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Tropers / Scherezad

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Su'cuy, Hello, Bonjour, et cetera...

You are currently on the page of the introverted guy in the corner. No, not the one who's drinking, not the one who's being a pain. I'm the one in the dark corner over there reading a book with my glasses on, despite near-sightedness.

Just don't annoy me and we're good... of course, i have a few Berserk Buttons so... yeah...

Also, I like Descent, Minecraft, and Halo and am Autistic (Aspergers, to be specific)

I display the following tropes (as far as I know):

  • Author Appeal: I've a very bad habit to make characters i create more geared towards my fetishes (speaking of, you don't need to know what those are, and you'd probably need some brain bleach if you did)
  • Berserk Button Do NOT do anything against my family, and DON'T make any comments or such shtuff that could be interpreted as a threat to myself, and don't compare me to my mother... because You may not like my angry side...
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Sure, being a type-2 Kuudere I'm normally just The Stoic, but I'm nice when i'm comfortable with you. Just don't piss me off.
  • Bookworm
  • Canada, Eh?: Although I loathe the stereotype with a passion, i do occasionally use the word "eh", and I am in fact, from Canada. And for the record, my step-mother is from the U.S. and says "eh" more than my elder brother and I combined.
  • Covert Pervert: As stated above, i create a lot of characters geared towards my fetishes, but that isn't all. Let's just say i have a vivid imagination and you don't want to know what runs through my head sometimes...
  • Dandere
  • Deadpan Snarker (Mood-dependant)
  • Fear of Thunder... well, more accurately, Astraphobia, which is the fear of storms, but you get the picture.
  • Does Not Like Being Touched: To an extent. If it's someone I'm not comfortable with, i don't like them touching me or the stuff on me, let alone being too close to me. If I just don't like them, then they're pushing it within arm's reach, and if they touch me, I might try to hit them with whichever part of my arm is convenient.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: it was this way for many years and in a way, still is. All of my friends have something to indicate them as a gamer or nerd... not that i'm complaining, mind you.
  • Kuudere: Gender Flipped Type 2 with shades of Type 1
  • Like Father, Like Son: I'm told that i take after my dad a lot... good thing, too, because I Don't get along well with mom ...
  • Mighty Glacier: This only refers to my combat speed. When walking for transit alone, i'm very quick. When i've lost my temper, i become a Lightning Bruiser
  • Misunderstood Loner well, for the most part...
  • Motor Mouth: Any one of my friends who converses with me once i'm comfortable with them, or one who has communicated with me electronically can probably see that i suffer from this. Correction, i don't "suffer" from it— i enjoy it.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: While I don't use those terms, many people I know don't understand my extensive vocabulary, so they say that i use a lot of long words... yay.
  • Stutter Stop Or so I'm told. I only hear my slight stutter if there's a particularly pronounced one.
  • Suppressed Rage At least I can admit it!
  • The Quiet One: Until you get through my shell. Then i seemingly just Won't shut up!
  • The Smart Guy
  • Tranquil Fury
  • Unstoppable Rage: Push me too far on a bad day, I dare ya.
  • When He Smiles: If i smile, there are two possibilities— If i've expressed a liking to or a comfort with you, then it's a good sign. If i've otherwise expressed that i don't like you... leave.

Here's a rough list of games that i like/enjoy. Ye be warned, some are OLD.

As it stands, i'm also working on something. Thus far it displays the following:
