it's a good idea. He's practical, so he knows he could never have what the original Vision had with Wanda, so...Virginia will be his attempt to fill the void he knows there is in his life. Vin and Viv would be inspired partly out of the knowledge about Tommy and Billy. Like in the comics, this'll go terribly wrong, but in a different way from how Westview went.

The entire X-Men Universe is actually another Hex
In the MCU, mystical forces decided to resolve the Mutant question by creating a simulation for them to live in free of human intervention. Ralph Bohner played the "role" of Quicksilver in this X-Men Bubble. Agatha took him out of his bubble because of his resemblance to Wanda's brother, the true Quicksliver, and because his experience made it easier to play a new role. In future installments of the MCU, other X-men actors will randomly show up playing unrelated characters as they manage to escape from the X-men bubble.
  • Pretty good theory. However, before the events of this series, there's no evidence that Scarlet Witch nor anyone else had set up a Hex.

Wanda was destined to be the Scarlet Witch even before the Mind Stone
Initially when Agatha reveals that Wanda had powers before the Mind Stone, she describes them as negligible, and likely to have died on the vine. However, by the end of that same episode Agatha is referencing Darkhold mythology, something (as far as we know) entirely separate from the Infinity Stones, which describes Wanda as some kind of prophesied being. It seems fairly arbitrary that a wielder of red-themed, multi-purpose "Chaos magic" would simply be the result of a below-average witch combined with Mind Stone power. The color schemes don't even match up. Wanda's vision of her future self through the Mind Stone seems to suggest something deeper, like the Scarlet Witch is working through causality to help Wanda manifest her real powers, and the Mind Stone is just one necessary step in that direction. By Wandavision her powers are far beyond the Mind Stone, warping physical reality, space, and time as well (which have their own Infinity Stones). More than anything, Wanda's powers seem to grow as a result of her suffering, so it's interesting that powers with these characteristics ended up with someone who goes through constant, lifelong suffering. It's possible that Wanda is being pushed along by some predetermined fate to becoming the Scarlet Witch, the same way Doctor Strange was implied by some dialogue in his movie to have been predetermined to become Sorcerer Supreme. Hell, her exposure to the Mind Stone might have been more about nudging her towards the eventual creation of Vision, who ended up being pivotal to unlocking Wanda's powers through grief and suffering, than directly contributing to those powers.

The Commercial Couple features Woo's missing person
This may sound a bit far-fetched, but think about it. We still don't know who his missing person was, and all of the named Westview characters are confirmed not to be them. But these commercials, weird as they are, are still technically part of Wanda's show, making them characters in Westview. Since we don't know who they are, but see them in most episodes, it's possible his missing person was there the whole time, selling us Toastmate 2000s, Struckers, and Lagos paper towels, all under our noses.

Ralph Bohner is a Variant of Peter Maximoff

Agatha will end up being Victor von Doom's mother
In the comics, Doom's first major experiment was trying to reach his deceased witch mother before it blew up in his face. Here, he will try to bring back his mother, but in the MCU it will be Agatha, and he will be trying to break the Scarlet Witch's spell that has Agatha trapped as "Agnes".
  • It would add a unique layer of conflict between Agatha and the Fantastic Four (who are linked in the comics) by having her be the mother and former teacher of Doctor Doom.

Agatha didn't kidnap some random person and give him the powers of Pietro.
The show takes place, chronologically speaking, after Loki (2021) and (possibly) Spider-Man: No Way Home. Peter from The X-Men Film Series knows a Peter Parker who is Spider-Man. Therefor, he was brought in inadvertedly by the spell Strange cast and botched. Agatha was able to capture him under the guise of helping him in this new and strange world. She planted those headshots and the name "Ralph Bohner" but it's really Peter. Sylvie killing He Who Remains is what allowed the people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man to be brought to the MCU in the first place.

Wanda's telepathy / mind control powers are not part of her chaos magic, but are a result of exposure to the Mind Stone

When Wanda is in Agatha's basement, she's surrounded by runes that Agatha cast which nullify the abilities of any magic user who isn't the original caster. Wanda finds this out when she finds herself unable to throw Hex bolts at Agatha. However, she is able to attempt to read Agatha's thoughts; we see her eyes glow red as she does so, and Agatha even comments that she knows what Wanda is trying to do ("That's adorable. My thoughts are not available to you, toots. They never, ever were. So don't go givin' yourself a migraine"). This would suggest that Wanda's attempt to read Agatha's thoughts failed not because of the runes, but because she simply couldn't break through Agatha's mental defenses. If that's the case, that would mean her mind reading isn't a form of magic but a completely separate ability that isn't affected by Agatha's runes.

     Sequel Theories 
Pietro had his powers since he was born
Given that Wanda has had her magic powers since she was born, Pietro likely had his powers after he was born too.

Iryna Maximoff is a Witch
Well, how else would Wanda be born with her magic powers?

Wanda got her powers from her Mother
Well, how else would she have gotten her powers from after she was born? Iryna is a witch who has given powers to Wanda since she was born.

The spin-off series will reveal Agatha’s entire backstory
Well, none of Agatha’s past hasn’t been revealed besides being a Witch, like her mother. So, given that the spin-off series will focus on Agatha, it will likely reveal what she has been doing after killing her mother, and the witches. It would also reveal what she has been doing in her early life, middle life, and during her time while hiding her secret identity.

Agatha: Coven of Chaos will Retcon some elements of Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Namely, Wanda turning evil from the Darkhold. And destroying every copy of the Darkhold in the Multiverse.
  • One of the criticisms of "Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" was that it largely ignored Wanda's character arc from WandaVision. To remedy this, a still alive Wanda will resurface in the spin-off, where she will have hit rock bottom and regrets her actions in "Multiverse of Madness". The series will partially retcon Wanda's actions, by revealing that Wanda had became manipulated by the Darkhold. While she's still to blame for not listening to Agatha's warning (about the Darkhold and being the Scarlet Witch), it was actually the Darkholme, which possessed her to kill people.
    • Another possiblility, is that a surviving copy of the Darkhold will resurface in the spin-off, but in the hands of a new villain (Morgana?), where it will be revealed that THEY wheres actually controlling Wanda's actions in Multiverse of Madness.

It will turn out that Wanda gave Pietro his powers
After all, doesn't it seem a little odd that the Mind Stone would give him Super-Speed? Maybe instead, Wanda tapped into her Reality Warper powers out of an unconscious desire to protect Pietro, giving him his powers.
  • The script for episode 8 has a cut exchange between Agatha and present-day Wanda after the flashback of Wanda being exposed to the Mind Stone, in which Agatha all but confirms this:
    Agatha Harkness: Little orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what would otherwise have died on the vine. You got lucky, kid.
    Wanda Maximoff: Lucky? I had no idea what I would become.
    [Past Wanda turns her head sharply as she hears the HYDRA scientist talking]
    HYDRA Scientist: I want to get the brother in immediately. If the stone kills him, well, that’s why twins come in a set.
    Agatha Harkness: I do like him. [Agatha moves towards present-day Wanda, her eyes glittering] I bet Pietro survived because of you. You protected him. Not for long though, am I right? But long enough to get some powers out of the deal. Thanks, sis!
