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YMMV / Rick and Morty (Oni)

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  • Complete Monster: Sebastian and Lucy, from the comic, Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons, are a duo of sorcerers with the goal of bringing the sun down from the sky. Posing as innocent farmers whose child was kidnapped, they trick the Smiths into attacking a village of innocent ogres. They then use the chaos as a distraction to kidnap an ogre baby and steal a shard to complete their mission of sacrificing six babies of various races to complete the ritual in an attempt to end all life in the world.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Doofus Jerry has become the most recognisable character from this comic due to him being an incredibly powerful adversary to Rick, being so powerful that he beat the entire citadel of Ricks and only could be defeated due to dumb luck.
  • Evil Is Cool: Doofus Jerry compared to Series Jerry is far more lecherous, greedy and sociopathic, and yet he has his fans.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Both versions of Krombopulos Michael managed to prove themselves as extremely competent and witty assassins:
    • "Rick and Morty Issue 34": A super efficent Gromflomite assassin from the get-go, Krombopulos Michael shows his competence by easily and quickly slaughtering an entire army on behalf of the Galactic Federation, apologizing for not leaving "any murder to do" for his partners and scaring his client. Starting a partnership with Rick Sanchez and buying weapons from him, Krombopulos Michael quickly becomes friends with him and commits multiple assassinations, at one point easily killing a Cromulon, before he meets a female Gromflomite, with whom he falls in love and marries. Not losing his friendly and jovial attitude, Krombopulos Michael is only killed due to a factor he never could have foreseen: Morty crashing Rick's car into him while he was on a mission.
    • "Rick and Morty Presents: Krombopulos Michael": As charming and jovial as ever, Krombopulos Michael loved killing since he was a child, initially trying to seek help from a psychiatrist, only for this to fail to stop his depression from a life without murder. After meeting Rick Sanchez when he was young and getting his first gun from him, he immediately put it to good use by killing off the aliens who chased Rick. Easily tracking down Rick each time to buy weapons from him, forcing Rick to mark out a special place where they can make deals, Krombopulos Michael pays a female Gromflomite to make business cards for him, with his home adrdess written on them, openly saying that if someone decided to use them to track him down and try to kill him, it's simply "more killing" for him to do. Extremely friendly with Rick, Krombopulos Michael easily hacks his car to enter it without permission to give him a birthday present and commits many assassinations, while remaining untouchable all the way.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Summer crosses this by planning on killing a popular version of herself and taking over her life. Upon suspecting that Alternate Summer’s girlfriend has figured it out, she immediately starts planning on killing her as well. While both Summer C-1239 and her girlfriend Christina manage to live, Summer Prime gets off as a Karma Houdini.
