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Tear Jerker / Murder Drones

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For a show where sentient robots get slaughtered by other sentient robots, this is to be expected.

All spoilers are left unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Episode 1 - Pilot

  • Despite N learning that Uzi was the Worker Drone who shot him in the face, he still states that he enjoyed his time with her before pinning her to the wall.
  • Rather than pick up the gun to save or avenge his daughter, Khan, in an act of cowardice, chooses to leave her to die, trusting that the safety of his doors was the best solution. It's so shocking that N stops trying to kill Uzi. What's worse is Uzi's reaction. She...breaks. No fighting. No crying. She just...stops.
  • When J injects N with the virus after he begins questioning the company, he keeps his Stepford Smiler personality and thanks J and tells her that she's awesome. After J leaves, he drops the act and apologizes to Uzi for what he did to her and the other workers during the past few minutes. This implies that he was actually so intimidated by J that he couldn't bring himself to say anything bad about her, making the lame "The Reason You Suck" Speech he makes later the only time he does criticize her.
  • The sheer irony of Khan sipping from his #1 Dad mug after he left his own daughter to die and being called out for it. It gets worse. There are a few bits of text on the news introducing him earlier in the episode, where he says "Doors are my real daughter." and calls Uzi a "disappointing failure" he's had to deal with. These are things he's said on public media about his own kid. Yeesh.

Episode 2 - Heartbeat

  • Over the course of the episode, N asks Uzi "You good?", which she always shrugs off, answers dismissively or straight up rejects. But, after witnessing her "dad" die, N saves her life and asks her once again if she's good. She finally admits no, she's not good. Only for it to be immediately revealed that it wasn't N she was being vulnerable with, but a hologram of the AbsoluteSolver, trying to get its hands on her BFG. Doubles as Nightmare Fuel.
  • By the end, after having witnessed a hologram of Khan get torn apart, being confused by how much of the AbsoluteSolver's illusions were real, and realizing that the Disassembly Drones have unknown horrors inside, Uzi can't help but run back to her father and give him a big hug despite having "banished" herself earlier. Second episode and the protagonist is already broken.
  • Uzi and N's friendship seemingly falls apart after fighting the AbsoluteSolver that was within J. Uzi's become so shaken by the horrors she's witnessed that exist within Diassembler bodies that she cringes when N, another Disassembler, touches her shoulder. In her panic, she backs away, asking him "What are you things?", which N doesn't take well. N leaves and Uzi watches, apparent regret setting in.
  • In the final scene of the episode, you can see that Uzi has written "Trust no one. That's why I don't have any friends... no other reason..." on a piece of paper in her room.

Episode 3 - The Promening

  • Following up from the previous episode, Uzi sees a crayon drawing N drew of them, with the message "Thank you for being my friend!" written on it. After seeing their friendship seemingly break apart in the previous episode, seeing this drawing is absolutely heartbreaking, especially since Uzi clearly feels bad about it.

Episode 4 - Cabin Fever

  • While feasting on Rebecca and Darren's insides, Uzi vomits the oil back out, clearly disgusted by what she's done.
  • When briefly regaining some level of control after being dismembered by V’s claw swipe, her reaction after telling V she doesn’t know who that is in response to being called Cyn is just to beg to talk to N. It’s only when V denies that request that she switches back into full attack mode.
  • As Uzi and N are freefalling, the former is absolutely distraught over what's been happening with her newfound "Murder Drone" powers, scared of not only what she might do to others, not only of what she's become but that the latter might leave her behind over it just like in Episode 2. She even hides away from N in her new wings, too.

Episode 5 - Home

  • The verbal abuse Tessa's mother heaps on both her daughter and her daughter's drones is disturbingly realistic and isn't subjected to the series's usual Mood Whiplash. You even feel sorry for J.
    • Another thing to note is that when Louisa decides to scrap Tessa's 'broken' drones in the library, N and J visibly panic. Not out of concern for themselves but for V and the other Workers who were disconnected and are stuck in the library, implying that J also cares for her fellow drones.
  • In the struggle for the bug with Doll, Uzi lets out this line while trying to restore the memories of N and V, revealing the other reason why she jumped in to save them. Her voice breaking in that moment isn't helping. It is clear that the events of "Cabin Fever" are still affecting her, as she killed at least five robots and ate at least two of them.
    Uzi: This is the only clue to what's wrong with me!
  • When a Solver-possessed Cyn can't manage to pick up a scalpel to erase N's memories, she forces a brainwashed V to do it. It gets even worse as when V breaks free, Cyn pins her to the ceiling and forces her to watch as she prepares to smash N's OS. V even shouts N's name in despair. Thankfully, Uzi returns just in time.
  • While Solver!Cyn ultimately chose to spare Tessa that night (whether out of Villainous Respect on the Solver's part or some lingering sentiment from Cyn is unclear), the A.I. still trapped Tessa in the room with everyone else, forcing the poor girl to watch as a room full of humans (including Tessa's parents, Asshole Victims that they were) were massacred by an army of mind-controlled worker drones.
    Solver!Cyn: Tessa, remember [...] you didn't have to see this.

Episode 6 - Dead End

  • The reveal of the fate of the other Disassembly Drone squads: They're all dead. Every other squad besides N's squad completed their first objective and went down into the labs, only to be slaughtered by the Sentinels. While they were oil-thirsty, genocidal mass murderers, in another life, they were just fellow servants of the Elliot Manor and fellow Zombie Drones. Innocent Workers who through no fault of their own were forced into 606 errors and become thralls of the Solver, used to massacre an entire gala and force Tessa to watch. They were later turned into monsters and unleashed upon Copper-9's population of unaware Workers.
  • The reveal of Earth's supposed destruction. Mankind's birthplace, all the animals that lived on it (possibly excluding the dogs based on that joke about humans making them immortal in "Cabin Fever"), and everything Tessa and anyone else who escaped knew — it's now gone.
    • On the flipside if Tessa is lying about the destruction of Earth and the footage is looped, imagine the heartbreak N will have when he realizes that someone who rescued him from the dump, repaired him and took care of him is perfectly okay with lying to him to try and get him to kill his first true friend and girlfriend
  • N asks Tessa if she's here to fix Uzi. Tessa reveals that there is no cure for the Absolute Solver, and that N will have to choose between Uzi and the universe.
  • While Tessa's full intentions are yet to be revealed, she is still going through a lot and it's illustrated through her body language. While bitter about what the AbsoluteSolver supposedly did to Earth, she appears reluctant to break it down to N and V - the drones she took care of when little - of what she deems necessary.
    • When telling N about needing to either save the universe or Uzi, she briefly looks away in shame. Note that her voice and holding N's hand are in a gentle way. She knows that killing Uzi would take a huge toll on N due to how close the two became. That being said, she lets N hug Uzi as if wanting to give him the remaining time to have her before making the choice.
    • After escaping from Alice and the Sentinels, V tells off Tessa for putting all of them in danger. We get a lingering camera shot of Tessa holding onto her bleeding arm; the same way she did around her hostile mother. This time, V had a right to be angry at Tessa for her assumption of controlling the Sentinels. It could be argued that the guilt is starting to sink in, especially when Tessa solemnly admits she hasn't been honest with V yet.
  • V's apparent death. Not wanting to let her friends die and surrounded, V cuts the elevator cable, stays behind to draw the attention of the Sentinels, and accepts her coming doom as the music swells and the Sentinels pounce on her.
    • Made even more heartbreaking by N's pleas that they need her.

Episode 7 - Mass Destruction

  • When the remaining group makes it into the underground, N’s first actions is to get back to V and save her from the Sentinels. He desperately tries to destroy the debris with rockets, with his own claws, not knowing he nearly hurts Uzi with the flying debris he is removing. He immediately starts to apologize but Tessa stops him and tells everyone to keep moving forward. When Uzi tries to follow the group, N and Tessa try to get her to stay behind so she doesn't learn that the only way to get rid of the Absolute Solver is to kill her. Even when the others are holding back this (false) knowledge, Uzi's not an idiot. Her face quickly turns from anger to fear, with falling debris separating the trio.
  • N's expression when Cyn shows him a flashback of the destruction of Earth, seeing his fellow Disassembly Drones have a feast on freshly killed humans while the sky is red and raining what appears to be blood. And he realizes he took part of such event. N is going through a painful “My God, What Have I Done?” moment, as he realizes he took many innocent lives prior coming to Copper-9.
  • Nori blames herself for the state her daughter is in, citing herself as the reason why the planet imploded and why the Disassembly Drones were sent to the planet to massacre all the other drones. Now she is stuck underground, with the Solver hunting her down.
    • While it was played for laughs, Nori is clearly angry when N reveals that they have been hanging out. Her own daughter has been hanging out with the same type of monsters that got her killed in the first place.
  • N and Nori have to fight off the Absolute Solver using Uzi as a host. It's clear that N is torn between defending himself and trying not to harm Uzi after everything she's been through. Worse still, the Absolute Solver taunts N over this, taking a moment to dig N's blade into Uzi's neck with a sadistic grin, and later "winning" the fight by prompting N to take the finishing blow meant for itself.
  • It's revealed that Tessa has been Dead All Along, and that the Solver was wearing her corpse to further manipulate the group and get around anti-machine protection measures. For the past few episodes, N hasn't been talking to his mother/big sister figure, but her defiled dead body.
    • When N decapitates "Tessa," he breathes heavily and slumps against his arm-blade, clearly panicking about killing his familial figure, even if she was a flesh disguise for the Solver.
  • Poor, poor Uzi, this episode has been very rough on her. Not only does she witness the truth of the planet’s implosion, she is nearly killed by Tessa and subsequently possessed by the Absolute Solver, and after freeing herself of its control, unknowingly kicks Nori, her own mother, into the flesh pit and when N tells her that was her mother, they both start to scream in confusion… only to stop when they hug and comfort each other. Saying that she is going through a lot, is an understatement.
  • The final act of the episode features Uzi sacrificing herself to save N from certain death inside the flesh pit.
