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YMMV / Twinkle Nora Rock Me!

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  • Awesome Music: It is generally agreed that, while the animation is gloriously bad and the story is rather average, the soundtrack is very good.
  • Bile Fascination: The only reason people still know about and watch this is because of its infamously bad animation.
  • Fridge Logic: Nora burns down a $10,000 check because she's not interested in earning money, never mind the fact that she's a bounty hunter.
  • Memetic Badass: Nora. Her Reality Warper-level Psychic Powers have convinced some that she's a Physical God of some sort.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Three words: Cave Dance Scene. A scene in the middle of the OVA where Nora convinces Max to help her via dance number. On top of being a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, this scene is particularly infamous due to its continuously skipping frames, repeated dance moves, and overall bad animation.
    • "This runs in [insert number here] seconds per frame." Explanation 
  • Sequel Displacement: Not a lot of people are aware of the prequel OVA (simply titled Nora), mainly because it's So Okay, It's Average compared to the hilarious trainwreck that Rock Me! is. Even fewer are aware that both OVAs are adapted from an earlier manga (Nora no Hakobune) dating back to the late 70s.
  • Signature Scene: The airport intro scene and the cave dance, both infamous for their lagginess and choppy animation even by this OVA's low standards.
  • So Bad, It's Good: Many anime fans enjoy watching this just for the bad animation that — at its worst — could rival Hammerman in terms of sheer quality.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The story itself. While the animation is spectacularly bad, the story is mostly okayish — a few Plot Holes here and there, but nothing offensive.
  • Special Effect Failure: The animation in general is what made this OVA infamous. Most of the time, it is akin to that of watching a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with characters either moving choppily or, worse (and more often), looking like they're not moving at all. And even during the times when the characters are actually animated do said animations wind up looking janky and Off-Model.
