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Tropers / Pranky But Saintly

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Hiya everybuddy! My name is Pranky But Saintly, but on here I've been called Pranky, Saintly, PBS, Saint Pranky, and some other interesting nicknames! Here's some stats about me :)

Real Name: Elizabeth

Age: 19

Birthday: May 9, 1996

Hair color: Light brown and blonde

Eye color: They kinda change colors, but usually light green.

Favorite colors: Pink and green

Favorite foods: Pizza, cheese tacos, mac and cheese, jello, candy, and CHOCOLATE :D

Favorite drinks: Sprite, 7up, Mountain Dew, Eggnog (the non alcoholic kind of course!), herbal tea, and fruit juice :)

Favorite cartoon: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Favorite sitcom: The Odd Couple

Well those are some of the basics! To learn more, check out the tropes below, and to learn even more, talk to me! I am on the Troper Shipping and Dating Thread a few times a week :)

Tropes that apply to me (under construction):
