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Characters / Mobile Legends Fighter Heroes

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Fighter Heroes

    Aldous, Soul Contractor
"My fists are unflinching!"

    Alpha, Blade of Enmity
"Test. Alpha is online."

    Alucard, Demon Hunter
"Demons shall bathe in their blood, the light belong to the righteous!"
Voiced by: Masaaki Yano (Japanese (both main game and Adventure))
Son of a Moniyan Imperial Guard Captain named Roland, who perished due to demon assault and was marked as "disobedient." To restore his father's name, Alucard trained as a soldier and demon hunter under the tutelage of Tigreal of the Moniyan's Monastery of Light, showing promise. Later on, an incident caused his right hand to be corrupted by similar demons that killed his father. From there, Alucard found a survivor of the assault, who revealed what actually happened: They were trapped due to some corrupt knights' decisions, and Alucard's father made a sacrificial assault so the main unit under Tigreal could flee. After confronting Tigreal about the truth and having mixed feelings about him, Alucard decided to appeal to the Moniyan Empire to reveal the truth, but was rejected. And his corrupted arm caused the puritanical Monastery of Light to brand him as a heretic. Hence, afterwards, Alucard betrayed the Monastery of Light and took up a solo career of hunting demons, becoming one of the legends of the Land of Dawn. His goal remained the same, however: For vengeance against demons who killed his father and to look up for information about his father, whom he believed to have secretly survived the assault.

Alucard is a Fighter/Assassin hero who specializes in catching lone enemies and eliminating them in quick burst of strength.

  • His passive is Pursuit. Alucard deals extra damage with his skill if that skill hits only 1 enemy. Additionally, his skill gets 50% of his physical lifesteal as Spell Vamp and after he uses his skill, his next normal attack has him jump straight next to the enemy before delivering the attack.
  • His first skill is Groundsplitter. Alucard jumps to a direction, smashes the ground with his sword, dealing area damage and slowing enemies.
  • His second skill is Whirling Slash. Alucard swings around with his sword, dealing single damage.
  • His ultimate is Fission Wave. It has two stages:
    • On activation, Alucard powers up, damaging enemies in his area and slowing them while granting massive lifesteal bonus in his attacks and activating his passive on marked targets, even when they stick together, for 8 seconds. During this period, his other skills' cooldowns are halved.
    • If used again before the duration ends, Alucard fires a wide sword beam that damages multiple enemies in range.

  • Achilles' Heel: Sticking together. Alucard gets multiple bonuses for catching a lone hero so it's imperative to stick together and discourage him to chase you. Not to mention, Alucard is easily decimated if the enemy decides to stick together and launch their crowd controls together while he's being lonesome and trying to initiate duel/chases. Note that 'sticking together' only applies for the enemies, Alucard doesn't lose his bonuses if he decides to stick together with his friends. Alucard can alleviate this by marking them with his ultimate first, but those who missed the mark are still unaffected.
  • Alucard: It's his name, his fighting style is heavy on life steal and he has an alternate skin that makes him look like Dracula. And being a Demon Hunter, he's bound to hunt a vampire or two in his job. Additionally, he does emulate vampires: His kit is filled with life steal bonuses.
  • BFS: He wields a single big sword that's quite big compared to his size.
  • Broken Pedestal: Downplayed. He's disappointed that Tigreal withheld information about his father. But due to their long history of mentorship-apprenticeship and Tigreal being genuinely sorry about it and even offered his life as a penance, Alucard just couldn't hate Tigreal fully so even after he left the order, they still maintain good relationship. Alucard also got pissed that Tigreal refused to send reinforcements to help Azrya Woodlands (and Miya) from being attacked by Orcs.
  • Cursed with Awesome: The demon attack that corrupted his arm made him ostracized with the Monastery of Light, but on the other hand, it helps him to be a better demon hunter.
  • Demon Slaying: It's his job to eliminate demons whom he knows to be responsible for his father's death.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Despite his relatively cheap price and not-so-complex kit, Alucard is still a tricky hero who is easily misused by button mashing and jumping right into the battlefield trying to score a kill while being squishy as hell. There's a good reason why he's often derided as "Alufeed". However, if the Alucard player knows and executes his actual combo systematically that they do not resort into button mashing, uses the available bushes to his advantage for ambushing, and knows which target to focus on (squishy heroes, not tanks), Alucard turns out to be a devastating and versatile hero that can certainly hold his ground and bursting down his target as he is meant to be. The Alucard player can even take advantage of his bad reputation to make his opponents underestimate him, and by the time he starts snowballing, it'll be too late.
  • Expy: He's inspired by Dante of Devil May Cry's fame. In fact, his very first model has red coat and white hair and named Dante, until Moonton modified him to not look like him too much, and changed the name to Alucard. Ironically, this kind of made him look more similar to Nero, but with enough differences.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Alucard used to be a straightforward Knight in Shining Armor of the Moniyan Empire's Monastery of Light. Unfortunately, he learned that the same monastery he fought for was hiding some truths about how his idolized father died and, in turn, got ridiculed as a coward. When confronted with that lie, they instead focused more on how Alucard's corrupted hand made him impure and kicked him out of the order. Disillusioned, Alucard changed his profession to become a demon hunter. But he still tries his best to do the right thing by defeating demons to protect the weak.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: "BEGONE, DARKNESS!" This is said when he uses his ultimate, which means Alucard is powered up enough to deliver a massive ass-kicking to his targets.
  • Rage Against the Mentor: After realizing the truth about the battle that costed his father's life and reputation, Alucard lashed out against Tigreal for being cryptic instead of telling him the truth at the moment. Tigreal surprisingly comes out clean and offers his life as a penance, so Alucard ends up not taking the offer. Though he gets pissed another time when Tigreal chooses the lawful side and refuses to send reinforcements for Azrya Woodlands.
  • The Right Hand of Doom: His right hand was corrupted after a demon attack. It gave him extra powers to combat demons.
  • Ship Tease: He was involved in the side story Time of Lunar Eclipse where he visited Azrya Woodlands of the Moonlit Forest and met Miya. The two formed a good rapport and teamwork, but Alucard decided to leave because a human like him can't be seen within an elven society that she belonged, plus there's still a lot of demons he had to hunt. The two are fond with each other. One of Alucard's quotes refer to their team-up and rapport:
    I miss Azrya under the moonlight, as well as her silver longbow...
  • Sword Beam: The final attack of his ultimate has him fire a crescent sword beam.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: A variation. If Alucard's skill hits someone, then his next attack will make him jump next to the unit without fail. This can be a detriment to Alucard himself, like jumping to a grouped enemies ready to rip his squishy ass a new one, thus 'Alufeed'.

    Argus, Dark Angel
"Light will fall prey to shadow."
Voiced by: Marc Elmer (English), Yuuki Hoshi (Japanese), Takehito Koyasu (Japanese Adventure)

According to the Monastery of Light, there are only female angels. Yet, Argus is a male angel. Hence, he's shunned, never to receive the glory that instead goes to his sister and top angel, Rafaela. At first, Argus was accepting, but eventually his views started to differ, viewing humans more about their negative aspects. This led Argus to eventually disobey Rafaela during a battle and charged right onto the demons' ranks. He was doing pretty good, until he found a demonic sword. After pulling it, he ended up seeing visions of how he came to be: He and Rafaela was born from a human woman who was chosen by the Lord of Light to bear angels, his human father was killed by the sacrists while his mother was tortured until she gave birth to angels. And when they find out that one of them, Argus, was male, the sacrists almost killed him had it not been Rafaela protecting him with her innate holy powers. Driven mad, Argus renounced all that's holy within him, becoming the only Dark Angel in the Land of Dawn. Now he wields his demonic sword against his sister and all humans within the Land of Dawn, firmly believing that they're disgusting creatures that deserve to be wiped out, and angered that he was born from them.

Argus is a Fighter hero who defies death, continuing to fight even when he's supposed to die while hacking and cursing his target with his demonic sword.

  • His passive is Warmonger. Argus has no mana, but he has a Malice Energy meter that charges as he takes or deals damage. When the meter is full, his next attack is delivered twice in a row, dealing extra damage and restoring his HP.
  • His first skill is Demonic Grip. Argus unleashes a demonic hand forward. He then dashes forward to the location of the demonic hand. If it hits an enemy hero or creep, they get pulled to Argus while he charges to them, bumping at the center of the travel path. Argus can recast this after using the skill, in which he charges forward while slashing, damaging everything in his path.
  • His second skill is Meteoric Sword. After a short delay, Argus thrusts his demonic sword forward, dealing damage and slowing those caught in the thrust as well as afflicting them with Curse: They take damage over time and leave behind black trails known as Curse Trails. If Argus walks on the Curse Trails, he gains bonus movement speed.
  • His ultimate is Eternal Evil. Passively, Argus gets permanent bonus physical attack. When activated, Argus spreads his dark wing, revealing his Fallen Angel status. He removes all debuffs except Surpression, immediately fills his Malice Energy, and he can fill the Malice Energy meter faster. During this state, he is completely immune to slow and death, his HP can never drop down below 1. When the state ends, Argus gains HP equal to the amount of damage he deals during the state. If he's under continuous turret attack when the state ends, the turret damage to him will be reset.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: He used to be shunned because he's the only male angel. That certainly doesn't help shaping up Argus' opinion on mankind and their rules.
  • Cain and Abel: He's the younger brother of Rafaela, but he's effectively the Cain in their relationship, as he's the antagonistic sibling.
  • Casting Gag: In Adventure, he's given the voice of Takehito Koyasu. Suddenly, his confrontation with Rafaela becomes rife with "I REJECT MY HOLINESS, RAFAELA!!!"
  • Fallen Angel: He is the only dark angel in the Land of Dawn. And the only male one at that.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Argus used to be sound and sane even if he's disgusted at mankind. Then he pulled the demonic sword, learned about the truth of his origins, and he was never the same again.
  • Humans Are Bastards: From his point of view, humans are really disgusting creatures. Argus blames them for starting the wars in the first place rather than seeing their potential, like his sister did. And then he sees the image of how he came to be: He was born from two humans, and to make him an angel, his mother was tortured to hell and back until she died of childbirth. But the most important thing is that he's born from the same humans he considered bastards. He didn't take it well.
  • The One Guy: Supposedly, all angels are female in the Land of Dawn. Argus somehow is the sole exception as the only male angel.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Argus spits on your definition of "death" as long as his ultimate is up. He absolutely cannot die during that state, and if he's allowed to deal continuous damage during that time, he immediately restores a portion of HP and starts kicking back his enemies' asses.

    Arlott, Lone Lancer
"I will choose my own path."
Voiced by: John Patneaude (English)
A half-demon warrior. Due to his half demonic heritage, Arlott was shunned by the Temple of Light. Because of this, he easily accepted the invitation to join the Shadow Abyss by Alice, and for a time, he fought under the banner of the Shadow Abyss until one day, his own demonic companions betrayed him and left him for the dead.

Arlott is then found and nursed back to health by a young girl named Mila who doesn't care about his heritage, she just can't leave someone suffering alone. Mila's innocent and cheerful disposition heals Arlott's troubled soul and he starts to regain some of his humanity once again, slowly enjoying mundane tasks like baking bread even if he's not too good at it. However, the Temple of Light hears about Arlott's continued existence and decides that this cannot stand; everyone who are involved should be put to death. So, they declare Mila a heretic and murder her. Devastated, but still holding onto the sweet memories of Mila that brought his humanity back, Arlott sweeps through the zealots of the temple to give Mila a well-deserved, beautiful burial. Then he wanders through the Land of Dawn alone, still clutching onto the greatest gift Mila gave him: His humanity.

Arlott is a Warrior/Assassin hero who marks his enemies with his demon eyes, allowing him to relentlessly dash and pierce through the enemy ranks while sustaining himself.
  • His passive is Demon Gaze. Arlott marks every enemies hit with a crowd control effect near him with his demonic gaze, where they will be susceptible of his skills' effects. If Arlott is somewhere near a hero for 8 seconds, they get automatically marked.
  • His first skill is Dauntless Strike. Arlott smashes his spear to the ground, dealing damage and briefly stunning everyone in the area. Those who get hit on the edge of the skill gets slightly longer stun.
  • His second skill is Vengeance. Arlott dashes to an enemy, piercing through them and dealing damage. If the target has been marked with his passive, Arlott deals double damage, also heals himself based on his max HP, and the skill's cooldown is completely reset.
  • His ultimate is Final Slash. Arlott cleaves in a conical area, dealing damage to everyone and dragging them to the side edge of the area of effect, the direction where he swung his lance to. They are then briefly revealed to all.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: Arlott just wants to be left alone and keeping his humanity brought by Mila, even if he's a half-demon himself.
  • Dual Wielding: Arlott wields two spears, but he mostly used the other, silver spear for normal attacks. For his skills, he's majorly using his red spear.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination: Being a half-demon means that not only humans reject him, demons also reject him. The latter goes to the point of backstabbing him and leaving him for the dead.
  • Heartbroken Badass: Mila is killed because some fanatic zealots can't stand for his existence and people associated with him. Arlott goes to wipe the floor with the fanatic zealots just to give Mila a proper burial.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Arlott deals massive damage, can sustain himself to avoid being overly squishy, and he can zip around the battlefield with ease since he can easily mark his enemies with his Demon Gaze for tons of dashing.
  • Morality Pet: Mila. She is after all the one person who accepts him for who he is and showered nothing but kindness, allowing Arlott to regain his humanity and compassion. It's because of this that when Arlott goes on a rampage against the fanatics of Church of Light just to give Mila a beautiful burial, he doesn't just outright murder those who murdered Mila. No gruesome killing will happen in front of Mila's body.
  • Pretty Boy: Arlott is a dashingly handsome young man, while not as overexaggerated as Lancelot. Not even his demonic traits hide this.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Not that he's evil or something, but if his red eye is shining, that means he's gazing his targets with his demon eyes and about to wreck their day harder.
  • Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: Arlott is a battle hardened warrior. He also completely sucked at mundane chores like baking, considering it the most difficult thing he's done even after getting slowly better at it thanks to Mila.

    Aulus, Warrior of Ferocity
"Old Aulus still has a few tricks to show!"
Voiced by: Kawaguchi Kaoru (Japanese)

Aulus never felt like he belonged with the rest of Leonin's for he preferred to showcase his strength through close combat while the majority preferred casting magic. Coming from a bloodline of legendary warriors, this wounds Aulus' honor and pride, so he decided to go into man's society to find use for a warrior like himself

  • Carpet of Virility: Shown very prominently.
  • Blood Knight: Heroic and honorable but he lives to fight and left his safe and peaceful Leonin society because he wants to fight and gets recognition for it.
  • Stronger with Age: His official lore states that he felt his war-axe improved with use, from looking average and being slightly heavy to a bigger lava infused war-axe.
  • Sliding Scale of Gameplay and Story Integration: His gameplay ties with his lore, a level 1 Aulus is in the same state of power as he was when in Leonin society and as time passes and he levels up his war-axe gains permanent strength independently from his items.
  • Token Adult: The only visibly adult (and old) Leonin hero in the game. The rest of the Leonin heroes are practically kids.

    Badang, Tribal Warrior
"No one can escape my iron fists!"
Voiced by: James Flynn (English), Koji Asano (Japanese), Masashi Yamane (Japanese, Adventure)

Badang is a powerful and courageous man. He resides in a remote fishing village south of the Land of Dawn. One day, the fish stop appearing in their rivers, and the people stop fishing, taken over by the rumor that there was a horrible monster that devoured all the fish. Badang takes it upon himself to expose the monster and face it head on with nothing but his fists (and a spear). After a grueling battle in which Badang's arms are heavily injured, he comes out victorious. The monster pleads for mercy, explaining that it used to be a water elf cursed after eating a fish corrupted by an evil energy from the south. Badang's compassion shines as he shows the monster mercy based on the story. The monster then regurgitates everything it eats, including the evil energy, restoring its form to the water elf. The water elf heals Badang's wounds and enhances his arms. After awhile, helping the village to resume its normal daily life, Badang becomes suspicious about the southern area where the evil energy originated. He departs south, traveling to the central parts of the Land of Dawn to protect his village, find the source of evil energy, and eliminate it.

Badang is a Fighter hero who literally throws a mean punch to corner his enemies and eventually starts pummeling them repeatedly to death.

  • His passive is Chivalry Fist. Badang's attack will be enhanced after executing four normal attacks. The next attack will become a powerful kick that homes in on the target location, stunning non-heroes or knocking back heroes. If Badang's enhanced attack or skills that cause knockback push the enemy to an obstacle, they are briefly stunned.
  • His first skill is Qigong Fist. Badang launches a projection of his fist by punching the air forward. The attack deals damage to all enemies caught in the path and pushes them back. It also adds up to the stack of Chivalry Fist. If the fist hits an obstacle, it explodes and deals extra damage to nearby enemies.
  • His second skill is Fist Break. Badang dashes forward, gaining a shield. He deals damage to everyone he hits, but if he hits an enemy hero, Badang stops and creates a wall behind his enemy, preventing them from escaping. It can also be used to procure stuns caused by knockback from his passive. He can immediately drop down the wall any time he wants. If he doesn't hit any enemy hero with his dash, the skill cooldown is reduced.
  • His ultimate is Fist Crack. Badang launches a Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs, dealing damage to everyone nearby up to ten times and pushing them back. Badang also gains a shield and crowd control immunity while using this skill.

  • Badasses Wear Bandanas: Badang's bandana on his head identifies him as a total badass.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Badang only fights with his fists. Sometimes he kicks, but it's the arms you need to worry about.
  • Folk Hero: Based on the same-named Malaysian folk hero and also fulfilling the role by being a hero of a remote village in the Land of Dawn, his story may appear to be an in-universe folklore.
  • Gentle Giant: Badang's imposing and muscular body is also accompanied by a heart of compassion. He shows mercy to a ravaging monster.
  • Knock Back: His kit revolves around knocking his enemies back a lot. Badang's knockback has the bonus of stunning his enemies if they hit a wall with it. If there's no wall, Badang can simply make one with his second skill.
  • Lightning Bruiser: As a fist fighter, Badang specializes in getting into fights quickly and also eliminating the enemy as quickly as possible with his fists. If he's not stunlocking you by repeatedly punching you against a wall, he stands tough with the shield he can generate with his ult or his second skill.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Unleash your inner "ORAORAORAORAORA" or "ATATATATATATA" with Badang's ult, where he rapidly punches the enemy in front of him.

    Balmond, Bloody Beast
"My blood boils until the day I die!"
Voiced by: Yuuki Sanpei (Japanese), Kento Fujinuma (Japanese, Adventure)

Balmond is an Orc, a demi-human race united under the Lord of the Abyss to wreak havoc in the Land of Dawn. After the union dissolved, the Orc race didn't have a good time, forced into exile, their population declining and split into clans. Balmond grew up training and hoping to restore the glory of the Orcs as he led them. The demons attacked his clan multiple times, but Balmond led the assault to bring victory and united the Orcs to rebel against the demons. But the demons continued to attack and despite his best efforts, Balmond was on the verge of being defeated. Not willing to give up, Balmond went berserk, killing as many demons as he could, the blood he shed got into his body and transformed him to an even more fearsome orc. The demon leader Alice noticed this and struck a deal, if he would serve the Abyss to defeat the Moniyan Empire, then his clan would be spared. Balmond accepts the deal and is assigned to strike the elven kingdom of Azrya. But Balmond has other ideas: Once he takes over Azrya to make it the new home of the Orcs, then he'll do something about that 'deal'...

Balmond is a premiere Fighter hero that charges to the battle, spins around in a frenzy and then culls down those weakened from his rampage.

  • His passive is Bloodthirst. Balmond recovers HP when he kills a creep, and recovers even more when he kills an enemy hero.
  • His first ability is Soul Lock. Balmond dashes to a direction, stopping if he bumps to an enemy hero or reaches maximum destination. He deals damage to the enemy hero and slightly knocks them back while slowing them.
  • His second ability is Cyclone Sweep. Balmond spins around with his axe, dealing damage over time to those caught, and the more the same enemy is hit, the more damage Balmond deals with his spin.
  • His ultimate is Lethal Counter. After a slight delay, Balmond slams his axe to the ground, causing area damage in front of him, dealing massive damage based on lost HP, which can instantly execute low HP heroes, and slowing whoever survived.

  • Arch-Enemy: He's leading the assault on Azrya, making him the main enemy of both Miya and Estes. And since Alucard was visiting there, that put Balmond on his arch enemy list too.
  • Bloodier and Gorier: Downplayed. Given that from what we see in Mobile Legends Adventure orcs are your standard brute aggressive barbarians, but now Balmond is red and has an affinity to life steal, a power presumably given to him by Alice a blood mage demon.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: Balmond's main weapon is an axe that has a head shaped like a spiked wheel. What's a brutish, barbaric orc would be without an axe in hand?
  • Dreadlock Warrior: He's a barbaric orc warrior. This kind of hairstyle fits him.
  • Expy: He's an axe-wielding orc with tendency to spin around and has an execute feature. He's basically Moonton's answer to Axe. Bonus points for Balmond's old art being a lot more similar to Axe, before he's instead given a browner skin and red dreadlocks hairstyle.
  • Genius Bruiser: Balmond is well-thought and combines his mighty brute strength with charisma and intelligence to eventually spark the Orc rebellion against demons.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Make no mistake: Balmond is no Mighty Glacier despite his imposing stature. He can dash instantaneously and start wreaking havoc just as quick, and he sometimes can survive enough beating and then successfully escaping.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: He's a mix of both Tolkien and Blizzard orcs: Balmond is eloquent in speech and certainly had a level of intelligence as well as being able to unite the orc race with his charisma, but he's brutish and more focused about the strength of orcs.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: He's been taught about the glory of the Orcs in the past, and he's damn proud of it. He wouldn't mention Alice in his quotes (most likely due to rather archaic quoteset), but he will tell you about the might of the Orcs proudly.
  • Spin Attack: He's the guy with the token 'Spin To Win' skill with his Cyclone Sweep.

    Bane, Frozen King 

The dreaded pirate king who rose to power by murdering his uncle and broke the code of non-interference between pirates, under Bane's command, his pirate group sailed through the seas on their ship the Behemoth and plundered not only merchants, but also other pirates. Bane quickly became known as the most ruthless pirate in Northern Vale.

His oppositions band together and join forces with the leader of the forces of the Northern Vale under Franco. Bane clashes with Franco so many times, but could not make a meaningful push. Eventually, Bane tries to trick Franco into a truce, where he would lure them to a fleet of Moniyan Empire, locking them to a battle while he secretly snatches the hidden Heart of Aurora, part of the Twilight Orb, to give him enormous power to obliterate both Franco and Moniyan Empire. Unfortunately, Franco Out-Gambitted him and Bane sank to the sea. He manages to find the Heart of Aurora, but a giant octopus grapples him in the same time, causing the artifact to sink further, but the residual power merged the two creatures. When Bane comes back to his senses, he has turned into a hybrid of human and octopus.

That does not deter Bane's ambition. After re-gathering his crews, Bane prepares to set sail again and settle the score with Franco...

    Chou, Kung-Fu Boy
Voiced by: Kenta Zaima (Japanese)

Chou grew up in the remote village around Eruditio in poverty. However, he's always been a kind and helpful boy that prioritized helping others. While living his life, Chou saved an old man from a mob. The old man revealed himself as a Kung-Fu master and taught the arts to Chou as a token of gratitude. Once he finished his training, Chou departed to the center of Land of Dawn, where he would use his skills to help the downtrodden. He made a lot of enemies and friends over there, although one of them, Lancelot, criticized his clothing style. Chou had one getup change and he's back to do what he does best: helping the poor and attempting to eradicate suffering. As of current, he's associated with the Eruditio Rangers squad, protectors of Eruditio.

Chou is a Fighter/Assassin hero with great versatility, empowering himself by merely traveling on foot and zipping around his enemies before finishing with a big strike.

  • His passive is Only Fast. Chou builds up his own travel meter. Once he walked 8 yards, his fists are engulfed in flames and his next attack deals almost twice his normal damage and greatly slows his target.
  • His first skill is Jeet Kune Do. Chou strikes forward while dashing. He can repeat this move three times, and the third strike is a Ground Pound that knocks enemies into the air. If the third strike hits an enemy hero, his second skill's cooldown is reset.
  • His second skill is Shunpo. Chou dashes to a direction while being immune to crowd control effects. After he finishes his dash, Chou temporarily gains extra physical penetration and a shield to absorb incoming damage.
  • His ultimate is The Way of Dragon. Chou delivers a powerful roundhouse kick to knock his target back in a considerable distance. In two seconds after successfully kicking his enemy, Chou can recast the skill. With that, he dashes right onto the enemy and delivers a bicycle kick to the enemy, dealing damage while keeping them in place.

  • Bruce Lee Clone: One of the rare examples in MOBA; the genre surprisingly has little to no representatives of the trope. Chou comes complete with the more agile but also damaging martial arts and his Kiais are basically a bunch of "WA-TAAAH!"s. Gameplay-wise, he's also an incredibly technical hero that doesn't rely on brute force to win his fights. His opening animation also has him utilize nunchaku. Furthermore, his original design looks a bit too much like Bruce Lee himself, until Moonton decided to tone down the similarity so now he doesn't look too much like Lee, but the spirit of his style lives on.
  • Flash Step: His second skill, albeit named 'Shunpo'. It's not an instantaneous blink, but Chou is immune to any crowd control that could stop his dash.
  • Funny Bruce Lee Noises: He's less high-pitched than other examples, but you can hear clearly that he accompanies his strikes with "A-chaa!", "Wa-taah!", etc.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: He's seen wielding nunchucks in his opening animation. None of his in-game animation or fighting style utilizes nunchaku or whatsoever.
  • Jack of All Stats: Chou is one of the more versatile heroes that can be put in any positions just fine. He can duel his opponent just fine in the Exp Lane, or he can roam the map and help catching kills. He's also surprisingly tanky thanks to his shield. His versatility makes him a mainstay of the meta for many times, not even multiple nerfs are enough to kick him out.
  • Justice Will Prevail: His motto is to wipe out all injustices from the earth, and that's why he's wandering only to help people.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Chou is not just fast, he's also extremely damaging. Sure, his normal skill doesn't seem to deliver great damage, but it also adds up to his passive. He can easily add up his passives by using his skills, since all of them involve dashing. One punch from his fully charged passive can take out a huge chunk of HP.
  • Not the Intended Use: Chou is supposedly a Fighter/Assassin, so he's supposed to be a DPS hero who kills his enemy with sheer damage. However, he's also known for one of the biggest displacement skill (his ult), his passive tends to be enough to deal good damage even if he's not buying damage items, and his dash gives him crowd control immunity and a few shield. As such, Chou is often built as a tank and put as a Roamer, traveling between lanes to get into good position and then inflict crowd-control on his enemies.
  • Troll: If there's one hero who's more likely get used to constantly recall-spamming to draw the ire of the players, Chou is the top pick for that. Because his laning phase depends on luring his opposition to get in the range near his turret, afterwards, he can zip to the back of his opponent and then kick them to the turret, keep them there and then the will more likely die. Then, he'll more likely recall-spam to teabag his dead opponent who fell to his trap.
  • Walking the Earth: When Chou isn't doing his duties with the Eruditio Rangers, he's roaming the Land of Dawn, helping those in need.

    Cici, Buoyant Performer 

    Dyrroth, Prince of the Abyss
"Heh, I do what I want to do."
Voiced by: Joe Goeffeney (English), Taito Morimoto (Japanese)
Dyrroth was born a human by the rulers of the Moniyan Empire. At his date of birth, it was prophesized that he would be the Prince of Light to bring glory and prosperity to the Empire. But one year later, the bed of the prince was missing its owner, while there were blood everywhere, and those guarding the prince were found dead. The people believed that the prince has been murdered and lost hope, though some believe that he was merely missing. And in the same time, in Shadow Abyss, it was noted that a prince of darkness was born.

In truth, Dyrroth was kidnapped since his first year by the Abyss and raised to be a demonic prince, learning the arts of dark magic, combat, strategy and cunning with the tutelage of both the King of Fire Demons, Thamuz, and the Queen of Blood Demons, Alice. Their training is not for naught, Dyrroth proves himself as the strongest, youngest fighters amongst the Abyssal forces after completing a special combat where he killed off many monsters thrown to him.

Once he proves himself, Dyrroth is sent to the frontline, where he will lead the invasion of the Shadow Abyss to the Land of Dawn, and especially to his former place of birth, the Moniyan Empire. And there, he will face his human sister, Silvanna, in a deadly combat.

Dyrroth is a Fighter hero who sustains himself by constantly fighting and capable of inflicting great damages per blows with the power of the Abyss.
  • His passive is Wrath of the Abyss. Dyrroth uses Rage instead of Mana, built up by constantly fighting. When his rage reaches 50%, he can consume that much rage to enhance his basic skills (if filled to 100%, he gets to enhance twice). Additionally, in every of his attack, Dyrroth switches into a Circle Strike, an attack that covers a circle around him, which deals enhanced damage and regenerates his HP (but cannot procure attack effects). Every time he attacks, he reduces the cooldown of his basic skills.
  • His first skill is Burst Strike. Dyrroth summons a wave of abyssal geysers forward that deals damage and slows down enemies caught in the area. Enemies caught in multiple geysers will suffer decreased damage for the next geysers. If enhanced with his passive, the skill has longer range, while the damage and slow effect are multiplied.
  • His second skill is Spectre Step. Dyrroth dashes, stopping after he bumps into a non-minion unit (dealing damage along the way) or reaching the end of his dash. After using this skill, he can recast the skill into Fatal Strike, which has him lock into an enemy and deliver an overhead attack which deals big damage and reducing the target's defense. If enhanced with his passive, not only the damage and defense reduction are increased, he also slows down his target.
  • His ultimate is Abysm Strike. After a short charge, Dyrroth dashes forward with a mighty strike, dealing massive damage based on the enemy's lost HP and slowing down those who are caught in it.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Dyrroth's kit encourages him to keep pressing on the offensive, because of just how big the damage he can deliver once he locks into his enemy.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: A pretty powerful case: Since Dyrroth was a child, he's grilled with the dark teachings of the Abyss, and just to be sure, his memory is sealed within a crystal planted on his chest. When Silvanna breaks it, Dyrroth has a sense of lucidity remembering his past, but the brainwashing kicks in again and he returns to the Abyss.
  • Cain and Abel: The evil little brother of Silvanna, although it wasn't exactly by choice in the first time, since Dyrroth was kidnapped during his infancy.
  • The Evil Prince: He's still a prince, but instead groomed to be a mockery of what he used to stand for (Light).
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He still has the mentality of a young and eager prince, only peppered with the brutality of the demonic Abyss and a psychotic taste of drawing out the despair of his target.
  • Training from Hell: Literally. Dyrroth got sent to the equivalent of Hell (the Shadow Abyss) and was hellishly trained by Thamuz to become the top demonic fighter of the Abyss.

    Freya, Valkyrie
"I am a daughter of Northern Vale. I swear to protect it till my last breath."

The Valkyries are female warriors hailing from the Northern Vale, chosen to guide the spirits of the dead to Valhalla, at the cost of completely dedicating their lives for Northern Vale, never to marry or bear children. At first, Freya believed herself to be undeserving for such title, since she has a big sister, Skuld, who's in every way better than her. Without such burden, Freya spent her childhood in carefree manner while admiring her sister. But Skuld instead encouraged her and believed that Freya was truly the chosen one.

Eventually Skuld passed her own tests and became the chosen Valkyrie, but she left home for a very long time for that. Freya missed her that she snuck to the Martyr Shrine, where she believed Skuld was located. However, she ended up distracted by the sacred artifact Heart of Aurora, actually an Apocalypse Shard in disguise. Freya accidentally activated it, creating an energy field that would engulf Northern Vale. In the last seconds, Skuld dove right into the field and entrusted her weapons and will to Freya. Both the Heart of Aurora and Skuld vanished afterwards.

Devastated with her sister's sacrifice and believing herself to be at fault, Freya then became much more serious, taking on the training to become the Valkyrie worthy of her sister's position. And she eventually did so at the age of 20. Now, Freya watches over Northern Vale and dedicates herself to protect it at all costs. Eventually, the clash between Bane and Franco reveals a new location of the Heart of Aurora. Freya immediately takes flight to the battle, hoping to meet her sister again.

Freya is a relentless Fighter hero who delivers endless barrage of powerful attacks to her enemy.

  • Her passive is Power of Einherjar. After using a skill, Freya greatly increases her attack speed for the next 2 attacks. This can stack up to 6 times. Additionally, every basic attacks gives her 2 Sacred Orb, which enhances the next skill used.
  • Her first skill is Leap of Faith. Freya leaps to an area and smashes the ground, dealing damage to everyone and pulling them to the center. If she has one Sacred Orb, it's consumed to increase the area of effect and also briefly stunning her enemies.
  • Her second skill is Spirit Combo. Freya dashes shortly and attacks those in front of her, dealing damage while slowing her enemies and granting her a shield that absorbs damage. If she has one Sacred Orb, then she can recast this skill until 4 seconds passes and the skill enters cooldown. If she manages to repeat this skill until the fourth time, the skill becomes a small leap with a hammer instead, adding up a knock-up effect.
  • Her ultimate is Valkyrie Descent. Freya immediately gains 3 Sacred Orbs. She gains a large amount of shield and enhances her normal attack damage during this state. The normal attack range also greatly increases and can deal splash damage.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Freya's fighting style is basically to constantly hammer down her enemies with normal attacks, and she can relentlessly deliver such by generating Sacred Orbs rapidly because of her passive.
  • Always Someone Better: Skuld has always been the better sister. Freya turns out to be just as good, but for the most part because she feels guilty of causing her demise.
  • The Atoner: She strives to be the best Valkyrie and protect Northern Vale because she knows she ended up causing the best candidate, her beloved sister Skuld, to perish.
  • Knightly Sword and Shield: Technically, she is a Valkyrie warrior, but she still exudes a knightly aura like some sort of holy knight while doing her Valkyrie duties and kicking ass.
  • Lady of War: A given because she is a Valkyrie. Freya exudes an air of grace and femininity while slashing down people with her sword or her hammer of light.
  • Super Mode: Valkyrie Descent allows her to greatly increase her capabilities that she becomes a much more dangerous threat if she's left alone.
  • Valkyries: She's designed after the mythological Valkyries, and her whole clan is also a bunch of Valkyries. She's also named after the one in Norse Mythology who's designated as the Queen of Valkyries, Freya herself.

    Guinevere, Ms. Violet
"Heh heh... I'm born with talent."
Voiced by: Yurie Hoyoyon (Japanese), Kaori Nazuka (Japanese, Adventure)

Youngest daughter of the Baroque family, Lancelot's little sister. While her family and especially brother are talented with fencing, Guinevere shows no interest on those, her talent lies in her magic manipulation. At young age, she was sent to the Magic Academy, becoming a prodigal student thanks to combining mental perception and anti-gravity magic. And ever since her youth, Guinevere would use Lancelot as her guinea pig for magic, something that kind of distressed Lancelot, but he still loved his little sister like no other.

However, the Baroque family has fallen into hard times, requiring an arranged marriage to save them from financial troubles, and Lancelot has taken his leave to oppose their father's idea to marry him off to another house. Then, the next suitor comes from the house famed for their magical prowess: House Paxley. Guinevere is extremely reluctant about this since she values her freedom. Then she gets an idea: She runs off to find the wandering Lancelot and ask for advice...

Guinevere is a magical Fighter hero who wields her anti-gravity magic for close range combat, dazzling magnificently in the battlefield.

  • Her passive is Super Magic. Passively, it gives Guinevere extra damage to enemies thrown to the air. Her normal attack deals mixed physical and magical damage and fills up her own personal Super Magic bar that replaces her Mana bar. When the bar is filled up with 5 stacks, her next basic attack will deal extra damage, restores HP, and causes Guinevere to home into the target. Additionally, her attack and skills marks her target up to 3 times. Once the enemy has maximum mark, they're immediately knocked airborne when she uses her ultimate.
  • Her first skill is Energy Wave. Guinevere shoots out an energy ball that deals damage and slows the first enemy hit. If the ball hits an enemy, the cooldowns of her skills are reduced by 1 second.
  • Her second skill is Spatial Migration. Guinevere jumps and stomps the ground to a direction, dealing damage and slowing enemies. Jungle creeps and enemy heroes take another damage shortly after while being knocked up to the air. After casting this, Guinevere can recast this skill to dash to another place while leaving an illusion as a decoy. If the illusion is attacked, Guinevere gains some stack of her passive and after a short delay, the illusion explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Her ultimate is Violet Requiem. Guinevere floats, channels, and creates a force field that damages enemy over time while being immune to crowd control. If she hits an enemy that's airborne, they get knocked back up to the air for 6 times.

  • Actually a Doombot: She can leave behind an illusion of herself to distract the enemy while she escapes. Then the illusion blows in their face.
  • Anti-Air: Guinevere's passive causes her to deal extra damage to airborne enemies. This is useful for her because she does have her own ways to knock her enemies airborne within her vicinity.
  • Arranged Marriage: Like her brother, she's set to marry someone from a house specializing in mages. Guinevere does not like it.
  • Blue Blood: A noble from the Baroque family and her mannerism shows.
  • Child Prodigy: At the age of 10, Guinevere already mastered her own brand of magic with the help of bullying Lancelot as her guinea pig.
  • Girly Bruiser: Guinevere is still a feminine girl who prefers pretty dress, looking beautiful, and runs like a typical teenage girl. She also prefers to utilize her magic to fight like a bruiser.
  • Girly Run: Runs like this to emphasize her femininity. But don't let it fool you, the girl with a Girly Run is actually a powerful magical Girly Bruiser.
  • Gravity Master: Her magic specialty is anti-gravity, which means most of the time, she's reversing her target's gravity to make them float in the sky more. It also helps explain how she can jump around with extreme speed: She just modifies her gravity power to make her lighter.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: Guinevere is talented in magic and uses them mostly for close range combat with punches and kicks. For this, she's mostly at home in Experience Lane, duking out with other fighter heroes.
  • Magical Girl Warrior: She's a charming young girl who uses magic power to act like a close range warrior like some sort of superhero. It's little wonder that she gets chosen as the one to get the Athena Asamiya skin, aside of how their skills completely match with each other.
  • Non-Indicative Name: She's named after Queen Guinevere of the Arthurian Legend, but she's the younger sibling, not forbidden lover, of Lancelot. Likewise, there's no one named Arthur in the Land of Dawn.
  • The Ojou: She's the game's poster girl of 'high class girl and daughter of a noble house', also sporting two Ojou Ringlets. Somehow lacks a Noblewoman's Laugh, though.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Her magical gravity is colored purple, she wears mostly purple dress, and her moniker, "Ms. Violet", also imply her color association. She's one of the more well-rounded bruisers of the game and storywise, even Lancelot, an accomplished fighter and notoriously powerful in-game hero, shudders at thinking what she did (and may do) to him.

    Hilda, Power of Megalith 
Voiced by: Sachi Matsumoto (Japanese), Alaina Wis (English)

    Jawhead, Steel Sweetheart 

    Julian, Scarlet Raven 
Voiced by: Tetsurou Noda (Japanese)

Son of the disgraced smith of Moniyan Empire, Terizla. His home was burnt down by the special forces of the Church, the Ravens and his mother was killed. After wandering in the streets for days, Julian was found by none other than the Church itself, in particular by the Archbishop Rod Sidon, and then taken in to be raised and indoctrinated with how they were abandoned by the family, unworthy of love, but the church will give them... in exchange of absolute loyalty and forgetting the past. Julian spent his youth training, discovering his talent in fighting and exterminating demons, and playing with animals, in particular rodents. Even when other students ridicule him out of jealousy, the archbishop instead pardoned him and showered him with praise, especially when he fought off his insulters.

But little by little, Julian started having false memories about his past. All he remembered was that his mother left him for the dead, and tried to beg for her own mercy only to fail and die.

Julian graduates as one of the strongest Ravens at the age of 15, when he ignored his true name calling. But somehow he can't help but form a forced smile as if a past voice still lingered in him. His first mission is to apprehend the rogue mage, Xavier, who causes property damage and betrays the church while housing two heretics: Yin and Melissa. Julian immediately pursues them, but the encounter finally opens Julian's eye about his past: His mother actually told him to hide and smile when things go rough, then she was unjustly killed by the Ravens for speaking out against the Church. The supervisor of the Ravens at that time, Xavier himself, actually ordered a retreat so the massacre wouldn't go further out of control, and he protected Julian so he would not be killed on the spot.

As a token of gratitude, Julian then blocks the forces of the Abyss led by Alice, allowing Xavier, Yin and Melissa to escape, with a genuine smile on his face. Julian survives the defense battle and joins the three as the final member of the Forsaken Light.

    Kaja, Nazar King 

    Khaleed, Desert Scimitar 

    Lapu-Lapu, Courageous Blade 

    Leomord, Hell Knight 

    Martis, Ashura King
"Hahahahahahaha!! Three thousand worlds, and not a single worthy foe!"
Voiced by: Cian Hoyne (English), Abe Daiki (Japanese), Kento Fujinuma (Japanese, Adventure)
Martis is a member of the Shura clan existing in the Arcapada universe. Within the clan, there is a legend: There existed 3000 alternate worlds and only by conquering all of them would one be granted the title only for the strongest there is: The Ashura. None of the Shura clan ever completed the legendary trial. However, this did not deter Martis. Through sheer determination and perseverance in the face of numerous failures, Martis eventually conquered all 3000 worlds and turned his determination into his weapon, the twin blades "Ashura's Teeth". Now successfully claiming the title of Ashura, Martis has become reknown. But, within three thousand worlds, he hasn't found any single Worthy Opponent. Perhaps the Land of Dawn would provide one even if it may get destroyed in his search. And his arch-rival, the demigod Gatotkaca, isn't going to let that be.

Martis is a relentless Fighter hero who continuously barrages his enemies with constant attacks from his Ashura's Teeth until the time for the big finish... and move on with renewed vigor to the next target.
  • His passive is Ashura's Wrath. Martis gains stacking temporary attack speed bonus every time he uses a skill.
  • His first skill is Ashura's Aura. Martis generates fangs from the ground in the edges of a fan-shaped area. The fangs then converge to the center of the area, dragging enemies caught in it, dealing damage and slowing them.
  • His second skill is Mortal Coil. Martis dashes forward while slashing thrice, dealing separate damage on each slashes and knocking back those caught in it. The player can change the direction of Martis' third slash with directional pad. He can re-activate the skill for a short time to execute a rising slash, dealing damage and knocking up enemies caught in it. During this period, Martis receives damage reduction and crowd control immunity.
  • His ultimate is Decimation. Martis delivers a powerful thrust to his target, dealing damage to them. If the target's health is below 50%, then the attack will instead deal True Damage. If the target is killed with this skill, the cooldown is completely reset and Martis can re-use this skill for 10 seconds forward while gaining double movement speed. Each successive uses of the skill will increase the damage up until a certain threshold.

  • Blood Knight: He clearly thrives in enjoying mighty battles. After 3000 worlds not finding a good battle, he hungers for battles that could give him a thrill.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Martis doesn't concern himself with the struggles within the Land of Dawn. As far as he's concerned, the only 'good' morals for him is whatever can help him be the strongest there is.
  • Cooldown Manipulation: Along with Karina, Martis is one of the heroes who resets his own ultimate if they managed to kill his target.
  • Dual Wielding: The Ashura's Teeth comes in form of two serrated blades. And Martis makes use of both of them to hack and slash his opposition.
  • Foil: His rival, Gatotkaca, forms a contrast with him. While Gatotkaca is a stalwart, defending tank with only his fist as a weapon (slightly empowered with his Power Fist) with the aim to defend and disrupt the battlefield, Martis is a battle-hungry warrior with no clear moral set, fighting with two swords with the aim to eliminate his foes.
  • Shout-Out: His passive is... well, if you remove the first 'h' letter from it...
  • Spikes of Villainy: His armor has a lot of spikes in it. Although he's not a pure villain, Gatotkaca is considered heroic, while Martis being the more vicious rival means that his spikes signify him being on the lower scale of traditional morality.
  • To Be a Master: All he desired is to be the best fighter throughout the universe. Apparently beating out 3000 worlds are not enough.
  • Worthy Opponent: Throughout his life, the only one he believes to be able to match him is just Gatotkaca.

    Masha, Wild-Oats Fist 

    Minsitthar, Courageous Warrior 

    Paquito, the Heavenly Fist
"A punch for a punch."
Voiced by: Eric Wibbelsman (English), Yuga Sato (Japanese)
A boxing fighter known for his X-shaped scar on his back. Paquito was born in the southern region of Moniyan Empire and trained to be the strongest fighter in the Land of Dawn in order to vanquish the injustices ravaging the land. Once his training was done, Paquito packed his belongings and traveled as a wandering warrior, helping those in need.

Eventually, he hears news of a masked marauder named Domineer. Confronting him, Paquito is shocked to learn that Domineer is none other than his martial arts master, disillusioned with the harsh reality of the world that he became his own antithesis. Paquito fights his master and eventually prevails after finally realizing that unlike what his master said, the true essence of fighting is not about attacking but defending hope. As his master dies in defeat, Paquito once again hits the road. The Land of Dawn is bigger than they thought, and there are still more evils to defeat.

Paquito is a boxing Fighter hero who zips into the fray with powerful punches, relying on the combination of his skills for multiple situations.
  • His passive is Champ Stance. Paquito stores up charges after he uses a skill. Once he reaches three charges, he enters the Champ Stance, where his skillset is changed into enhanced versions of themselves. The enhanced skills have no cooldown, but after using one of them, he reverts back to his normal skillset, whereas the cooldown is carried over from the time he got into the Champ Stance. After casting an enhanced skill, he gains a temporary decaying movement speed bonus. Due to this, Paquito's normal attacks only deal 85% of his normal attack value.
  • His first skill is Heavy Left Punch. Paquito throws a left hook, dealing damage to a short but wide area in front of him. If he hits a hero, he temporarily gains a shield. If he uses this in the Champ Stance, Paquito deals greater damage and grants him more shield that can stack with the shield he gets when he uses the skill normally.
  • His second skill is Jab. Paquito dashes and delivers a straight punch which deals damage. Paquito goes past any minions but can still damage them at the end of his dash punch. However, if he collides with a jungle creep or hero, Paquito stops and immediately throws his punch. If he uses this in the Champ Stance, the damage is increased.
  • His ultimate is Knockout Strike. Paquito dashes, strikes with his elbow and finally follows up with a haymaker punch that slows his enemies down. The elbow strike and haymaker naturally deal damage. After the haymaker, Paquito quickly dashes backwards to his original position. If he uses this in the Champ Stance, he replaces the haymaker with an uppercut, which knocks his enemies up instead of slowing.

  • Boxing Battler: He's a boxer in the middle of heroes using swords, guns and sorceries. He's also one of the more powerful fighter heroes.
  • Combo: Thanks to his passive, Paquito's combat style revolves around launching his skills in certain combination, noticing when his enhanced skills are available (based on how many stacks he has before entering the fight)
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Paquito is a combo-heavy hero, memorizing the combination of skills to use to fit the situation can be a daunting task. When you can memorize those combos well, Paquito becomes a very versatile hero with tools for almost everything that he's one of the better heroes to use for rank-climbing.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Powerful enough to deliver burst damage, quick enough to zip and dodge through the battlefield and can take a beating thanks to the shield from his left punch.
  • Justice Will Prevail: He's out there to vanquish evil, which is why he dreams to be the strongest fighter since that's the way to achieve the goal.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He's heavily based on the real-life Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao. He even got a skin where he's completely replaced with the man himself.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Jab is supposedly the weakest punch in boxing. Paquito's Jab is actually his most damaging non-ultimate skill, and he certainly doesn't just jab, he just throws a straight punch. His normal attack is closer to what a jab actually looks like.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: He was taught by Domineer, but after his master becomes disillusioned, Paquito manages to summon enough willpower to turn the tables and defeat his master.
  • Walking the Earth: Paquito is a wandering fighter, he's not the type to stay in one place for too long.
  • "X" Marks the Hero: The X-marked scar on his back marks him as a warrior fighting for justice. No one knows how Paquito got those.

    Phoveus, Shadow of Dread 
  • Out of Focus: Phoveus hasn't seen any semblance of importance within the lore, use rate and skins. Even when he either has a special niche in anti-dash/blink heroes and he is the host of an Evil God, Astaros. Both he and Astaros haven't gotten into the spotlight after his release at 2021 (when other Evil Gods like Kalon and Lieh have).
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: His niche is that whenever he's near someone who just executed a dash/blink, he reduces his own cooldown. Therefore, Phoveus will thrive more whenever he faces someone who's too happy to dash/blink a lot (like Fanny or Wanwan). Not to mention his ultimate homes to his target, not manually aimed.

    Roger, Dire Wolf Hunter
"I see lots of preys!"
Voiced by: Tsuyuzaki Wataru (Japanese)

A former soldier of the Moniyan Empire turned into a reputed hunter. Roger hunted down dangerous animals who terrorized the weak. Eventually, he heard rumors about a dangerous wolf king named Whitefang terrorizing a village due to running out of prey in the Black Forest. As the creature is imbued by magic, signifying its danger, Roger marked it as his target and made plans to subdue the beast.
Roger caught up to the beast attacking a village. He saved young girl named Ruby, and in the process, he was wounded by Whitefang's claws. Regardless, Roger stood back up and drove away Whitefang's pack. He spent his time training the villagers for future wolf attacks and gave Ruby a massive scythe for her to defend herself.
However, the wound he received from Whitefang cursed him with lycanthropy. Over time, Roger started succumbing to his curse, eventually becoming a werewolf. Before anyone else learned about this, Roger left the village. Henceforth, he swore to use his new curse to eliminate the threat of both rabid wolves and werewolves throughout the Land of Dawn.
Roger is a stance-switching Fighter/Marksman hero, switching between his gun-toting humanoid form and his ferocious wolf form to hunt down and eliminate his prey.

  • His passive is Full Moon Curse. Roger's ultimate is available right as the game starts; he can switch between human and wolf forms at will. In human form, he deals damage based on his target's current HP, while in wolf form, he deals damage based on his target's lost HP.
  • His first skill depends on which form he's in:
    • In human form, it's Open Fire. Roger fires a hunter net, slowing down the first enemy hit. He quickly follows up with an always-accurate normal shot, which reduces his target's physical defense. Both of them naturally deal damage.
    • In wolf form, it's Lycan Pounce. Roger lunges and slashes at a target hero, dealing splash damage to up to three enemies in the area. During the lunge, he's invincible. Scoring a kill or assist with the skill will massively refund the skill cooldown.
  • His second skill depends on which form he's in:
    • In human form, it's Hunter's Steps. Roger sprints, temporarily gaining attack and movement speed.
    • In wolf form, it's Bloodthirsty Howl. Roger howls, increasing his attack speed considerably. If there's an enemy hero with HP below 40% nearby, Roger also gains movement speed.
  • His ultimate depends on which form he's in. It deals with switching between his wolf and human forms.
    • In human form, it's Wolf Transformation. Roger jumps in a direction and becomes a werewolf on landing, dealing damage and slowing enemies at his landing point. Passively, Roger's physical and magical defense and his movement speed are increased as long as he's in wolf form.
    • In wolf form, it's Restore Human Form. Roger rolls in a new direction and becomes human again. He also gains a temporary shield for using the skill.

  • Big Damn Heroes: He comes to save Ruby in the nick of time from Whitefang's attack. As a result, he's the one afflicted with lycanthropy instead of Ruby.
  • Boring, but Practical: As far as junglers go, Roger's only element of flashiness is how he can turn into a wolf. Other than that, his skills are quite basic, only concerning how to deal damage and buffing his own normal attacks. And that's plenty enough to get his job done.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: While in lore, Roger's transformation is involuntarily and couldn't be controlled, in-game, he can transform into a wolf and revert back to a human at will.
  • Hunter of His Own Kind: After he becomes a werewolf, he swears to hunt down every werewolf that threatens humanity.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Roger is afflicted with lycanthropy. At night he turns into a raging Wolf Man and discards his gun-toting action in favor of slashing and pouncing with his claws.
  • Manly Man: Without his terrifying wolf form, Roger is a rugged manly man, sporting a thick beard and muscular body, and is a grizzled hunter armed with a big shotgun. Before all that, he used to be a soldier in the imperial army. He is also mentally manly and heroic, risking his life to save a village and a little girl he just met at the cost of being afflicted with lycanthropy, training the same girl and the whole village for future wolf attacks, and leaving them without telling them about his condition to ensure that his new wolf form won't hurt the village. Then he goes on a one-man hunt against all werewolves.
  • Retired Badass: He used to be an accomplished soldier of the Moniyan Empire and retired amicably. Before he was turned into a werewolf, he spent his time as a reputable hunter.
  • Scars Are Forever: He's massively scarred on the chest by Whitefang, and it's likely that it won't be going anywhere soon, as it's a symbol of his lycanthropy.
  • Training the Peaceful Villagers: After saving the village from Whitefang, Roger trains them for future wolf attacks, then leaves them before turning into a werewolf. As predicted, more packs of wolves attack the village after his departure, but his protege, Ruby, is ready to defend the village in his place.
  • Wolf Man: Roger's lycanthropy turns him into a bipedal wolf.

    Ruby, Little Red Hood 

    Silvanna, Imperial Knightess
"I have a heart of light. Therefore, I do not fear the darkness!"
Voiced by: Sakie Takada (Japanese), Nana Mizuki (Japanese, Adventure)

Silvanna is the princess and heir of the Moniyan Empire. Traumatized with the kidnapping of her 1-year infant brother by the forces of the Abyss, Silvanna joined the Imperial Knights instead of mingling with politics, training as a warrior in hopes to find her brother. Tigreal tried to chide her despite acknowledging her determination and talent since he didn't want a member of the royal family to put herself in constant danger. Silvanna managed to prove herself when she charged to a group of demons fearlessly in order to retrieve the Seed of Light and wiping out the nearby demonic forces with the protection of the Lord of Light achieved via pure prayers. With that, Silvanna is acknowledged as the warrior princess of Moniyan Empire. She forms the Lightborn Squad, special forces consisting the best warriors Moniyan Empire could offer, including Tigreal, Granger, Fanny, Harith, and Alucardnote , to help her find her brother. Unfortunately for Silvanna, said brother turned out to be the abyssal prince, Dyrroth.

Silvanna is a magical Fighter hero who unleashes relentless stabs and slashes with her light-attuned spear as she charges head on to the battlefield.

  • Her passive is Knightess Resolve. Silvanna normal attacks naturally deals a mixture of physical and magic damage. Everytime she hits a hero, she marks them for a few seconds, reducing their physical and magic damage per mark. Once she stacks up 5 marks, Silvanna will deal further extra damage to said hero.
  • Her first skill is Cometic Lance. Silvanna charges up and thrusts her spear forward in a long line, dealing damage and stunning the first hero hit with it. If she manages to hit an enemy, she can temporarily recast this skill to dash forward and deal damage at the end, or if she bumps to either a jungle creep or a hero.
  • Her second skill is Spiral Strangling. Silvanna spins her spear forward while it shoots out spiraling light spears to stab all enemies in range repeatedly, dealing damage on each stab and slowly pulling her targets to the center. Her attack speed may slightly increase the number of spin and stab. She also gains a shield during the duration. The skill's attack is counted as a basic attack to stack her passive but cannot score critical hits, halves the attack effects compared to normal attacks, and will deal half damage to a minion.
  • Her ultimate is Imperial Justice. Silvanna jumps to an area and creates a Circle of Light in an area. On landing, she deals massive damage to all enemies in the area, slows them down and the nearest hero is restrained, they cannot leave the Circle of Light until the duration ends. During this period Silvanna gains double attack speed and almost double magical life steal as long as she stays in the circle.

  • Cain and Abel: Silvanna is the good big sister towards the evil (via corruption) little brother Dyrroth.
  • The Leader: She leads the Lightborn Squad as both her means to find her brother as well as upholding justice. She also takes her time to praise her fellow Lightborn Squadmates, showing that she really appreciates their help.
  • Lady of War: Silvanna is one of the archetypical examples of the trope within this game. She's both ladylike and deadly in combat with her spear.
  • Light Is Good: She utilizes the power of light as blessed with the Lord of Light. And generally, even if the Moniyan Empire and the Temple of Light have their own shady issues, Silvanna remains as a just and benevolent princess and good champion of light.
  • Magic Knight: Aside of Guinevere, Silvanna is one of the fighter heroes in the game that utilizes magic damage. Additionally, she does know some magic incantations, which is why she can create minor light blasts and creating the Circle of Light.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: She's the princess of the Moniyan Empire, and yet, she resolves to be a badass commander of the battlefield.
  • Religious Bruiser: Aside of being a proper princess, Silvanna is also a faithful, religious woman who follows the tenets of the Temple of Light, the good ones at least. She's also pretty bent in beating down demons not just for causing her trauma of losing her brother, but also because she and the Temple recognize the threat they bring.
  • Warrior Princess: Silvanna chose this path of life after being traumatized with her brother's kidnapping. After all, being in the battlefield will give her easier time to find her brother instead of just merely politically active.

    Sun, Monkey King 

    Terizla, Executioner
"Hm... 10 years of imprisonment..."
Voiced by: Con Eyre (English), Yuu Wakabayashi (Japanese)

Terizla was once the leader of the Free Smith Guild within the Moniyan Empire, and the best in his field. Life used to be nice between him, his wife Anne, and his son Julian. However, the Free Smith Guild has distaste towards the corruption of the Church of Light. Terizla was appointed as the spiritual leader of anti-Church movement and continuously defied their creed to obey their rules of smithing. Even so, Terizla was so good in smithing that his creations always sold well, so the Church of Light had no choice but to leave him be.

However, his competitors were not so lenient. They managed to bribe his apprentice to spread false rumors to the Church that Terizla was good because he used black magic. Thus, Terizla was branded heretic. Before he could go home to celebrate Julian's 16th birthday with a finely crafted statue of his family, Terizla was ambushed by the Church's Ravens squad. They apprehended him while slaughtering the whole members Free Smith Guild, separating Terizla from his family and from his knowledge, his family perished (unbeknownst to him, Julian survived).

Branded as a heretic and imprisoned deep in the underground prison, Terizla's heart was filled with rage and anger, swearing hatred and vengeance for the Moniyan Empire that betrayed him. It was at this point that Alice swept in and offered him a chance of vengeance by joining the forces of the Abyss. Terizla accepted the deal, becoming empowered with the power of darkness. After retrieving the statue of his family, Terizla descended to the depth of the Abyss to become their smith.

The talented smith who used to forge weapons for the light now forges weapons for the darkness, occasionally hallucinating for his beloved wife only for her to vanish after he can't reach out for her, fueling his rage. For every member of the Church of Light captured, they're taken to Terizla, who then destroys them to be used as for more materials. As he creates more weapons, Terizla swears that he will destroy the Moniyan Empire and claim his revenge.

Terizla is a hulking Fighter hero who excels in delivering big burst damages with his massive hammer while keeping his targets in place.

  • His passive is Body of Smith. Terizla is blessed with a sturdy body that converts his lost HP into damage reduction up until certain threshold. He also does not benefit from attack speed bonuses, any attack speed bonuses he receives will be converted into extra physical damage.
  • His first skill is Revenge Strike. Terizla swings his hammer upwards, creating a fissure that deals damage to the first enemy hit. Once that happens, Terizla gains a movement speed boost while the enemy will be slowed for a certain period, and after the period ends, they take extra damage based on their lost HP.
  • His second skill is Execution Strike. Terizla jumps and after a second, swings his hammer in a fan-shaped area, dealing big damage. He can repeat this skill up to three times before it enters cooldown; the third cast will instead have him strike at a wider, circular area while dealing even bigger damage.
  • His ultimate is Penalty Zone. Terizla leaps to an area and smashes his hammer down, damaging everyone in the area while knocking them up then slowing them down. Once he smashes down the area, he summons a Scaffold, which will bind enemy heroes, dragging them back to it when they move too far. However, at the third drag, the target will break free.

  • Action Dad: Tragically, he's the father of Julian. But by the time they get into any fighting actions, Terizla is not on Julian's side, he is most likely on the opposing side after Julian screwed off with Alice.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: Terizla was once a respected blacksmith, so he uses a huge hammer in combat, and it becomes more eerie and brutish thanks to his association with the Abyss and the green flame surrounding it. The hammer is then used to deliver huge damage in one fell swoop, befitting a huge brute.
  • Expy: Terizla has a lot in common with the rival game's Taara: A hammer-wielding fighter who fights for the dark side because they have been epically screwed off by the side of light, and the one who finalized the joining was the token succubus hero of their respective games (Alice and Veera, respectively). They only differ in gender and skillset (because Terizla certainly isn't someone who gets more powerful the more he's hurt).
  • Mighty Glacier: He has minimum mobility, converts any attack speed to more physical damage, and generally his skills are just to make sure the enemy does not escape him as opposed to maneuvering the battle with ease. Terizla, however, is known as one of the fighters with not only decent defense thanks to his passive, he also has one of the biggest burst damages amongst other fighters thanks to his second skill, and he can apply that to a considerable area if they are positioned exactly as he wants.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Terizla is seriously pissed at the betrayals put up to him that he makes sure that any Church of Light member captured will seriously suffer when he turns them into materials for more smithing.
  • Tragic Villain: Terizla used to be a good Family Man and impressive blacksmith. However, the jealousy of his competitors got him branded as a heretic and then he turned to the dark side as a way to cope and claim revenge. Worse, even when he could get a few revenge satisfaction by turning members of the Church of Light into materials for his dark smithing, his competitors that caused his suffering in the first place eluded his wrath.

    Thamuz, Lord Lava
"Hahahahahaha... Burn them all!"
Voiced by: Taishi Nakamura (Japanese), Ryou Sugisaki (Japanese, Adventure)

The King of the Fire Demons. Thamuz and his tribe of Fire Demons has always been one of the premiere races to inhabit the Abyss, they all believe in the simple philosophy of how the strong survives and rules, while the weak are to either perish or enslaved. Thamuz is also known for his cruel and ruthless attitude, and combined with his massive strength, he takes claim of the position chief of the Abyss, leading hordes of demons in the name of the Lord of Abyss. He's not too keen with competition by the Blood Demons by Alice, whom he saw as an impure breed due to being formerly humans, so he also at times mistreated the Blood Demons. However, he still occasionally teams up with Alice as long as it helps him reach his goal... to spread the philosophy of 'Only the strong will reign' throughout the Land of Dawn.

Thamuz is the burning, demonic Fighter hero who utilizes his control over burning lava to burn off his enemies and sustain him while he hacks them off with his dual scythes or his fists.

  • His passive is Grand Lord Lava. Thamuz has two stances: Wielding scythes, or bare-fisted. If he's wielding scythes, his basic attacks have a chance to create an erupting lava after a short delay, dealing true damage. When he's bare-fisted, he gains extra movement speed. If he retrieves his scythes, his basic attacks are enhanced for a few seconds: Slowing the target and guaranteeing the eruption of lava.
  • His first skill is Molten Scythes. Thamuz throws his scythes to roll over to a direction, dealing damage to the first hero or creep. At the end of the throw distance, the scythes roll constantly in said place, dealing damage over time to and slowing anyone approaching them. The scythes will come back to Thamuz after 5 seconds have passed or he walks too far away from them, they also drag the enemies caught for a small range towards their return direction. Thamuz can recast this skill to call the scythes back to him immediately.
  • His second skill is Chasm Trample. Thamuz leaps forward and tramples an area, dealing damage to and slowing those caught in the area. If his scythes are not in his hands, they will return to him immediately and his first skill is instantly refreshed cooldown-wise.
  • His ultimate is Cauterant Inferno. Thamuz unleashes the lava within his body, dealing damage to nearby enemies and then a Cauterant Zone is created around him, and follows his move. Those caught in the Cauterant Zone will receive damage over time. In the same time, Thamuz will gain extra maximum HP and heals himself from that same amount. During this period, Thamuz gains tremendous extra attack speed, and will restore HP every time he deals damage with normal attacks or skills.

  • Bad Boss: Thamuz is not a good boss, abusing those whom he doesn't like or perceive as weak. While the Fire Demons appreciate his cruelty, the Blood Demons that gets to his bad side will be utterly abused for no reason, causing some of them to swear off even Alice and try to flee to the surface, even if the humans will reject them too. One of the Blood Demons that became a hero due to Thamuz' antics is Cecilion.
  • Big Red Devil: The closest equivalent of the trope without being a bulky devil like most of the examples of the trope. The 'red' part comes from the part that his body is made of burning red lava and fire. Aside of that, he has devil horns in the parts that aren't made of fire.
  • Demoted to Extra: While Thamuz is supposedly more senior and also had his part in causing chaos in the Land of Dawn, Alice usually is the one who carries out the evil plans of the abyss. She has more 'missions' compared to Thamuz.
  • Dual Wielding: There's a reason why his 'scythe' is written in plural form: He has two of them! Smaller than Ruby's, naturally.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Has one of the deepest voices and even further with sound buffers, to enhance the image of the Big Red Devil made of lava.
  • Magma Man: Unlike the more purely fire-based Valir, Thamuz' power comes from magma and lava, things that come within a volcano.
  • Obviously Evil: The King of Fire Demons also happens to be one of the most consciously cruel and ruthless evil characters in the game with no rooms of any decencies. Who would have guessed otherwise?
  • Sinister Scythe: His scythes aren't as big as the ones that create the imagery of a grim reaper (or Ruby), but Thamuz definitely fits the sinister part even more.
  • Social Darwinist: As befitting as an evil demon, Thamuz is a firm believer of the law of the jungle. The strong shall rule over or trample the weak. And he's bent on spreading his belief throughout the Land of Dawn.
  • Stance System: Downplayed. Thamuz' passive makes him go either fighting with his scythes or his fists, both of them having different benefits. However, they don't change much of his fighting style. Still, Thamuz is more encouraged to switch around the stances based on the situation.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Thamuz and Alice should have been working under the same banner, but they don't get along. Thamuz just doesn't like how Alice used to be a human.

    X.Borg, Firaga Armor 

    Yin, Martial Genius
""I am Yin, and always will be — no matter what."
Voiced by: Bryan Green (English), Shohei Kajikawa (Japanese)

Yin was found as a baby boy found in the river of Floral Falls, Cadia Riverlands. The locals adopted him. He grew up and discovered a talent for martial arts, but he's held back with his overly good nature that prevents him to kill anyone. Additionally, he befriended one of the Oriental Fighters, Wanwan, after getting accidentally caught in her hunting traps.

While Wanwan is away one day, Yin meditates, trying to understanding the killing intent he lacked to reach his top potential, Yin gets possessed by an evil spirit that was eventually known as Lieh. Before he can comprehend the situation, Yu Zhong suddenly appears and challenges him to a death duel, eventually cornering Yin and makes him realize what it means to fight to the death. After standing his ground for awhile, Lieh decides to give a hand and fully possesses him, taking Yu Zhong to a different dimension where they continue to duel, but any time spent further will result Yin completely being consumed by Lieh.

Yin fortunately is able to regain control of himself when Wanwan interrupts the battle and yells right at his face, calling him an idiot. While she still demands answer on Yu Zhong's overall betrayal to her and the Great Dragon, Yu Zhong calmly explains that he's just luring out Lieh, whom he consider the greatest threat of Cadia Riverlands and stoked the original rivalry between the original Black Dragon with the Great Dragon. In other words, Lieh is an evil entity and has to be eliminated before Yin is used as a tool of murder of the people of Cadia Riverlands. But rather than killing Yin on the spot, Yu Zhong has another idea: He puts charms in Yin's bandages on the chest to help him better control Lieh from possessing himself and for further curing, there should be someone in Moniyan to help him.

Learning the dangers that lurk within him, Yin then departs from Cadia Riverlands to the Moniyan Empire to find a certain young seamstress, Melissa, who seems to be this person recommended by Yu Zhong. This is the beginning of the Forsaken Light group.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Lieh is kind of bloodthirsty and will most likely override Yin's personality for good just for the fight. Yu Zhong marks him as a great evil, but... well, Yu Zhong isn't exactly the most virtuous, trustworthy person, due to his history of betrayal and manipulation, to claim that so it's a bit blurry on how 'evil' Lieh is and how he actually prodded the Great and Black Dragon.
  • Badass Crew: The first introduced hero that belongs to the 'Forsaken Light' group which came from differing backgrounds. Melissa, Xavier and Julian would follow later.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Raised by a community of peaceful monks and being good with martial arts. There's just no way Yin would fight with anything else than fists.
  • Blood Knight: Lieh is definitely battle-crazed, looking forward for more good fights. When Yin gets himself possessed, his voicelines is changed to be more battle hungry.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Because of the involuntary possession from Lieh, Yin goes from someone who does not know or like killing to... someone enjoying it. Intention-wise, it may be beneficial because the anti-killing mindset horribly held back Yin's potential as a fighter.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Like every other carries, Yin is dependant on items. But as himself, he's a bit... lackluster as a hero. The secret is how to keep the Lieh form as long as possible, who's usually only available in his ultimate. If Lieh kills an enemy hero during his ult, he gets to stay that way for a time in actual world. And killing the enemies inside the ult? Easier said than done, there are many heroes who can just simply avoid Lieh during the ult and Lieh has little way to keep them in place unless he kills them quick. More or less, it's more encouraged for Yin to pick an enemy who's low enough on HP in the middle of a war so Lieh can kill them (making sure they don't kill him instead) and stay that way to better benefit the war. Otherwise, Yin becomes a hero notorious enough to be the second one that comes to mind when the phrase "Nothing lasts forever, we can jump and feeder!" comes to mind (second to only Alucard).
  • Dogged Nice Guy: As far as the relationship goes, Yin lists Wanwan as his lover. But from Wanwan's POV, she just friendzoned him.
  • Enemy Within: Played With. Lieh stays within Yin and there's almost no way he can stop him when he takes over. Thankfully, with Yu Zhong's charm, Yin gains some measure of control, thus he can invoke Lieh at will, but not as an enemy. The rest, Yin will have to depend on willpower (he got plenty, thankfully) because if left for too long, then Lieh will take over for good.
  • Happily Adopted: Monks found a boy in a basket out of nowhere. They just adopted him without question and thus begins the idyllic and happy life of Yin.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: A good guy with golden hair, though he stands out a lot because he's from Cadia Riverlands, making him a Mukokuseki.
  • Pragmatic Hero: He decides to treat Lieh inside him as more or less a trial to keep his heart intact while also understanding the meaning of fighting to kill. One of the more pragmatic uses of what would be normally considered Superpowered Evil Side.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Played With. Lieh is basically the 'darker' person residing with Yin, but through training and sheer willpower (and Yu Zhong's charm), Yin keeps him at bay and can select time to let him loose, and the time to finally reclaim his body.
  • Technical Pacifist: Yin could not achieve his true potential because he could not fight with the intent to kill, once he understands killing among other negative emotions like indignation he unlocks his full potential.
  • Token Minority: Amongst the Cadia Riverlands hero, he's the only one blonde. And amongst the Forsaken Light group, he's the only one from Cadia Riverlands, the rest usually originate from Moniyan Empire area.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Supposedly, Lieh is the one who actually accelerated the tension between both the people under Great Dragon and Black Dragon. This led to Great Dragon backstabbing Black Dragon and setting up the rivalry between them. For what? Either For the Evulz or for more body to possess and expire as he fight to his heart's content (without care of his host body), nobody knows for sure. Based on this information, Yu Zhong makes it his mission to get rid of Lieh first before he can rule Cadia Riverlands later.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Once Yin/Lieh start their enhanced first skill in their realm, nothing stops them for bashing the grounds repeatedly and temporarily stunning his enemy. Unstoppable? Yes. Escapable? Unfortunately, still yes.

    Yu Zhong, Black Dragon
Voiced by: Kenjiro Abekawa (Japanese), Jun'ichi Suwabe (Japanese, Adventure)

The Cadia Riverlands region was once ruled by the Great Dragon and Black Dragon in peace. However, their differing philosophies, especially the Black Dragon's more violence-based fighting philosophy (and a small prodding from the evil spirit known as Lieh), caused the Great Dragon to expel the disciples of the Black Dragon and steal the Black Dragon's source of power, his reverse scale. The Black Dragon swore to reincarnate far in the future.

In said far future, the descendants of Black Dragon have gone soft, forgetting their past. However, the Black Dragon itself successfully reincarnated in the form of a youth named Yu Zhong, apparently without his past memories. The Great Dragon took him under his wing to prevent him from remembering his past life. Growing up along with the Great Dragon's other apprentice, Baxia, Yu Zhong dreamed of traveling the world, but was forbidden by the Great Dragon. Being a rebellious boy, Yu Zhong snuck out anyway... and ended up meeting a Black Dragon descendant, Luo Yi, who told him about his true heritage. Yu Zhong didn't pay a lot of attention to it at first, but he still traveled with her until Luo Yi sent him away due to his immaturity.

Yu Zhong's further travels destroyed his innocence. Seeing the wars ravaging the Land of Dawn, Yu Zhong realized that the Cadia Riverlands were horribly outmatched thanks to the Great Dragon's peaceful and passive rulership. A firm, brave, and strong rulership that embraced change was necessary for the survival of his home. When Yu Zhong returned home and tried to share his experience, the Great Dragon rejected him on the basis that he couldn't afford more calamity by bringing outer influence. Eventually fed up and desperate to fulfill his ambition for the Cadia Riverlands, Yu Zhong attacked the Great Dragon. Baxia repelled him and seemingly killed Yu Zhong by knocking him off a cliff.

Yu Zhong survived that. Despite being terribly wounded, Yu Zhong saved a young girl from wild beasts. This young girl nursed him back to health with the help of her father. Yu Zhong then befriended this young girl, Wanwan, and told her about his adventures and ambition. And one day, Yu Zhong simply left her after giving her his keepsake, a primordial spirit. In truth, he's only manipulating Wanwan for future use. He reunites with Luo Yi, and now he's ready to fulfill his ambition to reclaim his birthright, the power of the Black Dragon sealed within the reverse scale. For that, he contacts the assassin group Finch and hires the services of the best assassin, Ling. Then he has Ling and his assassins create a diversion in the Dragon Altar while he and Luo Yi sneak into the Dragon Altar, where the reverse scale of the Black Dragon is located.

Shortly after claiming the reverse dragon scale, Yu Zhong is confronted by Great Dragon's greatest champions: Zilong, Baxia, Ling (right after Zilong made him pull a Heel–Face Turn) and... none other than Wanwan. However, it's too late. The reverse scale caused Yu Zhong to transform into the Black Dragon, driving him insane. With the help of Luo Yi, the Black Dragon swatted away the champions, but Wanwan managed to dodge the strike and Luo Yu's traps. She tried to appeal to Yu Zhong's humanity based on their friendship by showing him the keepsake she got from him. However, it was all Yu Zhong's plan from the beginning and why he manipulated Wanwan: the primordial spirit was something necessary to control the spirit of the original Black Dragon. Yu Zhong has put the spirit of the original Black Dragon under his control, able to transform into a dragon at will with his consciousness intact, and flies to the sky, with Luo Yi looking at him proudly. His one mission is to change the course of the fate of the Cadia Riverlands, breaking away from the old monotonous order and ushering in an age of glory with him in charge. And when the time is right, he will settle the score with the Great Dragon.

Yu Zhong is a fearsome Fighter hero who uses his Sha and draconic power to overwhelm his enemies; when the time is right, he takes form of a dragon to travel and enhance his skills.

  • His passive is Cursing Touch. For every successful normal attack, Yu Zhong inflicts a Sha Residue on his enemies while gaining Sha Essence for himself.
    • The Sha Residue erupts once it reaches five stacks. For every half a second, a stack is consumed to damage the enemy while healing Yu Zhong and granting him Sha Essence.
    • When Sha Essence is fully charged, Yu Zhong gains spell vamp effect on his attacks and a big movement speed bonus that decays rapidly. However, Yu Zhong can still gather Sha Essence during this period by continuously damaging enemies, with that, he can get another speed boost and reset the decaying point.
  • His first skill is Dragon Tail. Dark energy gathers around Yu Zhong's cloak. After a short delay, Yu Zhong swings his cape to deal damage to enemies nearby and giving them one stack of Sha Residue. Those on the edge of the area will receive extra damage and an additional stack of Sha Residue from the sharpened edges of the cape.
  • His second skill is Soul Grip. Yu Zhong shoots out a Dragon Soul on a line, dealing all enemies in front of him and slowing them. On successful hit, Yu Zhong's next basic attack is enhanced to deal additional damage and even moreso if it hits an enemy with their back turned. He also quickly dashes on his target to execute this enhanced attack. This skill travels on a line, but in Dragonoid form after his ultimate, it affects a conical area in front of Yu Zhong.
  • His third skill is Furious Dive. Yu Zhong leaps to an area and deals damage to nearby enemies. His next movement becomes a dash. After a delay, the area explodes with power, knocking up those still in the area and damaging them.
  • His ultimate is Black Dragon Form. After a short channeling, Yu Zhong turns into a black dragon and takes flight. In this state, he gains additional HP, crowd control immunity, and the ability to fly over obstacles. Those who get in the way of his flight will also take damage and be knocked back. He cannot use any other skills during this form. When the duration ends or Yu Zhong re-activates the skill prematurely, he lands and assumes a Dragonoid form (a bipedal humanoid dragon), dealing damage in his landing point and being able to use his skills again. The Dragonoid form lasts for 10 seconds and it will enhance the area of effect of his skills.

  • Affably Evil: He's the definition of an oriental Evil Overlord, but he's still sane and affable. His manipulation of Wanwan is just to make sure that he stays affable, and he's perfectly able to explain himself attacking Yin to Wanwan.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Yu Zhong's ambition to travel the Land of Dawn seems innocuous at first. But, traveling many times eventually corrupted Yu Zhong's heart and turned him into a Visionary Villain, seeing the merits of the advanced civilization and thinking to bring their glory to 'improve' the Cadia Riverlands for his ambition and what he believes to be a greater good, namely protecting them in case the Shadow Abyss comes knocking.
  • Big Bad: The all-encompassing Big Bad of Oriental/Chinese fighters (though he's only an Arc Villain on the grand scale of Mobile Legends). Yu Zhong stands in opposition to the Great Dragon's philosophies, and a majority of oriental-based heroes (Zilong, Baxia, Ling, Wanwan) oppose him.
  • Cutscene Power to the Max: In his introduction trailer, he's shown to be easily manhandling Zilong, Ling and Baxia. Keen players would know that Yu Zhong going 3vs1 like that would not be as easy as the cutscene shows (skilled Yu Zhong players can pull it off, but it's almost impossible due to the balance nerfs given after he debuted), and Baxia himself can shut down his source of sustain: His passive.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Once he reclaims the Black Dragon power, Yu Zhong then goes to hunt down the Evil God Lieh and beats him over and over, requiring the Evil God to change host and weaken him, and yet Yu Zhong keeps hunting and beating him down until he reaches Yin (The previous hosts of Lieh die in process, but that's a price Yu Zhong is willing to pay to reach his goal). While the Black Dragon is indeed powerful, Yu Zhong proves that he's on a god-killer level with it.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Yu Zhong's first action after reclaiming the Black Dragon power is to hunt down Lieh and challenge Yin to force Lieh to possess him. When Wanwan stops him, Yu Zhong reveals the evils Lieh has done to both the Great Dragon and the Black Dragon in the past, driving a wedge between the two clans and causing the Great Dragon to backstab the Black Dragon. And he's been chasing Lieh, who possesses fighters after fighters, and Yin was just the latest host. Sure, Yu Zhong still wants to rule the Cadia Riverlands and oust the Great Dragon. But, before that can happen, he must kill Lieh first, before he harms any of his potential servants.
  • Expy: An ambitious man attuned to warfare and combat, who serves as the Big Bad of a Chinese arc. He stops at nothing to achieve his goal and visions, and would deploy trickery, manipulation and deceit to achieve it. Barring the fact that he turns into a dragon, Yu Zhong is most likely based on the Three Kingdoms warlord Cao Cao. Bonus points for quoting Cao Cao's most famous line note  and being opposed by an Expy of Shu general Zhao Yun (Zilong), who's often depicted as one of the heroes opposing Cao Cao's kingdom.
  • Life Drain: If Yu Zhong has gathered five stacks of Sha Residue, he automatically drains the life of his marked ones without having to do anything. Without immediate aid, it's not often to see Yu Zhong walking away from his target and then the Sha Residue automatically kills his opponent without him doing anything.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He manipulates Wanwan to make sure that his one artifact, which is the key to retaining his sanity once the Black Dragon enters his body, remains safe and not destroyed.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Baxia was sure that Yu Zhong wouldn't survive falling down from extreme heights in their last battle at Dragon Altar. He was wrong. Yu Zhong survived that and still had enough strength to save Wanwan from wild animals. The incarnation of Black Dragon isn't so weak to die from falling from extreme heights.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Yu Zhong's draconic form takes the form of an Eastern legless black dragon. He's regal, mythical, and isn't concerned with hoarding gold, but he is evil and has grand plans to shake the status quo of the otherwise peaceful Cadia Riverlands.
  • Rage Against the Mentor: Yu Zhong didn't take it well when the Great Dragon, who raised him, continuously dodged the question about his heritage and always refusing to heed his warning about the dangers outside the Cadia Riverlands and how they had to be more aggressive in order to defend themselves.
  • Raise Him Right This Time: The Great Dragon made an effort to raise Yu Zhong properly and make sure he didn't revert to his past self as the Black Dragon. He failed.
  • Stealth Mentor: To Yin. Yu Zhong attempts to kill him and ends up enabling him to get over his anti-killing policy and unlock his true potential as a martial artist. He also sends him off to Moniyan while giving him charms to control Lieh better, indirectly setting up the Forsaken Light group when all he wanted is probably the biggest threat and murder-machine he knows out of the place he's meant to rule.
  • Super Mode: The Dragonoid form enhances Yu Zhong's strength and skill effects. It's also shown with how his form changed into a humanoid bipedal dragon.
  • Ungrateful Bastard:
    • For the disciples of Great Dragon, certainly Yu Zhong would look like one, since he still betrayed the Great Dragon that tried to raise him right.
    • In other scenarios, this is subverted. After he initially gets his dragonoid form, his first reaction towards Luo Yi, who gave her all to ensure he could reach that state... is to punch her to the wall. However, in this time, Yu Zhong is not in the right mind since the original Black Dragon majorly dominates his mind. Additionally, Luo Yi doesn't even feel betrayed because she knows that's what the original Black Dragon would do. And once Yu Zhong regains control of his body, he goes back to being respectful to Luo Yi.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Without his old memories, Yu Zhong was just like any other kid: eager, sweet, and with the potential for a bright future, even if he was a little ambitious. But it was not meant to be. Yu Zhong's ambition and witnessing the horrors of war outside the Riverlands has corrupted him into a power-hungry bastard ever since he traveled the Land of Dawn.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to remove the peaceful rule of Cadia Riverlands and replace it with a stronger, more ruthless rule because he genuinely believed that the peaceful, spiritual rule of the Great Dragon can be easily crushed by the Shadow Abyss outside; if that happens, then Cadia Riverlands, his beloved home, will be toast.
  • Visionary Villain: Yu Zhong is genuine that his journey outside the Cadia Riverlands opened his eyes to possible advancement that could have been beneficial for the Cadia Riverlands and protect it from possible Shadow Abyss invasion. Unfortunately, Great Dragon didn't think the advancement was worth the loss of lives that could happen. As a result, the only way for Yu Zhong to fulfill his vision is to defeat the Great Dragon and rule the Cadia Riverlands in his place.
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Yu Zhong does not believe in virtue. In his eyes, it's why the Cadia Riverlands under the Great Dragon are so held back and weak, they cling too much in virtues that they reject possible cultural advances that in his eyes could improve their lot. It's as he said in the opening.
    "Kindness is the surest path of ruination."
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Yu Zhong learns (most likely from Luo Yi) that merging with the reverse scale means he will be driven insane due to wrestling control with the spirit of the original Black Dragon (and in the earlier time of merging, he really turns insane). Thankfully, there is a way to alleviate it, as long as he can separate his primordial spirit with someone else. He decides to use little Wanwan for it and hopes she'll come in handy as his Unwitting Pawn by letting her keep his primordial spirit as a 'good luck charm'. His gambit pays off, now Yu Zhong can keep his great Black Dragon power and sanity.

    Zilong, Spear of Dragon
"The Dragonborn is back!"
Voiced by: Jimmie Yamaguchi (English), Roa Kenji (Japanese), Takuya Eguchi (Japanese, Adventure)
A bright youth born from a loving family in a minor village of Cadia Riverlands. Zilong's happy childhood was robbed from him during a windstorm destroyed the carriage carrying his family in a travel. However, Zilong survived that. In turn, he traveled alone throughout the wilderness, facing despair but never giving up. His determination piqued the interest of the Great Dragon, who adopted him as a son and granted him a new life. He trained with the arts of fighting with the Great Dragon and also helping out others as he never lost his kind heart. He gained a rival in training named Ling, who always bested him in sparring and the fight to decide who would be the successor of the Great Dragon. Yet, Zilong was the one named successor; since he's the loser, that means he would strive to further improve himself. In addition, Zilong has proven his kind heart to others by helping them. Zilong was then granted the Great Dragon Spear, and he still continued to help protect the Cadia Riverlands from evildoers, while also having to cater with the Great Dragon's other adopted child, Chang'e, as his own adopted sister. Zilong was fated to reunite with Ling and brought him back to the side of good as they eventually face the threat of the Cadia Riverlands: the Black Dragon Yu Zhong.

One of the starter heroes of Mobile Legends Bang Bang, Zilong is a fierce Fighter/Assassin hero that mows down his enemies with his spear in a straightforward battle.
  • His passive is Dragon Flurry. After three normal attacks, Zilong's next attack becomes a multiple thrust with his spear, dealing additional damage and also recovering his health.
  • His first skill is Spear Flip. Zilong impales his chosen target and lifts them up, slamming them to his behind, and deals damage.
  • His second skill is Spear Strike. Zilong dashes to a target and thrusts his spear forward, dealing damage and reducing their armor. Zilong also executes a normal attack immediately after.
  • His ultimate is Supreme Warrior. Zilong receives significant buffs on his movement and attack speed temporarily. He removes all slow effects and becomes immune to them for a time. Additionally, his passive is modified during the ultimate's period; it now triggers after two normal attacks.

  • Big Brother Instinct: While he's not related by blood with Chang'e, Zilong still gives his all to protect her from danger. And most likely why Chang'e is not amongst the Oriental Fighters despite her links: Zilong knows that the battle with Yu Zhong will be too dangerous for Chang'e.
  • Boring, but Practical: Zilong is one of the most basic Fighters you get and his skills are nothing fancy, he just has a dash strike, a suplex and a speed boost. His stats, however, is extremely excellent and work very well with this kit that he can keep up with all those fancier fighters with just those basic skills and become a reliable carry even to the late game.
  • Dub Name Change: He's rendered as 'Shiryuu' in the Japanese version, which is the actual Japanese translation of "Zilong", as seen in other medias featuring Romance of the Three Kingdoms, like Dynasty Warriorsnote 
  • Expy: He's the token Expy of Zhao Yun, following the examples of Xin Zhao and Zanis. Even moreso, his original name was "Yun Zhao" (Zhao Yun reversed), and when Moonton had to change that to make the comparison less blatant, they changed his name to Zhao Yun's style name (Zhao Zilong). To make up for that, Zilong's lore is made to be kind of different than Zhao Yun's.
  • The Four Gods: Of the Oriental Fighters, he represents the Azure Dragon/Qinglong/Seiryuu due to his rampant dragon imagery.
  • Hot-Blooded: Off-battle, he's a sensible Nice Guy. In battle? His soul of a warrior burns so hot that he's enthusiastic in kicking ass.
  • The Leader: Supposedly, he's the leader who held The Hero position of the Oriental Fighter. Directly chosen by the Great Dragon as his successor, Zilong possesses leadership and charisma to win over people with his heart, while also being the one who gets the most Ideal Hero traits amongst the Oriental Fighters.
  • Nice Guy: In between training with the Great Dragon, Zilong visits the commonfolk and helps them out in daily lives without flaunting his status. It's the reason why he's named successor.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: If he activates his ultimate, he bellows out "HEROES NEVER FADE!!"
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the Hot-Blooded counterpart to the cool-headed Ling. It's also portrayed well to their fighting styles. While Ling waits for the right time to strike the enemy with burst damage in a surprise attack/ambush, Zilong is the kind of guy who jumps right into the enemy's face, then he starts stabbing them repeatedly until they lay dead with his sustained damage.
  • Skill Gate Characters: One of the more basic junglers. Zilong is terrifying to newbies because there are few that could withstand his surprise attack as he unloads his skills, catching them off guard. He also has less gameplay baggages than the other early jungler, Alucard. For a long time, he can serve as a new player's Disc-One Nuke and stays kind of relevant to the meta without standing out too much.
