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Fanfic / Stars, Eyes of Heaven

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"The man who conquered the world falls from heaven, and the various consequences thereof."
Series Summary

Stars, Eyes of Heaven is a Continuation Fic series of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (you know, the one where Everybody Lives), written by aenor_llelo. What started as an 8-chapter drabble is now a ten-part series with over 40,000 words and counting. It's mostly a Slice of Life series, speculating on the events of the new timeline with lots of character exploration, and a running Central Theme of trauma, its effects throughout life, and moving past it (with the support of friends and family). Don't worry, there's some healthy dashes of humor to sneak on ya. Many of the stories are Jotaro-centric, but it does take time to focus on other characters.

The series can be found here.

The author has another work on this wiki, Harry Potter's Bizzare Adventure: Prisoner of Azkaban.

The author has stated they will most likely not continue the series due to personal reasons.

Considering that the very source material is spoilers for almost the entire manga series, spoilers are left unmarked.


"Subject is not a willfuly malicious individual. Personnel must not treat the subject as a willfuly malicious individual."
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Tenmei is this to the Morioh group, with his scarred face and visually disturbing Stand, to the point of being mistaken as an enemy Stand user when he first enters Morioh in Demolition Man.
  • Description Porn: The author's fondness for highly specific vocabulary and imagery veer into this, a trait that the readers actually praise.
  • Disabled in the Adaptation: Partly averted. Jotaro is explicitly tagged as autistic, Rohan's file labels him with APD, and Okuyasu is mentioned as having high-functioning DPD.
  • "End of the World" Special: The new timeline is the result of Jotaro's wish for his friends and family to all live again. The consequences of this keep unfolding as the story goes on.
  • Entertainingly Wrong:
    • In And Then They Were Roommates, Irene mistakes Jotaro for a moving man when they first meet, and asks Marina where her new roommate is.
    • In Demolition Man, Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi think Tenmei is assaulting Jotaro.
    • Becomes dangerous in Magic Trick, when Jolyne's misapplication of Hamon makes her father physically ill.
  • Equivalent Exchange: In irezumi, it's implied that Jotaro perceives his PTSD and Time Dissonance as payment for resetting the timeline.
  • Everybody Lives: Everybody lives, but some of them had to suffer greatly in order to generate the necessary conditions of the "best timeline". This actually includes multiple adversaries as well, including Ghiaccio surviving his battle with Giorno and Mista (and going on to become a Speedwagon Foundation agent under Giorno's leadership) and Enrico Pucci, who has been jailed by the Foundation.
  • Family of Choice: One of the Central Themes of the work.
  • Fantastic Caste System: Welcome To The SPW Foundation, and to a lesser extent, Stand Slightly Closer, allude to some from of psychological dominance hierarchy specific to Stand users, one of the many ways Stands change the psychology of their hosts.
  • Fictional Country: The Air Supplena Islands is implied to have become this in the new timeline.
  • First-Person Peripheral Narrator: Used very liberally throughout the series, blurring with standard third person narration.
  • God Test: In The Star, Inverted, Jotaro uses the information he learned in Eyes of Heaven to prove the time reset.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: Partly justified, since most of the characters aren't English speaking.
  • Handicapped Badass:
    • Tenmei's spine was damaged after his fight with Dio and he still goes on to become an SPW field agent.
    • Avdol lost both arms and goes right back to work, using Magician's Red to compensate for any potential loss of dexterity.
  • Heel–Face Turn: At least two adversaries of the Joestars who die in the original timeline survive and go on to switch sides - Ghiaccio and Rikiel survive and become Speedwagon Foundation agents. As well, Boingo makes good on his change of heart, becoming an agent also.
  • Hyper-Awareness: Jotaro and Tenmei develop this after Part 3. This is a common symptom of PTSD.
  • Hypocrite: In Welcome To The SPW Foundation, Okuyasu recalls how Keicho mocked their father for obsessing over the Stand Arrow, only to do the same when he grew up.
  • I Hate Past Me: Borders on My Greatest Failure. Tenmei absolutely hates that he had been submissive to Dio, explicitly saying he would rather die than be that kind of person again.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Jotaro's eyes are consistently described as glacial, fitting his stoic, yet dangerous demeanor, and fitting his general ocean motif.
  • In Vino Veritas:
    • Jotaro may having trying to steel himself for recounting his story in The Star, Inverted.
    • In Knock, Knock, Tenmei realizes he has a crush on Jotaro when they're both drunk in Tenmei's dorm.
  • Innocent Inaccurate: In Magic Trick, a young Jolyne doesn't realizes she's driven her father to heat exhaustion, simply believing she performed a trick to help him fall asleep.
  • It Can Think: Star Platinum appears to be developing some form of sentience as a side effect of its brief stint as Star Platinum Over Heaven, though for the most part it does not appear to be a human sentience like GER.
  • Laughing Mad: During Jotaro's drunken mental breakdown in The Star, Inverted, at one point he devolves into this.
    • Apparently his normal laughter has the appearance of this, too, as mentioned in Knock, Knock.
  • Laugh of Love: Tenmei realizes he has a crush on Jotaro after making him laugh in Knock, Knock.
  • Little Girls Kick Shins: Jolyne, multiple times, in Demolition Man. Once to Joseph, and another to the delinquent senpai from Diamond Is Unbreakable.
  • Love at First Punch: Koichi falls into a despair briefly when he realizes that his crush on Yukako falls under this. Tenmei points out his and Jotaro's relationship technically falls under this trope as well. It absolutely fails to reassure Koichi.
    Tenmei: "I used my Stand to push him down a flight of stone stairs. And then I tried to kill him in the nurse's office."
    Jotaro: "I choked him out and dragged his body back to my house."
    Tenmei: "I woke up to the most beautiful pair of ice-blue eyes boring a metaphorical drill into my skull as he held me down to perform brain surgery with his Stand."
  • Love Epiphany: Knock, Knock covers Jotaro and Tenmei's mutual realization that they like each other.
  • The Masquerade: Seemingly averted. Information on Stands is publicly accessible through the SPW Foundation's database, with any classified information (containment files/monitored persons/employee files) likely kept as such for security or privacy reasons rather than an attempt to suppress information. The Notorious B.I.G. chapter of Welcome To The SPW Foundation mentions actively cooperating with local sailing vessels for their own safety.
  • Memento MacGuffin: When Jolyne has to leave Morioh early for her safety, she gives Jotaro her knitted beluga doll, asking him to come back home and return it.
  • Merged Reality: Possibly. Word of God mentioned post-reset elements such as Spin being canon to the timeline.
    • Confirmed in **And Then They Were Roommates** with the appearance of Johnny Joestar.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: In one of Welcome To The SPW Founation files, it's stated that Stands change their users psychologically.
  • Minor Living Alone: In Demolition Man Okuyasu is this after Keicho's death, and on the verge of homelessness, before Jotaro offers to help financially.
  • Multiple-Choice Future: Discussed Trope. Jotaro admits he doesn't know how useful his future knowledge will be considering the changes he made to the timeline.
  • Mundane Utility: Jotaro uses Star Platinum to take notes in school.
  • Named by the Adaptation:
    • Jotaro's wife from the original timeline is named Marina Cugino.
    • Tenmei's mother is named Kakyoin Akane. His father is Kakyoin Asashi.
    • Holly Kujo's Stand is named Sophisticated Lady, after the Duke Ellington song.
  • Neurodiversity Is Supernatural: Foundation files mention Stands exacerbate mental discrepancies, and many Stand users are listed as being neurodivergent in some way.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Stand users are like this naturally, because the close way Stands are summoned alters the user's sense of personal space. Apparently Jotaro takes this up a notch, unsettling even other Stand users.
  • Noodle Incident: In And Then They Were Roommates. How did Jotaro fall asleep with three oranges perfectly stacked on his head?
  • Nothing Is Scarier: In Kitsune-tsuki. Aiko hears the sound of little plastic pieces fall to the floor as Hierophant Green rips a doll apart, while Tenmei barely bothers to hold in his laughter.
  • O.C. Stand-in: Marina Cugino and the Kakyoins are this, since they have barely a few panels to their name in the original manga.
  • Official Couple: The series skips over any Will They or Won't They?, listing any pairings expected to appear in an installment:
  • Older Than They Look: Joseph maintains his hamon training thanks to Caesar preventing him from slacking off from it, and thus by the time of the Egypt trip, both of them look much closer to how they looked in their youth, especially Joseph. This actually blindsides Jotaro when he sees Joseph for the first time after the timeline change. Both Joseph and Caesar grew facial hair to make themselves look older (a moustache for Caesar like his grandfather, and Joseph still grew his recognizable beard). It's only at the start of Demolition Man when Joseph is closer to the appearance he had during the Egypt trip in the original timeline, which also means he hasn't become senile.
  • Out of Time, Out of Mind: Subverted hard. In The Star, Inverted, Jotaro had changed noticeably enough after the time reset that pretty much everybody picked up on it, even if they didn't know why.
  • Parents as People: In Kistune-tsuki, a distraught, tearful Kakyoin Akane wonders what could be wrong with her child... while said child was in earshot in another room.
  • Polyamory: Joseph, Caesar, and Suzie have been in a polyamorous relationship for around sixty years by the time Diamond Is Unbreakable rolls around.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Deconstructed Trope. Jotaro is severely disadvantaged because he remembers only the original timeline, and suffers Time Dissonance as a result.
  • Sanity Slippage: Jotaro undergoes a very subtle one over the several months in The Star, Inverted before it culminates into a full blown mental breakdown.
  • School Club Front: In And Then They Were Roommates there's the Class Cryptid, a Conspiracy Theorist club specifically dedicated to uncovering the supernatural mystery of Jotaro.
  • Secret Relationship: Marina and Irene in And Then They Were Roommates.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Jotaro becomes this after Part 3, and still retains some qualities of it 10 years later in Part 4.
  • Shown Their Work: From obscure Jojo's canon to 80's video games to Japanese symbology of all things, the author shows off a broad and eclectic span of knowledge throughout the series.
    • The depiction of PTSD and mental disorders like sleep paralysis is also... uncomfortably real.
  • Slice of Life: The series somehow manages to retain this quality at all times, even when punching readers with angst.
  • Storyboard Body: In irezumi, Jotaro and Tenmei get Japanese traditional style tattoos with motifs referencing their Stands and important life events.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: If their Insane Troll Logic conversation in Knock, Knock is any indication, Tenmei and Jotaro are this.
  • Super Registration Act: Type B. The SPW Foundation keeps an active census of all known Stand users, and has its own collection of Stand users that can enforce order should anyone fall too out of line.
  • The Story That Never Was: The original timeline and *universe* was utterly destroyed, and now functionally never existed at all except in Jotaro's memory.
  • Tarot Motifs: Avdol's chapter in The Star, Inverted talks about the events of Stardust Crusaders through the lens of the Star tarot, while Tenmei and Jotaro tattoo their tarot numbers on themselves in irezumi.
  • Team Dad: Jotaro becomes this to the Morioh group during Demolition Man.
    • Stand users in general are mentioned as developing bizzare mental discrepancies as a side effect of their condition.
  • Terms of Endangerment: Hol Horse of all people makes an appearance in And Then They Were Roommates, and keeps referring to Jotaro as 'sweetheart' and 'darlin'. Jotaro promptly threatens to break Hol Horse's gun with his bare hands.
  • That Thing Is Not My Child!: As Tenmei grows up during Kistune-tsuki, his mother wonders if he is actually a kitsune, or possessed by one. When he goes missing, she quickly regrets this line of thinking.
  • 1000 Origami Cranes: When Tenmei is still recovering in the hospital during The Star, Inverted, Hierophant Green hangs itself in wreaths along the ceiling in an attempt to emulate a senbaruzu.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: Jotaro is mentioned as having one, especially in The Star, Inverted.
  • Time-Passage Beard: Joseph, Caesar, and Jonathan did this as they got older to make the fact that they don't age normally less obvious.
  • Trauma Button: Kira unwittingly triggers Jotaro's PTSD in Demolition Man during their first encounter. The empty street, a seemingly dead friend nearby with a hole in his chest, even Kira's physical features- it all creates a mock up of Jotaro's fight with Dio. What pushes Jotaro over the edge is Kira saying "futile" (aka muda). Cue the Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • Troubled Abuser: In a witness statement chapter of Welcome To The SPW Foundation, Okuyasu admits he perceives his father and brother as having been this.
  • Viral Transformation: The Foundation treats Stands as a medical condition, dubbing it in files as the Stand Infection Virus.
  • What Measure Is A Nonhuman: Tenmei is implied to have trapped an actual ghost in the gacha toy he dismembers in Kistune-tsuki. And given how many ripped toys he keeps in his room, he may have done this many, many times before.
  • Worldbuilding: Welcome To The SPW Foundation has no plot, serving instead as a Framing Device to explain the workings of the foundation, and expands on the mechanic of Stands and other In-Universe elements used throughout the series.
