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YMMV / Desert Bus for Hope

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  • Draco in Leather Pants: "ALL HAIL KROZE, KEEPER OF THE BANHAMMER!!!" He even showed up in person for the fourth one.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Several times, there were cases of people winning an expensive auction, only to gift the item to someone else. Example: LittleKuriboh returning Kroze's Ham Banner after buying it for $1500.
    • In DBFH5, not one, but two auction rewards were to be kept with LoadingReadyRun until such time as they ceased making videos. The first was one of the uncut sheets of Magic: The Gathering playing cards, and the other was the giant creepy doll that the crew had grown increasingly fond of throughout the run.
  • Memetic Badass: For DBFH3, we have:
    • Octopimp, the Winner of Auctions. ("When Octopimp isn't bidding, it's because he's fighting Chuck Norris.")
      • Once donated $2777 in one go to win a set of Scott Pilgrim books. And the chat went wild!
      • From DBFH4 A tribute.
    • Kroze, of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, wielding his banhammer, Hambanner. It thirsts for blood.
  • Memetic Mutation: Due to the event basically being a pressure cooker of shenanigans, a lexicon has been established on the LRR wiki to track the various memes that crop up each year, noting which ones last into further years as well. Graham has noted that any given meme has an average "half-life" of one and a half years; some last for a long time, some completely take over a given run and then are never seen again, still others get actively retired as time passes and are deemed no longer in good taste.
    • "For the children" and "Booray!" are evergreen. Also, the auctions have picked up several different mile markers over the years: $300 = 1 madness; $1000 = 1 myth busted; $5000 = 1 houseboat; $10,000 = 1 Notch. Later on, every time the live auction record got broken, it's been promptly christened with the name of the bidder who set the record.
    • DBFH 2: Bus Harder: "Is it safe?"
    • DBFH 3: "Son, we are very appoint." (appoint: the contrary of disappoint)
    • DBFH 4: Bill's Magic Pocket, Bothans, "Dear [title] X..."
      • Iron Mang
      • WELL DONG!
      • Myth Busted
      • DAMMIT MATT (Named for Dammit Liz and see above)
      • Continued Mutation of the previous year: "Sweden, the Pig"
      • Space Bid! (Bidding oneself up in an auction)
    • DBF 2023: On a crab note...
      • Little pinch?
