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Creek Cliques

    Junior Forest Scouts
Left to right: Tony, Jason and Boris
Jason voiced by: Gunnar Sizemore
Tony voiced by: Ben Levin
Boris voiced by: Matt Burnett

Three kids who are part of the Junior Forest Scouts.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Berserk Button: Dishonesty, perceived or otherwise.
    • When JP called Jason to a rescue mission promising free ice cream, and they didn't have the promised reward item with them, he stole their stuff and left. Of course, they promised they would reward him AFTER they got back, but of course, this is Jason we're talking about.
    • Boris was not happy when he found out The Cake Is a Lie in "The Invitation".
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Boris is the big one, Jason is the thin one, and Tony is the short one.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Male example. Jason is a blonde, Boris is a brunette, and Tony is a redhead.
  • Entitled Bastard: They've repeatedly demanded Kit to give them free snacks, but she wasn't having any of them.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While they may be smug and entitled kids who harass others, they take the concept of Scout's Honor very seriously to the point where being lied to seems to be their collective Berserk Button.
  • Greed: Their common flaw, and the reason nobody likes them.
  • The Psycho Rangers: Each can be considered a mirror to the Stump Trio.
    • Jason is The Leader with a confident attitude but with insecurity issues, much like Craig.
    • Tony is the short kid with red hair and is always shown with a book, similar to Kelsey.
    • Boris rounds it off as The Big Guy with an accent, making him the JP of the group.
  • Rules Lawyer: They use camping safety rules as excuses to harass other kids. For instance, when Craig bought the food they wanted, they invaded their base on the pretext of disposing of a glass jar Jessica was drinking out of.
  • Scout-Out: Their scout is called "Junior Forest Scout".
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: The main trio doesn't really like them all that much, generally due to them being stuck-up jerks who try to abuse their positions.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Because they're scouts, they think they deserve a lot of respect because they're "protecting" the creek.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: They're much less antagonistic by the second season, and more often try to outright help the Stump Trio (though they generally don't succeed). This is best shown in The End Was Here, where Jason shows diligence in his duty of warding off mosquitoes and offers his misguided efforts of first aid when the Stump Trio tricks him to get into his backyard. He is understandably angry when he catches them, but actually takes interest when Craig tells him about the documents of the Ancient Creek War that were buried there.The End Was Here Proven further in The Rise and Fall of the Green Poncho when almost the entire Council of the Creek refuses to abandon their Creek lifestyle to protect their side of the Creek from King Xavier, Jason is one of the three kids who stay behind and pledges their faction to help defend the Creek.

Tropes that apply to Jason:

  • Arch-Enemy: To Craig's pleasure, he's a part of his Rogues Gallery. As of the Capture the Flag special, he and Craig are no longer Arch Enemies, but rather coworkers. By "Scoutguest," the two finally break the ice and become friends.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: In "The Great Fossil Rush", Craig calls him out for his Jerkass behavior and asks if the reason he joined the Junior Forest Scouts was out of a desire to actually help people, or to just laud his power and authority he thinks he commands from all the badges he's earned.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He not only abandons the trio in their moment of distress just because they didn't have their reward with them, and despite claiming they would give it to him when they got back home, he also steals a few of their items "as reimbursement".
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Anyone who bothers to watch a few episodes is bound to pick up on the fact that garnering respect is the primary motive behind his actions, but "The Great Fossil Rush" seals the deal when he opens up to Craig about how he can't seem to get any respect no matter what he does. Craig's response basically lampshades the fact that the one thing Jason hasn't tried is acting respectable or kind instead of being an annoying know-it-all. Jason has certainly gained the respect of every kid who knows the truth about why he joined Xavier's guard.
  • Enemy Mine: He was able to put aside his differences with Craig after being teamed up with him at the Tea Timers' tea party in the hope of tiramisu, which never comes to pass because The Cake Is a Lie.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He makes his debut in "You're It" by pushing other kids out of his way, squirting water on them claiming he saved them from a potential fire hazard, and demanding Kit to give him free snacks because he's "protecting" the creek.
  • Fake Defector: In the Capture the Flag special, he pretends to be on Xavier's side and joins his guard in order to spy on him and Maya for Craig. Even if it means most of the other kids on his side of the creek thought he had turned traitor for real.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: The Capture the Flag special reveals that he and Craig have become stable enough that he would be willing to join Xavier's guard and spy on him at Craig's request. It takes until "Scoutguest" for the two to become real friends, though.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After learning about the ancient game of Capture the Flag from the journals that were kept under a rock in what is now his own backyard, Jason ends up gaining Craig's trust and friendship, and genuinely betters himself as a person and a forest scout. He is one of the main reasons Craig was victorious over Xavier.
  • Heel Realization: In "The Great Fossil Rush, Craig calls him out for his Jerkass behavior and questions if the reason why he became a Junior Forest Scout was so that people would respect him for the authority he thinks he commands, and not out of a genuine desire to help people. Jason begins to mellow out a little bit.
  • Hidden Depths: In "The End Was Here", it turns out that without the other Forest Scouts, Jason tends to get lonely quite easily, to the point that when the Stump Trio came to his house with the intention of checking his backyard, he eagerly assumes they've come to play with him. And later on in "ScoutGuest", it's revealed that he comes from a rather sad family background due to his father and stepmother not doing much to even eat together, which would explain his rather lousy attitude outside of home.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: His overbearing demand for respect seems rooted in a desire for his peers' approval. Explored more in-depth in "Scout Guest", where we learn that his family life is hectic. His dad treats him like a trophy, his step-mom treats him like a chihuahua, and he even got locked out of the house. Thus, he genuinely liked staying over at Craig's house and is nothing but polite towards the Williams family.
  • Jerkass: He's very stuck up and confrontational; in "The Brood", when he finds out that there is no ice cream on hand, he not only refuses to help Craig, Kelsey, and J.P., he takes their hula hoop, action figure, baseball, and toy car away, refusing the offer of ice cream at Craig's house and demanding immediate payment.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Over the course of the series, the heart of gold he has underneath that Jerkass behavior is revealed more and more.
  • Karma Houdini: In "The Brood", he got away with leaving behind the trio in the moment of need and stealing their items because he wanted his reward upfront.
  • Nerves of Steel: In the Capture the Flag special, while other kids were shown to be scared of Xavier, he apparently has no problem being alone with Xavier and Maya, all the while knowing he is screwing them over big time.
  • Parental Neglect: His father only seems to talk to him when he wants to brag about Jason to his friends, and his stepmother prefers to raise her chihuahuas over raising him. This may be why he's such a pain to deal with.
  • Pet the Dog: They attempt to save the Stump Kids in "Mortimor to the Rescue" without any ulterior motive, though their efforts just get them in trouble themselves.
  • Pubescent Braces: He has braces that give him a slight Speech Impediment.
  • The Mole: Was the mole in Xavier's guard for Craig's side of the creek.
  • Spanner in the Works: Without Jason successfully spying on the King and his army, Craig and the others would have probably lost the creek for good.
  • Stereotype Flip: Of a sort. Jason is a scout; they are known for being upstanding, trustworthy, and honest people. But The Capture the Flag shows that while Jason strives to uphold Scout's honor, he is perfectly capable of being deceitful and cunning spy for the sake of protecting the Creek from King Xavier

Tropes that apply to Tony:

Tropes that apply to Boris:

  • Big Ol' Unibrow: He has one of these.
  • The Brute: He's a giant kid who's not afraid to push others around.
  • Expy: As a tall kid with a thick foreign accent, who speaks in the third person and is incredibly strong for their age, Boris is the Rolf of the new generation.
  • Hidden Depths: When Jackie picks him for his team in "Dodgy Decisions," Boris is seen signing "thank you" to him, implying he has some knowledge of ASL.
  • Husky Russkie: He's The Big Guy of the group and has a Russian accent.
  • Super-Strong Child: In "Sleepover at J.P.'s", He's able to uproot a full-grown tree with his bare hands.
  • Third-Person Person: He refers to himself in the third person.
  • Unexplained Accent: He has a Russian accent because he's from the "old country" of north Connecticut.

    The Paintballers
Paintball Mike and his Platoon
Paintball Benny and his Squadron
Paintball Mike voiced by: Phil LaMarr
Paintball Benny voiced by: Jon Gabrus

A group of kids who play paintball at Rainbow Alley led by Paintball Brothers Mike and Benny.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Mike and Benny spend most of their time fighting each other, usually provoked by standard sibling rivalry issues. However, during the Capture the Flag special, Mike runs to Benny's defense when his group is cornered by the Acorn Knights and the two share a fun moment as they're frozen. They're later seen hugging it out after the game ends.
  • Butt-Monkey: Downplayed with Cousin Bobby, who's occasionally dissed for being One of the Kids.
  • Child Soldiers: In comparison to Mike and Benny, who are middle schoolers, there are first graders fighting on the latter's side and are used as Cannon Fodder.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Both Mike and Benny (although they wear them on different eyes).
  • One of the Kids: One of the participants is Mike and Benny's twenty-three-year-old cousin Bobby, which would make him the oldest character who hangs around at the creek.
  • Serious Business: They view paintball as a full-blown war.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Mike and Benny are brothers who lead opposing teams in Rainbow Alley.
  • Silly Reason for War: The paintball war started when Benny shot Mike in the "Noo-noo".

Tropes that apply to Paintball Mike:

  • JerkassBall: He carries it in "Council of the Creek" where he brings chaos to the creek by introducing the "Circle Game" and is the only one who is against adding rules to the game, unlike the other council members.
  • Think of the Children!: He's appalled when Benny tries to use first graders as human paint shields and Cannon Fodder.
    Mike: "This war was supposed to be between us middle schoolers. Those first graders are just kids! Slightly younger kids!"

Tropes that apply to Paintball Benny:

  • Bookworm: At the end of "Secret Book Club", he joins the titular book club and is enthusiastic over the fantasy novels that are discussed.
  • Teens Are Monsters: He's in middle school and has no issue with allowing first graders into his squadron to be used as human shields. Kelsey even claims that he's a reminder to her that middle schoolers are barbarians (and not the cool ones).

    The Tea Timers
Left to right: Jane, Eliza and George
Eliza voiced by: Andree Vermeulen
Jane voiced by: Noël Wells
George voiced by: H. Michael Croner

A trio of fancy kids who hold tea parties in the Creek.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: They pretend to magnanimously invite a bunch of different kids to their parties, but really just want them to see them get angry, kick them out, and make them think they missed out on a nice dessert.
  • The Cake Is a Lie: They got kids to come to their party by promising tiramisu, but engineer events so they'll be kicked out before they're served—which will never happen, as the cake is just a hollow stack of cardboard.
  • The Chessmasters: They invite kids of incompatible personalities to their fancy banquet under the pretense of dessert, and then they throw them out if they lose their tempers and get into brawls.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Eliza and Jane have pinkish-red and purple irises respectively which match the color of their hair.
  • Graceful Loser: George and Jane aren't especially upset when their plan is found out, and even laugh when Boris throws food at them to get revenge. And Eliza doesn't mind losing the race she entered, instead choosing the focus on how she and George looked the best while racing.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: By the time of the episode Jacob of the Creek, The Tea Timers have stopped tricking kids into fighting over fake desserts for their amusement. They've gone up to offering them real desserts to fight over for their amusement. "Secret in a Bottle" shows they can still be plenty antagonistic, as Eliza basically tries to blackmail everyone into giving her stuff.
  • It Amused Me: They like watching other kids fight.
  • Manipulative Bastards: They use promises of cake to get kids to come to their tea parties, but invite kids that they know don't like each other to watch them argue and fight for their amusement, and use it as an excuse to kick them out.
  • Punny Name: They're a bunch of two-timers.
  • Rich People: All of them are rich and they clearly show it.
  • Sadist: All take pleasure in watching their guests fight each other and miss out on their cake which is fake, most especially Eliza.

Tropes that apply to Eliza:

  • Card-Carrying Villain: She's freely admitted to being evil on at least one occasion.
  • Kick the Dog: After she finds a secret in a bottle, she decides to auction it to the kids of the Creek and demands that they barter their greatest possession if they want the secret.
  • Blue Boy, Pink Girl: She's the Pink Girl to George’s Blue Boy.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: She's a rather unpleasant person who has perpetually red-tinted pupils.
  • Rich Bitch: She's a wealthy girl who sets kids up against each other and forces them to leave after a few minutes of fighting, all while making them believe they’ve missed out on eating tiramisu, for her own entertainment. Along with treating her so-called friend George as a servant.
  • Unknown Rival: Craig considers her to be a sworn enemy who's out to get him for foiling her schemes, but she doesn't care nor acknowledge this since she has her own vendetta against Sailor Boy, much to his dismay.
  • Woman Scorned: One of the reasons that she made her Tea-Timer's Ball was to take revenge on Sailor Boy, who didn't take her on a yacht trip, by denying him an invitation.

Tropes that apply to Jane:

  • Ambiguously Brown: Jane, out of the trio, is the only one who isn’t light-skinned, but her ethnicity has yet to be stated.
  • Hidden Depths: Jane is the official DJ of the Tea-Timer's Ball.

Tropes that apply to George:

  • Ambiguously Gay: Is shown to reciprocate Secret Keeper's crush on him, but his precise sexuality is unknown.
  • Battle Butler: He acts as a security guard for the trio, and is quite capable of expelling other kids from their meeting place by force.
  • Butt-Monkey: "Stink Bomb" reveals that George doesn't really get any respect from Jane and Eliza.
  • Pet the Dog: Likes Secret Keeper back and asks him out, it's one of the few times George has ever shown any affection to a person outside of the other Time Timers
  • The One Guy: He's the only male member of the group.
  • Vocal Dissonance: George has an incredibly deep voice for a child.

    The Pirate Kids 
Serena voiced by: Vico Ortiz
Kah and Boom voiced by: Gunnar Sizemore
Renée voiced by: Ashleigh Hairston
Nessie voiced by: Naija Porter
Kraken Kid voiced by: H. Michael Croner

A movie exclusive pirate crew of children and J.P.'s former clique.

Tropes that apply to all of them:

Tropes that apply to Serena:

Individual Kids

    Big Red
Voiced by: Dana Davis

A short girl with big red hair.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Craig's delight, she's a member of his Rogues Gallery.
  • Big "NO!": She lets out one when Craig showed he finished his Pucker Sucker.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: She tried to stop Craig from finishing his Pucker Sucker, only for her to fail and for Craig to be crowned as the first kid to ever finish one.
  • Evil Redhead: Downplayed. She's more of a Jerkass than evil. She has large red hair and was willing to tamper with Craig's trial so she can keep her title.
  • Fiery Redhead: She's a ginger and has a fiery personality.
  • If I Can't Have You…: A non-romantic example in "Sour Candy Trials". She declares that if she can't hold the record for sucking on a Pucker Sucker, then no one else can, and tries to stop Craig from doing so.
  • In the Hood: She wears a teal hoodie.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: About 90 percent of the time, she never gets away with her mischief.

Voiced by: Natalie Lander

A girl obsessed with dogs, even though she can't get one. She's led both the Fredites, kids who let a pug dog named Fred make their decisions, and self-help seminars on how to get a pet dog.

  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Brigid's hair looks like a Cocker Spaniel's ears. In her second appearance she dresses up in a dog costume so her new followers can love her.
  • Berserk Button: When Brigid believes Fred left because Craig got a rhino action figure instead of a pair of binoculars that Fred chose, she demands it back and ends up fighting against Kelsey. This is particularly note-worthy since she was very nice and hopeful in the beginning; unfortunately, she expects all of Fred's decisions to be binding, and she frowns upon someone deciding to Take a Third Option and going with their gut feelings instead of blindly following Fred's advice.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Fred licks Brigid's face, Craig tells Brigid that maybe Fred is trying to say that they should make their own decisions. She denies this and believes that Fred has chosen her as the new 'Fred'.
  • Cult: She led the Fredites, a cult based around the dog Fred. While it's a kid-friendly depiction, they were hostile towards anyone who rejects or betrays their beliefs.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The Fredites were clearly a kid-friendly representation of religious extremists, especially given they turn hostile towards those who reject or betray their faith.
    • In her second episode Kelsey makes a reference to being concerned if Brigid wants them to buy all the same sneakers. Something the Heaven's Gate cult did. It almost flat out states the clear change from a religious extremist to a cult with herself as the leader.
  • The Evils of Free Will: She appears to believe this, and wants her followers to believe it.
  • Freudian Excuse: Brigid is obsessed with dogs because her parents won't let her have one.note 
  • Hidden Depths: She and her Fredites can pull off an incredible rock band performance.
  • It's All About Me: Her dog program was a way to allow kids who could never have dogs the chance to experience having one. The only problem is that she's manipulated them into pampering her and waiting on her every whim.
  • Mood-Swinger: Her emotional state can change on a whim. Especially if she comes across something that agitates her.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Her mouth is by default smiling in a way that makes it resemble a cat or dog.
  • Stealth Pun: What's "dog" spelled backward?
  • Trans Nature: "Puppy Love" has her wanting to Body Swap with Cheesesticks, Wildernessa's dog. Granted considering her devotion to Fred and her drive for power, it's probably less that she thinks she's a dog, and rather she thinks dogs can give her more power than she currently has.

    Carter Brown
Voiced by: Zeno Robinson

An eccentric kid who builds stuff with cardboard.

  • Ambition Is Evil: A toned-down variant. Carter wanted to build in a more advanced way when the rest of the kids in Cardboard City were happily building simple things. Leading him to build his own city while plotting to destroy the old one because the other kids "couldn't appreciate his genius."
  • Apocalyptic Log: He sets up a series of "pre-recorded messages" where he plays out the message in front of the Stump Trio. He makes sure not to scratch his nose until all three are looking away.
  • Childish Tooth Gap: He had a little prominent space between his two front teeth.
  • Comedic Underwear Exposure: His second appearance features him in only his boxers after his experiment to fuse his body with cardboard goes horribly right.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Acted quite friendly to Craig and his friends, just before he tries to destroy the creek's Cardboard City out of spite.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: One of the reasons Carter developed his grudge against Cardboard City was because Zoe started to hang out with the early settlers of C.C. giving them less time to hang out like before.
  • Kids Prefer Boxes: He builds stuff out of cardboard boxes.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After impersonating Craig, he is able to make amends with Zoe.
  • Man in the Machine: Parodied. In his second appearance, he tries to turn himself into a cardboard creation believing that cardboard is superior to humans. It goes as well as you'd expect it to.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In-Universe, Carter affects a Southern accent when he first meets Craig, but he drops this accent as soon as he wages war against Cardboard City.
  • Start My Own: He built New Cardboard City because the inhabitants of Cardboard City didn't want to build things with cardboard his way.
  • Straw Hypocrite: He encourages kids of the creek to use cardboard boxes in a productive way instead of just damaging them, yet he doesn't mind Kelsey and J.P causing damage to his New Cardboard City and it becomes clear that he has no problem destroying the creek's Cardboard City just to impress the girl he likes.
  • Villainous Crush: He has feelings for the leader of Cardboard City Zoe that he very poorly tries to hide.
  • Walking Tank: Built one out of Cardboard in order to destroy Cardboard City.

Voiced by: Tiffany Ford

An awkward girl who was jinxed for an entire year. After being freed, she seeks to take revenge on the kids of the Creek.

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Quietly watching other kids for a year has made her very good at predicting what they will say to jinx them.
  • Back for the Finale: She joined the Cherry Blossoms in the Creek Kingdom and uses her jinx powers to stop Toman's game of The Floor is Lava during the Capture the Flag game.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She treats the Stump Trio with kindness since they broke her curse. But she instantly turns on them when they try to get her to stop.
  • Best Served Cold: During that year of silence, Paloma studied the characteristics and speech patterns of every kid at the Creek. This would make it easier for her to jinx every one of them when she was freed.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After J.P. jinxes Paloma again and makes her release everyone else to free herself, she seems unwilling to try the same thing again. She even passes up a chance to jinx J.P.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She first shows up in "Summer Wish", consoling a friend of hers who was going away for summer camp, before having her own episode in "The Jynxening."
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: She has raven black hair and pale skin, and her thirst for vengeance gives an eerie vibe to her.
  • Freudian Excuse: She was unable to speak for an entire year and holds grudges against most, if not all, of the Creek kids for refusing to help her despite the task being so easy to do.
  • Logical Weakness: She's become very observant from spending a year unable to speak. And from there she's become an expert at predicting what others will say by studying their speaking patterns. But her skill falls short at predicting the more eccentric kids like J.P., as his strange way of thinking makes it far more difficult to anticipate what he'll say.
  • Shrinking Violet: It's implied she was actually jinxed for a year because she was too shy to catch anyone's attention or ask for help. Even after J.P. offers to still hang out with her after stopping her reign of terror, she simply crawls back into the background.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: She loves Choco-Rolls and forces the kids she jinxes to bring them to her.
  • Un Evil Laugh: As she goes about her revenge spree, she laughs in an awkward way that Kelsey calls weird.
  • Unreliable Narrator: "The Jinxening" isn't her first appearance in the show— she can be seen in "Summer Wish", consoling one of her friends who was about to spend her entire summer away at camp. Was she really cursed for an entire year with nobody to help her?

Voiced by: Zachary Steel
A kid who's perpetually drawn to his phone and likes taking things from others when they're not around.
  • Bullying a Dragon: In "The Anniversary Box," after tricking Craig into giving Richard his trademark purse for his father's wedding anniversary gift, Jessica gets so fed up with him that she suplexes him to get their stuff back.
  • Driven by Envy: There's not much to him beyond wanting to take what other people have just because they have it and he doesn't.
  • Hate Sink: Partially invoked. He is an obnoxious kid who calls "dibs" (Or "finders keepers" in "The Anniversary Box") on whatever he finds but has absolutely no sympathy for people trying to get their lost stuff back, though the kids of the Creek leave him alone because calling "dibs" is a fair rule unless there are loopholes.
  • Jerkass: He's a selfish and uncaring kid who steals stuff from the other children and hides behind the fact that there is no rule against calling "dibs".
  • Meaningful Name: His name is Richard, which has a shortened nickname. What would you call an obnoxious and unlikeable person who takes other people's things for no reason?
  • Phoneaholic Teenager: When he's not talking about taking other peoples' things, he's usually seen on his phone.
  • Persona Non Grata: Because of his obnoxious attitude, Salma naturally banned him from ever coming to her Lost & Found.

    Scooter Girl
Voiced by: Erin Whitehead

A kid who travels nearly exclusively by scooter.

  • Never Bareheaded: She's never seen without her helmet.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: One of the few kids in the creek to have colored irises instead of being pitch black like the other characters.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Once the 10 Speeds started getting more popular than her, the kids in the creek don't even remember her name and just refer to her as "Scooter Girl".
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: She was apparently the best daredevil in the Creek before the 10 Speeds came along, hence her participation in stealing their bikes in "The Bike Thief".
  • Troll: She hates the 10 Speeds so much that she created a second WeTube account named "Bike_Dislike" for the purpose are disliking the 10 Speeds videos and leaving negative comments. She's so petty that she even favorites her own videos on her main account.

Voiced by: Jessica DiCicco

A girl who likes to play the card game "Bring Out Your Beast".

  • Arch-Enemy: To Craig's relief, Turner is another enemy in his personal Rogues Gallery.
  • Drunk with Power: Once she gets her hands on the unbeatable "Beast Snare" card, she lets it go to her head and steals cards from every other player.
  • Graceful Loser: Crossed with Large Ham, she'll accept defeat with dignity, but always make a dramatic scene of falling back unconscious when she loses.
  • Meaningful Name: You take turns when playing a card game, she turns her cap around and she herself turns from good to evil
  • Shout-Out: The way her hair changes and its new style respectively was inspired by Marik Ishtar and Yami Bakura.

    The Red Poncho 
A drone-controlling kid who is also on the hunt for the King's Cube. This character is a Walking Spoiler. See Craig of the Creek – Other Side of the Creek for their entry, under the name King Xavier.
