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Funny / Desert Bus for Hope

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  • In Desert Bus V, a very tired Graham breaking after being introduced to QWOP.
  • At one point during DBFH5, one of the crew members says there's hot food upstairs. Everyone in the room (sans one or two) runs upstairs.
  • Alex gets tired of being clubbed. We get this after the feed comes back up from a failure.
  • Dear Lord, Derpline. Alex, as "Dr. Derp" the incredibly misanthropic radio host, answers asinine questions with terrible advice.
    Alex: So, you're stuck in a bewitched tree.
    Caller: My fantastic business is stuck inside.
    Alex: Yeah, you're like Merlin, only a pervert. Maybe whoever pulls you out will become king of the sex offenders list.

    Alex: That sounds like a poor person problem.

    Alex: Are you asking for my credentials? They're loaded in a drawer upstairs, I'll show them to you anytime. This one holds eighteen doctorates and a master's I'm working on.
    Caller: Are you threatening me?
    Alex: No, I'm promising you.
  • During DBFH7's Newlywed Game, Bill's mom jokes about how Ian and Cori are "living in sin" as an unmarried cohabitating couple. This becomes a Running Gag.
    Bill's Mom: Next up, the Alberta sinners...
    James: The Alberta Sinners are my favorite sports team.
    Graham: I think they'll go all the way this season.
    Johnny: They go all the way every season.
  • DBFH 7 brought us QWERPline. In particular, "ASS the Musical" and Alex's response thereto. Qwerpline later became a series.
  • DBFH10 gives us Bengineering giving alternate names for the Lorwyn Planeswalkers
  • The group in DBFH8 dancing to 'Thus Spoke Carly Rae', a version of Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' performed as if done by Nietzsche.
  • In DB2017, at one point submitted challenges were run through machine learning to generate... more challenges. Among the generated challenges: "Kathleen tells her story."
    Kathleen: FINALLY!
  • In DB2019, Julie- who possesses a biology degree with a particular interest in infectious diseases- was asked to describe coffee in the manner of "Peak Julie." Her description lasts for nine solid minutes, give or take a massive number of lies.
    Serge: Is this still coffee?!
    Julie: Yes, I'm getting to that...
