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Nightmare Fuel / Digimon Ghost Game

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He may be cute and cuddly, but you won't like him when he's angry.

While Digimon is no stranger to Nightmare Fuel, Ghost Game is what happens when Digimon decides to fully embrace the horror aspect of the series. In the span of 13 episodes, Ghost Game proves itself to be one of the darkest Digimon anime since Digimon Tamers. With a gloomy atmosphere and no shortage of terrifying Digimon, Ghost Game makes sure to deliver the frights with every episode.

Warning: Spoilers are not applied to these pages. Proceed at your own risk.

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    In General 
  • The Digimon of this series are Invisible to Normals, and sometimes purposely cause harm to people. However, the invisible ones aren't even threatening. A huge portion of the ones who actually cause harm are Hologram Ghosts which are translucent, but already have the potential to incite incidents. A few even purposefully cause them to make themselves solid, and the Asuramon in Episode 28 becomes solid midway into the episode by causing enough harm. Of course, the worst Digimon tend to be solid from the get-go just to show how dangerous they are.
  • The first half of the opening emphasizes the sheer amount of Paranoia Fuel with shadows of Digimon (not even normal ones, incredibly dangerous Perfects or Ultimates, to be exact), appearing everywhere the main characters are. Special mention goes to Kiyoshiro seeing Pumpmon's shadow in the mirror, only for a physical Lucemon to pass behind him. Other honorable mentions include LadyDevimon limping herself towards the viewer, Piemon doing his best to imitate Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and Ruli and Angoramon racing across a series of colorful curtains only to be greeted by a Mugendramon sporting an incredibly deranged Slasher Smile.
  • In a few cases, some Digimon who purposely cause harm are simply left without ever being truly defeated or changing their ways, with Dracumon even stating that he'll just cause harm somewhere else, where the main cast won't be there to stop them. A common point of discussion among fans is about how the group will deal with the fact if it actually happens and they find out people somewhere else suffer, all because they essentially just let the bad ones go. Even worse if they have to be let go because they are in a different league than the protagonists, meaning that they can't help with any subsequent incidents reported to them unless they grow in power.
  • Some of the incidents (often the most awful ones that could lead to up to hundreds dead or vanishing if not resolved in time) are only discovered because the group just happens to be on a holiday trip and runs into them. Another variant is someone they know being targeted, and in one case, it's because Angoramon is acquainted with the offending Digimon. It makes you wonder how many unresolved incidents are all over Japan and how many people vanish, get horribly ill, or die because the incidents go under the group's radar.
  • In previous Digimon anime, the Digimon of the Week usually don't pose a legitimate threat or impact. In here, every other one is Played for Horror — former joke villains or mass-produced Mooks are portrayed as horrific Serial Killers, antagonistic Digimon gleefully attempt murder, and even ones that operate on Blue-and-Orange Morality do all sorts of terrifying things casually. And past Episode 24, the Digimon seem to skyrocket in terms of threat level and effectiveness; hostile Digimon start attacking in broad daylight, the protagonists and their Digimon regularly find themselves falling victim to the Digimon's supernatural powers, and things that would be near-doomsday level or otherwise treated very seriously in any other Digimon anime are thrown around almost liberally, entirely for the horror effect. This eventually reaches an apex when the group runs into more blatantly unreasonable Digimon with an obsession with Squick, murder, and other gruesome incidents, and Ultimates (often not even normal ones, but things along the lines of the Seven Great Demon Lords or Warrior Ten) that really shouldn't be running around in the human world show up to instigate incidents like their lesser brethren.
  • While there's no ambiguity on how dangerous Digimon are for humans as a whole in the franchise, it's in Ghost Game where the actual consequences begin to get outright deconstructed as they act openly in the human world here. Regular, defenseless civilians are frequently in danger of running into trouble with highly powerful Digimon that could easily kill them in the blink of an eye if they wanted to, and of course, there's a whole slew of them that are nigh-unstoppable serial kidnappers or murderers because, well, an ordinary human being won't be able to stop them.
    • Unlike the Digimon of the Week in previous series, which mostly consist of Com Mons, here, literally anything can show up to terrorize people and Digimon alike, be it a bog-standard Digimon, a former Arc Villain or boss Digimon, or even Ultimates capable of dimensional feats. The sheer randomness of what and where the offending Digimon are adds an incredible amount of Paranoia Fuel unseen in previous series, considering that even the Digimon willing to undergo a Heel–Face Turn have no regard for human lives prior to their change of heart. In one particularly egregious display of this, a girl asks the protagonists to check out some hauntings and a walking corpse, only to find a Moon=Millenniumon inhabiting said corpse waiting to break out and destroy the world.
    • Special mentions to the actual Ultimates (not the second-to-highest level in previous shows' dubs, but the highest level AKA Mega in the dub) that mostly show up near the end of the series, which are stated by Word of God to be Physical Gods capable of worldwide feats. Knowing you can be abducted or killed by superhuman creatures out of nowhere is already awful enough, but when reality warpers who can wipe out entire populations just by walking around join in the fun, it's essentially a recipe for disaster that could lead up to hundreds vanishing or dead on average and there's absolutely nothing a Muggle can do there, adding an extra layer of Paranoia Fuel on top of an already Paranoia Fuel-laden series. To make things worse, in past series, Perfects can fight toe-to-toe with (and sometimes, beat) Ultimates. Here, anything below their own level fail to even so much as scrape these things, and they can easily incapacitate and nearly kill powerhouses that could deal with Perfects without issue like Canoweissmon just with one snap of their finger. Even when the protagonists fight them with their own Ultimates, they can still take a considerable beating before they quit. There's a reason why when the main cast (sans Jellymon and Kiyoshiro) first has to deal with a Piemon at a time when the group is far from awakening a single Ultimate of their own, they outright refuse to fight him even if he's responsible for abducting at least 52 children and turning them into poker cards.
  • Perhaps one of the most horrific things in the series is the existence of a Digimon known as "the Jet-Black Champion", also more commonly called GulusGammamon. Whatever this thing even is, it's easily one of the most frightening Digimon in the franchise, to the point that it's heavily implied that when he shows his true colors, even Ultimates (which are considered equal to Physical Gods) like Quartzmon or ClavisAngemon consider getting out of the Digital World alongside huge groups of lesser Digimon.
    • GulusGammamon's existence as a Dark Evolution Digimon compared to other incidents (SkullGreymon, Megidramon, and ShineGreymon Ruin Mode) ends up adding an extra layer of horror to his form. While previous Dark Evolutions, which were born as a result of their human partner's corrupted emotions due to a situation, resulted in a monstrous Roaring Rampage of Revenge where they attacked everyone blindly, GulusGammamon retains his sapience, making it very clear that he is ready to kill at his own discretion, and Gammamon himself doesn't even remember GulusGammamon when he goes back to normal. In addition, rather than the deliberate wrongness portrayed in normal Dark Evolutions, this one seems almost natural for a good reason — he is the real Gammamon and a wholly different entity from the one Hiro was spending time with.
    • GulusGammamon's evolution sequence and the buildup, in general, is quite haunting. The first time this happens, it's when Gammamon is frozen in shock over Bokomon's death and Sealsdramon is inches away from killing him with one knife to the head. The bond meter on his Digivice begins to fill up, seeming to indicate that another evolution is coming... only for it to suddenly empty out entirely, as Gammamon, with Black Eyes of Crazy, lets off a horrific roar that sums up as a more emotionally broken, desperate evolution shout. The evolution sequence then initiates. As usual, all of the DNA strands merge on Gammamon, but then everything just disappears, then a brief moment of silence, nothing happening in the lull... until a massive eruption of blue flames emerges, a focus on the dark Digimon's body parts is shown as he takes his stance, a much more menacing one compared to the more heroic, battle-ready poses of his other Adult forms. It's even worse when he appears to deal with Oboromon or TonosamaGekomon. Before the evolution sequence even happens, Gammamon makes increasingly deranged Nightmare Faces that look absolutely nothing like the sweet, childish Digimon he is before flashing a very disturbing Nightmare Face that looks like a Slasher Smile with Black Eyes of Crazy. It does make GulusGammamon seem way less terrifying than how ghoulish and deranged Gammamon looks right before he actually shows up.

      In Oboromon and TonosamaGekomon's case, GulusGammamon comes out from his hide with no input whatsoever from Hiro, and Lilithmon refers to him as the other one inside Gammamon. He's essentially just another Digimon inside Hiro's Gammamon rather than a Superpowered Evil Side he naturally evolves into and could come out whenever he likes to, after all.
    • Oh and it gets worse — just when you think it's just a stronger than average Adult, he has his own evolution line taking the form of Evil Counterparts of Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. His Perfect form is said to be equal to Megidramon in terms of power and can drive entire swathes of Digimon into a deadly frenzy by spreading a virus like Gore Magala could, and his Ultimate form is outright stated to be an enigma only existing in simulations — whatever this is, it definitely isn't anything good. Given what said Perfect form manages to do in episode 66, these claims are not hyperbole.

      What makes these evolutions really horrific is that despite the fact that they're world-wipers, the sense of wrongness commonly seen in such Digimon or other beings are absent. Most of these look absolutely alien, like the Eldritch Abominations they are, but Regulusmon, on the other hand, is a much stronger Evil Counterpart of Canoweissmon, just with a regal, macabre flair to him, while unleashing the same scope of destruction as said abominations would. It really drives home the point that in Ghost Game, any Digimon could start a horrific incident, no matter what they are or how they look.

      It gets even scarier if you know anything about stars; when a star dies, it will collapse on itself and explode into a supernova, a gigantic explosion that can absolutely destroy any planet if they're unlucky enough to be near it, and if given the sufficient mass, they can become a black hole. And given Gammamon's themes of space and stars entirely with GulusGammamon alone being able to face off against everyone, and his evolutions being all but indicated to be world-wiping abominations capable of destroying the entire Digital World, there are plenty of reasons for other Digimon or humans to fear.
  • The series has a hard-on for Body Horror. Over half of the incidents have people mutilated, tortured, mutated into terrifying creatures, or turned into objects in the most gruesome ways a 9 AM Sunday anime could. And it's not just civilians or side characters who fall victim; even the main cast routinely get hit by horrific Digimon-induced ailments. While it's usually Kiyoshiro who falls victim first, later on Hiro and Ruli have just as high of a chance of being affected. Look no further than the Chamblemon who reduce Ruli to a mushroom-infested screaming wreck minutes into the episode and doom Hiro to the same fate a while later.
  • Whenever humans influenced by Digimon remain in the Digital Field. When this happens, you know it's going to be bad news.

    Episodes 1 - 12 
The Sewn-Lip Man
  • Answer Clockmon's question wrong and you'll find your future stolen from you in a process akin to drinking from the wrong Grail. Making things even more horrifying is that while Hiro and Gammamon were able to retake the time he had stolen, Clockmon is still out there planning revenge.

The Mystery of the Museum

  • Mummymon attempts to treat his "patients" by wrapping them up in bandages and taking them to an underground basement. Of particular note is the scene when Hiro is taken there and sees just how many people Mummymon has taken, placed about like a spider's web.


  • Ruli finds her hands slowly fading throughout the episode and occasionally phasing through objects. The first half of the episode plays along the anxiety and tension angle rather than sheer scares, as Ruli realizes the direness of her situation and the inability to know what's happening to her.
  • Ruli's plight is presented from her perspective as a Ringu-esque curse, while only we and Hiro know the truth, and she slowly loses her mind over what seems like an inescapable countdown to doom. At one point she, desperate for answers, tracks down a woman who seems to have lived through the curse, only to find a hostile shut-in who lives with eternally over-growing hair, and has long since broken down over the realization that she is eventually going to be smothered to death by her hair.
  • The Jump Scare that occurs when Ruli realizes that the photo with the red scribbles has been reposted.
  • The culprit of all of this? It's a Dracumon who is making people suffer just so he can become solid. And then he manages to hypnotize Hiro into giving him his Digivice. Despite his defeat, Hiro lets him go when he says that he'll surrender. He's lying and will go for another round.
  • With Dracumon still on the loose at the end of the episode, it's clear that others will suffer from whatever plans he has next.

The Doll's Manor

  • While they are not physically harmed, what happens to the people Pumpmon kidnaps is still horrifying and traumatic. The person has a pumpkin placed on their head, sealing off their vision and movement. He then starts carving the pumpkin, beginning with the eyes, causing the first thing the victim sees to be a carving knife just inches away from their face, and continuing to carve the pumpkin while they are helpless and Forced to Watch their predicament.

Divine Anger

  • The punishment for disrupting the flow of money and invoking Majiramon's wrath? 108 arrows of light piercing your body, with Jellymon speculating that the pain would be immense. No wonder Kiyoshiro is so frightened.
  • And then there's Majiramon. It's bad enough by itself, but it's how severely underleveled the main cast is in front of him that makes this truly terrifying from the group's perspective. To put it shortly, it would be like David vs. Goliath without the slingshot. Given how the last time this guy appeared in an anime he took everything from the tamer's Champion Digimon without a scrape and even almost managed to beat Cyberdramon, there's obviously nothing in Hiro and co's arsenal that could deal with this physically. And that's not getting into the Elite Mooks he brings; they just outright run over BetelGammamon and Angoramon like they are nothing.

The Cursed Song

  • Sirenmon's initial form in the episode is a giant black hand reaching out of TV screens before turning into a tendril that wraps around the victim, forcing them to endure her song, which distorts both the visuals and audio of the screen. Ruli even says that she thought she would die after being caught in it.
  • The song itself is rather haunting when Sirenmon begins to manifest. While the song, "Kuyashisa wa Tane", is a beautiful rock song, when Sirenmon sings it, her voice is quite off-tone as the music tunes out, which, when paired with the haunting effects of Sirenmon's appearance, makes the song more creepy in her appearances before the cast properly confronts her.


Nightly Procession of Monsters

  • A "monster parade" has been held across highways at midnight, where a bunch of Digimon can be seen going on a stampede and potentially causing traffic incidents. One of these Digimon was a Sistermon Ciel, who was hijacking cars and disorienting drivers.
  • Eventually, the reason behind the monster parade is revealed to be a deathly race between Sistermon Ciel and a group of Digimon who are competing against (or more like escaping from) the terrifying MetalPhantomon. MetalPhantomon's reveal is scary by itself, but things take a turn for the worse when it's shown that any being hit by his scythe gets fused into it, with no way to escape it. Even worse, since MetalPhantomon is returned to the Digital World at the end of the episode instead of being defeated, we can assume that all the poor Digimon who were made part of the scythe are still trapped there.
  • While Adaptational Villainy is common amongst Digimon, Sistermon Ciel is one of those instances where it's taken to horrifying extremes. In Cyber Sleuth, it's just a servant of Gankoomon who's clearly on the side of good, replacing Sistermon Noir in Western versions of the game. In here? She's a crazed speed freak who contracted MetalPhantomon to force the Digimon to keep running all night because it was fun. If any of the Digimon can't run, they get killed by MetalPhantomon instantly... and it's implied that it will kill the human children involved in the race too should they ever stop. If BlackTailmon hadn't suddenly arrived and sent all the Digimon back, the main cast would have died, either by MetalPhantomon or fatigue.
  • MetalPhantomon's appearance. First, the kids see a large cloud of black smoke following them, then it twists into unnatural skeletal shapes and begins to moan. It stays like that just long enough for you to wonder if there's even a Digimon there, or if it's something more... and when MetalPhantomon fully emerges from it, you're treated to all his red-eyed, mechanical skeleton glory.

Warped Time

  • For whatever reason, time is suddenly jumping for Hiro. We are first treated to Hiro floating over his own self sleeping, with no explanation whatsoever right until it goes back to normal. Then things start getting worse from there. When he wakes up? He's suddenly late for school. When he gets dressed? School is already over. When he goes with his friend? It's suddenly nighttime. And who's the mastermind behind all of this? None other than Clockmon, who has come back to exact his revenge on Hiro just as he promised way back in the first episode.
  • Ruli brings Hiro to a library to calm down after he loses time courtesy of Clockmon's Time Master powers, but the library is said to be inhabited by two ghosts, manifesting as invisible specters moving whole piles of books and haunting everyone near them. The ghosts turn out to be Bokomon and Bakumon, which are harmless and friendly Digimon, but they're still creepy before they show up for real.

Game of Death

  • Any player that gets defeated by Kinkakumon is trapped in Ginkakumon's Beni Hisago and turns into the sake he drinks. Thankfully they are saved while they can still be restored to normal.
  • Previously, the party has only dealt with minor nuisances or easily reversible Digimon attacks, but Ginkakumon is the first time where people will eventually die over time because of their powers. And based on how there is sake inside Kinkakumon's bottle, the oni siblings might very well have a body count before Hiro gets involved with them. This is also an early example; there are more of these to come much later on.
  • Jellymon and Kiyoshiro are nearly killed by Kinkakumon in battle, but are saved when Jellymon evolves into TeslaJellymon.


  • In a bamboo forest a Reppamon's tail (which is fully sentient) tries to cut everything around them, including people, to prove its strength, with Reppamon's front half trying to stop it. Ruli almost gets killed, but survives and escapes thanks to them fighting each other.

Chain Letter

  • Imagine you get an email that is basically a chain letter. Ultimately deeming it spam, you delete it, only for tens to hundreds of creatures to appear and start attacking everything, even biting you. That's what Hiro and his friends face this week. What makes this even worse is that the Zassoumon are shown to be actively harming the humans, all for moisture. So not only are they injuring people, giving them bite wounds, and likely leaving at least a few hospitalized, they're also actively dehydrating them to the extreme, which, y'know, kills people. No wonder they terrify Jellymon because the animal she's based on is almost entirely composed of water.

    Episode 13 - 24 
  • In most Digimon media, the idea of fighting for survival is natural. However, most Digimon that show up on Earth in Ghost Game have instead been trying to form societies and live normal lives — so when Sealsdramon shows up and starts indiscriminately killing Digimon, it's outright called murder by both humans and Digimon alike. The body count in question when he is stopped? 1000.

    To put this in comparison, the most dreadful villains in the franchise don't even go anywhere close to committing murder by the triple digits on their own, not even the Adventure Vamdemon and the Frontier Lucemon, awful as they are. And even then, Lucemon has a goal behind the ordered massacres, but this guy killed 1,000 Digimon casually for seemingly no reason other than killing for the sake of. He doesn't even possess the near-inhuman supernatural qualities of most other bottom-of-the-barrel villains, either; all he needs to get there is knives and precision. Very few antagonists in the franchise, not even the Omnicidal Maniacs, are this straight-up evil sans Analogman, and in spite of all the Ultimates who literally attempt mass murder or enslaving humanity showing up way later on, he still sticks out.
  • Bakumon refers to Sealsdramon as "Der Scharfrichter", an urban legend of the Digital World where a mysterious Digimon will randomly kill other Digimon through a precise headshot. This is before everyone knows who Sealsdramon even is. Apparently, the killings happened even way before he went to the human world, and they aren't a recent issue.
  • Compared to all the villains of past episodes, who had some form of redemption or entertaining quality, Sealsdramon ends up becoming a massive contrast to them. He kills a nearly astronomical amount of Digimon even when compared to the world-wipers and Omnicidal Maniacs, despite being a mere Adult-level Digimon, and the red dot showing up before he performs a kill gives the feeling of a sniper ready to kill their target, only adding even more menace to his appearance. Oh, and Sealsdramon is fully solid, unlike all of the previous antagonists, which is usually only used for Digimon who are obviously bad news. Jellymon only survives her assassination attempt because she's behind a window, unaware of her would-be murderer's presence until he strikes.
  • The cast is barely able to stop Sealsdramon's attacks, mostly running for their lives as he tries to kill them until he murders Bokomon, who dies Taking the Bullet for Gammamon. Which in turn leads to... a Dark Evolution from Gammamon into GulusGammamon, who's drastically more cold and violent compared to his baby-like Child form. The first thing he does is to make a viciously fast grab for Sealsdramon, lifting the killer up with a neck lift. He then proceeds to force Sealsdramon to explain his motives while choking the assassin Digimon, looking to Hiro as he's waiting for the order for execution to be given. And when Hiro refuses to give him an attack command (which causes him heavy pain, as explained below), he writes his partner off as useless before stabbing Sealsdramon in the head with his own attack anyway, marking the first time the protagonists kill off an enemy Digimon.

    And it gets worse. After killing Sealsdramon, GulusGammamon attempts to break out of the field. TeslaJellymon and Angoramon attempt to stop him, only for him to completely No-Sell their attacks, incapacitate the former Adult-level ally in a single hit... and then attempt to murder the humans and their partners with a massive fire attack after getting sick of Hiro's pacifism, getting dangerously close to killing Hiro (who's attempting to get in the way of his attack to protect the others) before he realizes the situation mirrors exactly how Bokomon died, causing him to devolve back to Gammamon.
  • The fact that we never learn Sealsdramon's motivations. When GulusGammamon demands he explain himself, all he can say is, "It's still just 1,000", "More bodies. It doesn't matter who. Just more.", and "The number is all that matters." GulusGammamon assumes that he wasn't given any orders, and that he's just obsessed with having a body count, but after he impales him in the head, Sealsdramon just says "Well done." before dying. Which, assuming that it wasn't simply a killer recognizing the skills of another killer, gives off the implication that it didn't matter who died, even himself, just so long as the number increased. Which raises the question: Why is the number so important?
  • That sudden burst of inspiration that the tamers have been having when they need to command their partners to use a new technique? It's actually a side-effect of their psychological synchronization in the form of a subconscious request from the Digimon, and attempting to ignore it causes agonizing pain, as Hiro is unfortunate enough to discover as he desperately tries to prevent GulusGammamon from executing Sealsdramon.
  • Angoramon and Jellymon explain to Gammamon that while Digimon can reincarnate — which is at least better than in Tamers, where they can't altogether — they won't be the same person once they hatch again. It isn't ambiguous like what happened with Mercurymon repeatedly murdering Piyomon in an attempt to wipe his memories of Chika — Bokomon, as he once was, is dead.


  • In his frustration over how vague his father is being about the Digital World, Hiro muses to himself whether or not they'd learn more if GulusGammamon showed up again. Kiyoshiro and even Angoramon immediately abhor the prospect, genuinely fearing for their lives after narrowly avoiding being killed by him.
  • While ultimately proven to be harmless and rather cute when fully shown to the heroes and the audience, Koemon looks rather creepy as he skulks about the resort in the dark. The shadowy outline; huge, red eyes; and mournful voice that begs others to play with him make for an unsettling figure. At one point, he does rush at Ruli when he thinks she has tricked him, making one wonder what he would have done if the others hadn't been hiding nearby to trap him.

The Fortuneteller's Manor

  • Phelesmon becomes fairly disturbing as seen with the close-up of his face. It doesn't help that his teeth seem to sharpen when he gets particularly sadistic. Of course, he's not taking any human form, he's literally just wearing a white suit and hat to avert suspicion. Mika is understandably horrified when he takes off his hat and shows himself to be a red, demonic Humanoid Abomination.
  • Then there's Phelesmon's actions. Under the premise of taking a customer's fortune, he instead twists their requests into reasons to terrify them with illusions, which the Boogiemon feed off of in order to turn fully solid. He then turns the customers into stone as part of his twisted art gallery, with the ones who don't fit his criteria being thrown out. One of which Jellymon finds, and then, out of curiosity, takes a look inside to see what it's made of. She rightfully freaks out when she finds out that it's actually a person.
  • Last but not least, Phelesmon is still at large, and he even states that it's not his plan to win the battle. Just what other sinister plans is he considering? And was he actually serving another dangerous Digimon and furthering their goals?

The Maneater's Forest

  • Humans are getting assimilated by Jyureimon for tree rings and we have no idea how long it has been going on. The process is rather unsettling as they literally sink into the "trees". It is possible that MoriShellmon didn't save everyone with the disparity in power forcing him on the defensive.

Icy Hell

  • Nearly everyone in the gang is shown on-screen to be critically close to freezing to death in this episode, much to Ruli's horror when she realizes this based on TeslaJellymon's responses. She's so shocked that TeslaJellymon has to slap her to make her focus on the problem in front of them.
  • Frozomon, the enemy of the week, nearly outright kills Ruli with its hot knife. Thankfully TeslaJellymon saves her in time. If that knife had actually connected though... Never mind a dead body, there might not even be anything left, considering the knife is also shown to be hot enough to melt steel. Frozomon's official profile in the Digimon Reference Book shows just how dangerous it can be. It will use all its strength to eliminate anything that gets in the way of its rescue, even if it's Baby Digimon.

The Land of Children

  • This whole episode is the fear of any parent. You lose your child along with any memories of him or her to an unstoppable kidnapper. When you get questioned about your supposed missing kid and/or discover their room or stuff, you get massive migraines due to your brain futility trying to break Petermon's seal. As an adult, you start freaking out as to why you have an extra room and all these records of a child you supposedly never had.
  • Just Petermon being a child kidnapper will really send chills down anyone's spine. Being a serial kidnapper is already horrible enough, but this guy is also a child groomer who believes that growing up is a bad thing despite the fact that he's mentally and physically a teenager. Petermon is basically the Digimon version of Satou Matsuzaka, just way more hypocritical and delusional. The guy is not far from harming or trying to kill any children supposedly under his "care" just because they talked about growing up.
  • Petermon's "Midnight Fantasia" attack can cause all the human and Digimon children to sleepwalk and incapacitate his foes, weighing down TeslaJellymon and SymbareAngoramon and preventing them from attacking. It's only thwarted when he almost hits Kazuma with one of his knives by accident when trying to hit SymbareAngoramon and the Hawkmon evolve into Orcamon to protect their partner.

The Witching Hour

  • Piccolomon is one of the best examples of some Digimon's Blue-and-Orange Morality being scary. It can send humans to a different time period... sort of, as everyone in that period will look like just shadowy figures... and then one will start following the victims and slowly take their appearance till they basically steal their body. Piccolomon thinks this is fun for the humans.
  • The Hiro and Ruli doppelgangers can be seen making very unsettling Nightmare Faces when they slowly replace their real copies.
  • The tail end of the episode suddenly drops a bombshell — Gammamon was not as small and innocent in the past as he is today. Piccolomon tries to erase him from existence by going back in time and is rewarded by being thrashed beyond what any of the Digimon trio are capable of doing to him as Adults.
  • To circle back a bit: Piccolomon attempts to Ret-Gone the main cast and only fails because Gammamon's past self was too strong. The decision to start with Gammamon was completely arbitrary, and had he chosen anyone else, they'd most likely be gone forever (well, possibly not, Piccolomon would have gone after Gammamon eventually, and after deciding to befriend him would have chosen to bring the others back, but it would have still been unpleasant and traumatic to see the erasure of one's partner from existence).

Prison of Fire

  • The very beginning of the episode shows us the first ever human death onscreen. This shows just how utterly dangerous a Digimon's abilities can be as Tsuyoshi gets reduced to ashes the moment he exits DarkLizamon's Dread Fire, all while his parents can only watch in horror as he dies horribly. The disintegration is thankfully offscreen the first time around, but not when DarkLizamon recounts what happened later on. He and Saberdramon were trying to save the man's life by protecting him from a house fire, but he didn't listen to them and stepped out of the Dread Fire before DarkLizamon could dispel it. The next thing they know, everyone is screaming at the Digimon and calling them monsters and murderers.
  • DarkLizamon trapping Kiyoshiro and Jellymon in his Dread Fire attack and then telling them that they're free to leave as soon as they force the latter to give away Hiro's location, despite knowing what would happen if they did. Had Kiyoshiro not been so hesitant to escape and dissuaded Jellymon from leaving, the two of them would have died.

The Spider's Lure

  • Remember Archnemon from Adventure 02? She's the main villain of this episode and is far more terrifying. Whereas her Adventure 02 counterpart is more comical than creepy, this Archnemon is a demented Mad Scientist with a hunger for brains. And we're introduced to Archnemon webbing up three hapless humans and immediately eating one of their heads offscreen. With graphic crunching sounds to boot, suggesting that she's eating his skull.

    An extra layer of horror is added for Japanese viewers who grew up watching Adventure 02, as this Archnemon is voiced by her voice actress from 02, unlike other Digimon, who display different seiyuus in other continuities (Mummymon, Archnemon's partner in crime in 02, for example, is voiced in Ghost Game by a different voice actor than his 02 counterpart), meaning they get the meta experience of watching a goofy yet loveable Team Rocket-like villain turn into a depraved, remorseless version of herself in the worst way possible. Worse? The Archnemon everyone knew back in 02 was an exception to the species — the Digimon Reference Book describes her as a vicious and intelligent monster that takes the form of a human to catch her prey off guard and devour them. That's right — this is a Truer to the Text portrayal of Archnemon that is close to the species norm.
  • As for Archnemon herself, she's extremely creepy. She starts her transformation with an incredibly unsettling Nightmare Face, she moves and twitches in incredibly unnatural ways, and her signature "Kekekeke" Evil Laugh is accompanied by a disturbing sound akin to something tapping on wood. On top of all of that, she has devices that monitor the entire building for Hiro and co., and she links them to the cameras to deploy a near-endless amount of Dokugumon right next to them just to tire them out and get them hunted down eventually. It's just as unsettling as Sealsdramon in a different way, and unlike him, Archnemon has a disposition for eating people instead of simply killing random Digimon.
  • Really, the entire episode is an arachnophobe's worst nightmare come to life. Imagine being trapped in a building infested by a horde of ravenous, man-eating giant spiders under the command of a larger, more intelligent man-eating spider who wants to kill you and eat your brain. That's the scenario our heroes find themselves in.
  • At the climax of the episode, Archnemon has captured the heroes and is about to eat Gammamon's brain... only for Gammamon to evolve into GulusGammamon and beat her instantly. And the way he finishes her off is far more brutal than the way he killed Sealsdramon. Namely, he jams his fist down her throat and fires off a point-blank Desdemona, effectively burning her alive from the inside out. Granted, she deserved it, but Jesus... After that brutal display of power, there's a brief moment of tension where Hiro (as well as the audience) is expecting GulusGammamon to attack them like he did last time. Thankfully, he just gives Hiro a cryptic warning and willingly devolves.
  • Compare this Archnemon's death scene with the last time a member of her species was killed by another evil Digimon in Digimon Adventure 02. When the BelialVamdemon from 02 killed Archnemon For the Evulz, the resulting carnage was obscured by a Gory Discretion Shot in that Archnemon's viewpoint just to make strides into not making it too graphic on an ostensibly kid-friendly mons show. Here, nothing is obscured, and you can literally see GulusGammamon brutally killing Archnemon in gross detail and detonating her from the inside. There's a significant degree of Serial Escalation that makes it very clear that Digimon has undergone a more mature-leaning Audience Shift and it will not be pretty.


  • Fittingly for an episode called "Nightmare", this episode is essentially "Digimon meets A Nightmare on Elm Street". The opening scene has a person running from something before coming across what seems to be a red river. While he ponders what to do, he meets a SkullGreymon that murmurs "Rot and decay" (the only say they ever say throughout the episode) before its claws suddenly burst out of the walls and reach out to him.
  • To the episode proper — Jellymon has suckered Kiyoshiro into a sleep therapy deal involving putting people to sleep with Pillomon's snooze. It's intended to give people pleasant dreams by having them enter Pillomon's world... but it turns into a never-ending nightmare as numerous SkullGreymon are wandering all over the dream trying to maim and kill anyone who enters it. If you suffer from any injuries in Pillomon's nightmare, either from SkullGreymon or anything else, the injuries are transferred onto the real you. Based on how dangerous SkullGreymon is as a Digimon and most people who are within the nightmare are just defenseless civilians, it's not difficult to imagine that people can and will actually get killed by one. To make things worse, the whole thing is a "Groundhog Day" Loop where if you run too far from SkullGreymon it just brings you back to square one, meaning that this will inevitably kill off somebody if left unchecked.
  • When Kiyoshiro and Ruli think that they've defeated SkullGreymon, it wakes back up and prepares to attack them again... because they're all manifestations of Pillomon's nightmare. Therefore, the only way to get everyone back to normal and actually defeat the SkullGreymon is to awaken Pillomon.
  • The most horrifying thing about this is that Pillomon is just a cute Digimon no better than a living plushie, but this time it manages to almost accidentally murder a good few... because Jellymon fed it too many dreams and it became ill. There's no wonder Bakumon refuses to undo Jellymon and Kiyoshiro's scars; they started it and arguably they deserved it.
  • Pillomon mentions that it got the nightmare because one time it was chased by SkullGreymon in the Digital World, which implies that a real SkullGreymon is still at large there, and it could make an actual appearance in the human world at some point...

Moaning Bug

  • The episode starts with a possessed Potamon with extremely unsettling and out-of-character mannerisms attacking a deliveryman before Clockmon arrives to pull a Big Damn Heroes. Shortly after, all of the Digimon protagonists are possessed in the exact same way in short order and turned against the human trio, so they amount to unarmed children who have nothing in hand to stop whatever awaits them.
  • The possessed Digimon are extremely horrifying. They have red eyes; grow insect wings and antennae; make strange, buzzing noises; and crawl and fly all over the place trying to attack humans like insects. The only exception is Angoramon who is self-aware through the whole thing and even tells Ruli to run.
  • Mummymon reveals that the source of the red pollen that's turning Digimon crazy is a Morphomon, who's sending distress signals because it's trapped.
  • While Morphomon seems innocent enough (and this one doesn't really mean harm), remember the last time someone decided to modify one? They unleashed a Digimon that was capable of near-unparalleled levels of destruction. Near the end of the episode, we find out that the true culprit was a woman (who also calls herself an amateur researcher) who used a program to capture that thing, only to be stopped by Clockmon, who smashes her computer and takes away the device that contains Morphomon's hologram ghost. This almost looks like a setup for Eosmon to manifest, if not for Clockmon's timely intervention.
  • The true culprit being a human who trapped a Morphomon opens a whole new can of worms — are there any other human beings waiting to exploit the Digimon for their own gains, trying to unleash Eldritch Abomination Digimon, or worse?

Twisted Love

  • This episode might as well be titled "Body Horror: The Episode", as it features humans getting their limbs replaced with vines. The culprit behind this is an Ajatarmon. And the motivation behind this? She grew obsessed with a human botanist named Yuto and wanted to turn him into an Ajatarmon so they could be friends forever. To that end, she targeted anyone who so much as talked to Yuto, using them as test subjects, with the same fate nearly befalling both Hiro and Kiyoshiro.
  • Take away the episode's more fantastical elements and you're left with a rather realistic case of Nightmare Fuel, namely the idea of someone stalking you and targeting anyone who gets close to you. For anyone who's a victim of stalking, this episode might hit a bit close to home.
  • It might not seem creepy on its own, but when Ajatarmon actually speaks, this muscular plant-tribal hunter speaks in the voice of a young woman. It's a starkly uncanny case of Vocal Dissonance.
  • After being defeated, the gang convinces Ajatarmon that Yuto can't be turned into an Ajatarmon. So she decides that if Yuto can't be an Ajatarmon, she must become human. So Ajatarmon injects herself with the same poison it used on others, turning herself into a featureless green humanoid with Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises... and then slowly falls apart, howling in pain and disbelief all the while.
  • Last but not least, unlike some other destructive events instigated by Digimon, Ajatarmon's transformation isn't affected by No Ontological Inertia. It took Mummymon collecting her poison to create an antidote for Jellymon and Kiyoshiro for it to wear off. But what about the other victims? Did Mummymon even give them the antidote?

    Episode 25 - 36 
The Crimson Banquet
  • Remember Vamdemon? Digimon Adventure's most iconic and terrifying villain? He's back... and he's brought some friends with him. Taking the role of a more Classical Movie Vampire, Vamdemon poses as "Aviel", the human CEO of a company called SV. He and his minions Dracumon, Matadrmon, and Sangloupmon lure young women to their nest and drink their blood, turning them into their servants and having them turn other humans into vampires, all to create an empire of vampires he can rule over. Had it not been for Angoramon being suspicious over it as soon as he heard about his front and thus preemptively warning Hiro and Kiyoshiro to take action, Ruli would've been his next victim.
  • Vamdemon's victims. When Kotaro shows their social media posts to Hiro, they are posting selfies of themselves in obviously vampirized forms while calling their horrifically disfigured appearance "makeup", and the comments on social media are all praising SV despite the jarring abnormalities. Kotaro even tells Hiro: "They're all red because of SV! Honestly, they're not vampires!".
  • Dracumon deserves what comes to him when he tries to suck Ruli's blood out of revenge despite being told not to, but the way he dies is one of the most horrifying on-screen Digimon deaths. He gets surrounded by Vamdemon's bats, twitches in pain, and then vanishes instantly with only his suit remaining. Despite Dracumon's spiteful attitude against Ruli, he isn't even the most horrifying thing there; Vamdemon is. She understandably looks absolutely terrified even before he blows his own cover — once she sees how Dracumon is disposed of, him seeking revenge against her becomes an afterthought.
  • If the mere appearance of Vamdemon isn't a sufficient warning that things are going to go south, then there's also how just like Majiramon, the hero's current Digimon are completely and utterly outmatched against him. He never takes a single scrape from their attacks, defeats one, and delivers a brutal No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to another without even taking a step from where he's standing. Even his Sangloupmon minion is too much for Angoramon to handle.
  • During the fight with Vamdemon, he infects BetelGammamon with a virus, causing Hiro to endure whatever pain BetelGammamon feels. And BetelGammamon becomes so enraged by the underhanded trick that his eyes begin to turn black, signifying the emergence of GulusGammamon. Thankfully, BetelGammamon manages to resist and Super Evolves to Canoweissmon.
  • Last but not least, while all this is happening, Vamdemon's victims are already going around attacking people, potentially creating more victims. A man who's walking alone in a park is stalked and comes very close to becoming a vampire himself before he folds to and runs away from Canoweissmon (which reverts all of the victims back to normal).
  • The worst part? Vamdemon is still on the loose. The gang may have foiled his plans, but he managed to escape, meaning he's still out there somewhere, possibly plotting his next move.

Cannibal Mansion

  • A murderous Digitamamon is residing in a supposedly haunted apartment ready to eat anyone who rents it. Since it's an urban legend by the time Hiro and co. get involved with him and he's been stuck in there for half a year, there's a very high chance that it's been going on for some time. Had Angoramon not been acquainted with him since times past, this would have gone mostly undetected and possibly led to more civilian deaths.
  • The sheer Mood Whiplash of this episode. Most of it is Angoramon socializing with his old friend, until said friend suddenly feels hungry when talking to Ruli and Angoramon. It then promptly degenerates into horror when Kiyoshiro finds out that the house Angoramon's friend resides at is known as the "Man-Eating Mansion" and he shows his true colors trying to make Ruli next on his kill list by slowly moving behind her. It's like a horrifically calm ambush predator trying to stalk and kill off his prey.
  • The way Digitamamon eats people. He grabs them with his ghostly hands coming out of the hole in his shell, pulls them inside to drain their spirits, and spits out their clothes with their bodies being reduced to sand. And there are many piles of sand inside the house.
  • Kiyoshiro might usually be paranoid in the wrong places and at the wrong time, but he's Properly Paranoid when he hears Angoramon's friend residing in an apartment notoriously known as the "Man-Eating Mansion". Thankfully when the boys arrive, Angoramon and Digitamamon are already fighting each other and just happen to fall out of a window, so they all know who the culprit is right off the bat.
  • In Digitamamon's episodes in Adventure, he speaks in a gruff, masculine manner. Here, he's voiced by Rie Kugimiya and speaks in a rather childish tone. The result? Another starkly uncanny case of Vocal Dissonance. Rie might be a voice actress known for Tsundere roles, but since she's voicing a Serial Killer here it comes across as dissonant and flat-out creepy.

Monster's Beauty Serum

  • Splashmon randomly manifests from tap water to consume terrified humans and turns them into cosmetics that he uses to make himself pretty. And he's around as much of a schemer as his Xros Wars counterpart.
  • Splashmon's manifestation, when he's attacking a woman in the dormitory. It resembles a Behelit with a human body forming before he absorbs her and gets spotted by Hiro.
  • After a failed chase, the party starts fearing the thought of Splashmon appearing to attack them out of nowhere, and they start hearing water sounds that their Digimon partners don't even hear. Unlike in Xros Wars, where nobody actually falls for his Divide and Conquer tactics, here every human hero falls for his plan to instill fear in them, and the anxiety is palpable.
  • When the heroes actually get to fight Splashmon for real, he doesn't even see them as opponents, but rather as prey. Furthermore, unlike most similar Digimon, he doesn't even give the party a fighting chance — he simply transforms BetelGammamon into water, then TeslaJellymon soon after.
  • Since Splashmon absorbing humans was spread around as a ghost story on the internet, we don't even know how long this has been happening. Look at the number of bubbles he's gathered when he's on top of the aquarium — each bubble being one of his victims. Just how many people has he claimed?

Face Taker

  • Imagine walking home on the best day of your life, before a hulking, multi-faced, and multi-armed Humanoid Abomination ambushes you, rips your face out, and replaces it with a mask, rendering you an empty shell of a person. This is what this episode basically is. Face Stealer: the Episode.
  • Unlike most other similar Digimon, who merely lurk in the shadows looking for prey, Asuramon blatantly attacks people in broad daylight. And after it steals enough faces, it becomes addicted to wearing the emotions within them and becomes solid, rampaging all over the streets looking for faces to steal. Not even your home is safe from this thing. Thankfully it's cut short before it can start a rampage inside a crowded stadium.
  • When one of the Asuramon heads equips Ruli or Hiro's face, their faces are exactly those of the children, but their voice is those of Asuramon's. It's an incredibly uncanny case of Vocal Dissonance.
  • The fact that the main characters' Digimon were all defeated, leading to each of their faces being stolen. Who knows what would have happened if not for Angoramon's quick thinking in the end?

Monster Pollen

  • Kodokugumon, an entire swarm of spiders, infest the building, infecting humans with a fatal venom, then devour bits of human data to grow larger and larger. They're less villains and more feral animals that have developed a taste for humans. Worse? The swarm is still out there, and nothing is stopping them from attacking humans some other time except finding another method of preparing their prey.
  • Toropiamon casually disposes of a Kodokugumon, causing it to vomit up its insides before bursting into data.

Bad Friend

  • This episode features something similar to episode 7: An ExTyrannomon and a WaruMonzaemon pop out from a closet belonging to a human girl, Kayono Aramaki, and manipulates her to let them wreak havoc. Unlike Yatagaramon though, whose actions didn't directly harm humans, ExTyrannomon and WaruMonzaemon turn anyone Kayono doesn't like into dolls. Then it degenerates into Kayono ordering the demonic doll Digimon to attack random passersby as she pleases — in broad daylight.
  • The dolls people are turned into sport creepy smiles and black holes instead of eyes, and when Kayono starts playing with them, she decides to play a game to tear them apart. Thankfully the people are not aware and don't remember what happened after they're saved.
  • WaruMonzaemon threatening Kayono's mom by scratching the wall beside her with its claw.
  • At one point Kayono's mother begs her to stop turning people into dolls. Kayano coldly tells her to shut up before the scene shows ExTyrannomon slowly opening its mouth to transform her.
  • While Hiro and Ruli are chasing Monzaemon around, the streets are wholly empty. This can be interpreted as Kayono, ExTyrannomon, and WaruMonzaemon turning everyone nearby into dolls.
  • ExTyrannomon is another one of those Digimon who instantly put something or someone out of action regardless of what they are. If you get hit by one of its attacks, you turn instantly into a doll, no questions asked. And unlike Splashmon, you have to ask ExTyrannomon (who is obviously unrepentant from the get-go) to reverse the process. If not for Monzaemon forcing him to, everyone affected would have remained as dolls.

Killer Blade

  • A Musyamon gets fused with his sword when he enters the human world and starts possessing any Digimon that grabs it to attack humans and absorb them to regain his body.
  • When a Digimon passes the sword to another one, they are absorbed into it, and unlike the humans that are freed after Musyamon is defeated, they don't come back.
  • The faces of the humans trapped inside Shiratorimaru can be seen on it, and all of them clearly look in agony.
  • When Angoramon gets possessed, he tries to fight it off by distancing himself from everyone, but after two days of Musyamon's Mind Rape, he is too exhausted and gets controlled by it, all while groaning in pain.
  • After Angoramon attacks Reppamon and flees, resulting in his tail getting chipped, he feels that something is wrong, and both his body and tail agree to contact Ruli. Given that Reppamon's tail is known to have been a violent Blood Knight in the past, it shows how serious this situation is.

Who Are You?

  • The Betsumon impersonate people and replace them in the lives of others, gradually erasing them from the memory of everyone around them so they believe the Betsumon was always the original. If they do this for long enough, then the person ceases to exist. This is the fate of the poor Meicoomon they did it to before the episode, who lost everyone they cared about and eventually faded from existence, not even leaving a Digi-Egg.
  • The single Betsumon targeting Gammamon? That's just one of a large pack of Betsumon. One of these has already taken over Jellymon, and another, implied to be the pack leader, was taking over Gammamon's new friend, a Gotsumon. The rest appear after Gammamon meets Meicoomon and were preparing to replace everyone inside Hiro's dorm. If Gammamon hadn't exposed his impersonator's intolerance to chocolate in front of Hiro, it wouldn't just have been him that had vanished — the Betsumon would have taken the identities of everyone inside the dorm and they would have been erased from existence.
  • The Betsumon are completely solid from the get-go. Judging by what other Digimon like Dracumon or Asuramon did just to get there and the fact that they had claimed at least one victim before they invaded Hiro's dorm, the implication is that this isn't the first time this has happened, and that they vanished whole swathes of Digimon and humans before they went after Hiro and Gammamon.

Whispers of the Dead

  • This is among one of the flat-out creepiest episodes so far. A mysterious Digimon is attempting to kill Kiyoshiro on purpose through Poltergeists and would have succeeded at dragging him to the River Styx if not for Mummymon and Jellymon's intervention. To put bluntly, a main character, and a human at that, almost gets Killed Off for Real in the most unsubtle way possible.
  • After being supposedly hit by a car controlled by the mysterious Digimon, Kiyoshiro enters limbo, where the mysterious Digimon shows itself: a Sepikmon trying to drag him into the River Styx so they can be friends. No, this is not a joke — it's literally what happens. Kiyoshiro is already dead by the time Sepikmon is chasing him around, and he's only a portal away from Sepikmon dragging him into River Styx. The Sepikmon's childish voice and Vocal Dissonance only makes this even more horrifying.
  • The last time a human protagonist died in Digimon was in Digimon Frontier, where Koichi fell down the stairs, and his spirit effectively wandered into limbo in the form of the Digital World and was turned into The Dragon of the Disc-One Final Boss — this was played as heavily as it could. In contrast, Kiyoshiro is stalked and technically killed, then falls into a coma, goes into limbo (literally this time), and almost gets Killed Off for Real casually by some random Digimon with Blue-and-Orange Morality.
  • The way Kiyoshiro almost dies is also pretty horrific. After just avoiding being run over by a truck rigged by Sepikmon, he ends up cracking his head against the curb of the road. There's no blood, but Kiyoshiro's eyes going completely white at the impact as he's knocked unconscious, combined with him having to be taken in an ambulance with a neck brace on, is unnerving simply because of how realistic it comes off as. A tragic accident like this can happen in real life.
  • A bonus: When Kiyoshiro was dragged into the hospital, the nurse reveals "herself" to be a Betsumon in disguise. Yes, that's the same Digimon (or at least one of them) who tortured Gammamon and almost managed to erase everyone else in Hiro's dorm right in the previous episode. And it's not happy about it. Thank god he's been ordered by Clockmon to check on Kiyo and quickly leaves afterward.

Wall Crawlers

  • A Salamandamon sneaked into the room of one of Hiro's friends and turned her into a gecko human. When the heroes investigate her, they find out that she has amassed a massive amount of victims ready to steal diamonds.
  • Hiro discovering the first gecko human is disturbing. A shadowy figure sneaks into his room and climbs to his ceiling — only for him to find out that it's a person and his classmate. And when Hiro goes to her parents' house to check on her, we're met with a Jump Scare where her reptoid appearance is on full display.
  • It gets even worse from there, as Salamandamon sneaks into Ruli's room and turns her into one of them. She was the person who evaded Phelesmon and Vamdemon's tricks, but she's not so lucky here. And to make matters worse, Ruli wasn't even Salamandamon's intended target. She only gets turned because the gecko human who was Hiro's friend told Salamandamon how Hiro was investigating the gecko humans and the diamond thefts, compelling Salamandamon to go to Hiro's house and try to turn him to stop his interference. If Ruli hadn't decided to stay over or Hiro hadn't offered her his room to sleep in, Hiro would have been the one turned into a gecko human!
  • At the climax of the fight, Salamandamon orders the people she converted to attack the heroes, which unlike most cases cannot be prevented from entering by the Digital Field.
  • Just like Sepikmon or Digitamamon, this is another example where a Digimon's Blue-and-Orange Morality is so dangerous. All Salamandamon wants is to eat some diamonds to make her brighter (and that's possibly her natural diet), which segues into a full-on Zombie Apocalypse.


  • The episode has an old woman trying to sacrifice Ruli to a werewolf to appease it because she's from the Tsukiyono lineage. Apparently, the tradition has been happening once every century for 600 years, and it's clear that some of the sacrifices went through. You do not hear about people sacrificing other humans in any other Digimon anime — the very fact that the party is savvy enough to know that there's a Digimon behind the "werewolf legend" this time is the only thing that prevents any senseless deaths from happening.
  • Manticoremon is shown to easily disable a Perfect and put another out of action. And he would have killed Ruli if not for...
  • Lamortmon. When he appears, all of Angoramon's former stoic personality drops and he mercilessly claws Manticoremon almost to death, if not for Ruli stopping him. Also unlike the out-of-control GulusGammamon, it's not even considered a Dark Evolution, but is actually Angoramon's natural Evolution, with the only saving grace being that it's still willing to listen to Ruli.
  • When the heroes go back, Ruli has a flashback of the legend where "a werewolf was a protector and fell in love with a Tsukiyono maiden, but people didn't like it and tried to take her back, only for them to accidentally kill her", followed by a howl. Based on Ruli's grim face when she's thinking about this, she's obviously thinking about Lamortmon. Just what kind of mishap will she run into the next time it appears?

Labyrinth of Grief

  • The episode starts with a building sinking into the ground with the people inside turning into stone. Then the building is returned to its original position as if nothing happened.
  • While the protagonists and some of Ruli's friends are exploring a cave, the earth around them starts to shift, separating them, and the Digimon behind it begins to kidnap them one by one, with each time a distraught sobbing being heard near them before disappearing.
  • Hiro, Gammamon, and TeslaJellymon find the culprit: a Gigasmon that, after watching the trailer of a disaster movie, believes that humanity is doomed, so he tries to make a mass grave to preserve as many humans as he can by petrifying them with his blue dust. It's easy to forget this, but just like Vamdemon, this is another boss-tier Digimon known for giving another cast of heroes deep, deep trouble. Just what in the hell is a Digimon like that doing here?!

    Episodes 37 - 48 
Flock of the Dead
  • The episode begins with several human skeletons coming out from a cemetery turned landfill, reanimated by green ooze. A few scenes later, we see these corpses attacking a group of wild boars, successfully latching onto one... and the boar becomes a zombie with red eyes and a crazed look. According to the truck driver at the start of the episode, this has happened for some time, we just don't know how long. When Jellymon is inspecting the forest, she also spots zombies of various animals and reanimated corpses throwing themselves into the sludge accompanied by an insane stench, something that understandably horrifies her. And that's just the beginning...
  • Hiro and Ruli find themselves dealing with a corpse very soon, and it turns out that destroying them only disables them for a short while, and the ooze will regenerate them. However, this is nothing compared to what happens later that night: a man is attacked by a reanimated corpse, and when another man comes in to swat it off him, we get to see a Jump Scare shot of him turning into a green-skinned zombie with red eyes, and every other resident in the town, including an owl chasing Jellymon, are already converted.
  • When Hiro and Ruli find themselves surrounded by corpses, a voice beckons them, and an unknown being proceeds to consume them. As it turns out, it's a RareRaremon that reanimates the corpses of humans and animals to find victims, zombify them, and lull them into its maws. Given that RareRaremon has practically zombified the entire town and the database center before it's killed, it's just barely stopped short of killing hundreds.
  • RareRaremon is a very disturbing Digimon. It's effectively a towering chunk of metal with a massive mouth only connected by a green ooze and a severe case of Eyes Do Not Belong There and Too Many Mouths. The stench it exudes is also so putrid that Ruli and Jellymon instantly cover their nose and mouth in disgust. Last but not least, it's an actual zombie, only reanimated by pure hunger, and the consensus between the party is that this one has to go.
  • While Ruli and Hiro are investigating RareRaremon, everyone in Kiyoshiro's data center but him have become zombies, breaking through the window and mercilessly chasing him. And yes, just like with Salamandamon, RareRaremon's zombies are completely unaffected by the Digital Field, and Kiyoshiro only finds safety because TeslaJellymon blows up a bridge and disables all the zombies with one Punishune.
  • The two humans who were illegally dumping garbage end up falling into the hole where RareRaremon is located. We don't see them at the end of the episode, so we can assume that they were eaten offscreen.
  • While the episode only plays it for horror, an incident like this would be played very seriously if this had been Tamers or Adventure. RareRaremon has killed random animals and probably even humans, and came dangerously close to killing up to hundreds. This would usually be reserved for monstrosities like the D-Reaper or Apocalymon and not a random Digimon.

The Diviner

  • A Doumon possessed by the vengeful spirits of Hojo clan soldiers is going around turning random people into shikigami, with Hiro (who was previously kept safe from falling victim to Digimon incidents like ExTyrannomon's or Salamandamon's) being his next victim. And unlike the others that were turned into shikigami, Hiro is outright possessed by the Hojo clan lord. The number of humans he's claimed when Gammamon and Espimon reach him? An implied 100,000. And if he wasn't stopped in time, he would've gotten more.
  • For those who played Digimon Survive, it's especially creepy, because that game also has a Kamakura Clan lord possessing a major character while planning to take over/destroy the world, played entirely for horror. At one point there's also a Renamon (who can evolve into a Taomon) working for him. The episode couldn't have been any more explicit about what it was going for unless it had straight out used Taomon instead of its palette swap counterpart.
  • Midway into the episode, when Hiro is fully possessed by the lord of the Hojo clan, he makes an absolutely terrifying Nightmare Face while speaking in the lord's voice.
  • The simple fact that a Digimon was being possessed by the spirits of humans.

Contagion Island

  • It's implied that Ryudamon actually Dark Evolved into Gyukimon, as it just suddenly happened while he was thinking how much he didn't want to become one. Unlike partner Digimon, however, natural evolution doesn't reverse itself. If something like this happens, that Digimon is stuck that way forever, and it isn't pretty...
  • Seriously, the humans transformed by Gyukimon. It's unlike the relatively painless and instant transformations caused by Salamandamon or ExTyrannomon; the victims go through a horribly agonizing process struggling between retaining their sanity and having their Gyukimon selves take over just like Ryudamon. And then all of Hiro's class save for himself and Kiyoshiro are infected and were crammed into the resort site, turning into Gyukimon themselves.
  • At one point, Hiro finds Niijima in the process of turning into a Gyukimon and notifies Kiyoshiro to check her out with him. When he returns to the room Niijima was in, she's suspiciously absent. Turns out she's right above and behind Hiro and Gammamon and drops in to attack them before Gammamon stops her and she gets stuck in her room. Their way out is then blocked by Kotaro, who is similarly in the process of becoming a Gyukimon, only to be knocked out by Jellymon. And the only sounds both Niijima and Kotaro make? Agonizing cries of pain.
    Niijima: It hurts... It hurts... I'm in pain!

Spiral Beach

  • A Calamaramon is twisting everything on an island, including the bodies of animals and people, into spirals because she thinks that it's beautiful, turning the island into something seemingly straight out of Uzumaki. It largely goes unnoticed (likely because it's a recent incident still in a state where it's seemingly harmless), so if Espimon hadn't notified Hiro in time because he was one of the victims who had his arm twisted, Calamaramon would potentially have destroyed the island for reasons noted later.
  • Unlike the previous episodes, not only is the incident as shown in the episode preview ethereal enough, you don't even get to see what's actually behind it in said preview, and the audience doesn't even know it's Calamaramon until close to halfway into the episode. And as for Hiro, Jellymon, and Espimon, they don't even know what's behind this before they just happen to notice her passing by while the digital field is preventing Calamaramon from accumulating further victims.
  • Twisting the island's objects and limbs into spirals might seem harmless, but objects that are twisted a bit too far break off. No living organisms are ripped this way (and thus killed indirectly), but it probably wouldn't have been far off if Calamaramon wasn't stopped in time.
  • When Hiro arrives on the island, only objects such as lamposts and trees are affected, and a local girl and her mother (whom Gammamon hangs out with later) only have their hair twisted into spirals. However, as the episode reaches its halfway point, animals and humans start to have their bodies twisted into larger spirals, and the girl Gammamon was hanging out with has her body contorted into a massive one. And while she's rendered immobile and in agony, a view outside her bedroom reveals that her parents have also had different body parts contorted and are in obvious pain just like her.
  • A few divers ran into Calamaramon, and two of these got their whole bodies contorted into massive spirals, the rest who surfaced from the water being seemingly sucked in by her water tempests. We don't see what happened to them afterward, so it can be assumed that all four of them drowned to death. Hoping they had lots of air...


  • A mysterious wandering circus has appeared, and its ringmaster is none other than a Piemon, previously known as one of the most iconic villains of Digimon Adventure and the first Ultimate that the heroes have to deal with here. He disguises himself as a human when Hiro and Ruli first meet him, but you do get a clear shot of him before the episode even begins. On top of wreaking havoc in the human world, Mephismon implies that he did similar things in the Digital World before he came here too, and we don't even see his Digimon victims on screen. The quiet and foreboding background music for most of the episode's duration makes this already grim incident feel even worse.
  • His modus operandi is to force children to walk a tightrope and turn them into cards. If anyone gets dragged into his game, they will be turned a card anyway even if they manage to reach the other end. Given that he has a full deck of cards aside from the Joker when Ruli and Hiro confront him, he has claimed 52 children by that point. At least.
  • When Ruli scans the QR code on the VIP card doled out by the circus mascot (an Opossummon in disguise), it shows a video asking if she wants to join a "miraculous show just for you". When Ruli accepts, the screen turns black for a few seconds before the mascot makes a Jump Scare. Then a FlaWizarmon and a Tobucatmon appear right in front of her to claim the victims, but since Ruli wasn't invited (she grabbed the card from Opossummon), Piemon tells them to grab Angoramon instead.
  • When Ruli and Hiro finally reach Piemon, he has already turned Angoramon into a mascot and Hiro refuses to even fight him, telling him, "Have you beaten a human before?", at which point Piemon instantly agrees to play trump. The implication? Hiro knows that this guy is way out of their league deal with by force, but he has to be stopped anyhow.
  • Ruli picks one of the cards made out of Piemon's victims, and they're self-aware but can't do anything against it.
  • The horrible implications if Ruli had lost the game. Not only are our heroes outnumbered, but they're up against an Ultimate-level Digimon. Even if by some chance Hiro and Gammamon were able to beat Piemon's lackeys, they would still be no match for Piemon due to the huge difference in power. Nothing short of a miracle would have been able to save them if they were in that situation.
  • Perhaps the most horrifying thing in the episode is that Digimon like Piemon are already manifesting in the human world to wreak havoc. While he leaves peacefully with his troupe and his crimes boil down to standard mass abductions, he's still an incredibly powerful Ultimate that the three kids and their Digimon have no business fighting head on for now. The first time an Ultimate appeared in this season was PlatinumNumemon, but only in Digitamamon's flashback, and Piemon is the first one to be instigating an incident. This could set up a precedent where Digimon like that showing up to instigate chaos and violent confrontations is inevitable, something that comes to fruition more than ten episodes later.

Human Hunter

  • The episode starts with a woman being chased by an unknown Digimon manifesting as wisps. When the woman is chased into a dead-end, everything suddenly goes dead silent until an Oboromon suddenly pops up in a Jump Scare fashion and seemingly kills the woman. And it gets worse from here.
  • That one Oboromon asking for red colors? It's not the only one around. There's a total of five Oboromon, each asking for a different color. And then whoever is left of the Dwindling Party finds themselves cornered by all five of these things.
  • The Oboromon attacking the heroes will ask someone to show an item of a specific color to them. If you can't, they'll stab you with their swords and put you into some eerie dimension where the limbs of people are conjoined. Not only that, they ignore Digimon, claiming that it's not what they're going for.
  • The sheer number of humans that the Oboromon managed to capture, with the number being at least a hundred.
  • One of the Oboromon quickly claims Hiro, and another one claims Ruli.
  • When the Oboromon hunt down enough people, they hang their victims down like conjoined threads — turns out they were participating in a contest where whoever hunts down the most people is the winner. The Red Oboromon claimed the most victims, so all of the victims are absorbed into his scarf and he calls himself their "king". It's made worse by how this sounds eerily similar to a G-rated version of the Nanjing Massacre of World War II, where Japanese soldiers had a contest to see who could kill at least a hundred prisoners of war in China.
  • In case if you forget he's still here, GulusGammamon is back. He quickly brutalizes and kills the Red Oboromon without question and goes straight to attacking the rest and eating their wisps, which is seemingly quite painful for them. He leaves once Hiro wakes up and stops him, but the other Oboromon peeking around the corner are understandably freaked out. And then, after that little display, it turns out that the surviving Oboromon knows who GulusGammamon is, referring to him as "the Jet-Black Champion". He is apparently notorious in the Digital World for doing things like this.
  • Unlike the previous times Gammamon evolved into GulusGammamon, he doesn't go instantly from Gammamon to GulusGammamon here; there's an incredibly terrifying sequence before he does it. The red Oboromon repeatedly attempts to strike Gammamon down, and every time he does this, his face contorts in increasingly uncanny ways. The fourth time, he gets struck to the ground, everything goes silent, and there's a close-up shot on Gammamon, who quickly rears his head, then flashes an absolutely nasty Nightmare Face and screams in legitimate Jump Scare fashion before evolving into GulusGammamon. You'll actually be relieved when he actually comes out, because he's less terrifying than what brought him there.
  • Minor compared to the rest of the episode, but the latest Mysterious Watcher Digimon is quite an eerie sight with its glowing eyes. BlackGrowmon's eyes glow much brighter than BlackAgumon's, which is made especially jarring considering the much darker tone of this episode compared to GulusGammamon's previous appearances.

Red Eye

  • Eyesmon is back. He's a Puppeteer Parasite who takes over the bodies of random humans and uses them as conduits to feed on data, with Kiyoshiro's boarding classmate, Emma Hanes, being one of his victims. He's noticeably one of the most disturbing Digimon in the series because the Body Horror he inflicts is so gruesome that it truly reaches Squick status.
  • At the start of the episode, a woman opens a program and is possessed by Eyesmon. She instantly goes into maniacal laughter and becomes an increasingly distorted and deranged silhouette.
  • When Eyesmon possesses Emma in a washroom, a black, ooze-like substance with numerous eyes surrounds and restrains her, then replaces her eyes with a pair of his own. Her eyes are plucked off on screen, and at one point, she has no eyes.
  • The victims of Eyesmon grow eyes from their bodies. Not only does it cause great discomfort for the hosts, but touching the eyes seems to induce great pain. When the possession reaches a certain degree, the victim's skin also seems to peel off. The worst thing? According to Ruli and Angoramon, if the possession goes on for long enough, they will die by dissolving into pieces. Them even knowing this in the first place and Eyesmon himself being completely solid from the get-go implies that this has been going on for a while, and at least one person was Killed Offscreen.

    When the party is discussing how to get Eyesmon out from Emma, we also see the possessed woman at the start of the episode lying on the ground with eyes growing on every part of her body (including her face) and eye-filled stalks growing on the floor. She comes back to her senses after Eyesmon is dispelled, but we can infer that this was her being almost killed.
  • On top of inducing Squick-levels of Body Horror, Eyesmon can also subtly Mind Rape his hosts. Kiyoshiro doesn't feel very suspicious about Emma when she starts prodding him left-and-right because for all he knows, she likes to snoop around anyways, but from our viewpoint, something is wrong with her. She's just way too touchy to be comfortable, unlike her real self, who is a lot more controlled. As for his other victims, they are very uncanny and creepy, unlike Emma. Special mention goes to the policeman randomly barging into a woman's house looking for security cameras.
  • At two points, Emma tries to pluck the red eyes off her body. First with her fingers, then with a mock surgical kit. The second time, pricking the eyes inflict just as much pain as if her real eyes were being stabbed, with the kit dropping to the ground.
  • While the heroes are fighting Eyesmon, they find out that Emma is still in the Digital Field. And then Eyesmon hijacks her body to use Janengan. There's just something extra unsettling about an entity that can turn a hostage into a weapon.
  • Eyesmon quickly realizes that he can't land a hit on the partner Digimon and immediately starts dropping large objects on the heroes, hoping to cut off his opponents' power at the source by killing their humans. Few Digimon even in this series are this direct in a fight.
  • After Eyesmon is defeated, one of the Scatter Mode Eyesmon that form it remains, albeit rendered powerless. Angoramon tells Gammamon that it will be sent to a community to be "heavily monitored", implying that he's scared of him just regenerating and wreaking havoc again.
  • This is yet another scenario where the troublemaker is found by sheer coincidence because it is just that good at hiding. On top of this, he also attacked Emma, a person who wouldn't act more or less differently even if he wasn't influencing her. If it wasn't for her visit and someone just happening to seek out Ruli for help because they were suffering from the same condition as Emma, Eyesmon would have continued his rampage with our heroes unable to find him at best or unaware of it even happening in the first place at worst.


  • Valuable goods are being delivered to Hiro's dorm regularly, including limited edition glasses, clothes, and food stock, without needing to pay for them. If something sounds Too Good to Be True, it definitely is — because the price is the whole dorm suffering from structural failure and almost collapsing.
  • Near the start of the episode, a woman freaks out over seeing what she believes is a dwarf. When she asks her husband for help, he doesn't quite believe it. However, when he turns on the tap, nothing comes out but rust. Then the whole building trembles, and yet it's somehow only happening in their apartment. The apartment that Espimon tells Hiro to check out isn't any better. A woman is freaking out over something as the other residents evacuate, and it turns out that the door to her apartment has rusted. Had these people been just a bit slower, the building would have collapsed, and they would have all died.
  • When Hiro does a test on the "Reward Elf" site the dorm gets valuable goods from, that night they spot a trio of Andiramon manipulating life energy to drain materials from the walls and create a massive chocolate cake for Gammamon. Turns out all the goods are created by transmuting matter from the dorm building itself to make them, which causes it to rust and collapse. And Hiro's dorm isn't even the only building affected. At least three other residential apartments are suffering from structure failure because someone just happened to use the Andiramon's services. Your apartment risks collapsing at any moment just because someone ordered a bunch of expensive goods, not knowing that the Andiramon effectively kill off the building to create them. Based on the severity, there are likely hundreds of orders made in those flats, and unlike Hiro's dorm, we don't even see the fate of those residential areas at the end.
  • Unlike other Digimon, the Andiramon are emotionless and robotic, making them incredibly eerie.
  • When Hiro and Ruli fight the Andiramon, they super-evolve their Digimon into Lamortmon and Canoweissmon... only for the Andiramon to infinitely stall and time them out by healing their wounds with Meditation Cure. It's clear that they are virtually invincible and by all means defeat our heroes. The only way to make the Andiramon quit is to cancel the orders, the problem being that they can only be canceled client-side because the Andiramon contracted Jellymon to program a secure ID system for them. There are also hundreds of orders Fukatsu made for the rest of the class, enough to crumble Hiro's dorm to smithereens.
  • When Jellymon finds Fukatsu's laptop, he's trapped in an elevator back in the real world and being evacuated by an instructor. Turns out that not only is the building itself on its last legs, with one of the staircases all but destroyed, but the elevator Fukatsu is trapped in has stopped working entirely. He's lucky he doesn't have claustrophobia...
  • The end of the episode reveals that while Jellymon might have made the site, it was Hiro's dad that encouraged them to go to the human world. It's not the first time Hiro's dad released dangerous Digimon right on his son's doorstep, either; he's done it at least once before with Gyukimon. The man clearly has no idea what he's inadvertently causing out of nowhere.

Ghost Newspaper

  • You see some strange newsletter that is undeletable, and when you check it out, all you see is ridiculous pranks, so you call it boring or pointless. Then you see your name on the newsletter, which says that you'll be gravely injured, or even killed. And then a Digimon goes out of its way to try and do exactly that the next day. Thankfully nobody is actually hurt or killed, but they come close.
  • Publimon is another disturbing Digimon. Appearance wise he's still fine, unlike some of the Digimon before him, and his effects don't look that horrifying, but he makes it up for being incredibly direct. He will invariably attempt to injure or even murder anyone who calls his articles "boring" in the most blatant ways possible, no questions asked. People can also end up dead or crippled out of nowhere because he can find his readers through their phones. At least Archnemon or Digitamamon killed people in dark places with nobody else around; this guy is willing to do the same out in the open. Very few Digimon are this explicit about committing murder for little or no reason, even outside of the series.
  • Just like Kotaro, Mika calls Publimon's newsletter boring, so a sensational headline claims that she's going to be run over by a truck after school. The next day, Publimon briefly turns the traffic lights green just to entice her to cross, almost killing her if not for a barricade blocking the way. What makes this so bad, unlike Kiyoshiro and Anna's murder attempts, is that Mika only avoids certain death because of dumb luck. At least the attacks directed against Kiyoshiro and Anna are stopped by Espimon and Gammamon respectively, but there's nothing around to stop the attack directed against Mika, and the truck just happens to bump into a barricade instead. Had it gone straight in Mika's direction, she would have died, and Ruli and Aoi would have seen her lying dead and bleeding on the road.
  • Kiyoshiro almost gets killed by Publimon dropping a potted plant on him, only being saved by Espimon interfering in time.
  • Publimon plans to directly kill Anna, a popular idol, because she criticized his newsletter. The reason he does that instead of simply instigating an accident? Killing a celebrity will be sensational. And that's not even getting into the many ways he attempts the murder; first by trying to drop a spotlight on her head, then kicking an instructor behind her through one of his limbs. When Hiro and KausGammamon try to stop him, he delays them and cuts her parachute so she'll drop from the sky and die, and he comes dangerously close to succeeding, only being foiled when he cuts his own parachute instead when trying to cut KausGammamon.
  • Publimon's death is a bit unsettling. He doesn't die on impact with the ground after falling thousands of feet, he survives for a few moments, making disturbingly realistic gasps of pain before expiring.

Queen's Banquet

  • A Digimon plants a flower bud on Kotaro, causing him to hallucinate being strangled by plants every time he enters bodies of water. The culprit is an Oleamon, who's preventing him from taking a bath so she can eat him. It doesn't help that, unlike most episodes, most of this one is dimly lit.
  • The hallucinations Kotaro sees of vines or ferns tripping or trying to strangle him when he gets into water. The first time Oleamon attempts this, Kotaro stares into the bathtub, and a bunch of vines suddenly spring out of the water, restraining him. They enter every office of his body before the scene is abruptly cut short. This has been going on for up to two weeks by the time Oleamon arrives to eat him.
  • While Oleamon is checking on Kotaro and stalking Ruli, she's dangling from the ceiling, Sadako-style, with her tongue sticking out with saliva dripping and a Slasher Smile. She's also obscured by the darkness, making her look more like a Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl in a horror movie, only instead of a ghost girl, it's a humanoid Botanical Abomination looking to eat her first human. Ruli is understandably freaked out when she sees her appearing right behind her and comes dangerously close to getting marked. The horror film-like BGM that accompanies these scenes makes it even more creepy.
  • Near the climax of the episode, Oleamon plants a bud on each of the humans and their Digimon's necks and prepares to eat Kotaro, only to be stopped by SymbareAngoramon, who distracts her to get her to remove the buds and piss her off. If SymbareAngoramon hadn't been smart enough to just taunt her, the whole party would have been eaten sooner or later.
  • Oleamon is barely stopped from a kill count, unlike the other man-eating Digimon, but it turns out she only tried to do so because Hiro's dad told her that her cuisine smelled like "someone who hasn't taken a bath" before, and she took it literally, believing that a person who hasn't taken a bath would taste good. Had she not happened to target specifically Kotaro as her first victim, this would have gone largely unchecked, and not only they would the party have had to kill Oleamon, but what would Hokuto's son ever think of him? The implications are unpleasant.

Memory of Eternity

  • A Shadramon lost a battle and is about to die, only for a Nanomon to arrive and plant it right into one of Kiyoshiro's friends, Tamotsu. Throughout the episode, we get to see Shadramon's limbs sticking out from Tamotsu's body, escalating until his head, limbs, and wings stick out from the human, and the latter's consciousness is taken over by the Digimon.
  • At night, when the party is having a sleepover at Tamotsu's house, Shadramon takes control of his body to eat trash in a back alley (which is what he tended to do when he was still alive). When the party wakes up, they find trash on the floor and black stains on Tamotsu's body as he freaks out, having no idea what's going on.
  • Nanomon is reimagined as a Mad Scientist performing an experiment to reincarnate Digimon into human bodies so their memories will be permanently retained. What makes him so horrifying is that while the goal just seems generally misguided, Nanomon himself is a Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist who only wants to make himself virtually immortal that way. Even worse, he plans on killing both Tamotsu and Shadramon once he's done with them.
  • Just like Eyesmon, Nanomon turns his hostage into a weapon against the party, ordering Shadramon to attack by drilling at Tamotsu's ear.
  • While the episode doesn't quite hint at him having a track record, Nanomon is fully solid from the get-go. Since most Digimon that manage to take physical form are at least implied to have wreaked havoc or existed for some time, one can only wonder what else he even did to get there. He's also small enough to avoid suspicion, meaning that the party wouldn't have gotten involved with him and he would've gotten a few kills from his experiments if he hadn't just happened to go for Kiyoshiro's senior.

The White Bride

  • Put simply, there's a very good reason why this is considered one of the most disturbing episodes of Ghost Game. It might as well as be called "Squick: The Episode", featuring incredibly graphic scenes of Digimon outright turning people into mushroom plantations and physically brutalizing them, with little left to the imagination. It's as bad as it sounds. Now, bear in mind that this was broadcast on a Sunday morning Kids Block, even though what happens in this episode is definitely far from kid-friendly and seems more at home with Made in Abyss than Digimon in general. Quite a bunch of viewers noticed how insanely brutal this episode is by Digimon anime standards, which speaks volumes.
  • A group of four Chamblemon are abducting brides at a nearby wedding site and have claimed no less than ten victims by the time Hiro and Ruli get involved with them. They infect their victims with spores that make mushrooms grow out of their bodies and severely weaken them so they can't escape. The mushrooms come out from all over the victims' bodies, so if you have trypophobia, you're in for a bad time.
  • Then there's what the Chamblemon do to the victims. The kidnapped brides are used as mushroom farms for these vicious Sadists, who pick the mushrooms from their bodies and eat them. The process is also far from pleasant — pulling even one mushroom from the victims causes them physical pain, but they pull a bunch from their victims multiple times, and they look ecstatic and delighted while they are at it. It's very rapey and uncomfortable to watch. Few antagonists in the Digimon franchise as a whole commit torture on such an unhinged level.

    The worst thing about the torture is that there's no leeway and no restraints in showing how they torture their victims. For reference, when the D-Reaper extracts Juri's memories and Mind Rapes her to reinforce its defenses, we aren't shown the process. Here? Have fun seeing multiple women being tortured and borderline raped. They just rip a bunch of mushrooms from their thoroughly infested bodies and eat them. All on screen, multiple times. And then there's the screams of agony the poor, hapless brides make from having the mushrooms on their bodies pulled off. Given that the Chamblemon torture multiple people on screen in the most brutal fashion possible, you'll hear them a lot.
  • Ruli becomes the Chamblemon's latest victim minutes into the episode, something that is very unusual to happen to what's essentially the group's Lancer. note  At multiple points, we hear her agonizing cries of pain as the Chamblemon mercilessly take the mushrooms from her, and they are apparently delicious, so they amp up the torture, shredding the mushrooms from her body. Not long afterward, Hiro is victimized the same way, and since they think that anyone with a Digivice will yield delicious mushrooms, they rip a bunch from his body too, giving them a solid body and greatly increased powers, allowing them to inflict a borderline Total Party Wipe on what's left of the protagonists. Had the mushrooms on Kiyoshiro not poisoned the Chamblemon because of how cowardly he is, dear Yggdrasil knows what would have happened...

    Special mention goes to how the episode holds absolutely nothing back showing Ruli and Hiro being brutalized by the Chamblemon. Not only you do hear Ruli screaming in agony, but the mushroom Digimon are delighted as they gleefully rip the mushrooms from her body like a paper shredder. Again, this is all on screen and played out multiple times throughout the episode. Hiro is treated largely the same way, albeit only a bit more briefly. There's something very disturbing about The Leader and the heroine of a group of Digimon protagonists being treated no different from the nameless victims.
  • The Chamblemon are just unrepentant kidnappers, but what becomes of them after Thetismon beats them is no less unsettling. A herd of Geremon takes them away to become their mushroom plantation before vanishing, and it's revealed that they were lurking at the wedding site waiting to prey on the Chamblemon all along. The Geremon leader's Slasher Smile when it tells Hiro what they're trying to do with the Chamblemon doesn't help. Hiro is shocked when he sees this, and cacophonous violin music continues for the rest of the episode. It's a reminder that some of the Digimon in the human world are still predatory creatures.

    Episodes 49 - 60 
The Crimson Harvest Festival
  • A Witchmon is planning to Take Over the World with witches by brainwashing anyone with a witch costume (which she does by by stuffing eyeballs into her victims' mouths) and turning everyone else into rats to be eaten by familiar cats, and anyone brainwashed turns into a literal witch with the Digimon's own powers and attacks. At one point she manages to take over an entire city's worth of people, with Hiro, Ruli, and Kiyoshiro being the only people intact that aren't brainwashed or turned into rats.
  • After Witchmon claims enough victims, she and her minions erect a massive castle that encompasses the entire city.
  • While this episode is far less terrifying compared to the other ones before it, which regularly featured vicious Digimon obsessed with Squick or (attempted) murder, at the end of the episode Witchmon goes to have a chat with Gammamon... specifically curiously asking if he's the "Jet-Black Champion". It implies a much more dangerous role of GulusGammamon and his history, and just how did she even recognize him?


  • A Pucchiemon appears out of nowhere and befriends Riku Fukatsu, the same kid involved in the Andiramon incident. Unfortunately, she's a clingy stalker like Ajatarmon and demands Riku pay her back in ways that are implied to be getting him to perform Digimon behavior, and counts every time he doesn't. And it's clear Pucchiemon isn't the only problem here...
  • Every time Pucchiemon counts the moments where Riku fails to return her a favor, there's a pretty unsettling closeup of her with an empty Slasher Smile while counting in an ominous, distorted voice.
  • After spending enough time with Riku, Pucchiemon outright evolves into Meicrackmon Vicious Mode right in front of him. Not a Dark Evolution, a natural one. This monstrous beast speaks in Pucchiemon's voice and still acts as if she's Pucchiemon even though that's clearly no longer the case, being physically stronger and faster. It quickly becomes a problem when she tries to pull Riku's nails and ears to make him look like her and goes all over the streets chasing him. Mind you, this is a cat monstrosity larger and stronger than your average human capable of jumping across bridges and roads chasing a boy who can't possibly outrun her.
  • When Pucchiemon spots Riku or she (as Meicrackmon) sleeps near him, there's a mysterious black shadow or cloud looming over him. It's never elaborated upon what that is, nor does anyone seem to notice or get affected by it. Just what in the hell is that?
  • Meicrackmon is still at large even after being defeated. After Hiro and Kiyoshiro beat her, she appears right in front of a frightened Riku. Meicrackmon declares that she hates him because she thinks that their relationship is over and runs away in tears. There's nothing to stop Meicrackmon Vicious Mode, who is now feeling rejected. Let's hope that she is done with humans like she implied.


  • At the start of the episode, a female student of Hazakura Academy is walking back home. Suddenly everything goes silent for a couple of seconds, then an eerie mist surrounds her and several headless ghosts in knight armor approach her asking for their heads. When she tells them that she doesn't know where they are, a mysterious figure decapitates her. It's nonlethal and the student is later found unconscious with a red mark left on her head, but we quickly see her turned into a ghost claiming some more students.
  • When Hiro and Ruli search Mr. Okonogi's office for the helmet he displayed to several students (who were all hunted down), instead of a helmet, they find the head of a DarkKnightmon. Angoramon outright warns them that it's a Digimon who will do anything to achieve a goal, and he shows up right in front of the kids looking for his head. Thankfully, unlike what Angoramon said and what his Xros Wars counterpart demonstrates, when Hiro and Ruli meet him personally he's a surprisingly noble and pleasant Digimon, but literal boss-tier Digimon like that walking around in the human world is still a terrifying thought.
  • DarkKnightmon is an inch away from cutting Hiro's neck when the latter promises to give DarkKnightmon's head back if he gives his victims back. It's actually astounding how stoic Hiro is, even an inch away from death.
  • The way DarkKnightmon lost his head is unsettling. According to him he saw a gate to the human world one day and peeked his head through the gate, only for it to cut his head off. He survived no problem as a suit of Animated Armor, but that type of injury would likely kill and disintegrate most Digimon. Many Digimon also passed through that gate, which makes you wonder if there were any other Digimon who were actually killed in such accidents.

Mysterious Lake

  • There is no way to know for certain whether the man we se getting pulled underwater in the prologue got saved by the Gwappamon like Ruli. Later on, it's revealed that there are multiple reports of missing people. Who knows how many of them have been eaten by the time our heroes arrived?
  • When Shawujinmon drags a man into his lake and Ruli expands her Digital Field, the man is nowhere to be seen as expected, but we never hear anything about him again. Unless he was able to swim up without anyone pulling him down or the Gwappamon somehow got to him first before they got sucked into the field, it's possible that Ruli got someone drowned to death by accident.
  • When the second bead on his necklace breaks, Shawujinmon gains an extra, absolutely demonic voice behind his usual one. Whatever it says is also seemingly unintelligible growling. After the third bead breaks, he has the demonic voice filter constantly overlaid with whatever dialogue he still has and he doesn't even remember his subordinates.
  • While Shawujinmon is obviously acting out of character, his normal strength is freakishly insane. He blocks Canoweissmon's Gallia Fissure like nothing and easily throws him into the lake where he has the advantage, giving him a Curb-Stomp Battle until he devolves back to Gammamon, and fends off Lamortmon for a good while after he's dragged underwater until Lamortmon throws Shawujinmon outside the lake to end the battle.
  • Lamortmon almost kills another Digimon that isn't even acting of his free will. Bonus that you do see him coming just that close to finishing off Shawujinmon before Ruli stops him.
  • Just like RareRaremon or Manticoremon, this is another case where a Digimon is turned into a rampaging monster because of humans tampering with its behavior and/or habitat. It only takes some pollution or contaminated data in the wrong place and the wrong time to create a man-eating monstrosity capable of killing tens to hundreds. There are likely many more otherwise harmless or docile Digimon that became vicious monsters after someone dumped rubbish onto their habitat without knowing that a Digimon was living there. Many such cases also occur in rural, desolate areas and wouldn't even be found out and solved if not for our heroes just conveniently showing up in time and getting involved with them.

King of Knowledge

  • The moment after Baalmon is defeated is just nasty. As the party is wondering whether the ghosts Baalmon controlled are just possessed humans or something else, he burns the talismans and shows that these are real human spirits. When the ghosts are about to vanish, they flash out wide, creepy grins straight out of a creepypasta.

Second Sight

  • After a trip to a fishing pond, Hiro can mysteriously see the future because of a Fujitsumon that has latched onto him. He starts to see visions where Kotaro and Gammamon get into serious accidents and stops them from coming true. Then when Jellymon drags him to a fortune-telling booth (while he's in an obviously deteriorated condition), he also predicts several other horrible accidents happening to Aoi and some other girls. The episode pulls no punches showing how these people would have been horribly injured or worse had Hiro not stopped them. In between those events he also sees the future of 24 other people, and it's implied that they're going to suffer horrible accidents. And worst of all? These accidents aren't rigged like Publimon's attacks. They are all real accidents about to happen. Had Hiro not stopped them, a lot of major characters would have been seriously hurt or worse. Just what in the hell is happening that day?
  • In one of the Fujitsumon's visions Gammamon is left struggling to stand and crying Hiro's name after being sent flying by a truck. Hiro cuts it close saving him as well, the truck passing just as he tackles Gammamon to the other side. If Hiro had been too slow and gotten hit too, Gammamon surviving (which, given the things he's lived through, is possible) might actually be worse, given what that might result in if Hiro didn't.
  • Hiro's body and sanity start breaking and deteriorating each time the Fujitsumon activates on him. At first Octmon horns grow out from his body, then after he tries to locate Espimon the second time, his right arm bloats into some sort of barely recognizable mass of flesh. According to the Fujitsumon latched onto him, he's slowly turning into an Octmon. To make things worse, even before then, the Octmon warned that his head will explode because of Fujitsumon's powers.
  • The Fujitsumon leader attached itself inside Espimon's mouth alongside several other Fujitsumon.
  • Hiro and Espimon aren't even the only victims — Ruli shows that people in Lirurun posted pictures of themselves growing horns on their heads, meaning that if this had gone unchecked because it just happened to affect Hiro and Espimon, had the accidents the Fujitsumon otherwise predicted not seriously injured or killed thirty or so people, some others would have died because of the Fujitsumon's powers.


  • The start of the episode is perhaps the most frightening. A young girl suddenly sleepwalks from her bed to the edge of her roof and walks into dangerous places like the edge of the balcony while being controlled by a cat standing on two legs and moving its hands around like it's controlling a puppet. When the hypnosis wears off, she finds herself at the tip of a lamppost and the cat brainwashing her flashes off one of the worst Nightmare Faces so far.
  • If you're an ailurophobe (that is, if you're phobic of cats), you shouldn't be watching this episode, because the brainwashed cats are some of the scariest converted Digimon minions out there. They have some sort of absolutely insane Nightmare Face with a wide Slasher Smile filled with sharp teeth, their fur is all raised up, and they act less like cats and more like hissing, frenzied monsters that look like cats. On top of that, they can control others' bodies like puppets, with many who fall victim to this being implied to be the cats' owners.
  • Apparently the victims are still aware of what they're doing while they're controlled by Bastemon's cats; she just chose a time when they are asleep to order her minions to take control of them.
  • Appearance- and behavior-wise, Bastemon might not be the most disturbing of Digimon, being a Little Bit Beastly human woman with cat-like features. The scary part is her characterization. She brainwashes cats and uses them to control humans, whom she wants to turn into Human Pets for her. The dangerous sleepwalking she forces people to perform? That's actually her trying to train them. On the day when she starts her "selection process" for real, she forces people to sit like cats, and whoever can't is controlled by brainwashed cats to dig their own graves.
  • Bastemon drains life energy from Lamortmon and takes control of him at the start of the fight, causing him to completely shrivel, then turns him into a red-eyed monstrosity preparing to kill Ruli and Airdramon before Canoweissmon swoops down to suppress him. She then overpowers Airdramon and Espimon by deflecting their projectiles back at them and seemingly claims Thetismon. She actually booby-trapped herself with replicated silver vines inside her body system to intoxicate Bastemon, but you'd be forgiven if you mistook it for a Total Party Wipe.


  • Kotaro is being erratic, obsessively and compulsively washing his face and droning the word "filthy". Even worse, Gammamon fails to detect Kotaro in him and suggests that it's not him. Shortly after, several other humans like Mika and another student show up with erratic movements, dulled eyes, and an obsession with cleaning, the latter plunging other students in water and the former sprinkling water on the table. Then the entire town starting from Kiyoshiro and the people around him gets hit in the same way and it degenerates into people throwing their personal belongings on the road.
  • Kiyoshiro cracking his phone to clean off a bubble gum stain on the floor while obsessively-compulsively droning.
  • In general, the "exorcised" people are horrifying. They have dulled-out eyes; unnatural, zombie-like movements; and the only words coming from their mouths are about cleansing filth. When Hiro and several of the party's Digimon return to their dorm, they find Niijima ordering every dorm student to beat them down (or worse), and when Hiro extends the Digital Field, they only find wooden marionettes that attack them.
  • The Digimon behind this is a Kuzuhamon who finds humans to be impure and is planning to cleanse them by removing their souls from their bodies and ordering the leftover bodies to burn themselves in a ritual. And she's an Ultimate, while most things before her have been Perfect at best. The only Ultimate Hiro and co. has previously fought was Piemon, but at least he was kind enough to go out with a Puzzle Boss fight rather than a real one; there is no such luxury from Kuzuhamon, who has to be stopped right then and there to prevent the deaths of dozens at least.
  • Kuzuhamon's exorcism has her victims shriveling and elongating while screaming in pain as their souls are removed. The "impurities" are then left in some void where they are flat and papery akin to Oboromon's "body counts".
  • As an Ultimate, Kuzuhamon possesses Reality Warper powers unseen in most other Digimon the heroes have confronted at this point (bar Piemon); she can change her own size, remove entire Digital Fields, and set up her own. Canoweissmon's battle against her is less a battle and more her throwing him all over the place with her Guda-Kitsune, and she gets within an inch of stealing Hiro's soul and killing every human being in town, stopped only by Canoweissmon's Ultimate evolution into Siriusmon.
  • Last but not least, Kuzuhamon states that someone sent Digimon like her to the real world, but doesn't say who. Unlike Andiramon and Oleamon she doesn't say she met Hokuto either. Just who or what is creating the portals in the Digital World to the human world?

Ghost Taxi

  • On the way home from a Christmas choir at a nearby school, Hiro loses his phone, goes back to school to get it back, and gives Gammamon to Kotaro. A purple fog appears soon after, followed by a Digimon in a taxi overhearing Kotaro talking about the girls being angels. The Digimon drops a shriveled, barely alive priest from the taxi, telling him that he is no longer of use and choosing Kotaro to be her next victim. He's understandably freaked out when he sees the body and tries to run, only for the Digimon to actively barricade him with green flames and control his body, then strongarm him with her Cerberumon to bring her to "the angel". We don't get to see the Digimon in question bar several hints in that scene, but what little we see of her face makes it clear that this is a Lilithmon, also known as one of the Seven Demon Lords. That's right. In case having Reality Warpers wreaking random havoc in the human world isn't enough, now you have a literal archdevil capable of multiversal feats running around there. Oh, and similar to Archnemon before, unlike her Digimon Fusion counterpart, who's at least sometimes Played for Laughs, she's played entirely as the horrific monster she is described as in the Digimon Reference Book.
  • At the beginning of the episode and before the title card, we see what exactly happened to Lilithmon's previous victim. She parked next to a church, threw out the shriveled body of a nun, and extinguished the candles next to the priest. She then ordered Cerberumon to drag him off to her taxi, but he was unable to find a lead and she made her way to Kotaro and Gammamon.
  • When Hiro comes back, he spots some passersby and the priest's shriveled-up, mummified body, which could easily be mistaken for a corpse. He then tries to call Kotaro, only for Cerberumon to silence Gammamon (who is making the call), Lilithmon hitting him with a higher-than-usual dose of Phantom Pain that causes him to writhe in pain as purple pus covers his body. Worse, black blots appear from it later and it's implied that these are actually a result of GulusGammamon suppressing Phantom Pain's effects within Gammamon.
  • According to Jellymon and Ruli, there's an Urban Legend known as "the Ghost Taxi" circulating around about a ghost taxi that shows up to beckon humans, and whoever rides it will be thrown out with their body shriveled up like a mummy. The webpage Ruli sends to Hiro even has a picture of a completely mummified corpse that is implied to have been a person killed by Lilithmon. When the group catches up to the ghost taxi, they find out that she's apparently on an "Angel Hunt", described by Angoramon as an event where someone attempts to target and kill Angel Digimon. This means that her attacks have been occurring for a fair amount of time that and she's likely killed several people in them.
  • True to her namesake, when Lilithmon decides that she no longer needs to care about obeying traffic laws to reach the school, she orders the taxi in question to change roads right onto the path of an oncoming truck. While the taxi phases through it as it did with the roadside, the truck isn't so lucky as its driver swerves in response, resulting in a nasty accident. After this accident, she uses her Phantom Pain on Kotaro to make his body shrivel just because he didn't bring her to the angels she was looking for in time. The most terrifying thing is that this is unavoidable in the grand scheme of things, as the accident is what clues the heroes in as to the taxi's whereabouts.
  • As Gammamon gets Kotaro out of the taxi, he catches sight of Lilithmon in the back seat, prompting GulusGammamon to assert himself long enough to give her an absolutely murderous glare. These are two incredibly powerful and ruthless entities. If they ever meet in person, if they ever throw down, things are going to get ugly.
  • Just how powerful is Lilithmon? After Cerberumon goes down, she comes out of the taxi and walks towards the group, and that's enough to make every Digimon and human in the vicinity freeze entirely and make Gammamon writhe in pain as the curse placed on him accelerates. Had Bakumon not appeared in time to remove the curses and Lilithmon's fear-inducing effect, everyone would have been dead. When Lamortmon and Thetismon try to fight him, she outright puts them out of business just by stretching her Nazar Nails. Even Siriusmon has to force her Nazar Nail to lodge onto his body (which apparently suppresses the effects to some extent) to actually land a hit on her.
  • Last but not least, as a last-ditch attempt Lilithmon tries to sway Siriusmon to join her only to fail, but states that she will come back to do the same to GulusGammamon instead. Given that the Digimon Reference Book claims that anyone who gives in to her temptations are invariably given death, it's unclear if the offer is even genuine or if it's just an excuse to actually land the finishing blow on him, although neither possibility is pleasant, especially the possibility of her actually swaying GulusGammamon to her side or killing two birds with one stone. Then she leaves through a portal to the Digital World she opens herself. That's right. She is in the human world because she wants to be there, and she can come back at any time she wants to.


  • An AncientSphinxmon is going around recreational sites tripping people by the shoes and asking them riddles. If they fail to answer him, he makes golden stone bricks to burst out from their body, then they get turned into bricks themselves. We don't quite see the process, but it can be inferred that the stones are emerging through their bodies and encasing them. Worse is that despite his large size, he is capable of seemingly appearing out of nowhere and right behind his victims. His monotonous voice and complete lack of facial expressions don't help matters and make him look even more creepy.
  • At one point, AncientSphinxmon passes through a cinema screen and asks the entire audience a riddle. Nobody takes him seriously, so he forces bricks out from every one of them, starting with one man and then moving on to everyone else.
  • The victims that are turned into golden bricks are perfectly aware and suffering (with Angoramon being able to listen to all of their anguished voices), but can't do much about it.
  • Ruli and Mummymon later find out AncientSphinxmon's motivation for doing all of this; reviving Pharaohmon, a ruler of the Ancient Digital Civilization. Mummymon all but tells Ruli that if he gets revived, he will rule over all humans and Digimon and there would be nothing they could do. The other hint is how AncientSphinxmon is supposedly one of the Warrior Ten and the progenitor of mythical/demon beast Digimon, and he's still just Pharaohmon's right-hand man. We don't get to see what would have happened if he had been revived, and we likely don't want to based on all the horrible implications.
  • The number of victims AncientSphinxmon claims isn't quite clear, but based on how he's one block away from completing an absolutely gigantic pyramid, it can be assumed that he abducts somewhere from the high hundreds to millions note .
  • It's implied that Mummymon knows AncientSphinxmon and Pharaohmon personally, based on his reaction to hearing about AncientSphinxmon walking around and abducting hundreds being instantly pulling out the Obelisk and him calling Pharaohmon "king" after AncientSphinxmon is dealt with. His past history with the two isn't elaborated on, but whatever it is, it's definitely not a pleasant experience.
  • When the group gets to fight AncientSphinxmon, it's less a battle and more him throwing Lamortmon and the rest all over the place like they were small fry while they fail to even land a scratch on him. He's also only one brick away from resurrecting Pharaohmon, and would likely have succeeded if not for Diarbbitmon's timely intervention.
  • AncientSphinxmon dies in a very unsettling way. He uses Necro Eclipse to push Diarbbitmon into a portal to a world of death, but as he is about to slash him with his claw, Diarbbitmon blocks it with his rapier and AncientSphinxmon is accidentally pushed into the portal, returning all the people back to normal. There's also the fact that he had no intention to stop whatever he was doing and the people are saved after he's gone, meaning that he invariably had to die to stop the problem.
  • This is one of those cases where the party wouldn't even have found out if not for one of their friends being one of the victims. What makes this worse than the attacks that could result in hundreds of deaths if left unchecked is that if Kaoru had not happened to cross paths with AncientSphinxmon and gotten turned into a gold brick, the consequences would have gone beyond "hundreds of deaths" — AncientSphinxmon would have been able to resurrect Pharaohmon totally unimpeded and Pharaohmon would have gone straight to taking over the human world.


  • A TonosamaGekomon intervenes to stop a petty thief, shattering him into pieces with a sound-based attack. As disproportionate as that is, even worse is that there's another guy melded into his back who can only beg to be released and only gets absorbed further when he does.
  • There are no less than three robberies in the span of four days that are stopped by TonosamaGekomon, and given that he has more victims than the first one and Kiyoshiro, there have likely been even more. The police don't seem to interfere until the last moment, either. Just what in the hell is with the crime rates in that town?
  • After the guy gets fully absorbed, TonosamaGekomon invades a promotional festival for a Jiraiya-themed sentai show in the hopes of finding a real Jiraiya to ride on his back, as in the nineteenth-century novels. He immediately threatens to similarly shatter the performers for being fakes. When Kiyoshiro steps up and pretends to be the real thing to protect them, he's immediately placed on TonosamaGekomon's back and starts being absorbed in short order.
  • As Kiyoshiro tries to escape, Gekomon tells him that TonosamaGekomon is completely unaware of the absorption, simply thinking that "Jiraiya" disappears each time. Gekomon intends to keep the delusion going, even stealing Kiyoshiro's phone so that he can't get help.
  • Kiyoshiro gets fully absorbed, looking utterly withered as he does, and joining around a dozen faces that cover TonosamaGekomon's back like warts.
  • TonosamaGekomon rampages across the city, shattering people for minor offenses. Not only is he completely delusional, he's cruel to perceived wrongdoers as only the self-righteous can be, which especially shows when he's confronted by the other characters. When Gammamon and Angoramon's evolution timers run out, he slams Angoramon to the ground and then delights in the brutal beatdown he gives to Gammamon, stomping him into the riverbed and body-slamming him into the canyon wall.
  • GulusGammamon is back. And all three of his Black Digimon buddies too.
    • When he decides to assert himself, Gammamon flashes a downright ghoulish Slasher Smile on par with his Nightmare Face from last time before evolving. Special mention to how the face somewhat resembles an infamous image posted in Futaba Channel of a doll with pale skin, unnaturally large eyes, and what resembles blood around the eyes and mouth.
    • He also shows a much more sadistic side of himself than in previous appearances, proceeding to beat the living daylights out of TonosamaGekomon (and unlike his previous three targets, TonosamaGekomon is clearly not awful enough to deserve death). All the while, he tells his opponent not to go down too quickly so he can toy with him. He actually sounds excited to have someone to brutalize.
    • GulusGammamon offers to rip TonosamaGekomon open and pull Kiyoshiro out, but only if Hiro synchronizes with him. Otherwise, he'll just kill TonosamaGekomon and all of his victims, Kiyoshiro included. It is abundantly clear that Hiro is the only one he has any affection for, and even that won't keep him from using Hiro for his own ends. He knows that he can use Hiro's friends or the lives of innocents in general as a bargaining chip. Before he can go through with it though, Gekomon frees all of the victims from TonosamaGekomon's back. GulusGammamon then decides to fry Gekomon for ruining his plan to synchronize with Hiro, which Hiro only barely talks him down from. He tells Hiro that it's only a matter of time before leaving.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus BlackAgumon and BlackGalgomon can be seen, but unlike their previous appearances, both of them have some very eerie, glowing red eyes.
  • The way TonosamaGekomon's victims just peel out of his back when Gekomon lets them out is pretty disturbing to watch. His flesh just bends and warps like it'd turned into rubber.

Water Ghost

  • At the start of the episode, a woman in a luxury cruiser is ambushed by a Digimon, who pours a scoop of water on her. The woman's body quickly shrivels, and she starts puking digital water from her eye and mouth. And this is just the first victim; you'll see this a lot. Right after that, the cruiser gets stranded on the shore, and while we don't find out what happens to the other people onboard, it can be inferred that the same thing happens to all of them off-screen. Several rescuers go to investigate the ship, only to suffer the same fate.
  • On the way to the shrine the mummified body was in, the group finds the way blocked by Digital Water, and the shadow of a Digimon surfaces with sinister, glowing green eyes. The Digimon then leaps out of the water with its huge body casting a shadow on the group. Then the show cuts to the commercial break. The Digimon turns out to be a harmless Submarimon who provides some more than well-needed help, but you'd be forgiven if you thought he was one of the culprits.
  • You shouldn't be watching this if the Digimon Adventure 02 episode "His Master's Voice" scares you. Not only are the culprits a group of Hangyomon hell-bent on flooding the city and subjecting its entire population to insane body horror, but it turns out that they're serving Cthyllamon, a Digimon that's explicitly named after Cthulhu's daughter.
  • Cthyllamon's dried-up body is unsettling, and is even described by characters in the show as such. It looks like a black, shriveled, and mummified mockery of MarineAngemon, and when the group bring it out for investigation, it opens its slit, yellow eyes, startling Angoramon and Hiro and causing them to drop it right into the Digital water, reverting it back to its true form, which ironically doesn't look too bad... if you ignore the fact that this is effectively a Physical God running around and wreaking havoc casually.

    Not helping matters is that anyone who has seen the appearances of MarineAngemon across the franchise as a whole will be able to tell you that it's already an unusually powerful Ultimate Level in spite of its cute, small size. Cthyllamon does not disappoint for those expecting a near identical amount of power.
  • Cthyllamon announces that he will drown every human being in the world because he finds it fun. Then there's his Psychopathic Manchild personality, which makes him dissonant compared to the Ultimates before, who are a lot more composed.
  • One of Cthyllamon's attacks has him stretch out his tongue to wrap up Thetismon, and said tongue resembles a group of tentacles coming out from his mouth. Truth in Television in that real-life Clione ("sea angels", the species MarineAngemon is based on) really do hunt like that.

    Episodes 61 - 67 
  • This is one of the most horrific episodes to date. The house of Ruli's friend Kotoha becomes mysteriously haunted, and there's a human corpse running around at night. Not a Digimon-induced ailment, but a real human corpse. According to Kotoha, the hauntings started happening after her brother Toru's ex-fiancee Manami died in a lab accident days before their wedding. He brought her body back home because it seemingly came back to life. What doesn't help is the monochromatic, gloomy camera filter the episode has and the lack of music for a portion of its first half.
  • Manami's resurrected corpse is so wrong that it flat-out makes the ADR-01 Jeri from Digimon Tamers look like a perfectly normal human. Just about every movement it makes is unnaturally forced and rigid, its default expression is a vacant, wide-open glare, and there are instances where it has a deranged Slasher Smile on its face.
  • The mysterious hauntings are horrific. First, when Ruli, Kotoha, and Angoramon are discussing Manami's corpse, they suddenly hear an eerie giggle and the kitchen utensils shake, with a glass cup falling to the floor and breaking, freaking Kotoha out. Then we're treated to a scene where Hiro and Gammamon are on their way to the toilet, only for a massive bunch of Tsumemon infesting the ceiling to stare at them — when they turn their heads back, the whole crowd of ceiling-infesters have vanished. Finally, Kiyoshiro has horrific nightmares of shadowed Evilmon haunting him, scaring him enough that he falls to the floor. According to Kotoha, she had to endure the hauntings, nightmares, and her brother playing with Manami's corpse for ten days before she decided to seek help. Truly a Break the Cutie moment.
  • The insane Toru is pretty unsettling. He has a rather pale complexion (though not as obvious as Manami's corpse), short curly hair, and Exhausted Eyebags, making him look creepy. He also cuddles Manami's corpse on-screen, implying that this will evolve into something way more... suggestive that couldn't be shown on a Sunday morning Kids Block anime. When he's doing all of this and Kotoha tells him to stop caressing the corpse, Toru flashes a deranged Slasher Smile and delusionally insists that Manami is still alive. The worst thing is that this guy isn't even mind controlled. He's simply too mentally unstable and grief ridden to accept reality.
  • Before all hell breaks loose, Manami's corpse makes note of the presence of humans before running around to attack Toru, Kotoha, and Kiyoshiro in quick succession, turning them into shriveling husks. It just goes from silent to sporting an absolutely deranged expression and moves very quickly, in sharp contrast to how it usually moves around. It then gains unnatural, purple glowing eyes after absorbing Kotoha. After it claims three victims, it breaks through the windows to absorb all the Evilmon and Tsumemon nearby and turns into... a ZeedMillenniumon. Yes, you read that right. As if the party having to deal with monstrosities on the level of the Seven Great Demon Lords, the Dark Masters, or the Warrior Ten wasn't bad enough, this incident steps things up by outright pitting the kids against an apocalyptic abomination.
  • ZeedMillenniumon doesn't play around and the situation is treated as seriously as it warrants. Angoramon holds nothing back explaining to Hiro that this thing is a mass eradicator of life that can destroy entire time-space continuums and has to be gotten rid of quickly. He's so worked up that his normally hidden eyes can be seen as he speaks, highlighting how dire the situation is. Based on the damage it does to Hiro's Digital Field through the time-space rift it opens, the surroundings would have been flattened into a clearing if not for the Digital Field shielding it.
  • This is not even the first time the Moon=Millenniumon-reanimated corpse feeds on Toru. It's been feeding on Toru for just under two weeks, but he's too insane to care. You can see blue erosion marks on his body even right before Manami's corpse starts attacking, and it's heavily implied that his eyebags and rather pale complexion are also Moon=Millenniumon's work. Meeting a crowd of humans nearby likely only awakened its bloodlust so it could do whatever it wanted to do way earlier than it should be able to.
  • When Moon=Millenniumon is about to surface from the corpse it's controlling, there's an entire flock of Evilmon sticking themselves right behind the glass and there's another massive swarm of Tsumemon gathered right behind the gang. It's an incredibly creepy scene akin to a house being swarmed by flies and maggots. Looks like not even calling the pest control can save Kotoha now...
  • It's implied that the Evilmon and Tsumemon haunting the house have largely nothing to do with Moon=Millenniumon and were just independent wild Digimon doing their own thing for the most part rather than its worshipers, suggesting that they were all drawn to flock Kotoha's household because of the huge concentration of evil energy the world-wiping Digimon was emitting from within Manami's body, and the hauntings are just side effects that are nothing compared to the actual problem.
  • In case you think ZeedMillenniumon is just a destructive monster, it isn't. It's nowhere near as complex as its Wonder Swan counterpart, but it still tricked Toru into thinking the possessed body was Manami and fed on him for around a week to resurrect and destroy the world. It's like the Thing on steroids.
  • Manami's death itself is pretty unsettling just because of how stark and explicit it is. There's an explosion, followed by Moon=Millenniumon darting out from the computer to slam the poor woman into the wall, and she collapses to the ground, dying with her eyes wide open right in front of several witnesses. It's flat-out shown on-screen without even a Gory Discretion Shot, unlike when Archnemon and Digitamamon feasted on people, and sticks out within the series and even for Digimon anime in general.
  • The first thing Moon=Millenniumon did upon entering the human world was to kill a human to possess her corpse. No preamble. No weird transformations. It kills her on the spot so it can feed on others and regain its strength as fast as possible, almost as if it planned to enter the human world to wreak havoc. Even in a setting where it's established that random Digimon can and will kill people out of nowhere, this is still prime Paranoia Fuel because a Moon=Millenniumon is no random Digimon, and for all we know, Digimon like that could be walking around the human world for little or no reason, and they might be just around the corner, waiting to call forth the apocalypse.
  • Even when destroyed, ZeedMillenniumon only regresses back into a dormant Moon=Millenniumon around the size of Hiro's hand. Hiro then decides to keep it, knowing full well how dangerous it is. There's something very unsettling about how nonchalant he is about the whole thing, making you wonder what kind of threat is on the horizon that needs him to keep it as a precautionary measure.

The Strange Floor

  • A bunch of Digimon are haunting the condo where Aoi lives. There's a Kunemon wrapping up an old woman in webs, an Impmon throwing someone's cellphone off the wall through inducing poltergeists, and a few Hiyarimon freezing off parts of the ceiling. This is followed by a girl getting trapped in some strange space and several keyholes getting carved into her body. On the next day, she shows up in front of Aoi with a shriveled, paltry face and tells her to outright get out.
  • When Aoi enters the "13.5th floor" of her condo, she runs into numerous Digimon who see her as an intruder, and the same entity that carved keyholes into the other girl does the same thing to her. The green-and-red cel shading of the strange dimension makes the attacking Digimon look even more creepy, especially the Impmon.
  • ClavisAngemon is a Well-Intentioned Extremist in the same vein as Frozomon before him, trying to stay out of humanity's way. The issue is that he's completely oblivious to the unoccupied rooms not being the Digimon's to move into and that the rooms are unoccupied because they are freaking people out. He makes a point of returning the humans who stumble into his realm unharmed, but he's unaware of how traumatic the process is. It's made even scarier by the fact that he's an Ultimate capable of instant kills, on top of being completely oblivious to the scope of the harm he's causing.


  • You really shouldn't be watching this if you're looking for a late night snack. After eating a "crunchy" looking black thing (a miniature Quartzmon), Ruli is suddenly feeling very hungry. She binges on a bunch of big meals, but her belly is still empty. It eventually degenerates into her mutating into some... thing with Quartzmon's mouth and elongated arms while trying to eat Gammamon and the other protagonists. Thankfully (or not), she collapses on the spot out of malnutrition so she can be brought in to Mummymon for a checkup before she can do further harm.
  • Ruli's breakdown trying to satiate her hunger while the other protagonists lock her inside her room is in overall a very unsettling scene, especially combined with Ruli's heavily mutated appearance. There are several torn books on the floor of her room and something can be heard shattering (implied to be her breaking a lamp in her rampage) before she manages to barge out to attack Hiro and Kiyoshiro. Truth in Television in that people starving to near-death can actually become feral.
  • The Mood Whiplash transitioning the episode from Slice of Life to horror. The start of the episode is a rather adorable scene where Ruli enjoys her desserts with Aoi and Mika... until she eats a black, crunchy "chocolate pellet". The relaxing music stops right there and Ruli starts acting more and more uncanny (eating multiple large plates of dishes without getting full) before all hell breaks loose.
  • When the protagonists send Mummymon in to give Ruli a checkup, suddenly the lights explode and a pink-colored Quartzmon emerges from her body and quickly makes its way to the main body. Then we get to see numerous clones approaching the main body, meaning that Ruli isn't the only one affected and there could be up to hundreds infected by Horror Hunger and dealing unimaginable amounts of harm. (To give a general idea, there's a man emptying his fridge before the episode even begins.) The other victims may have tried to eat their pets and loved ones after succumbing to their ravenous hunger, similar to Ruli attempting to eat her friends. One can only hope that none of them succeeded.
  • Quartzmon comes close to killing Canoweissmon and Thetismon by trying to hit them with Ruin Blast, point blank. The way he does it is no less unsettling. He grabs the two Digimon with his arms, then forces his fingers into their mouths, trying to stick the Ruin Blasters into their mouths and kill them from the inside.
  • Contrary to his Young Hunters counterpart (A Generic Doomsday Villain), Quartzmon turns out to be just a Well-Intentioned Extremist who was trying to feed a bunch of Baby-level Digimon, but said Digimon are cluttered up inside his mouth and there are more right under his body. It's very uncomfortable to see and almost looks like he's bearing spider eggs. It's also implied that he's completely oblivious to how people can actually die from starvation, since he does think twice when he sees Ruli's lifeless, near-dead body.
  • When the group is done with this incident, Clockmon tells them that the Digimon are committing a mass exodus away from the Digital World to the human world, with multiple Gazimon, Swanmon, and others emerging. Suddenly, ClavisAngemon and Quartzmon's actions seem less like random incidents and more like orchestrated excursions. Then we see a black blot appear right on Gammamon's back, suggesting GulusGammamon is the one wrecking havoc.

The Call

  • Like "Water Ghost", this is another episode reminiscent of "His Master's Voice". If the original Lovecraftian Digimon episode scares you, just run now, because this one is completely unambiguous on how insanely terrifying the situation Hikari caught herself in back in "His Master's Voice" would be. Something that really doesn't help is the jarring lack of music throughout the episode, and when it does play, it's ominous tunes that indicate the sheer wrongness of the situation.
  • Entire hordes of people are beckoned by Dagomon to create more underlings for his sake, whose presence is accompanied by a Fog of Doom. To make things worse, the internet signal suddenly goes low, meaning that the rest of the group can't communicate with Gammamon and Hiro easily (who are stranded during a fishing trip and thus the most vulnerable).
  • The aforementioned Fog of Doom is powerful enough to compress the Digital Fields until it can barely fit the one who activated it. No other Digimon's power has been able to do that before this episode. Even GulusGammamon and Kuzuhamon need to let it activate fully before attempting to break out or delete it respectively.
  • It's not much compared to the rest of the episode, but when Floramon tells Kiyoshiro and Ruli about people vanishing and being turned into ghosts, she does give a wide-eyed glare while freaking out Kiyoshiro with the spooky tale.
  • Right before fighting Dagomon, Kiyoshiro tells Kotaro to stop marching towards the sea... and that's when his neck suddenly bloats and stretches fluidly to face Kiyoshiro, while also growing gills. Then his yellow eyes suddenly turn into fish eyes and the skin on his head becomes green like all the other victims. He's turning into a Deep One.
  • Dagomon is a pretty unsettling Digimon. He manifests himself as a gigantic black shadow that his trident extends from. The protagonists are understandably terrified when they see the gigantic Digimon, with Kiyoshiro nervously saying that he just wants to create underlings for no reason. And when all three of the protagonists' Perfect forms get wounded, he traps them in an illusion where his tentacles come out from said wounds and start strangling them. And when HoverEspimon tries to save Canoweissmon, he has to roll percentile dice as a Shout-Out to the Call of Cthulhu board game.
  • When the protagonists dispel the gigantic Dagomon, the real Dagomon shows up, but something is very wrong with him. Unlike the other hostile Digimon, who have at least some sort of sapience or sentience, he acts more like a frenzied, black monster with unnatural glowing red eyes, and Siriusmon suggests that he supposedly can't even affect entire cities like he did here. We don't find out exactly what happened, but anyone who read Regulusmon's Vital Bracelet Arena entry will know that the implication is that he is infected with his Gulus Realm Burst.
  • Dagomon being able to manifest the giant shadow Dagomon like in Digimon Adventure 02 makes you wonder if the shadow Dagomon in that anime is actually an illusion that the real Dagomon hides behind, and if the Deep Ones Hikari runs into are former humans.
  • Despite seemingly being beaten by Siriusmon, Dagomon still has the tenacity to spring right back up and try for a second round. Thankfully, BlackTailmon Uver. and Cthyllamon stop him right there.
  • The episode in general does a good job of keeping viewers on their toes by going against the norms of a normal Ghost Game episode; the usual Hologram Ghost intro is absent, the normal sound effects of the eyecatch are replaced with the sound of waves, there's none of the generic background or evolution music, and Angoramon's usual end-of-episode haiku is suddenly cut short.
  • Angoramon's haiku is cut short at the end of the episode as all of Japan goes into a blackout. At the same time, all sorts of Digimon are experiencing an unprecedented amount of despair, with Jellymon even crying and Mummymon outright saying that the Digital World has been destroyed, meaning that the Digimon are afraid of being erased from existence, with the implication being that the Jet-Black Champion is getting down to business for real. Of course, this begs the question as to how he could do it if he was still within Hiro's Gammamon the whole time...

The Black Zone of Death

  • A black corrosion is destroying the Digital World and somehow also affecting the human world, causing all internet appliances in the world to go out, with Japan running on backup electronic supply. This is saying a lot considering the lack of internet and reliable electricity could easily mean the end of urban societies like in the Ghost Game world.
  • Terriermon Assistant tells a group of former Digimon of the Week, the protagonists, and a few others that the black corrosion started spreading days ago and infected Digimon and plants, turning any Digimon unfortunate enough to be stuck in the Digital world into violent monsters. Upamon even mentions that he saw the water becoming black when the particles hit it. And it's implied that Hokuto and Terriermon ran into the black corrosion before being ejected back to the human world.
  • When the protagonists arrive in the Digital World, it's a hellscape that would make the Eaters proud. The plants are colored with a very familiar purple-and-black, and a once-peaceful Brachimon is tossing around and trying to kill a Kuwagamon. Both Digimon also have a familiar color scheme that resembles GulusGammamon's, implying a connection.
  • On the way to a village, Kiyoshiro falls ill after being hit by mysterious spores coming from a group of rafflesia flowers on the ground, with his arm being discolored. Shortly after, he goes insane and baits TeslaJellymon, Ruli and SymbareAngoramon into being infected. He looks absolutely crazed at first, then his eyes become rainbow and his skin becomes charcoal grey.
  • When Hiro and his Digimon eventually catch up with Kiyoshiro, rafflesia petals emerge from his body and he seems to be taking pleasure in his body melting, with TeslaJellymon also affected. Rafflesimon then emerges from the ground, but something is very wrong with this Digimon, much like Dagomon before. Despite SymbareAngoramon describing her as a noble Digimon who wilts in just days and her Digital Reference Book entry outright stating that she's not a species that will display pessimism over its short lifespan, this one desires eternal life through eating other Digimon. Oh and she doesn't have the usual brilliant red color, instead having an unnatural, black coloration. Then she hits Ruli and SymbareAngoramon with the same type of body horror Kiyoshiro and TeslaJellymon were hit with, turning them into rafflesia flowers to be absorbed in her body. Small wonder why all the Digimon, including the Ultimates, run while they still can, because the ones trapped became vicious, predatory monsters who rip apart and eat each other, and nobody wants to end up like them.
  • The very fact that the protagonist's first battle in the Digital World starts with a borderline Total Party Wipe.
  • Rafflesimon easily curb-stomps Siriusmon one-on-one and almost consumes him before GulusGammamon manifests within him. Not only does the black blot reappear, but he gains Black Eyes of Crazy too, telling him to leave Rafflesimon to him. Then in GulusGammamon's voice, he tells Rafflesimon to eat him and she does, which GulusGammamon takes advantage of to wreak havoc on her body, inflicting incredible pain before she spits out all of her victims, wilts, and dies.
  • Rafflesimon's aforementioned death is rather unsettling. Her body quickly fades, leaving a withering husk, and explodes, only leaving several agonizing cries in her wake. It's slightly more graphic than the other Digimon deaths, which only had the dying Digimon dissipate into data particles.

The Black Dragon of Destruction

  • The story continues from the previous episode when the protagonists run into a BloomLordmon who refuses to let them pass. BloomLordmon proceeds to give them another quick Total Party Wipe by growing seeds on their bodies that burst into restraining vines. Then he tries to kill Gammamon to expel the Jet-Black Champion from his body, and Gammamon pulls off a terrifying Nightmare Face after GulusGammamon communicates through his body once again, with razor-sharp fangs and completely hollowed-out eyes, far worse than the "mere" Black Eyes of Crazy he displayed in previous episodes, a Slasher Smile, and an inhuman voice. It really drives home the point that the Jet-Black Champion is no longer playing around and is ready to get down to business right away.
  • GulusGammamon tells us about how he managed to nearly wipe out the Digital World and send everyone packing, and it's just horrific. Before Gammamon entered the human world, GulusGammamon dropped a small puddle of Gulus Realm Burst particles in the Digital World despite still being in Gammamon's body. Over the course of a bit over a year, the puddle turned into a Digital Hazard virtually wiping away the Digital World. furthermore, unlike Tri's Meicoomon, GulusGammamon is intentionally spreading his GRB particles. When Hokuto delivered Gammamon to his son, the actual world-wiping abomination was inside him all along and the seeds of destruction had already been planted. Then, with an absolutely huge Slasher Smile, he evolves into a Perfect form. Enter... Regulusmon.
  • Regulusmon clearly establishes himself as one of the most horrific Digimon in the entire franchise. The Digimon Reference Book establishes that he's as strong as Megidramon, the most evil and savage of the Four Great Dragons. Imagine a Digimon who is not only on the same level as the apocalyptic big red dragon at a minimum, but also displays considerable intelligence like Lucemon and can drive entire groups of Digimon a into murderous frenzy like Gore Magala, and you have Regulusmon. It's as bad as it sounds. Unlike most of the other Digimon the protagonists meet, who just want to live peaceful lives, he's a remorseless, insane Social Darwinist who runs on the thoroughly outdated and horrific philosophy that everything only exists to be eat or be eaten, and seeks to create an entire army of insane corrupted Digimon who devour everything in their path. Essentially, he is the Digimon equivalent of Sukuna. It's no wonder all the Digimon escaped into the human world en masse (including the Ultimates like Quartzmon) when the infection he spreads reached its tipping point and Piccolomon was defeated and scared shitless when he tried to Ret-Gone Gammamon by going back in time. That's not even getting into his Ultimate form that nobody even knows the ecology of.

    And his claims about his strength are not unfounded. When the protagonists do see him fight, he explicitly fights on equal terms with BloomLordmon, who, by his own admission, defeated numerous corrupted Digimon and won against all of the protagonist's Ultimates without even taking a scratch. Even a Gran Del Sol from him only tears off one of Regulusmon's horns after he blocks it with his own Gran TRACE (though it should be mentioned that BloomLordmon was already heavily weakened from the initial assault). It gets worse when the protagonists fight him as they earn his wrath. He pretends to be distracted by Amphimon and Diarbbitmon so Siriusmon thinks he has an opening, but when he tries to land a hit, Regulusmon throws Amphimon in the way and immediately blows a hole clean through the distracted Siriusmon's body, which is all but stated to be a lethal wound. Even without the pragmatic move, he still makes it very clear that he has enough stamina to effortlessly wipe out the protagonists' three Ultimates even after fighting the incredibly powerful BloomLordmon. In fact, he would likely have killed BloomLordmon if Hiro hadn't tricked him into splitting away from Gammamon and allowed them to continue the fight.
  • At one point, Regulusmon tells Hiro that Gammamon is gone and deleted, sending the usually confident and meek boy into an unprecedented amount of despair as he laughs at him. Hiro looks absolutely broken, believing that his Digimon stepbrother is long gone. Thankfully, he lucks out and manages to dispel Regulusmon from Gammamon, but it's still a horrific sight to see.
  • By Regulusmon's own admission, he's the original owner of Gammamon's body, and the one Hiro has known and loved for the whole show is a Split Personality that he somehow developed. This gives the horrible, Paranoia Fuel-laden implication that the series's answer to the likes of Diablomon or the Eaters is actually hidden within an otherwise perfectly cute and innocent Digimon and watching the protagonist's every move from there. The protagonists might have dealt with all sorts of nasty Serial Killers, serial kidnappers, and attempted mass murderers that unfortunate civilians might encounter one on a bad day, but the most dangerous one is literally hiding right inside Hiro's dorm room.
  • Regulusmon has always maintained some pretense that he cared about his human brother, whilst acting as The Corrupter. But here? He's mad as hell he got duped by the Batman Gambit that saved Gammamon. It's unnerving to see that Morality Chain finally snap. The evil Digimon roars savagely, intending to do grievous harm to his partner for trapping him in a Battle in the Center of the Mind:
    Regulusmon: Right when I finally got my body back! HIRO! YOU TRICKED ME!
  • Also a Tear Jerker moment, but Siriusmon's apparent death. The show doesn't hold back showing what happened. Regulusmon's blown a hole in Siriusmon's torso, and he's likely dead for real. It's just so wrong when a Digimon villain manages to not only harm a partner Digimon, but also do it in a way that's almost certainly lethal. The worst we usually see is a grievous, yet explicitly non-lethal injury such as losing both arms, but it's never a seemingly fatal Torso with a View. The only other victim of a very fatal injury is Juri's partner Leomon, but the injury Beelzebumon inflicts on him is still nowhere near this grievous. The protagonists, and possibly BloomLordmon too, are shocked and terrified. In particular, Hiro looks absolutely dead on the inside having to see the stepbrother he cared for so dearly die in front of him. This is all accompanied with an eerie dead silence and an eerie grey filter to emphasize the sheer dread of the situation the protagonists find themselves in.

    Regulusmon's response to all of this? A chilling sadistic glee unseen in most other Digimon villains, who are nowhere near this blatant in their Evil Gloating. He pays Hiro back in record time for deceiving him. To put it in his own words before guffawing at Hiro:
    Regulusmon: I only pretended to be losing and you fell for it right away. Hehehehehe... HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Devourer of All

  • Regulusmon is absorbing Gammamon's body, and he is dying. Every single one of his memories slowly vanish one by one, all the way to meeting Bokomon's illusion in the Library, at which point he himself begins to vanish too...
  • When Quantumon slows down time to let Hiro into Gammamon's consciousness to save his stepbrother, he finds what appears to be Gammamon in the same park where Gammamon got tricked by Betsumon and pulls him off ground, but something is horribly amiss. "Gammamon" doesn't speak like how he usually does, instead speaking in GulusGammamon's voice. He then reveals that he's one of the Regulusmon illusions, and a bunch of Regulusmon clones are chomping through Gammamon's consciousness. When Hiro finds the real Gammamon in the library where he first met Bokomon, half of his body has already vanished, so had Hiro not acted earlier, Gammamon would have been Killed Off for Real.
  • The scene where Gammamon absorbs GulusGammamon into his body. A very unsettling red mouth manifests from Siriusmon, followed by spectres taking the form of all of Gammamon's other forms with unsettling Slasher Smiles coming out from his body to devour GulusGammamon. His screams don't do anything to make it any less nightmare inducing.
  • As the protagonists ask Quantumon questions and Hiro calls her out, GulusGammamon possesses Gammamon one last time, prompting the Black Digimon to suddenly appear out of nowhere and nearly attack before Quantumon calls them off. GulusGammamon then tells a horrible story, claiming that he came from space and that his planet was devoured by a being known as "the Endbringer" that will come to Earth after 2,000 years and create an army of Black Digimon to devour it instead. Based on his reaction when Hiro questions him, it's implied that he was lying, but the scene is still rather uncomfortable to watch. That said, the fact that their Digimon, and even Quantumon, are panicking from the news means that it might actually be possible, especially since a Digimon's perception of time is much different from human's; plus, the Digital World is also at risk.
