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Characters / Fable II

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This page is for characters whose only appearance is in Fable II. For characters who appear in II as well as another game, see Fable.

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     The Hero of Bowerstone 

Sparrow / The Hero of Bowerstone
Male Hero
Female Hero
The Player Character, a street urchin who, after losing his/her beloved sister Rose to Lord Lucien, determined to get revenge against him. Helping along with this is the fact that s/he is the Fourth Hero who is destined to stop Lucien.
  • All Your Powers Combined: The other three Heroes each excel at one of three attributes: Strength, Skill, and Will. The Hero of Bowerstone excels in all three.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Female PCs, especially ones who invest in Physique heavily, tend to become this by the end of the game.
  • Broken Bird: Sparrow gets shit on by a bird in the opening cutscene; it goes downhill from there.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Incapacitating enemies and then kicking them while they're down is one of Sparrow's more common techniques. Another is to hurl them off ledges or against walls.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Sparrow's parents are never mentioned outside of a dream sequence that may or may not be real.
  • Cosmic Plaything: The game starts with Sparrow taking a bird dropping to the head. His/her life goes downhill from there.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: No matter how evil you make them, you can't make them murder their dog.
  • A Girl in Every Port: If the player is a polygamist and marries more than one spouse, they'd better do it in a different town, or very separate parts in the same town. If either spouse discovers the other, they will be heartbroken and lead to a divorce.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When Sparrow becomes evil enough or sacrifices his/her youth to Reaver (which is ironically the good choice), their eyes will glow red.
  • Good Is Not Nice: As Decadent, Sparrow has several couples, is alcoholic, charges too much rent, pays for sex, and/or sleeps for a week, but still a good guy.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: When Sparrow becomes good enough, their hair will lighten until it becomes blond.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: No matter how evil a hero you are, the worst you can do to your dog is make it limp, you can never intentionally harm or kill it.
  • Heroic Lineage: Is said to have the blood of heroes in his/her veins.
  • Heroic Mime: Sparrow is the only Hero never to speak beyond grunting and laughing.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Like in the Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold example, when Sparrow becomes good enough, their eyes will be bright blue.
  • Jack of All Trades: Not not as strong as Hammer, less skilled than Reaver and can't ever reach Garth's Will powers, but the Hero is proficient with all three.
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: Sparrow will have a very rugged jawline when maxed out on Physique (when you aren't also spending spending XP on Accuracy — which makes you taller). Even if Sparrow is a woman.
  • Master of All: If you're highly skilled in all of the Strength / Skill / Will categories. The other heroes are still more proficient within their areas of expertise, but you can be very, very good at everything.
  • Meaningful Name: "Sparrow," or "little sparrow," is a term of endearment.
  • No Name Given: It is extremely unlikely that "Sparrow" is this character's real name.
  • Older Than They Look: If the Brightwood Tower sub-quest is completed.
  • Pragmatic Hero: As Decadent.
  • Rags to Royalty: The hero can earn the King/Queen title by owning two and a half million gold worth of property. Fable III shows that them becoming the King or Queen is canonical.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Like in the Glowing Eyes of Doom example, when Sparrow becomes evil enough or sacrifices their youth to Reaver, their eyes will become red.
  • Unscrupulous Hero / Nominal Hero: As Puritan, Opportunist, or Debaser.
  • Villain Protagonist/ Nominal Hero: As Fanatic, Demon, or Ghoul.
  • Volcanic Veins: You can get these as you invest in the Will stat. At first they will be rather faint, but will become more defined as you increase the stat.
  • Younger Than They Look: If they sacrifice their youth to Reaver.



Voiced by: Gemma Boyle

The Hero of Bowerstone's older sister.


The Hero of Bowerstone's dog, who loyally follows her/him from the day s/he saved the animal from a pack of cruel boys.

Sister Hannah, aka Hammer
Voiced by: Julia Sawalha

I'm sorry, Father. Not that I broke my vow. I'm sorry I didn't break it sooner. I never did fit in at this place. We both knew that. And now I'm making a new vow...Lucien will die for what he did to you. I won't break this one.

The Hero of Strength, the daughter of the Abbot who presides over the Temple of Light. Although initially a pacifist, after her father is killed by Lucien's men, she resolves to join the Hero of Bowerstone in their quest for vengeance and becomes an ally through the rest of the game.

  • Action Girl: And she's very good at it.
  • Actual Pacifist: At first, unwillingly.
  • Appropriated Appellation: Nicknamed "Hammer," which she doesn't much like, by her fellow monks. When she renounces her vows, she takes the name for real.
    Monk: Sister Hannah...
    Hammer: (angrily) Call me HAMMER.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: She finds the life of a monk boring and wants to go adventuring. She does so, but only after her father is killed and she breaks her vow of pacifism to avenge him. At the very end, she declares she's sick and tired of violence, and just wants to be happy again.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's sweet and chatty, but when her dad gets killed...
  • The Big Guy: Of the Hero's group, she is the largest and most physically powerful as the Hero of Strength.
  • Brawn Hilda: She's a large woman, that's for sure.
  • Gentle Giant: The Hero of Strength and sized accordingly, but originally a pacifist who chafed at her vows because she wanted to do more than pray to defend the well-being of others. Even after she renounces her vow, she remains firmly on the side of the angels. (And she's always pleased to see your dog.)
  • The Lancer: The first of the Hero of Bowerstone's allies and, by far, the most supportive one.
  • Last of His Kind: Theresa mentions in Fable: The Journey that Hammer was the last remaining member of an ancient Heroic bloodline descended from the Hero Stone, and that it ended when Hammer died of old age without children following the end of Fable II.
  • Pet the Dog: Literally. It's the first thing she does upon seeing the Hero's dog. Apparently, the adoration is mutual.
  • Stout Strength: She is a very big lady with a very big hammer that she uses very well.
  • Token Good Teammate: She represents the "Good" end of the heroic spectrum in your team. She responds well to more heroic acts, notably she will commend you for choosing to bring back everyone that died building the Spire. If you choose to bring back your family she will express disappointment but sympathize and if you choose wealth she will admonish you and more or less end your friendship.
  • True Companions: If you mostly play good and choose to revive those killed by the Spire or even your loved ones, Hammer will view the Hero as her best friend and lament that she'll never see you again in the end. Although if you choose the selfish option, she will make her disgust with you known and leave for greener pastures.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She will call the Hero out if you choose the wealth option over your family or all the people who died.

Voiced by: Ron Glass

The Hero of Will. He's an expert on the Old Kingdom and a scholar. Although originally working to help Lucien recover the Spire, his interest was purely academic and he dissolved their partnership when he learned of Lucien's true intentions; he later becomes an ally of the Hero of Bowerstone.

  • Badass Bookworm: Oh yes. Garth wanders the world with a pack full of research, and is the foremost expert on the Old Kingdom and its artifacts. Oh, and he obliterated a fleet of ships with magical fire when he got "a little overzealous."
  • Black Mage: Pardon the pun.
  • Blow You Away: He can cast the Vortex spell.
  • Cool Old Guy: He seems notably older than the other heroes in the group, but has no problem keeping up with them in both combat and wit.
  • Ethnic Magician: The Hero of Will and from Samarkand, a faintly Asian culture (except with dark-skinned people).
  • Heel–Face Turn: He was working with Lucien at the start of the game. At that time, he had no idea he was on the bad guy's side; in fact, his first appearance is his walking out on Lucien because he realizes the latter is crazy.
  • Heroic Neutral: After escaping the Spire, he just wants to return to his research and evade Lucien. Theresa manages to convince him to join forces with the Hero and Hammer to put a stop to Lucien permanently.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Garth resembles his voice actor, Ron Glass.
  • Mage Tower: Has one in Brightwood that was built by a Hero named Stella Malgrave who was killed in the destruction of the Heroes Guild.
  • Mind over Matter: He can cast the Force Push spell.
  • My Greatest Failure:
  • Playing with Fire: He can cast the Inferno spell.
  • Shirtless Scene: In the Spire.
  • Shock and Awe: The Shock spell, which he can use continuously even though the Hero can't.
  • The Smart Guy: Garth is the most well read and knowledgable of the Hero's team which is expected as the Hero of Will.
  • The Stoic: Unlike the more colorful Reaver and Hammer, Garth is extremely dignified and doesn't emote a whole lot (even when he's blowing things up).
  • Volcanic Veins: As a practiced user of Will, his body has become covered in glowing blue lines, much more extensively than the player character will ever have.

    Villains and Allies (If Sparrow is evil) 

Lucien Fairfax

The main antagonist of the game. After his wife and daughter's deaths, he never truly recovers and becomes obsessed with rebuilding the Spire, a conduit from the Old Kingdom that could grant his wish to bring them back. As time goes on, his ambitions take over and he decides to redo the whole world.
  • Apologetic Attacker: When he kills your older sister and then tries to shoot you dead. He does seem genuinely sorry.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: He starts by killing Rose (the Hero's only remaining family) and mortally wounding the Hero as a child. It just gets worse from there.
  • Big Bad: Lucien is the main villain of Fable II.
  • Cosmic Retcon: Though his original intentions with the Spire may have been to bring back his dead wife and daughter, he eventually realizes that the world itself was the problem. Of course, the Hero of Bowerstone prevents him from achieving his ends.
  • The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: He started out trying to revive his family with the Spire, but quickly decides to use it to create a world without death or chaos. Garth puts it best:
    Garth: Give a beggar a million gold, and he'll buy bread until he's full. But then he'll realize that there are other things than bread for sale.
  • Disney Villain Death: Kicks it falling off some platform (which he really should have put guardrails around) and down into the abyss below.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him:The Great Shard is the closest thing to a Final Boss fight you get. With Lucian, you just get to hear him give a speech, which you can stop at any time by shooting him or letting him finish and allowing Reaver to off him with a similiarly anticlimactic shot.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: At the end of the day, Lucien is far from a hero, or even a warrior or cutthroat. He is killed rather unceremoniously in the end either by you or Reaver, with one bullet being enough to take him down.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Punctuated by a gunshot.
  • Start of Darkness: Lucien was a genuinely good and competent ruler before the deaths of his wife, daughter, and sister. After that, his sanity very slowly begins to erode as his obsession with the Spire increases.
  • Unwitting Pawn: It's implied that Theresa manipulated him into rebuilding the Spire.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has an epic one:
    What? What is that? What are you doing? You think a mere trinket will save you? Do you think anything can? Stop! Think about what you're doing! I will put an end to chaos! Stop now, you fool! You insect! I order you to stop! Sleep! I command you to sleep! Sleep!
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Lucien starts out as this, although he gets corrupted and more insane as he continues his quest.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: When you first meet him at the beginning of the game his stability is questionable but he still appears lucid. By the end of game once he has spent decades erecting the Spire and seeking its eldritch secrets he has all but lost his mind and any sense of the man he once was.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Lucien's entire quest is motivated by trying to resurrect his dead family. At the beginning of the game, he seems genuinely sorrowful that he must kill you and your sister because you pose a threat to this.

The Commandant

Lucien's right-hand man, a result of experimentation with the Shards.
  • Badass Boast: "You are Number 273. That number is not randomly assigned. It is because I have broken 272 guards already. And I will break you."
  • Degraded Boss: Less powerful versions of the Commandant appear leading Lucien's men after you escape from the Spire.
  • The Dragon: To Lucien.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: His job is to turn the volunteers that have shown up for work into obedient and bloodthirsty soldiers. His methods for doing this involve Cold-Blooded Torture and eroding one's sanity.
  • Super Prototype: The first ever Spire Soldier ever created and the most powerful (even when Theresa describes the rest as being as fearsome as the original)
  • Obviously Evil: If his dark clothes, pale skin and overall demonic apperance don't give it away, the moment he starts talking about breaking you will solidfiy that this guy is bad news.

Cornelius Grim

The leader of the Temple of Shadows.
  • Evil Plan: Poison the waters of the Wellspring Cave, destroying the power of the Temple of Light and devastating the town of Oakfield.
  • One-Winged Angel: If the Hero sides with the Temple of Light and fights off his attack on Oakfield, Cornelius will transform himself into a Shadow to fight the Hero.


A bandit whom the Hero of Bowerstone encounters early in their journey, kidnapping slaves to give to Lucien.
  • The Brute: For Lucien; he kidnaps villagers to be put to work building the Spire.
  • Degraded Boss: Suffers this in a much greater degree than the Commandant. The Spire Soldiers at least retain a status of Mini-Boss, while that the Bandit chieftain are just Elite Mooks.
  • Kick the Dog: Actually kicks the Hero's dog after he emerges from his cabin—it manifests in gameplay as your dog being wounded during the battle.
  • Starter Villain: The first boss the hero has to face.


A Bandit who is especially quick.
  • Fragile Speedster: Catching him is the problem, but once the Hero manages to get a punch in he goes down easily.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: He runs all through Rookridge taunting the player about how they'll never be able to catch him—probably because he doesn't have any actual combat skills.
  • One-Hit Kill: Get one hit on him and it's all over.
  • Zero-Effort Boss: At least in killing him, but some characters do get slowed down by all the obstacles in his path.


A Bandit after Farmer Giles for knowing his dark secret, who continually tries to kill him. Previous to the quest "Cold Comfort Farmer," he kills Giles' wife.
  • Time Master: He is able to use the Slow Time spell, indicating he may have some Hero blood.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: If you kill Farmer Giles for him, he and his men will still try to kill you because you learned they were cross-dressers.
  • Villainous Crossdresser: He and his Bandits put on womens' clothing that they had raided; this was witnessed by Giles and is the reason he's trying to kill him.

Darius Zing

  • Time Master: Like Ripper, he can use the Slow Time spell.

Great Shard

An inanimate Shard that transports large amounts of Mooks to your Hero and destroys Reaver's getaway ship near the end of the game.
  • Final Boss: Although not necessarily framed as one, it is this as your next enemy, Lucien, is frail, monologues instead of attacking you, and only takes one hit to kill.

    Other Characters and Allies (If Sparrow is good) 


An entrepreneur who continually tries to raise money and convince the Hero to invest in his ventures.
  • The Barnum: Subverted. Everything he does is on-the-level, and he helps a lot of people should the Hero aid him.
  • Delusions of Eloquence: Studied a horrendously inaccurate thesaurus to boost his vocabulary. Whoever wrote it hadn't the slightest clue what spelling was. It defined synonyms for nasty as 1: distrafolic, respinacious, aggravitising.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: After being a recurring NPC for the entire game and perhaps even helping you out should you invest in his recreation project: Barnum is unceremoniously shot dead by Reaper over something completely vain and trivial and is never mentioned again.
  • Killed Off for Real: Reaver kills him when he learns the picture that Barnum took of him won't be ready for several months.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his slightly pretentious attitude, Barnum does make good on his promise to give you back your share of the investment when you get back from prison.

Farmer Giles

A former town guard turned farmer who is attacked by the bandit Ripper, resulting in the death of his wife. He requests the help of the Hero of Bowerstone to bring him to justice in the quest "Cold Comfort Farmer."
  • Crusading Widower: The bandit Ripper murdered Giles' wife shortly after he retired due to Giles knowing Ripper and his gang's secret, causing Giles to stop at nothing to bring Ripper to justice.
  • Good Parents: After his son Rupert confesses to him that he's gay at the end of "The Blind Date", he says that he respects his choice, and doesn't show any signs of resistance.
  • I Call It "Vera": He had a powerful blunderbuss called "The Enforcer," but buried it in his cellar after he retired.
  • Retired Badass: He used to be a town guard before retiring to his farm.


A member of the Spire Guard who joins with the Hero during their infiltration. Despite working with Lucien, he's a fairly decent guy who only wanted to provide for his wife.
  • Anti-Villain: Bob took a job serving as a soldier in a madman's army so that he could provide for his wife. If he hadn't died during training he would have been used to try and take over Albion.
  • Elite Mook: Is a Spire Guard.
  • Mauve Shirt: Bob is only a Spire Guard, but at least Sparrow knows his name.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Bob's existence provides this question. All the Spire Guards you're about to slaughter to stop Lucien: do they deserve it or were they all brainwashed into assisting him and/or were tempted promises of helping their loved ones? This can be used as yet another reason for a heroic player to choose to resurrect those that were killed in Lucien's crusade, as this may include Bob and the other Spire Guards.
