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Visual Novel / Starry Flowers

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Starry Flowers is a Ren'Py-based romantic kinetic novel told in seven chapters by NomnomNami.

Periwinkle (from First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree) is a witch who makes perfumes for a living and spends his free time dressing up, partying, and sleeping around. When he meets a cute boy named Pastille (from Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet) in a candy store, he finds himself growing much more attached to Pastille than to any of his previous dates, which is a feeling he is not used to at all. However, they agreed to keep their relationship casual, so surely nothing will ever come of it...?

Tropes in Starry Flowers:

  • Affectionate Nickname: Because Pastille is named after a candy, Peri gives him the nickname "my sweet".
  • Call-Back: When Periwinkle worries that he lost his chances of spending another night with Pastille, he attends yet another spooky soirĂ©e in the hopes of finding someone else to be with.
  • The Cameo: Other characters from Spooky Soiree make minor, non-speaking appearances at the party, including Chirval, Strudel, and two moths who are confirmed in the art collection to be Poffin and her servant.
  • Covert Pervert: Syrup established Pastille as a friendly, hardworking, and responsible individual. Starry Flowers reveals that he really enjoys being topped by Periwinkle.
  • Creating Life Is Bad: Although Pastille doesn't regret creating Gumdrop, he still feels bad that he created a sentient being with a body made entirely of candy, and all the limitations thereof.
  • Cuddle Bug: One of Periwinkle's old dates is an exceedingly cuddly witch named Cassia. When the two first met at a party, she clung to his arm and didn't let go.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: This novel establishes the Pastille ending of Syrup and the Jam ending of Spooky Soiree as canon, with Pastille talking about having gone on adventures with Syrup and Jam mentioning that she is now dating her best friend.
  • Has a Type: Although Periwinkle is open to dating just about anybody, he has a particular preference for witch boys.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Cassia is polyamorous and has two partners in addition to dating Periwinkle. Peri, however, prefers one-on-one relationships and decides he and Cassia would be Better as Friends.
  • Inconvenient Attraction: Periwinkle is used to casual relationships, so falling in love with Pastille makes him feel hopelessly lost.
  • Intersex Tribulations: Pastille is an intersex boy with a naturally feminine appearance. He doesn't like being mistaken for a girl, but he also doesn't like limiting himself to a strictly masculine aesthetic. In the past, his parents even enrolled him in an all-girls school, which he didn't enjoy in the slightest.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Periwinkle sleeps around a lot and has been in many casual relationships, but after spending several nights with Pastille he finds himself unable to enjoy being with anyone else, and his attempts to deny his feelings eventually lead to his magic going haywire. Astragalus notes that of all the people Peri has dated, Pastille is the only one he ever talks about anymore.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: That Pastille is a witch and created Gumdrop was a major twist in Syrup, but is treated as common knowledge here.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Pastille mentions that he used to feel like it was up to a coin toss whether or not he would continue putting up with Syrup, referencing how Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet would have moments where choosing the worse of two options would cause Pastille to leave Syrup and trigger a bad ending.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: No matter what the conversation is about, Periwinkle will find some way to turn it into something sexual.
  • Love Potion: Peri tries to justify his infatuation for Pastille as one of his magic perfumes backfiring on him. When he goes shopping for a solution, a Nasty Witch shuts down that theory by pointing out that she has been researching love magic for years and has never been able to achieve something like that.
  • Luminescent Blush: Pastille flusters very easily, turning as red as a strawberry whenever Periwinkle says something suggestive.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Periwinkle realizes something is seriously wrong with him when he goes on a date with Pastille and doesn't end up having sex with him in the end, and instead simply falls asleep on Pastille's shoulder.
  • Power Incontinence: While Peri is desperately trying to deny his feelings for Pastille, he finds himself unable to conjure anything other than peach-scented perfume.
  • Really Gets Around: Periwinkle has been in many casual relationships, and even continues to do so for a while after meeting Pastille. However, as he gets more and more attached to Pastille, he finds himself unable to enjoy them anymore.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Periwinkle is prone to dropping F-bombs when he gets worked up.
  • The Tease: Periwinkle's favorite pastime is teasing cute witch boys. He delights in making Pastille flustered every chance he gets.
  • Trash of the Titans: Downplayed. Periwinkle's house is messy, but it is not dirty. His belongings are badly organized, but he would never leave food or garbage lying around.
  • Twice Shy: In the end, it turns out Pastille is in the same situation as Periwinkle, in that they are both madly in love with one another, but were hesitant to act on their feelings due to having initially agreed to keep their relationship casual.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Astragalus is annoyed by Periwinkle's antics and considers them business associates rather than friends. She nevertheless cares about him and is willing to listen to him vent because she knows it makes him feel better. Indeed, this turns out to be the key to getting his magic back under control.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Periwinkle and Pastille are both boys who like dressing up without limiting themselves to a gendered aesthetic. While Periwinkle doesn't necessarily mind being mistaken for a girl, Pastille feels conflicted by it due to how badly he was misgendered as a child.

So now you know
And here we go
My love
My dear
My sweet
You look so pretty in pink
