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Blog / Sweary She-Ra

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Probably the least vulgar thing Sweary Glimmer has ever said...

What in the actual, gold-plated, limited-edition SHIT just happened to me?!
Adora, after becoming She-Ra for the first time

A text-based Abridged Series for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which started out as Exactly What It Says on the TinShe-Ra, but the characters all curse like sailors — and soon grew into a proper, if exceptionally vulgar, abridgement.

Meet Adora, Horde cadet and raging lesbian married to fellow cadet Catra. Over the course of a really long day, she explores the Whispering Woods, finds a bitchin' sword, turns into a superheroine, and is captured by the violent and foul-mouthed Glimmer and her sweetheart friend, Bow. Upon finding out that the Horde is, in fact, quite evil, she defects to the rebellion Glimmer's also-sweary mom runs, and is forced to fight against her wife Catra, who has chosen to ignore her surrogate mom Shadow Weaver's emotional manipulation in order to rise up the ranks of the Horde.

The comic parodies every single episode of the original series, completing the final episode on 9/1/2023 (along with a "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue video). The series can be found here. An animated semi-adaptation titled "She-Ra Uncut", produced by the comic's creator, premiered on 8/18/2022: here.

Sweary Tropes

  • Abusive Parents: Shadow Weaver, as per canon.
    Shadow Weaver: (to Catra) Nothing you could do would ever make me happy.
    Adora: (to Glimmer, referring to Shadow Weaver) Imagine your mom hated you and constantly told Bow he was trash, and that everything she did to him was your fault. Now cross that with painful memories you'll never forget and multiply it by a thousand. She taught me how to fuck up enemies with both raw power and hidden intelligence. But she never taught me how to be happy, or how to be a normal kid like you and Bow.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: Sea Hawk apparently douses his moustache in kerosene daily, despite it being both highly flammable and toxic to inhale.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the show, Darla was a standard ship AI. Here, she is very cranky and cantankerous.
    • Somehow, Alice managed to make Horde Prime even more repulsive than he already was in canon by not only making practically everything he says come out as slimey and unnerving as possible, but making him an evangelical homophobe to boot.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Under the effects of Glimmer's truth spell, Double Trouble admits that their real name is W Trouble; they changed it because people kept asking what the W stands for, and it doesn't stand for anything.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: While canon Adora and Catra eventually confessed to each other and got married, it took a lot of time and character development. This Adora and Catra have been married since they were TODDLERS.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Frosta admits that she was ostracized by the other demons of Hell because of her ice powers.
  • Apologizes a Lot: Scorpia does swear, but always apologizes afterwards.
  • Army of Thieves and Whores: The Horde. Hordak is a defective clone who speaks with a nearly impenetrable Geordie accent, Shadow Weaver is an alcoholic Karen who leads "three kids and a traumatized cat", and Scorpia, while relatively well-adjusted, is still overly huggy and has a tendency to swear and then apologize.
  • Atomic F-Bomb: Glimmer drops a multi-panel F-bomb when she finds Adora in her bed.
  • Audience? What Audience?: Glimmer responds to Entrapta's fourth-wall breaks with belligerent confusion.
  • Brick Joke: In season 2, episode 3, "Six-Sided Hex Drama," there's a recurring bit where Adora mentions all the scary stories Shadow Weaver told the Horde cadets, only for someone else to remark that those stories are just the plot of Danganronpa, and Swift Wind even remarks that Shadow Weaver must have had a disturbing obsession with the series. A few episodes later, in "Light Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round," in the flashbacks to when Shadow Weaver was in Mystacor as Light Spinner:
    Micah: Seriously, Light Spinner, please stop. I just saw inside of someone.
    Light Spinner: You think that's bad, have I ever told you about Danganronpa?
  • Brutal Honesty: Emily does not mince words regarding how one-sided Scorpia's relationship with Catra is.
  • Cast Full of Gay: There are a number of characters who identify as bisexual, but same-sex attraction is more frequently seen.
  • Catchphrase:
    Glimmer: Sparkles to the face, bitchtits!
    Glimmer: I'm five foot four, you dick!
    Adora: Ow, my hair.
    Adora: Fuck you, X! *proceeds to beat up X*
  • Censored for Comedy: Yes, even the series where the entire point is to see how many new swears Glimmer can come up with. Adora's speculation about what Entrapta's robots can do is blurred out, although it most definitely excites Glimmer and traumatizes poor Bow.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Basically the entire point of the blog.
  • Character Exaggeration: In addition to letting the characters curse, Sweary She-Ra also amplifies the characters' canon quirks for humor purposes. For instance, Glimmer's violent edge in canon is much more prominent here, and Swift Wind, who in canon talks a lot about revolution and liberating his fellow animals, is a full-blown communist.
  • Creepy Child: Frosta, which Adora lampshades.
    Adora: Wanna come get creeped out by Frosta?
  • Defiant Captive: Glimmer. If (swear) words could actually break bones, Shadow Weaver wouldn't have a skeleton.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: When Catra's depression builds, the color desaturates from her panels.
  • Dirty Coward: After turning the tide against Shadow Weaver, Adora snarls that Shadow Weaver only manipulates people because she knows she could never face them in real battle. Talking is all she can do, and Adora doesn't have to listen.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: During the ball, Adora says that it's Catra's fault Adora broke the prohibition (against sexual tension). Frosta says that it's Adora's fault because she wouldn't control herself. There's also some talk about what Catra was wearing.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The first couple of episodes stuck rather more rigidly to the original script, peppering it with swear words. This didn't last long.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Hordak's full name is George C. Hordak.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Entrapta spends her first appearances Breaking the Fourth Wall and using a number of tropes by name.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Played for laughs. Horde Prime finds Sea Hawk's stupidity and horniness so offputting that he declares that he'll be chipped last, and very reluctantly.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: She-Ra. The only people who haven't expressed attraction to her are Queen Angela (way older and married), Shadow Weaver, Hordak, and Entrapta.
  • Evil Feels Good: Shadow Weaver notes that the time she drained Glimmer's magic to torture Catra is a 'truly treasured memory'.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: Once he chips Micah, Horde Prime immediately starts reveling in making dad jokes, much to Swift Wind's horror.
  • Evolving Credits: For the final episodes (those riffing off the 2-part finale of the show) the blog's title image has been changed to an image of Queen Glimmer pointing out - in Glimmer's typical manner - that this is indeed the comic's finale.
  • Flat Joy: Mermista expresses her love to Seahawk and calls him pet names like "my little barnacle" with the same bored face she usually has.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Entrapta breaks the fourth wall in nearly every sentence she speaks.
  • Fourth Wall Psych: Spinnerella complains that she and Netossa shouldn't have gone on holiday for "two seasons"; Netossa then clarifies that the seasons were winter and spring.
  • Funetik Aksent: Hordak has a pronounced Geordie accent that can make him nigh-unintelligible at times.
  • The Gadfly: Entrapta programs her robots to say things just to mess with the Best Friend Squad.
  • Get Out!: After finding out that the Sea Gate is failing, Glimmer quips that Mermista shouldn't defend her kingdom with a hard drive. Cue a two-panel silence followed by Mermista saying "Please leave."
  • Granola Girl: Perfuma, even more than canon. She's introduced throwing a Trans Rights party and her vines are the color of the Transgender Pride flag.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: Double Trouble's dialogue is littered with foreign curses and insults, with a translation provided in the author's notes.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Bow is too pure-hearted to actually swear, instead substituting in things like 'son of a bucket'.
  • Harmless Electrocution: Both She-Ra and Entrapta get themselves electrocuted at different times, which is painful but not permanently debilitating. She-Ra at least has the excuse that she's a magical superheroine, while Entrapta is just grateful for the Toon Physics involved.
  • Heteronormative Crusader: Horde Prime. To a horrifying extent.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Adora's canonically abusive childhood with Shadow Weaver is played for dark comedy.
  • Hypocritical Humor: In Season 2 Episode 5:
    Glimmer: Little?! I'm five foot four, you dick!
    Catra: Eh, the important thing is that you believe it. Now give me the thing that will stop Adora ever leaving me again! Because I am totally over her, okay?note 
  • Impostor Forgot One Detail: Shadow Weaver's illusion of Glimmer forgets one very embarrassing detail... she doesn't know Glimmer's name.
    Shadow Weaver: Crap, I've been calling her Princess Violence all this time.
  • I Never Told You My Name: Nobody told Entrapta Adora's name, but Entrapta knows it anyway because she reads the blog.
  • Inhuman Resources: There is an HR department in the Horde. It consists of Shadow Weaver. Like Catra said, it explains so fuckin' much.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Bow, on occasion. He's excited to meet the various mariners in Seaworthy, and apparently doesn't realize what 'seamen' sounds like when you remove the A.
  • Insistent Terminology: The Sword of Protection is always "The Bitchin' Sword", and the Princess Alliance is "The Bitchin' Princess Alliance" (to distinguish it from the first Princess Alliance, which apparently didn't end well, just like in the show).
  • Insult of Endearment: Glimmer, to everyone she likes.
  • It's All My Fault: Adora blames herself for Entrapta "dying" in their Glimmer rescue mission because supposedly Catra wouldn't have been at the Princess Prom to kidnap Glimmer had she not gone.
  • Jizzed in My Pants: Glimmer's reaction to seeing She-Ra lift a cart over her head.
  • Killer Rabbit: Glimmer, who regularly has to be held back by Adora and Bow.
    Bow: Glimmer, no!
  • Kill It with Fire: Seahawk has a disturbing love of arson.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Entrapta has made it her mission to hang lampshades off every trope she can find, even directly referencing This Very Wiki right down to this very page.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Adora only owns her Horde uniform and red jacket, though Glimmer gives her a red dress for the Princess Prom.
  • Malaproper: Adora, especially in "Dungeons and Dadjokes," when she's trying to pass herself off as a college student to Bow's dads. She continually misuses fancy words in her dialogue and can barely remember the phrase "college student," instead calling herself such variations as "collagen student" or "collapsed student."
  • Medium Awareness: Entrapta knows she's a character in a work of fiction and points it out whenever possible.
  • My Eyes Are Up Here: At prom, Adora stares at Entrapta's tits for a few seconds before Entrapta tells her to knock it off.
  • My God, You Are Serious!: Glimmer assumes that Frosta's talk of being a demon from the underworld is just a childish game of make-believe, until Frosta reveals her true form to prove that she isn't lying.
  • Mythology Gag: Castaspella's therapy chant mimics the chanting of Horde Prime's cult of clones ("Cast out the trauma, come into the light of mental wellness.").
  • Named by the Adaptation: Hordak had Only One Name in canon, but this version establishes "George C. Hordak" as his full name when Adora invokes his name like a swear.
    Mermista: Hold on… his name is George?!
  • The Napoleon: Glimmer is, in her own words, "five foot fuck all", but her temper and language adds at least another foot on top.
  • Nice Guy: Bow, who's too sweet to even swear.
    Queen Angella: Bow, you are an angel who has never done anything wrong in his life.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Glimmer apparently has three outstanding arrest warrants.
    • Angella is the reason the Princess Prom bans sexual tension.
    • Shadow Weaver's 50th birthday party. Whatever happened there, it involved a lot of weapons.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: With the exception of Hordak (whose mid-Atlantic dialect is substituted via Funetik Aksent with a nigh-incomprehensible Geordie twang), none of the characters are implied to speak in anything but the American accents they had on the show; that said, these same characters frequently use primarily British swears such as "wank" and "arse", and Adora even uses Cockney rhyming slang at one point.
  • Obnoxious Entitled Housewife: Shadow Weaver is introduced demanding to speak to Catra's manager (despite her being Catra's manager). Then she wants to speak to Hordak's manager, despite him being her boss and not having a superior (yet).
  • Official Couple: Adora/Catra and Mermista/Seahawk. Bow/Glimmer is not quite there yet, but it's pretty close. Entrapta comes right out and says she expects to get with Hordak sooner or later.
    • Bow/Glimmer is canon as of episode 8.
  • Only Sane Man: Netossa is the only one who sees an issue with the fact that the Rebellion's ranks are filled with teenagers.
    Netossa: Seriously, it's becoming more and more like a damn kindergarten every time we turn up for meetings. What happened to using adults to fight a fucking war?!
    Spinnerella: Budget cuts, darling.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Glimmer breaks down in front of her mother, she calls her "Mom" and not her usual creative insults.
    • At the end of "Princess Scorpia", when Scorpia tells Catra she needs to "fucking sort herself out", she noticeably doesn't apologize for swearing.
    • When discussing whether to use the Heart of Etheria, Bow, like in the show, gets angry at Glimmer for the first time we've seen. Here, this manifests as him actually swearing.
      Adora: I hope you're happy, you just broke Bow.
    • It becomes clear that Entrapta has not been having a good time on Bitch Island when Adora points out that she hasn't spoken to thin air in ten minutes. Entrapta answers that there is "no-one there".
  • Open Secret: The fate of Scorpia's family is well-known to everyone except Scorpia herself, who thinks they're on holiday. And have been for almost 20 years.
  • Parental Issues: Adora has a whole mess of them related to her being an orphan and Shadow Weaver being a shitty parent. This manifests in her accidentally referring to every older woman she meets as "Mom", including Angella and Castaspella (and even Micah, whom she calls "King Mom"). She even calls Huntara "Mom" while trying to hit on her. She lampshades her parental issues when she talks to Angella.
    Adora: Hi I'm Adora and I don't have parent issues.
  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": Hordak's password is password1.
  • Phrase Catcher:
    • Adora is completely unable to see Swift Wind without saying some variation of "Holy shit, a horse!"
    • Shadow Weaver is referred to by almost everyone as a "humongous bitch".
    • When someone makes reference to Glimmer's height, she often responds with "I'm five foot four, you dick", inevitably resulting in the other person quipping "the important thing is she believes it".
  • Pity the Kidnapper: Apparently Episode 8 isn't the first time Glimmer has been kidnapped. Angella usually just wait for her abductors to get annoyed enough to release her, but she assumes the Horde will be more persistent than most.
  • Plot Armor: Entrapta credits her plot armor for her survival of an explosion that the other princesses thought killed her.
  • Precision F-Strike: Word of God is that Bow will swear exactly once in the series. The moment finally arrives in Season 4 Episode 10.
    Bow: Because you're fucking wrong, Glimmer!
    Adora: (to Glimmer) I hope you're happy. You just broke Bow.
  • Right Behind Me: Shadow Weaver comes up behind Catra while Catra is badmouthing her.
  • Ruder and Cruder: To canon She-Ra. It's right there in the name, after all.
  • Scolding the Fourth-Wall Breaker: Glimmer scolds Entrapta for inappropriate timing in Breaking the Fourth Wall.
  • Scooby-Dooby Doors: Entrapta invokes this trope when telling Glimmer how they will navigate her castle to get to her lab, saying that she wants the scene on the Tv Tropes page. You're welcome, Entrapta.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • Entrapta decides to leave and have her own character arc when Perfuma won't listen to her saying she's still alive.
    • Mermista tries this when rescuing Glimmer causes Entrapta's 'death' and Adora falling apart blaming herself, calling it the "the old Princess Alliance all over again."
  • Self-Deprecation: In episode eight, after a scene doing a parody of "Hey Ya!" by Outkast, one of the post's hashtags reads "#what am i doing with my life".
  • Shipper on Deck: Queen Angella ships Glimbow. Very, very bluntly.
    Angella: You two should bang.
  • Shout-Out: Happens regularly.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Adora tells Shadow Weaver off for trying to discredit her friends and continue her emotional abuse.
    Shadow Weaver: You are nothing without me.
    Adora: Fuck you. Bow is the kindest person I've ever met and I aspire to be as kind as he is. Glimmer believes in herself the way I want to believe in myself. Angella looked beyond my past to give me a home and accept the person I am now. And I know it's gone to shit at the moment, but Catra showed me what true love looks like. And you still think I'm nothing without you? I am EVERYTHING without you, Shadow Weaver.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Everyone, with the exception of Bow. Glimmer has a particularly creative potty-mouth.
  • Skewed Priorities: When Glimmer is held captive by Shadow Weaver, she's more concerned with what her mother knows and whether or not she'll be grounded.
  • Song Parody: Of both songs from the original show, such as Sea Hawk's shanty and other well-known songs (including Perfuma's take on WAP)
    • Episode 8 ("Gay Panic! At the Disco") is full of song parodies.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Queen Angella maintains her dignified and regal bearing while having language almost as bad as her daughter.
  • The Stoner: Madame Razz likes to get high on hallucinogenic berries, and gets Adora to take them too.
  • Suddenly Voiced:
    • While Rogelio spoke in nothing but growls and roars in the original series, this blog makes him a lot more eloquent.
      Rogelio: Leave this place, fair maidens, lest it be forced upon me that ye be removed by might alone.
      Entrapta: I wasn't expecting that, were you, readers?
    • Emily starts speaking in Season 4 by virtue of a voice synthesis upgrade.
    • Melog is capable of speech, but only Catra can understand them due to the bond she shares with them.
  • Super Gullible: Scorpia believes Sea Hawk when he tells her he's Hordak, despite being human and lacking Hordak's distinctive Funetik Aksent. She eventually cottons on.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
    • Adora electrocutes herself by stabbing her bitchin' sword into a mysterious Horde machine.
    • Castaspella tells Glimmer that therapy isn't a magic cure-all, and there is no "quick fix" for someone with as many issues as Adora.
  • Terminator Impersonator: Invoked; Glimmer worries that the robots in Dryll are operated by Skynet, only for Bow to remind her that Terminator was just a movie. Then a skeletal robot shows up and starts quoting lines from the film just to troll them.
  • There Are No Therapists: Averted. Mystacor is actually a therapy center, and Castaspella is a therapist.
  • This Explains So Much: Catra says this after finding out Shadow Weaver is Human Resources.
  • Too Much Information: Seahawk has a tendency of... oversharing about his relationship with Mermista.
  • Toon Physics: Entrapta thanks the laws of cartoon physics that she doesn't die electrocuting herself.
  • Trick Arrow: Bow has hug arrows, arrows with a 'you are valid and loved' message, and sonic arrows (which play the Sonic X theme).
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: Frosta is introduced by a note threatening to kill Adora if she wears her normal outfit to the Princess Prom.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Lampshaded (of course) by Entrapta; when Perfuma lassoes her with vines to get her to come along, she complains about the "rightfully incensed tumblr posts" she just caused by essentially putting a leash on the series' one confirmed neurodivergent character.
  • You Bastard!: Entrapta calls out the audience for just watching as she, Adora and Glimmer run for their lives, apparently not thinking that maintaining the trope page, volunteering for the video abridgement, or even just encouraging the author to continue the series are methods of helping.

Uncut Tropes

  • Adaptational Jerkass: Pre-transformation Swift Wind/Horsey talks down to others using various anti-liberal taunts. Of course, since he can’t talk, nobody has any clue about this until Adora comments on it while she’s helping Swift Wind make his Origin Story video.
  • Adaptation Personality Change:
    • Hordak no longer speaks with a Geordie accent, primarily because a voice actor either with that accent or who could imitate it was not available. Instead, Uncut Hordak is portrayed as an ineffective boss who believes Shadow Weaver's Blatant Lies.
      • This version of Hordak apparently enjoys Squid Game, enough for him to betray Horde Prime because he wasn’t allowed to watch the show. He was later disappointed to find that there wasn’t a single squid on the show.
    • Horsey (what the heroes called Swift Wind before he learned to talk) had almost no personality in the original show or the comic beyond being a simple horse. In this short Horsey is revealed to have had a stereotypical “right winger” attitude (only expressed by his thoughts) up until Adora accidentally transforms him into a pegacorn. After this he becomes a left-wing social justice warrior with a communist bent, just as in the comic.
  • Aren't You Forgetting Someone?: Played almost word-for-word in a short taking place in the Northern Reach, where the Rebellion are going after a Horde research base.
    Catra: How come you brought arson man instead of the ice princess?
    Adora: Oh. *beat* Shit.
    • Frosta is well aware she was forgotten and is...less than happy.
  • Catchphrase:
    • Adora has a few:
    “Ow, my hair!”
    “Holy shit, a horse!”
    “For the honor of Grayskull, for fuck’s sake!”
  • From Beyond the Fourth Wall: Played with. During one short, Entrapta gets into a brief argument with her own voice actor.
  • Origins Episode: The short Holy Shit, A Horse! is this for Swift Wind.
  • Repeat After Me: Adora forgets how to transform at a critical moment, but an exasperated Light Hope sends her a telepathic reminder.
    Light Hope: “Just say, ‘For the honor of Grayskull.’” (exasperated murmur) “For fuck’s sake.”
    Adora: “For the honor of Grayskull for fuck’s sake!”
  • Secret Relationship: Heavily implied between Scorpia and Perfuma due to an "accidental" slip of the tongue during a game of "Cards Against Etheria" being played by both Rebellion and Horde characters. During the war.
  • Take That!: When Adora comments on Swift Wind’s Adaptational Personality Change, she refers to him previously acting like a Tory, a.k.a. a member of the main Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. A caption provides an unflattering description of the word.
  • Understatement:
    Catra: We had a... *crash and explosion* ...small accident.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: The story ends with a short video of Entrapta claiming she was the true author of the comic, followed by a slideshow showing what happened to the cast following Horde Prime's defeat.
    • Scorpia was given her kingdom back, but was so shocked by its state that she let out a string of swears she is still apologizing for to this day.
    • Perfuma celebrated Prime's defeat with the biggest trans rights parade Etheria had ever seen.
    • Mermista refused to make a comment about how her life's changed, but her body language made it clear she was very happy with her new life with Sea Hawk.
    • Frosta finally managed to return to Hell, only to find that the other demons still ostracized her for her ice powers. She decided to stay in Etheria, both because her new friends accept her for who she is, and because there's cake.
    • Sea Hawk celebrated Prime's defeat with a series of "victory bonfires". He was arrested and tried for arson, only managing to get a pardon after a lot of convincing from Mermista.
    • Entrapta went on to create the SPOP Movie, which became a smash hit despite never releasing outside Etheria.
    • Hordak finally achieved his dream of building a Gregg's in every settlement on Etheria.
    • Shadow Weaver's grave became a popular gender-neutral bathroom.
    • Double Trouble tried starting an acting school, only to close it down once they realized no one could match their acting ability.
    • Bow went on to create various inventions that greatly improved life in Etheria.
    • Glimmer started collecting antique weapons, keeping them in pristine condition despite no longer having any need for them.
    • Catra went through "a fuckton" of therapy. While technically still recovering, she's now a lot happier. She also enjoys pissing Glimmer off with embarassing childhood stories Castaspella told her.
    • Adora, after defeating Prime, took a long, well earned which we mean she slept for a few which we actually mean she was in a bed for about five minutes.
