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YMMV / Tak and the Guardians of Gross

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  • Awesome Art: Some of the art in the extras gallery and the loading screens are very good and well done, a notable example being the loading screen for Stinkolossus' level with the great shot of Tak going towards him with his staff in hand in the middle of a tornado.
  • Awesome Music: All of the songs associated with Trashthulu, with his main theme specifically being the most bombastic and epic track in the whole game.
  • Breather Level: Rancid Rapids is a very straightforward and relaxing level set across a river, and comes after the fight with Gorgonzilla and before the encounter with Stinkolossus, who serves as the final boss.
  • Disappointing Last Level: The final level is a Racing Minigame with a time limit instead of an epic battle against the combined powers of the Big Gs. Even worse given that it immediately comes after the fight against Stinkolossus, who's supposed to be the final boss.
  • Game-Breaker: The Juju Nova attack when used during the boss fight with Gorgonzilla is capable of slashing almost half of his health alone. You don't even have to be near him or wait for his mouth to open, it can be used anywhere at any point and it always works.
    • It's possible to completely skip certain platforming and combat sections through the efficient use of the wall run and jump moves to access other areas early.
  • Only the Creator Does It Right: One of the main factors that makes certain fans hate this game is that it wasn't made by Avalanche Software.
  • Porting Disaster: The PlayStation 2 version has worse lighting, worse water effects, worse visual effects, compressed textures, and Lok and Zaria's cameos were removed.
  • Retroactive Recognition: The now popular creator of indie titles such as Thomas Was Alone and Volume, Mike Bithell, worked on this game as a level designer. It was one of his first jobs.
    • Another level designer, Mike Chapman, would later became the lead designer and one of the scriptwriters for Sea of Thieves. Like Bithell, this was one of the first notable games he worked on.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The parkour system can be very finicky when it comes to register to whether or not climb up a wall or run across it.
  • Sequelitis: Almost universally considered to be the worst console title in the series.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The general reaction from a majority of fans and critics is that while it's far from a terrible game (at least it's not full of bugs or questionable design choices, most of the time) it suffers from simplistic and archaic gameplay and level design (you can't control the camera), easy levels and bosses (for starters, you cannot die at all), dumbed-down humor, lack of relation with the previous games, and it lasts for about three hours.
  • Special Effects Failure: The PlayStation 2 version suffers badly from this due to the worse graphics, making for example Trashthulu's level look a lot more blurry and ugly compared to the Wii version which at least had some decent lighting effects.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: See Disappointing Last Level above.
  • Waggle: The Wii version got hit by this, as the simple action of pulling levers and the various mini-games are all controlled by shaking the Wii remote. Be glad that at least main platforming controls are all assigned to simple buttons.
