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Funny / Murder Drones

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Standard Disassembly Drone equipment: Knife claws, nanite acid stingers, "Bang!" Flag Guns...

Spoilers ahead. You Have Been Warned

Pretty much the whole thing, to start, but specifically...

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  • Apparently, the Worker Drones have robo versions of religions.
  • The amount of references to the fact that robots can't do many human things which involve liquids.
  • The Fact that N's final form is a dog is completely hilarious.
  • Cyn/Absolute Solver expressing genuine disgust towards any of N's romantic moments.



  • The opening features Uzi recapping why the Worker Drones are living on their own. We see that the humans on the planet blew themselves up. As a bunch of humans panic in the background, two staff turn to each other and simply shrug before the planet goes boom.
  • Uzi presenting her "Sick-as-Hell Railgun" to the class.
    Uzi: Easy, morons, it doesn't work. Yet. It doesn't work yet! (angrily brandishes gun at class) Who says it doesn't work!? MAYBE IT DOES! (Flips switch, gun begins glowing green and crackling with lightning. Uzi begins to cackle madly.)
    Teacher: Uzi, the homework was a word problem about buying watermelons.
    • "Plus, repressed emotional baggage was only worth two points on the rubric."
      • "And is it supposed to be that color?" *BOOM*
    • When Uzi pulls out her Railgun, all the other drones react with shock, with one male drone exclaiming, "That is so not the vibe!"
  • "I'm not mad at you by the way, just generally hormonal!"
    • Doubly funny when you realize as a robot, she doesn't actually HAVE hormones.
  • The Outpost 3 WDF's cards obsession.
    Uzi: I want to join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards.
    Khan: Ha ha! Well, we don't just play cards…
    (door opens, revealing WDF playing cards)
    WDF Drone: Khan! Could you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much the numbers have faded! *Beat* Oh, hey Uzi!
  • Khan hugging his door like it was a beloved pet.
  • After Uzi leaves, Khan takes off his mustache as he cries "tears" of joy.
  • When N regenerates his head, Uzi picks up a severed arm and hits him across the face, and when he wakes up...
    N: Did you just slap me with that arm?
    Uzi: Holy crap, it talks...
  • The scene where Uzi sticks her arm in N's mouth, then demands him to never speak of it again afterwards.
    • The fact that the trailer also featured this scene, but not the scene where her hand gets damaged nor the dialogue about Murder Drone saliva being regenerative, meaning that it made Just As Much Sense In Context there.
  • During their conversation N suddenly puts on a Slasher Smile when talking about the drones' warm sweet oil.
  • Pretty much any time a Drone's faceplate displays anything other than eyes, an "X" or an error message. Special mention must go to the kneeling Worker during the initial attack, whose visor reads "CALCULATING MOST PROBABLE DEITY TO PRAY TO".
    • N's "edgy rebellious sunglasses" also count.
    • Or Uzi's alarm clock being her face, which she smacks to shut the alarm off.
  • Pretty much any time that N is adorkably awkward: double if he doesn't quite know what to do with his hands.
  • V reacting to N's attempt to hide his interactions with Uzi with a flag gun reading "LITERALLY SO INSANELY SUSPICIOUS". Given that all we’ve seen of her up until then is an insane, bloodthirsty sadist, it's hilariously out of left field.
    • Get's even funnier when you realize JC Jenson would have had to deliberately either put that flag into her or programmed the ability and inclination to rapidly fabricate it. Between that, the slightly unprofessional messages they send over N's death monitors, the fact that their A.I. can turn against them REALLY easy, and the reactor explosion, the competency of JC Jenson is quite debatable.
  • Right before N destroys the door controls, he gets distracted by the WDF's game of rummy, then he sadly remembers that he's supposed to kill everyone.
    N: Hey fellas! Deal me in; I love rummy!, I'm going to murder everyone. Rain check!
    • Todd tries to correct N that it's actually gin rummy before getting killed.
    • After his Heel–Face Turn and getting infected by J, one of the things that N apologizes for is ruining their card game.
  • When J and V congratulate N for letting them into the Worker Drones' base, V calls N by name, revealing that her forgetfulness was Obfuscating Stupidity, leaving N utterly baffled.
    N: You— me— name— remember?
  • V glefully exclaiming "Lowest body count eats a missile!" Now imagine that by sheer chance the one with the lowest body count was J.
  • As the virus module injected into N is almost finished uploading, his visor displays a BSoD saying "I'm LITERALLY about to die."
  • Khan's solution to beating the Murder Drones is to build a quick door, which is obviously not Crazy Enough to Work.
  • Uzi tells V to put that "conventionally attractive male" down.
  • N can't help but wave at his former comrades until Uzi gives him an elbow jab. He then does a lame attempt at telling J that she sucks, which Uzi finds acceptable enough.
    N: Oh- uh, J... you're sometimes kinda mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism.
    Uzi: Nice. [Both Fist Bump]
  • What's the incentive for becoming the top team of murder drones? Branded pens.
    • Made funnier by the fact that they seem really into the idea. They react the way a lot of companies wish an employee would react to token gifts like this.
      • Which makes sense. A company today can't write an employee's brain, hence the issue with meager rewards, but JCJenson, having created the Murder Drones, is capable of making them content with them.
  • Uzi's first attack against J is to throw a pen at her. Which actually hurts her and causes her to stop for a second to both curse and shill for the pen.
  • At one point, N tries to shoot V with his Arm Cannon. Unfortunately, due to N's crush on her, it ends up shooting a slow-moving heart instead.
    N: AHH! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!
  • How does N defeat V?
    N: I'm so, SO sorry. Have fun repressing this...? [licks V's blade]
    V: EWW! What the hell!?
    [V looks up just in time to see N above her, who smashes her down to the ground in one kick]
  • When J is giving her speech about how Uzi resisting her is futile, her eyes change to display "BestMonologueEver.mp3"
    • Doubly funny when you realize it means she had the entire speech prepared in advance, AKA she knew exactly what Uzi was going to say and do. …or rather, she thought she did, as…
  • Right after her monologue, Uzi stabs J in the leg with her own tail, causing J to scream buzzwords in place of cussing. Her last words end up being another one.
    J: ...Equity partnersh— [railgun fires]
  • Even in the midst of a Tear Jerker moment, it's a bit funny when Uzi says that her "The Reason You Suck" Speech isn't even an "edgy teen hyperbole" like when she said it last week.
    • Khan, visibly unnerved, then takes a sip from his "#1 Dad" mug before becoming more unnerved.
  • Don't forget the posters in the school nurse's office! "Don't wash your hands ur a robot, idiot", "don't die lol", and one of the points on the "what hurts?" poster being "the existential dread of being a sentient machine created by gods that abandoned us". In a school.


  • The running gag of N trying to act like a Cool Big Bro towards Uzi. Anytime he's trying to show her affection, she's quick to get annoyed and brush it off.
  • V spending her time imprisoned just blowing bubbles, having turned her hands into bubble wands.
  • Even with the large and obvious name tag, Frank is dubbed "Ladderbot 5000".
    • As Frank is tasked with fixing the hole in their base, he requests that they leave the lights on, only for it to be shut off mid sentence.
  • The entire Parent-Teacher Conference.
    • The wrapper says: "Parent-Teacher Conferences; AKA: "That explains a lot".
    • Khan is affronted at the suggestion that Uzi is damaged and goes on a long tirade trying to defend her. When he cut to the teacher's viewpoint, we see that he's overlayed his vision with a game of Solitare window to tune out the insults.
    • Among the odd behavior that the teacher shares about Uzi (which includes regularly sitting on her desk like a cat and hiding in trash cans) is an incident where she temporarily removed the sentience of her classmate, Braiden. When told to give it back, Uzi spouts her usual catchphrase, only to remember that she's currently in her classmate's body. So she corrects herself to tell the teacher to "Bite her" (pointing at the empty shell of Uzi's body), before saying that "he" started it and that that "he's" dumb as if Braiden were saying it. Then Braiden's head catches fire.
  • Uzi's class is having lessons on Captcha tests, also known as the "Prove you're not a robot" test. Given that the text on said lessons seems to consist mostly of the slideshow writer having a Freak Out, it seems to work quite well on the Worker Drones.
    • Also, another Freeze-Frame Bonus reveals that- in what can only be described as a robotic version of a Furry Reminder- Java, C, and C++ are considered psychology courses in drone society.
  • The Absolute Solver baits Worker Drones into stepping into her trap in order to kill them for parts. Her way of doing so is to create low-res holograms that stand perfectly still to attract other workers. The low-res and stationary aspects are noticed and recognized by other workers, yet they fall for it anyway.
    • Despite being able to realistically mimic the mannerisms of the other worker drones, when it comes to trying to bait Uzi with a Thad hologram, the Absolute Solver tries to use heavy amounts of slang, which devolves into rambling about teeth.
  • As thanks for rescuing him, Thad invites Uzi and N to a big weekend shindig he's throwing. Then, while glaring at the Absolute Solver, adds "Cool kids only" before making a bold exit. Uzi and N are super stoked at the offer, while the Solver pretends that it's not bothered by the snub.
  • Remember how Uzi banished herself at the end of the first episode? Apparently, Khan has been telling everyone that she grounded herself instead. Uzi is not pleased to learn this.
  • The gate guard is smart enough to not let in N because he's obviously a Dissasembly Drone. N was prepared for this, and... sheepishly approaches him with a hand-drawn card that says "I'm sorry" with a crude drawing. The guard is actually touched by this gesture and lets him in so long as he doesn't do it again. He immediately puts the picture up on the door with a flower magnet!
  • The last surviving piece of J's Absolute Solver unit tries to sneak away while saying things like "sneaky sneaky" and "get snuck-up on." N promptly finishes it off by stabbing it several times with his tail. It reacts with flat "Ow." every time he stabs it.

    The Promening 

  • It's part of a very frightening scene, but the missing poster for Angela Palmer states she was last seen "Confusing the ancient digital artifact collection 'The Office' with a personality core." Whether it's referring to the British version or the American one (though the latter is more likely due to being more successful), the fact remains that it remained iconic even when humanity developed colonization of planets. Also, one can only imagine what happened to Angela when she slotted the DVD in.
  • While staring up at her ceiling string theory board, Uzi lets out a loud groan that lasts through school and doesn't let up when she's hit in the head during dodgeball.
  • The worker and murder drones' method of finding prom attire? Dragging in well dressed human corpses from outside. One imagines this is how ALL the drones found their clothes.
  • One episode later, Braiden's head is STILL on fire. He doesn't seem to mind.
  • When Khan arranges for Uzi to go to the prom with Lizzy and Doll, he forbids her from seeing "those bad-influencing Murder Drones" as if they were the bad kids at school, not a bunch of homicidal monsters.
  • Lizzy's comment on Doll's home and Doll's subsequent response.
    Lizzy: Doll, do you ever clean?
    Doll: *with a blunt face* Ya povyesila prosten.* *smirks at Lizzy* Oni spyaaaat.*
  • Doll's reaction to Uzi's escape from her bathroom:
    Doll: (In Russian) As they say in Russian, "Whoops, I should've predicted that someone could escape out of a ventilation shaft using discarded mirrors as stairs."
    • The fact that Uzi somehow had time to stack all of those mirrors and climb out before Doll arrived.
  • V beheads N so that he wouldn't be able to interfere with her genocide at the prom. When he revives, he freaks out when he realizes that V left and starts to rush out to stop her. He gives several glances at the tuxedo which is still on the human skeleton, decides that there's no time and leaves, only to peek back into the pod and gives into the temptation so that he could be "dapper N."
  • At the prom, there is a fruit punch bowl... which is purely cosmetic by the way, as a note leaning on it explicitly states that Drones who drink it will "super die."
  • Lizzy is assisting Doll in a plot to get V killed. A number of awkward moments occur before chaos ensues.
    • Lizzie explains that she managed to "befriend V" (who was in turn using her to get inside). Shortly after V reveals that she was just using Lizzy, she stops when she realizes that she's about to be crowned prom queen. Lizzy orders everyone to forgive her or she will have their grades "docked".
      • V's somehow grossed out reaction when looking at the tiara.
    • When V is about to step up to the mic to speak, she quietly rationalizes that waiting until later to kill everyone isn't vain, but rather "extra sinister."
    • Uzi and N arrive to stop V, but nothing bad is actually happening at the moment, confusing them and everyone who is unaware of the assassination plot.
      Uzi: Unhand them, you fie- [Sees V being prom queen] -eeeeeend? [To N] I'm confused.
    • Right before Doll unleashes her powers at the prom, Lizzy has a last second change in mind and tells V to run because she's "way hotter than Doll."
  • When Khan decides to quietly escape from the building to get away from V, he is stopped by the Absolute Solver which locks the doors, which is ironic considering his love for doors.
    Khan: NOT... the doors...
  • While Uzi is preparing to attack Doll, there's a cutaway to N and V trying to put themselves back together very slowly (having had been torn apart by Doll's attack). V tries to claim N's arm for herself using her mouth when Lizzy suddenly arrives to tell the two that they look like garbage. V calls her a traitor, prompting Lizzy to point out as she snatches the arm from V's mouth that V was basically using her to kill everyone. When she questions where the arm goes, N enthusiastically says thank you to her, prompting both Lizzy and V to say "Shut up, loser."
  • V shoots Doll through the back of her head, prompting Uzi to angrily state that they needed her alive for answers. V claims that she's fine despite the psychotic Worker Drone clearly bleeding out on the floor. N then hastily testifies against her.
    N: V DID THAT ON PURPOSE! She's hiding mystery stuff and being overly dramatic about it!
    V: N! You suck! *slaps N in the upper arm*
    Uzi: YOU! *both N and V point to each other trying to blame each other*
  • Uzi, N, and V investigate Doll’s apartment after the battle at prom. Mostly a scary scene, except for when V starts sucking on a dismembered robot arm like a lollipop. Cue Uzi's response.
    Uzi: *slaps the arm out of V's mouth* Self-respect!
  • When N finds the corpses of Doll's long deceased parents, V casually adds how they didn't taste good. N of all people calls her out on that.
    N: V, you kind of suck.
    V: *giggles* Yeah. I'm not doing okay. [eats a robot cockroach]

    Cabin Fever 
  • Buses are not driven, but rode on like horses. Apparently, at some point, JCJenson decided to give the buses A.I.s as well.
  • Apparently, Nori's crazed ramblings before her death at the hands of the Murder Drones included phrases like "Build doors against the coming sky demons!", "The singularity awakens", and "Look at this cool S I can draw!"
  • So why was Uzi's entire class dragged off to some abandoned campground during a blizzard? The teacher explains it was Uzi's idea, but she counters by saying she just wanted permission to skip class and go by herself; the teacher turned it into a field trip because he was disappointed with their test scores. He doesn't deny this, and also cites the lack of his getting this yearly bonus as a motive.
    • At the end of the episode, when pointing at the attendance list to ask V where the missing students are, everyone is listed by their grades... and most of the class got As and Bs, implying that the Teacher decided to punish the class for the few that failed the test.
  • A running gag throughout the episode is that no one can remember Uzi's name. This ends up working against them when a dying Rebecca has to describe the culprit who bisected her. Even when Uzi herself appears to attack them, no one can identify her.
  • When Uzi brings up that she's been friends with N and V, all of her classmates react to this information with horror and quickly befriend the Disassembly Drones because they feel bad that these killer robots have had to deal with Uzi.
    • Related to that, just the fact that Uzi's classmates seem more afraid of her than they are of N and V despite having just watched V casually shoot one of them dead.
  • The archery session. N hits the bullseye with a storm of arrows. One of the students is so stunned by the feat, that he subconsciously lets go off his bowstring and accidentally shoots his classmate dead. Nobody cares.
  • According to a calendar Uzi finds, all dogs were apparently evacuated before the core went off, with notes point out that that is canon now and also all dogs are immortal thanks to science.
  • Among the options offered to Uzi by the Keybug are two that stand out quite a bit. One is "Submit torture chamber complaint" and the other is "End my suffering".
  • The Drone who suggested splitting up to Lizzy and the other Drone she was with said she read in her Final Girl survivalism book that splitting up would be a good idea. We then get a glimpse at the page the book's 14th chapter starts on. The name of the chapter? "That's Not What The Book Said". A Freeze-Frame Bonus reveals a word from "Grizzled McOldman" stating that splitting up will just add to the runtime and make for a Troubled Production.
  • Though it's also a bit of a Nightmare Fuel Uzi sneaking up on Sam under a tree and dropping the Final Girl book on his head.
    Sam: "Does it at least have pictures?"
    Uzi: *with a Slasher Smile and Solver symbol in the middle of her visor* "It doesn't. I checked."
  • After V intervenes when Lizzy is about to get strangled/have her neck snapped, she tells her that she’s not trying to save her life, only kill Uzi. How does Lizzy respond before promptly face-planting into the snow?
    Lizzy: Okay, mom.
  • Then Uzi pins V against a tree and damages her head causing V to fire a missile in the wrong direction in desperate attempt at retaliation. The missile lands right next to Lizzy, who simply reacts with exasperated "Uh.." in complete deadpan before being blasted away.
  • When a corrupted Uzi is about to kill V with her own acid stinger, N simply yoinks her up to stop her. When Uzi tries to focus her attacks on N, he casually blocks the acid strike with his hand, gives a chuckle, and tosses Uzi into the stratosphere so he can quickly heal the wound and berate V for antagonizing her.
    V: (sulking) You always take her side!
  • After N and Uzi have their heart-to-heart in the sky, they land and Uzi apologizes for her rampage, with N consoling her that at least she didn't kill anyone. He confirms it to be a joke when she points out that she very much did, and tells her to take baby steps and just work toward not making another corpse tower.
  • On the way home, the teacher notes that several students are missing, and turns to V asking where they are. Instead of blaming Uzi, she responds: "I get hungry, idiot." The teacher is so apathetic that he doesn't care that several of his students have supposedly been eaten by a Killer Robot, or that said killer robot is sitting right behind him, and only criticizes V over the name calling.
  • The credits sequence ends with an In Memoriam to Braiden, with the picture being the shot of him dancing while on fire during the previous episode.

  • N's in the middle of a library, reading a book about dogs, when he finds a drawing made by him and J — he drew a scribble of himself and J as lizards, while she made an animesque drawing of herself as a human with the words "kill yourself" next to them.
  • Cyn tries to get N to take her to the gala with Puppy-Dog Eyes. As in, a picture of a puppy displayed on her visor.
  • When the mansion begins rattling and a floorboard pops up near N, a number of books fall out of the shelves with rather on-the-nose titles: the book "DANGER" on one side of him, and on the other side, the books "ENTER" and "The Spooky Basement". N demonstrates his Genre Savvy status and gives a peace sign while walking away.
  • The odd book titles are Uzi trying to get N to enter said basement, so when he ignores her, it's abundantly clear that she's getting irritated with him, as her next message is "BASEMENT! NOW! STOP IGNORING ME!" surrounded by multiple faces of >:(. N chucks the tray allowing him to see it across the room, embedding it in the wall.
  • When that doesn't work, she resorts to telling him that when he's about to die he should say her hilariously-edgy username (darkXwolf17) that she made when she was eight.
  • J stoically rocking on Tessa's wooden horse toy.
  • It turns out J's tendency towards corporate speak and devotion even extends back to when she was a maid with no connection to one. As such, Tessa is able to trick J into helping her go after Cyn by telling her that the Absolute Solver wants paid time off and to enter union negotiations.
  • Even when talking to N's past/memory self, Uzi can't help but be a Tsundere. At one point, she accidentally calls him cute and immediately tries to correct it to "weird".
  • Due to the memory N not remembering who Uzi is, Uzi takes the opportunity to make herself seem greater than she actually is only for her to suddenly shout at her dad to get out of her room, causing her bird avatar to go offline.
  • Uzi and N see a glitching drone with a psychotic smile and an eye on her hand - prompting Uzi's bird avatar to pop out an egg.
  • It then cuts to J, who's trying desperately to break Tessa's chain, with Tessa egging her on by... talking about a Drone that wants paid leave and unionization.
  • When Uzi and N meet up with J and Tessa, Uzi can't help but taunt J by telling her that she kills her in the future. J doesn't seem to care.
  • Upon seeing an AS-corrupted V and J duking it out, one of the gala-goers promptly breaks out into Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe - prompting another attendee who's recording the fight on her smartphone to ask why he's talking like that.
  • N reacting with horror upon seeing his strange ally being killed by Cyn... though the tension is somewhat alleviated by the fact that he's screaming her edgy gamer tag.
  • Cyn originally tries to lobotomize N's memories using surgical tools, but her pincer claws prevent her from picking any of the tools up for longer than two seconds.
    Cyn: "Son of a... Come on. Solver of the Absolute Fabric. Get a grip." ...pauses, slowly gives N a Kubrick Stare and smacks the table with tool aside... "Tantrum."
  • She then brings a possessed V into the basement to help her... but her own claws make her equally terrible at picking up the tools without her glasses, never mind her left hand being perfectly normal. It drives Cyn to bang her camera-head against a wall with frustration.
    Cyn:in complete deadpan "Grab it. Just grab it. Juts. Grab. It. ... Intimidating glare."
  • Tessa throwing stuff at AS/Cyn at the Gala, much to the latter's mild annoyance. You can see Cyn/AS graually lose their cool with each another deflected item, until they turn the entire place to Nightmare Fuel.
    Cyn: "Tessa, remember, you didn't have to"*SMACK* "... *blinks* ... you didn't have"*SMACK* "... you di"*SMACK* ... *REALITY WARP* "You didn't have to see this."
  • Doll arriving to steal the golden bug results in a game of "Absolute Solver tug-o-war" between Doll and Uzi. When Uzi sees that N is in danger, she's forced to allow Doll to take the bug... which she does so by throwing it into her face before slamming the door.
  • V fights her way out of being controlled by Cyn after N returns her glasses, reciting the information about golden retrievers that he told her while she was comatose, with him tearfully saying it alongside her to help her break through. At first, Cyn reacts with surprise... before immediately rolling her eye in disgust.
    Cyn: Cute? False. Gross? True.
  • V's response to realizing that Uzi is rooting around in her memories? Call her a narc and, upon waking up, threaten the smug hacker with a chainsaw.
  • The episode's ending starts fairly tense, with Doll handing the golden bug over to Tessa and J. When Doll reminds Tessa of the deal to take Doll with her in exchange, Tessa shoots her... with Doll's Absolute Solver powers causing the bullet to spin around and miss completely. Tessa comments that she was just checking, and turns around... to find Uzi, N, and V standing right behind her. Everyone—Doll, J, Tessa, Uzi, N, and V— starts talking at once in shock and confusion before being cut off by the credits.

    Dead End 
  • Uzi's first response to Tessa's greeting is to bite the human's finger.
  • One of the inspirational posters in the cubicles reads “I <3 LATE STAGE CAPITALISM”.
  • The sign that blatantly says "Secret Elevator". The episode might've been a lot shorter if Alice and Beau hadn't captured everyone.
    • What makes this funnier is that N asked earlier if the secret elevator was labeled, and V rolled her eyes. Her eye notably twitches when she finds out that N was right.
  • After Tessa gets dragged away, the trio come across a random baby drone playing a pre-recorded giggling noise. Everyone knows that it's a trap.
    Uzi: Shoot the baby immediately-?
    N: THAT'S NOT SOON ENOUGH!!! [Immediately starts shooting]
    • The fact that N is the one to take initiative.
  • We see human blood for the first time when a Sentinel bites Tessa's hand... though it quickly shifts to funny when it turns out that a Sentinel seeing blood equates to them "being a bad dingo". Tessa later exploits this by "humaning" (spilling her blood) everywhere.
    • The mere fact that Tessa and the Sentinels' programmers call these obviously dinosaur-like robots dingos.
  • While approaching the elevator, N and Uzi end up reflexively holding hands. They get nervous and sweaty and forcefully pull apart from each other, only to reflexively hold hands again, causing them to sweat even harder. V and Tessa eventually notice this and have their own comments on this gesture.
    V: Ew.
    Tessa: Don't date my bot, please.
  • During Tessa's terrifying monologue about how the Absolute Solver spread to Copper 9, a picture of Nori, Yeva, some Sentinels, and a human scientist can be seen. If you zoom in on what the clipboard the scientist is holding, it says "What horror hath man's hubris wrought this time?"
  • When Tessa picks up the green cockroach and spins it around on her finger, its reaction is mostly nausea, despite being a robot.
  • Alice and Beau capture everyone, and use magnets to disable Uzi, N and V. They have no effect on Tessa, but having no idea what to do with her, they duct tape one to her helmet anyway.
    • When operating on N, Beau is visibly unnerved by N's Dissonant Serenity, especially when N compliments his efforts at dismemberment.

    Mass Destruction 
  • In the flashback to the day of the core collapse, one of the scientists dramatically reminds us that — despite all the religious and occult imagery — everything here has a perfectly logical explanation... while she's wearing a bishop's mitre and stole.
    Ridley: Science holding strong, sir! Math...
  • Nori turns out to be alive, and the first thing we see of her present day appearance? Her as a Worker Drone core wearing cat ear headphones. Also, she is hearing anime music while researching the meat hole, and Uzi likes anime. Like mother, like daughter.
    • We also learn later in the episode that Uzi apparently inherited her Catchphrase of "Bite me!" from her mom, since Nori uses it on N when he tries to Take a Third Option with regard to keeping Nori's survival secret from Uzi.
  • When N is trying to free himself from the debris fallen to his left arm, he sees another illusion of the Solver, this time V when she was still a maid. Understandably, N screams in terror and would have made things more scarier, if it wasn’t for the fact that moments N screams its cut to a motivational poster that is terrible at what is supposed to do with a stock smiling emoji with sunglasses.
  • When Nori rescues N from Cyn's tentacles, she wonders why Cyn is after her own "murder pet" and asks N if it's because he's stupid or something. N responds with an enthusiastic "oh yeah", to which Nori decides that he's fine enough for her to ask him to do her a favor.
  • Right in the middle of the fight between N and Solver!Uzi, Nori saves N. We then get this exchange:
    Solver!Uzi: Nori? You're dead!
    Solver!Uzi: Angry!
  • Uzi is possessed by the Solver, forcing N and Nori to fight her. How is the posessed Uzi defeated? When N is torn to pieces and Uzi is about to eat Nori, N uses his bleeding limbs to draw a message saying that he and Uzi "HANG OUT? WE JUST KINDA ARE HANGING OUT A LOT IDK." The AS expresses confusion while Nori is enraged that Uzi befriended the things that killed "her frickin mother" before slapping her so hard that she slams back down into the building and Uzi regains control.
    • Usually, it is The Power of Love that resolves these kind of issues, with the confession giving the victim strength to fight back. Instead, what actually saves Uzi is a combination of an angry mom's disciplinary slap and the embarrassment of admitting to the relationship. If it works, don't question it.
  • Uzi, now having fully regained consciousness, is mad at the seemingly random parasite for acting like she owns her and throws her into the flesh pit, leading to this exchange:
    N: Uzi!
    Uzi: What?! We did NOT discuss being gross and, URAUGHHH!!!
    Uzi: WHAT???
    N: Wait, NO!!!
    Both: [Confused Reactive Continuous Scream]
  • For some reason, Lizzy assumes that she and Thad can take on a Disassembly Drone with punches and kicks. Thad ends up agreeing with her, but luckily J had finished what she was doing before they could get close enough for her to notice them.
  • Khan unexpectedly arriving with plans to take action to stop the end of the world, starting with rebuilding Uzi's railgun. He goes on a rant about the things the Murder Drones have destroyed: ways off the planet, his wife, his daughter having interests beyond cannibalism and... nightcore?
  • Thad and Lizzy are understandably freaking out when the planet's gravity starts going out of control. Khan, on the other hand, is completely unfazed, having already known what to expect thanks to his wife's "crazy drawings".
  • J is ambushed by Khan, Thad, and Lizzy arriving by school bus. She questions who they are while preparing to attack them, but not before she notices that Lizzy is wielding a railgun identical to the one that destroyed her previous backup, causing her eye to flash a "PRIOR HAZARD" warning, confirming that she kept all of her memories from episode 1 and she quickly realizes her chances of winning are slim.
  • Even as Uzi sacrifices herself for N, she can't help but troll him with one last message flashed on her visor: '"DIE MAD".


  • In the Season 1 trailer, among the chilling shots of obscured corpses and chaos, we have V who abruptly changes her mood and blows bubbles out of her built in bubble wand.
  • The video advertising the exclusive premiere describes a desolate, bleak, uninhabitable land called... Los Angeles. Cue meme screaming sound effects.
  • The season 1 trailer shows a clip of what seems to be some kind of prom in Uzi's school. Everyone's dressed for the event, but humorously, everyone keeps their hats.

  • Whenever Luke Lerdwichagul advertises the show, he usually describes it as being "about cute robots who murder each other for reasons". It's way more complicated than that.
  • Just look at the song names in the OST. It almost looks like something Toby Fox would name most of his songs.
  • One teaser picture shows V making her Slasher Smile close to the camera while Uzi is laughing manically in the background. N, meanwhile, is just standing expressionlessly in between them. Poor N looks like he has to deal with two crazy girls.
  • In the Season 1 teaser video, Liam answers a few questions, and when joking about making door merch, he made a mockup sketch that definitely Crosses the Line Twice.
    Beaten someone to death with a wrench?
    Left your daughter for dead?
    Evaded robo taxes?
  • Whoever's running the GLITCH Twitter claimed to have a fever dream that appeared like a bald worker drone head fleeing from a larger bald disassembly drone head who was trying to eat the former like Pac-Man.
  • IT CAME FROM COPPER 9!! replicates old school horror genre advertisements, having a few gags in between.
    • "Critics at gunpoint are calling it 'terrifying', and 'let my family go please."
    • The reviews:
      "It's scary cause it's like... real." - Sam
      "3/5...Doors play an important yet ultimately only supporting role." K. Doorman
      "If this schlock breaks even, I'll eat my foot joint." - J
    • There's a deep voiced narrator advertising the merch. Then Uzi opens the door and tells N (who turns out to have been the voice) to get out of her room and stop trivializing their near death experiences, to which N responds by exclaiming that "selling merchandise is a coping mechanism".
    • Towards the end, Uzi briefly joins in on the narration. N then says that the merch is coming out this summer. After the footage cut, Uzi corrects him that the merch is already out.
  • The Murder Drones Training Video gives us a glimpse in the world of working for JCJenson... through the usage of merchandise.
    • The video starts showing a plush toy of N getting injured in various ways, such as falling down the stairs, burning under the sunlight, and getting squished by closing automatic doors.
    • J assures the viewers that everyone makes mistakes... except her.
    • The OC in the notebook (which bears an uncanny resemblance to J) is named Serial Designation S.
    • Apparently in the event of a world ending crisis, you're advised to pray to a "Uzi, Host of the Solver" acrylic stand. J's not sure what it is, but it's 100% effective 20% of the time.
      • For some reason, Uzi's shown praying to the acrylic stand as well.
    • J goes through "5 workplace situations that you can avoid." Plot twist, she only goes through four, which she realizes briefly after finishing and panicking because she made a mistake, causing her to explode.
  • Twitter advertisement for the keychains has everyone as the keychains having a conversation, with N happy that they're practically on a road trip, J wanting to strangle N with his own chain (if she wasn't completely inanimate), and Uzi mad about being a keychain in an ad once again (and the chain and backpack are dumb). V says that the contract only specified screentime, so they don't have to talk. N asks if they can talk any way, which she responds no. A moment of silence later...
    N: Only road trip songs. Got it!
    Ninety-nine bottles of oil on the wall
    Ninety-nine bottles of oil
    [Uzi snickering, and at this point joining in]
    Take one down, pass it around,
    Ninety-eight bottles of oil on the wall
    V and J: [Frustrated screaming]
