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WMG / Chick Tracts
aka: Jack Chick

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In The Last Generation, Supreme Justice Mahoney is Jack Chick's descendant.
If you compare Mahoney and Jack Chick's faces, Mahoney is pretty much Jack Chick with a beard. My theory is that he, fed up with the ridicule that came to him because he was related to a fundamentalist wacko, decided to cleanse the world of fundamentalist Christianity. Since there were still Christians who claimed that homosexuals are committing the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah and Catholics were the Antichrist, Mahoney snapped and went to the extreme: kill every Christian in the world.
  • This is a nice theory, but Mahoney is a Jesuit. Which makes it more tragic, since he clearly doesn’t have a problem with Christianity itself (as outside of Chick’s loony conspiracy theories, there’s no evidence Catholics aren’t Christian) but he is driven to oppress and murder Protestants out of the belief that “they’re making us look bad.”

Jack Chick is a Christian trying to make Atheists look bad...But not in the way you think
In a bizarre, layered twist of events. Jack Chick is a Christian who hates Atheists so much, that he created an Atheist character to mockingly make Christian Tract comics about what Chick thinks Atheists think Christians believe. In essence, he's a dude playing a dude pretending to be another dude.

Jack Chick is really an anthropomorphic personification of Religious Intolerance, Hatred and Bigotry.
He makes Chick Tracts to reinforce the views of the remaining intolerant christian groups, out of fear of the motions towards tolerance and acceptance put forth by the rest of the religion. People either believe him, or hate him- A win/win situation for him, as either makes him stronger!
  • Have you even seen the Westboro Baptist Church? They make Chick look like a hippie. And they aren't even the violent ones...
    • Perhaps Jack Chick and Fred Phelps represent the passive and aggressive sides of religious intolerance, hatred and bigotry.
  • Alternate theory: Jack Chick is really an anthropomorphic personification of Narm.

Jack Chick is cursed.
He's was turned into a human, and was given the personalty of the creature he was before: a donkey. So he's a jackass.
  • It's not really a stealth pun if you pothole it.
    • Also this is Wild Mass Guessing. People came here to make outrageous guesses. Not to read up actual honest to goodness facts.
  • I as a Christan support this theory.

Jack Chick got saved in prison.
Many of his Tracts are about someone getting saved in prison, and they're generally portrayed as better Christians than everyone else. In one Tract, he defines a prison term in the Footnotes.
  • He worked with a prison ministry for some time, actually. Maybe, after being in prison, he later decided to join the prison ministry?
  • That makes a lot of sense. He went to prison for doing something hateful (and illegal). His conversion made him Christian but didn't get rid of his hatefulness. He just became a hateful Christian.

Jack Chick doesn't exist.
He's never given an interview, and there's only one picture out there that's purported to show him, but there's no way to verify if it's genuine. I've never even heard of anybody who's seen him personally. Given how the quality of his art has changed over time, and the completely over-the-top messages, it's clear that his work is produced either by a group, or a succession of people.
  • This troper knew a girl who purported to be forced into drawing these from a 'script', and forced into a Tract group. (In essence, several 'troubled teens' who are forced into a group with a 'unknown' mole reporting on their discussions.) I personally believe it. (It's evil enough.)
  • Apparently he has given one interview, which is where the Quote comes from, but if we assume that's fake also, it would make sense to say that he's a Stealth Parody of Protestant Christianity.

Alternatively Jack Chick is real, but he is the world's most committed performance artist.
He has been doing a bit on mindless hatred and human stupidity since he founded Chick Publications in 1961.

Jack Chick does it For the Evulz
  • He knows what he's promoting is insane, but doesn't care because he's off his meds and likes promoting chaos.
  • Or Jack Chick is an irl troll who's been trolling since before the internet was around...

Jack Chick is actually a demon.
He's one of many demons Satan sent to discredit the Christian faith. The real God is far more tolerant(or at least sane) than what Jack wants us to believe. The reason why we never see Jack is also due to Satan: since he failed to get anyone to take him seriously, Lucifer punished him by preventing people from noticing him.

Jack Chick has finally kicked the bucket. His legacy of crazy lives on in Chick Publications.
  • All subsequent tracts are being put out by whoever inherited the company.

Jack Chick is really Jack Thompson. Jack Thomas is really Jack Napier
Three crazy men who all happen to be named Jack. Coincidence? I think not.
  • That would explain why he hasn't made a Tract attacking Video Games yet; he has his alter ego to do it for him. And if Chick attacked Video Games, he'd probably make the same non-sequitur arguments as Thompson, such as hating a kid-friendly console because it just happens to play Grand Theft Auto, so he keeps them separate.

Jack Chick doesn't really exist, and is really someone created by a group of Atheists satirizing Christianity
Unfortunately, it has become a huge, HUGE, HUGE Springtime for Hitler.
  • Alternatively, and more wild, Jack Chick was created as an over-the-top self-parody by Christian fundamentalists. Not only do they get to laugh at those heathen Atheists who actually believe that this loony is real, they also make themselves look far more appealing by comparison.
    • Alternatively, he's a Christian, yet satirises Christianity so that people will think he's trolling, his tracts will become popular for all the wrong reasons, and more people would be exposed to the Bible verses contained therein. Just as planned.

Jack Chick was a pagan before he converted to Christianity.
Who else could be behind The Legend of Zelda CD-i Games? Of course, that would mean that he actually took those games seriously.
  • Jossed. He made his first tract circa 1967, and the Zelda CD-I games were developed around 1992-1993.

Jack Chick is actually an AI.
In order to make artificial intelligence more human-like, they needed an AI that believed in religion. Jack Chick was one of the early models. There are a few other similar models running around. But don't worry - they've fixed the problems. You can't even tell the difference now. And they've expanded the work to other areas now, as well...

Alberto Rivera, the ex-Catholic priest featured in his tracts who is also an Ascended Extra, is the Man Behind the Man.
That explains the discrepancies in Chick's tracts. Unlike Chick who is raised in an Evangelical Protestant environment, Rivera is a Spanish ex-Catholic priest. Rivera is indeed a walking former Spanish "Inquisitor".
  • This one might actually be true, considering Rivera seems to be Chick's only source.
  • Partially jossed, since Alberto Rivera was never a priest of any denomination, and was actually a con-man stealing money by pretending to collect donations for religious institutions.

Uncyclopedia's article about Jack Chick is actually the real story.
  • And so is Encyclopedia Dramatica's.
Jack Chick's attack against other fundamentalists like Billy Graham are actually to boost Jack Chick's sales.

And the reverse is probably true.

Jack Chick is actually employed by the CIA.
The alleged Soviet Vatican connection is true, but is the reverse; half of the Vatican is controlled by the KGB, thus spawning those "Liberation Theology" movements. So the US government employed Jack Chick, who is a genuine Evangelical Protestant, to hype up their hatred against Dirty Communists. When anti-Communist John Paul II took over, he ordered The Purge against Marxist priests. Jack Chick is probably now genuinely involved in anti-Catholicism this time, so the CIA pulled the plug. That also explains Jack Chick's later attacks against the CIA.
  • Umm, Liberation Theology wasn't sponsored by the Soviets. They were quite an independent Left Catholic movement. That apparently they have been pulling a weird mix of both Catholic and Revolutionaries, that part is true.

Chick is being paid off by the Church of Scientology.
He has criticized nearly every form of belief(and non-belief)in existence but he has never made a peep about one of the easiest targets out there. Alternatively he just fears their lawyers.
  • Alternatively Jack Chick knows that if he attacked Scientology people might be more forgiving of it.
  • Most Chick Tracts claim to give readers an insider's scoop on a topic they wouldn't find elsewhere. Scientology's secret beliefs and practices are pretty much common knowledge now and are more far fetched then anything Chick could concoct, so there's really no point in doing a tract about it.
    • Pretty much the only new thing to claim is that L. Ron Hubbard is a Vatican agent.

Jack Chick is a devout Christian with the initials J. C. Discuss.
  • Nah, too unrealistic. Also, his initials are JTC.
    • Could stand for "Jesus The Christ."
    • ...He's Kamen Rider Strike?
  • His DNA got saved. He'll later be cloned twice with a third time later, Paul and JC Denton, followed by Alex Denton. JC goes by JC because he hates his namesake (who he doesn't know he's a clone of).

Jack Chick's version of God is actually The Truth's alter ego
Think about it: both are evil or at least neutral but very sadistic and both are The Blank. Also, it could be that Jack Chick's God is actually keeping all the truth in the Gate of Truth, making mankind ignorant in the process; in addition, he may be able to warp reality to fool the protagonists of the Chick Tracts, allowing them to preach ignorance, and in that aspect it may also be possible that the Idea of Evil from Berserk may also be the same entity as The Truth and Jack Chick's God, being probably his heart, seeing as The Idea of Evil is shaped like a human heart

Jack Chick is from Lyra's World.
That's why he's so intolerant about other beliefs. He hates the Catholic Church so much because that due to the fact that John Calvin became pope in her [Lyra's] world, the Magisterium would probably look more like Calvinism than Catholicism, and he sees the Church of this world as being a perversion of the Church he knows and loves. Of course, this is probably jossed due to the fact that assuming the events of The Amber Spyglass occured around 1997, he should be dead by now, as somebody can only survive in another universe for a little over a decade.
  • Maybe they missed a portal, and he makes regular trips back home for his health?
  • Alternately...

Jack Chick exists in a parallel universe where everything he says is true.
This is why no one seems to know anything about him. He's actually from a parallel universe which is exactly as described in his tracts, down to the exact detail. Unlike the previous WMG, Jack Chick is not a dimensional traveler; he still exists in his home dimension but his website was somehow managed to manifest in our dimension for unknowable reasons. He is likely unaware that this has even occurred or that our universe exists at all.

Jack Chick is Jack of Fables.

Jack Chick is communicating clearly.
He really believes God Is Evil, but that morality doesn't matter because He is too powerful to resist. That is why he constantly uses the message that all that matters for salvation is open and genuine submission, with actual morality or good works (other than evangelism) utterly irrelevant. He believes that the Catholic Church is in league with Satan because of their focus on moral living (as the Church defines it) as opposed to giving constant praise would doom their followers. He refuses to learn about his other targets since anything that contradicts his beliefs is just Satan screwing with him.
  • This is less Wild Mass Guessing and more Perfectly Reasonable Conjecture, in this troper's eyes.

Jack Chick is completely correct about everything!
Really, what could be more wild than if this guy's ravings were actually true? You see, since everything is the result of a massive global conspiracy headed by Satan and the Vatican, the complete lack of verifiable proof is itself proof of the conspiracy's ability to cover things up! Any other problems can be explained away with Satan's powers, because according to Chick Demonic Magic is actually a real thing; you just need to say the right words and even if you don't believe them, things will happen. It makes perfect sense!
  • That has to be the craziest WMG I've seen on this site!

The Jesuits are Time Lords
Which is how, at least according to Chick and Alberto Rivera, they could have founded Islam in the 7th century when the Society of Jesus was not formed until the 16th.

The kid from Wounded Children isn't a Demon but a daemon.
The "evil" daemon is not only the kids only companion but also apparently his moral compass. The only actual evil acts he commits are trying to convince the kid to commit suicide, but then he immediately rejects the idea (representing a quick burst of suicidal impulse.) He is male because the kid is gay and shaped like a demon because he's constantly being told that he's immoral by the world around him.

Jack Chick has been tricked into making the tracts by Xaviax
It's obvious that he's a third version of Kamen Rider Strike (fourth if you want to count Ohja). Remember that James Trademore's blogging name was "JTC". According to This Site Jack Chick's middle name is Thomas, therefore his full initials would also be "JTC". Obviously Xaviax isn't dead and escaped to another world, Strike was fairly easy to manipulate so Xaviax decided to manipulate the version of Strike in this world, obviously the man in the photo atop his TVTropes page is Xaviax disguised as someone else to manipulate Mr.Chick.

Jack Chick is The Inquisition

Jack Chick is Satan.
His comics are intentionally presumptous, inaccurate and shallow in order to humiliate the concept of Christianity and encourage the reader to cheer on the evil or corrupted characters.
  • I wouldn't say cheer on the evil or corrupted characters, but make God and all his followers look bad.
  • weird things: the Satan was associated with sin Wrath wich is what chic want to make in evryone , Samael who is posibly old mstr. Nick may translate to "blind god"(chick wears glasses) , also he got white hair and another one: In Russian tradition demons have avian feet, and chick is what?

In The Nervous Witch, Bob mercilessly obliterates Holly in order to send her to hell, then burns Sam's house down.
Notice how, after the demon that possessed Holly flees, Holly is not seen again in the comic. Later, Bob tells Sam to burn all of the Harry Potter merchandise in her room, and we see them standing in front of a large fire emitting an enormous cloud of smoke. This is the smoldering remnants of Sam's home, which she and Bob felt was entirely tainted by evil. Sam's mother is absent, so she was obviously inside the house when the two of them lit it aflame.

The evil Catholic/atheist/gay/Muslim/pagan/etc conspiracy is real, but...
Jack Chick himself is working for it. His task is to discredit those who might Pull the Thread by writing up ridiculous, anvilicious cartoon tracts "supporting" their theories with the flimsiest possible arguments so that nobody can ever take these ideas seriously.

Jack Chick is a T-1000
Jack Chick was sent from the future to destroy logical thought and create comics that angered people so much that they swore to have vengeance on Jack Chick. However, he doesn't really exist, so they're just banging at walls.
  • Or, he was sent back to discredit fundamentalist Christianity by showing how crazy it is. Which was meant to make people turn to science and give more funding to scientific research by Cyberdyne Systems.

Nancy from Unloved actually had a crappy life.
Taking cues from the "Everyone's life actually sucked without the Critic" theory, I offer these little tidbits to the table.
  • Nancy's straight A's were manipulated C's.
  • Although she did get the lawyer job, she actually lost her first case and was blocking the speaker so the parents couldn't hear her client screaming, "MISTRIAL!" You can also see sweat falling off her and her face screams embarrassment. Furthermore, she is making half of what her parents claimed she was making.
  • She really married some guy and not the senator nor being rich, lying to impress her parents even more.
    • That or he lied to her.
    • Either way, she only tells her parents she got married after the fact — doesn't exactly indicate a positive relationship with her parents (or, possibly, her new husband) that they weren't aware of her relationship beforehand. Actually, the overall impression is that she only made contact over the phone between graduation and one visit to let them meet her kids when they were three — she had to introduce her children, after all.
  • She is having dinner with the president. Of a fan club. Again, lying to impress her parents.

Chick is a parody artist/fictional character/pen name.

Tara Gillespie and Jack Chick are the same person.
  • Who better to do a Stealth Parody than the My Immortal girl(?) herself? Both of them misrepresent Roman Catholics and Protestants, so why not?
    • Alternately, Tara is Jack's rebellious daughter.

Jack Chick is an angel.
More specifically, he's a very uptight angel, and makes propaganda for God. However even God thought he was demonizing non-believers too much, so he was booted out.

Jack Chick is a member of the Jacks of All Trades.
This would explain all the secrecy about his life—he doesn't want Silas, Miss Lupescu, and other members of the Honour Guard tracking him down.

The Vatican is on to Jack...
and will send their High Priest Assassin Warlock, Charlie Sheen, disguised as Bishop Sheen, to silence him.
  • I can't believe I'm saying this,but if he actually succeeds,I might become a fan of him(Sheen,not Chick,not Chick ever)

Jack Chick is the nega-Jonathan Coulton.
Both are artists, though in different mediums. One is an old, clean-shaven guy while the other is fairly young and looks a bit like a hippie. Coulton loves geek culture while Chick finds such things evil. Coulton has a fantastic sense of humor while Chick... well, he thinks he has one. Chick is close-minded and intolerant, while Coulton's a pretty chill, non-judgmental guy. Their initials are both J. C. (as mentioned above, which helped inspire this particular WMG). The connections are too many to discount. The reason is obvious.

Chick, with his messages of hatred, misinformation, and intolerance, is actually an envoy of Satan in order to drive people away from true Christianity, given the initials of Christ in an attempt at subconsciously tempting his readers. God learned of this, and so sent his own envoy, the exact opposite of Chick but also designated with the same initials, this time looking vaguely like his son (hence the Beard of Awesome sorta-hippie look) as a sort of "signature." When Coulton gains enough fans, their combined belief will bestow him with a holy version of The Power of Rock and allow him to use his music to destroy Chick once and for all, ushering humanity into a new Golden Age.


  • The only hiccup to the plan would be if Chick turned out to not exist.

Jack Chick is Seth McFarlane.
He drew the Family Guy characters perfectly in one of his tracts.
  • Also, he knows Stewie is gay. That'd require research, which is just plain out-of-character for him.
    • No, it's actually in-character for him. He just doesn't get the most accurate sources and believes the truth is being hidden. Another way he could know about Stewie being gay is happening to scroll through channels and seeing evidence of Stewie being gay. The perfect drawing of the Family Guy characters could be explained as him using a tablet to look at pictures of them and then tracing the pictures.

Susy Barnes is either gay or bisexual
She does tend to focus her efforts on female converts. I myself am bisexual and had similar problems with self-righteousness at her age.
  • In "The Little Bride", Li'l Susy knows that Grandpa's anti-Muslim preaching is a bunch of bull, but she's jealous of Amir because the girls are gushing over him ("He's really cute, Susy!"), so she repeats it to get revenge.

Chick is our universe's version/will be reincarnated as Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Both are racist: Frollo towards Gypsies and Chick towards Blacks, Native Americans, possibly more.
  • Both are extremely self-righteous and Holier Than Thou
  • Both are older, unattractive men,(sorry fangirls)
  • Both think that piousness excuses child abuse(Frollo towards Quasimodo and Chick has plenty of stories of child beaters,one with an unrepentant one in fact)
  • Both are hate anyone different from them.
  • Both have a particular set of favorite acceptable targets, (Frollo has Gypsies and Chick has Catholics)
  • Frollo's choice of faiths makes this pretty ironic though.
  • Just like Frollo Chick sees "..Corruption ev'rywhere except within..."

Jack Chick is honestly mistaken.
His so-called source for the Catholic conspiracy data is a known fraud, but Jack appears convinced he was an actual bishop, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
  • Chick actually hooked up with a bunch of exposed fraudsters over the years. Along with Alberto Rivera, there's William Schnoebelen (where he seems to have gotten his anti-Masonic material), John Todd (the source of his "Halloween was a human sacrifice festival for druids" and "rock music leads to demon possession" claims) and Dr. Rebecca Brown (most of the Hollywood Satanism stuff). Either Chick was Super Gullible, or subscribed to a No Such Thing as Bad Publicity philosophy.
    • In the Chickverse, the Vatican is an Ancient Conspiracy, so it would be able to fake evidence of fraud.

Jack Chick is actually a Militant Atheist Troll
His whole shtick is basically a personification of what many a Hollywood Atheist believes of Christians in general; that Christians are all intolerant, bigoted, and consider anyone who commits the slightest wrong to be guaranteed an eternity in Hell. Extra bonus points for his views on rock music. Call it Poe's Law, or call it a case of the Vocal Minority, but he's contradicted himself so many times, and with as many times as he's quoted The Bible, it's hard to imagine he's either missed or wrongly understood any reference to Jesus calling out the Pharisees and being friendly with known sinners. Plus, there's much more that points to this theory...
  • I have met people who believe the things Jack Chick believes. Shitty, shitty Christians like this exist, as awful as it is.
  • If so, he was brilliant. He got fundamentalists to pay him for trolling them.

Jack Chick was converted by a tract that was as crazy or crazier than the ones he writes.
I don't see why not.

Chick started them as a joke, but now he believes it.
The first few aren't near as outlandish as the later ones. He set it up to make money after that. After decades of this he started to believe it himself. Alternatively he became a front for the Westboro Baptist Church, to earn money and to spread the propaganda.

He is completely right about heaven, but is wrong about hell. God sends all the people like him to heaven to keep them away from other people.

Chick is a Christian who started them seriously.
He started out writing sincere, noncrazy comics. When he realized most of the people buying them were doing it just to laugh at him, he took it up to eleven because he's making way more money and he gets a kick out of writing such crazy shit.

Jack Chick is serious, but everyone around him is a troll.
Much like Conservapedia, the "brains" (for lack of a better word) of the operation belong to a true believer. His support network (artists, webmasters, etc.) are all laughing at him as they cash their paychecks.

Jack Chick is secretly trying to discredit fundamentalist Christianity.
By taking certain controversial aspects of their beliefs, turning them up to eleven and presenting them in a ludicrous way... then sitting back and watching as the real believers buy and try to use them. (Probably not, but would be hardly surprising.)

In Dark Dungeons, Marcie didn't actually kill herself.
Like Debbie was given actual magic powers and inducted into a cult, she was given actual thief skills and inducted into an organized crime ring. She fakes her suicide so she could do it full time.

In the world in which Dark Dungeons the tract takes place, death works differently from real life
Death in a game is permanent, and real death is temporary. Marcie will be coming back in due time, but she will never get to play Dark Dungeons again.

Jack Chick doesn't believe in anything he writes.
He just does it to make money. He sits back and laughs at all the people who believe what he writes, and watches the money from the tracts and the merchandise and the books roll in.

The grim reaper is the only good guy. Which is because Jack Chick is a Death Seeker
God will send you to hell unless you do everything perfect, hell is horrible, and doing anything fun will send you on a fast track to hell.Jack Chick was raised on this belief, and making these comics is the only thing he thinks he can do that's fun without going to hell.All he wants is to go to heaven, so he wants his life to be over already.So he makes the grim reaper the only good guy, because he's seeking him.

Many of the more unpleasant Aesops are not accidental.
Jack really believes God is an asshole. He's trying to warn us.

Everything Jack Chick says about the Catholic Church is true. Alberto Rivera, however, is an Agent Provocateur who never really left the Catholic Church.
What better way to discredit anyone who discovers the truth than by making a nutter like Chick the first one to find it out?

Jack Chick is an anti-government nutjob who doesn't actually care about religion one way or another.
The theory about him writing to discredit his own supposed viewpoint through intentionally heavy-handed, inaccurate 'lessons' is correct, but directed at political authority figures/the CIA/etc, by way of pointing at the mulberry, cursing the locust. His reclusive anonymity, to the point where people think he either doesn't exist, or isn't a single person, is (at least in his own mind) entirely justified.

Jack Chick is either Terry Pratchett or a massive fan.
Think about it: The only actually nice person in all of this insanity is The Grim Reaper, always greeting people with a friendly "Hi There!" He's either Terry himself doing a massive, "You're not supposed to like this" parody of Christianity OR a deranged fan who actually believes what he's drawing and the only thing he can cling to is the Reaper's friendly attitude.

Yes I know Terry is resting in peace. That's why it's here on WMG.

  • Well, now Jack Chick is so...

Jack Chick was originally a well crafted parody, made by numerous artists, but...
He became a tulpa and had to be put down.

Jack Chick was a Soviet dissident
A large number of tracts discuss the evils of Communism, and many of them claim the Vatican created it. Most of the anti-Communist tracts were written during the 60s and 70s and Chick largely stopped when the Cold War ended, but he persistently claimed the Reds were simply Vatican mooks. Many assume Chick was simply a man of his times, but maybe he had first hand experience of USSR tyranny. Chick seemed to have an uncharacteristically positive view of Orthodox Christianity, something rare for anti-Catholic types unless they are Orthodox themselves. One tract even says the Vatican and Soviets persecuted "God's Orthodox Church," so its quite possible "Jack T. Chick" was the pen name of Soviet defector who left the USSR to escape religious persecution.

Jack Chick is an alter-ego of Roger the Alien
This has been one of Roger's longest running ways of making some extra money. It's not hard to believe these tracts were written by a strange sociopath who is actually an alien. Roger thought it would be entertaining to make a fool out of Fundamentalist Christians with secretly satirical tracts some of them would actually believe. It's also very amusing trolling to him. The fact that the tracts just got more and more over-the-top over the years is because he had to make them crazier and crazier to still find this job amusing for so many years. Plus, it's an alter-ego he could easily maintain for decades, without even having to go out and get dressed up. He only created one fake photo of someone who is supposedly Jack Chick to make it less suspicious. He might not even have a costume for this persona. He writes these tracts in his free time when he doesn't feel like playing one of his physical personas. Additionally, he eventually killed off Jack Chick, because he wasn't ready to stop producing these, but knew it would be hard to believe if Jack Chick lived abnormally long. Whoever is supposedly the replacement author of the new tracts is still Roger, or a front for him still writing them.

Jack Chick was killed by Persona 5
Jack Chick died at October 2016. While Persona 5 was released in Japan at September 2016. The previous months. This should give him enough time to learn about Persona 5. Being a secluded man and having released his tracts in other languages, I'm sure he might have learned a thing or two about Japan.

But surprise. Not only the battle theme has the same name as one of his tracts (The Last Surprise) the final battle was about the protagonist summoning Satan (equivalent) to kill the God (equivalent). Too shocked at this revelation, Jack was so furious that the world has gone to Hell and the people of Atlus are all slaves of Satan. He was preparing for his magnum opus to slander Atlus and the Phantom Thieves in his next tract, but the fury he had was so great that his 92 years old body couldn't take it anymore and sent him to a critical condition.

He died peacefully, as his families said. Perhaps, whether he finally had an epiphany that what he did may be wrong, or the Phantom Thieves stole his heart (just roll with it), Jack personally managed to find a resolution about his fundamentalism and passed away with a smile on his face.

Chick Tracts are set in the Cthulhu Mythos
Think about it. Both are set in worlds where monsters roam the night, sinister cults lurk behind every door and the world is ruled by inhuman, incomprehensible entities who do not seem to care about humanity.. Going by this theory, Satan is Nyarlathotep as both embody Evil Is Petty. God is Nodens, and his angels are actually Nightgaunts. The reason the tracts are So Bad, It's Good? Because they`re bastardizations of the truth, to avoid leaving a Brown Note. For bonus points, John Todd (the source for his claims about Halloween and rock music) believes that the Necronomicon is real, Bill Schnoebelen (the source for his claims about Freemasonry and Dungeons & Dragons) thinks The Shadow Over Innsmouth is a true story, and both believe that The Dunwich Horror accurately portrays occultism. However, this would mean that Chick Tracts occur in the same universe as Conan the Barbarian.
Chick Tracts are set in the New World of Darkness
Both occur in an Urban Fantasy Crapsack World with vampires, anthromorphic wolf-shapeshifters, demons and witches. Lil' Susie's unseen uncle and Bob Williams are members of The Long Night or the Knights Of St.George (the latter of which would explain their Anti-Magic powers). The demons are actually spirits and the people who get exorcised are members of Les Mysteres.

What happens in "Dark Dungeons" isn't representative of tabletop gaming in-universe either
  • This relies somewhat on Literary Agent Hypothesis.
  • What's actually happening is that "Dark Dungeons", the in-universe game, is actually not a game at all but a recruiting tool of a very specific cult. The cult even encourages players to call it "D&D" to further obfuscate the reality of thigs to outsiders- a casual observer might suppose they are playing the more famous Dungeons & Dragons. The reason in-game deaths are treated as Serious Business is because, to the cult, it is, and because the cult idolises power, anyone deemed to be too "weak" is cast out, "dead" to their fellow-initiates, also encouraging the cutting-off of strong ties with anyone outside of the cult. It also encourages players to believe that the game and the group are more important than any normal game group- so being cut off feels like a big deal. This is the real reason Marcie committed suicide- she legitimately as if her friends have cut her off and life is no longer worth living as a result.

The god of the Chickverse is only Satan in different form.
  • God doesn't really look like someone actively working on people to become saved, is highly reliant on his "real true" human believers and seems to have no issues with throwing people into Hell who think to have served Him faithfully for their whole lives because of a theological understanding that was maybe not fully right. Satan instead is welcoming everyone gleefully in Hell and he and his demons really work on people staying sinners. Heaven also seems like a different kind of Hell in the setting, so God here is maybe only an archetype of the Devil.

Alternative Title(s): Jack Chick
