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World Of Weirdness / Family Guy

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Thanks to the vast myriad of Cutaway Gags and the overall wackiness of the main cast, the world of Family Guy oozes weirdness from its core. There's a one year old baby who built a functional time machine that led to the creation of the universe, a talking dog that has long term relationships with human women without anyone commenting, a woman who was pregnant for "like 6 years" (as Peter put it), numerous anthropomorphic talking animals and inanimate objects (with the evil monkey who lives in Chris' closet and the giant unkillable chicken being two of the most frequently-appearing ones), a peg-legged pirate whose father may or may not have been a tree, and the Kool-Aid Man who bursts into people's houses while yelling "OH YEAAHHH". This is just the tip of the iceberg. There's also:

  • God having an arm-wrestling match with his roommate Chuggs, then creating the Big Bang by lighting a fart.
  • The time Peter (and later, Quagmire) was somebody's glass eye.
  • Ben Stiller flying with his ears.
  • MC Escher's rap video where he defies the laws of physics by "going up the sideway stairs".
  • A bunch of wheelchair-bound people forming a Humongous Mecha.
  • Peter's Mexican farts taking corporeal form and shooting up the house.
  • A mentally-handicapped rooster screaming "GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!" at the crack of dawn.
  • Stewie being used as a football.
  • Goofy going to Hell for being somehow involved in 9/11.
  • A high-powered toilet sucking all of Peter's clothes off the second he flushes it.
  • The Pink Panther showing up and telling Brian "Welcome to Hell" after he gets spray-painted pink.
  • A story about a wolf being tricked into saying "Cock-a-doodle-doo" that ends with him turning to prostitution.
  • Mayor West chasing the pizza delivery guy off with a cat launcher.
  • Timer The Cheese Guy keeping people up at night because he "smoked a whole bunch of crack".
  • Peter being cast as the straight line block in Tetris (and screwing it up because he moved at the last second).
  • A Palestinian alarm clock that blows up like a pile of C4 when it goes off.
  • An experimental drug that turns the user into a squirrel.
  • Peter and his friends getting drunk and driving a car down a water slide (how it even fit, we'll never know).
  • Peter's head exploding after he ate half a popsicle in one bite.
  • A slinky looking up anal sex porn.
  • Mayor West's indestructible moustache (indestructible as in "using a chainsaw to try and cut it off destroys the chainsaw).
  • Stewie's tricycle being fitted with a car bomb by a disgruntled Instagram fan.
  • Peter taking drugs causing him to turn into a live-action version of himself.
  • Peter trying to fix a blocked toilet with a baseball pitching machine and flooding the entire house.
  • Chris' pet goldfish (which he flushed down the toilet because he thought it was dead) having mutated in the sewer and holding him at gunpoint.
  • The Griffin men acting more cultured, only for Peter to spontaneously combust out of nowhere and treat it like a minor inconvinience.
  • Child Protective Services taking away Peter's houseplant because he accidentally overwatered it and gave it too much sunlight.
  • Quagmire impregnating a giraffe, then denying the resulting offspring is his.
  • Peter's pet tropical fish having to pay for his doctor's bill.
  • A doctor using a defibrillator on a patient causes them to explode into Ludicrous Gibs because the doctor forgot to say "Clear!" beforehand.
  • An inflatable tube-man getting into a shootout with the police.
  • A tour of the fire station ending with a controlled flame committing Murder-Suicide.
  • Peter turning his house into a giant puppet (and later a hot air balloon).
  • The last M&M in the Griffins' advent calendar plotting to kill them all for "eating his entire family".
  • Peter drawing a spaceship and flying off in it to get out of a haircut.
  • Quagmire getting trapped in a bubble and floating off.
  • A couple arriving in New York and being carried off by a pterodactyl mere seconds after they step off the plane.
  • Lois being stalked by the narrator from Caillou.
  • Target having a security system that lasers runaway employees to death.
  • Peter using Brian as a replacement moustache.
  • A high-school teenager using Peppa Pig to fake her own death.
  • Hitler juggling fish while on a unicycle.
  • Adam West sending the host of Jeopardy back to the 5th dimension "where he belongs" by getting him to say his name backwards.
  • Steve Buscemi's teeth coming to life, arguing with each other, and popping out of his mouth.
  • The ER having a ward specifically for pancakes.
  • Chris' head exploding upon finding Peter's porn collection.
  • A plate of fish and chips singing about how fat guys think they're a healthy food.
  • Peter turning the outside of his house into a makeshift Donkey Kong level.
  • A Bar Fight between a stick of broccoli and a Brussel sprout.
  • The White Cliffs of Dover talking to each other about travel insurance.
  • Peter using two metal detectors in close proximity causing him to break reality.
  • Peter going on a date with a stick figure.
  • One episode of Two and a Half Men being filmed in front of a live ostrich.
  • A man consummating a relationship with the tree stump outside his house after his wife lectures him about it and gets blown up.
  • Fozzie Bear's ill-fated stand-up gig in Saudi Arabia.
  • A hawk practicing BDSM with Cleveland's drone.
  • Blue and Yellow splitting up for an unexplored reason.
  • Peter taking a job as Matt Damon's neck.
  • A gay guy from church camp pursuing a relationship with a talking moose head.
  • Cleveland being put in a Plinko machine.
  • A (literal) Stubborn Mule arguing with a guy about whether or not Kevin Bacon was in Footloose.
  • Joe's phone ringing when he's in the middle of a rant, causing him to yell at the phone to shut up, and the phone responding in a "Sheesh, okay!" tone.
  • Peter making the "Is your refrigerator running?" crank call to an actual refrigerator, who then comes round Peter's house and beats him up.
  • The easily-startled wallpaper that screams and rolls up when anyone comes into the room.
  • The nature documentary in which "a flock of Jews" fly away after witnessing a Black woman and an Italian man get into a confrontation.
  • The Pewterscmidts' maid having a son so morbidly obese that he rolls everywhere.
  • A Japanese weather balloon getting angry at Peter (who's equipped with a makeshift jetpack) for mistaking her for a Chinese one.
  • Chris and Stewie's attempt at running a lemonade stand ending with the lemonade tricking Chris into the jug and running away, while claiming that "lemons are God's children".
  • Lois pouring Peter's Red Bull out in the yard causing a flower to gain sentience, uproot itself, hijack some poor bastard's car on "official flower business", and drive off.
  • Lois repressing her feelings about Peter's negative behavior causing her to develop a (singing) tumor with Peter's face on it.
  • Peter and Brian trying out a sensory deprivation chamber and coming back out moments later with their heads switched.
  • Peter making a morally dubious decision because his shoulder angel got stuck in traffic.
  • A giant crab preventing guests from entering Peter's house.
  • Mexican Peter jumping into a Flying Saucer shaped like a giant sombrero and flying off.
  • A cow ordering steak and cheesecake from a steakhouse.
  • Quagmire hiding inside a turtle.
  • Peter's pet rock pissing on the carpet.
  • A giraffe attending a baseball game and pissing off the people who got stuck behind it and couldn't see the game.
  • Peter feeding his mogwai after midnight causing it to turn into Fran Drescher.
