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Webcomic / The Golden Week

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The Golden Week is a Furry Webcomic created by Douglas Kim (Kimmykun). The comic features the budding relationship between a lion reporter named Derek and a dalmatian high schooler named Scott. The problem is that Derek is 26 and Scott is 18, and while they are both legal, they still struggle because of stigmas around them.

The website can be found here.

Not to be confused with the Japanese holiday.

This webcomic provides examples of:

  • All Gays are Promiscuous: Derek believes this when Edward offers to take him to a club or set up a date for him.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Derek's first boyfriend wasn't interested and Matthew is interested in Scott while Scott isn't.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Mike doesn't seem to have interest in women and has dropped subtle hints towards Derek.
  • Animal Stereotypes: Scott the dalmatian has a firefighter father, Jane the fox is clever and cunning, Matthew the stag is assertive towards finding a mate which means he is rutting, etc.
  • Beary Friendly: Tom is a nice and friendly bear.
  • Cast Full of Gay: Most of the cast is gay or lesbian.
  • Creator Provincialism: The author lives in Brazil, where Matt being on the "football" team refers to "soccer", and buying groceries at the mall is quite common.
  • Cunning Like a Fox: Jane is quite clever and is quick to catch Scott's bluffs.
  • Fag Hag: Jane, who hangs out with Matthew.
  • Funny Animal: It's a furry webcomic after all.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Derek and Edward who are best friends and roommates.
  • Lovable Jock: Matthew is a star football/soccer player who is chill to everyone.
  • Manly Gay: Matthew is a jock who is on the football team and is in the closet.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Jane thinks Scott is gay but he insists he isn't. (Scott's lying of course.)
  • Nightmare Face: Matthew can make intense faces when he is determined.
  • Queer Romance: Derek and Scott are into each other. Matthew is into Scott but it is unrequited.
  • Shrinking Violet: Scott lacks a ton of confidence but he does try.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Derek and Matthew. They both want Scott and while Derek is more emotionally unstable, Matthew is assertive and determined to have Scott.
  • Straight Gay: None of the characters display stereotypically gay traits.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Mike's accent is difficult to pin down as he sometimes switches from a German-ish to a Russian-ish accent.
  • Women Are Wiser: Jane is much more clever and inquisitive than the boys.
