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Troper Wall / Agent Kirin

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Welcome to my super-top-secret wall. Put whatever here, but please do keep it PG-maybe-13-rated at most.

Hey there what's- OOPS - Siegfried 1337

Just gotta hack into the mainframe to bypass the firewall to get to the Troper Wall... *Rapid fire keyboard tapping* I'm in! - Custard And Pie

Hey! Listen! - unfortunatezorua

Welcome, Agent Kirin. Your mission, should you choose to accept it... check out this sweet song!- Spottedleaf

This VengefulBale vandalism is sponsored by... Nightmare Enterprises!

  • Here We Go! There's a new vandalism in town, and it's what you're seeing here. - Vengeful Bale

  • Funding for this vandalism is provided by EeveeGirlChey and by viewers like you. Thank you!

  • Hi Average Joe! Or should I say… Not-So-Average-Joe!
    • *theme song plays* Ta da dah, Average Joe, just a normal guy, with a normal life.But watch out for him, crime! He’s also Not-so-Average-Joe! Superdrawing powers, save the day! If he doesn’t trip in his cape! If he doesn’t trip in his cape!
    • JTTWlover was here.

  • Little did they know, that while I did enjoy cheese, I was also a big fan... of Skittles!!! -White Chedda Pikachu

  • Finally, the lock is gone, here we go... Dammit I can't come up with anything, I'll just leave this pic here and run:
    -Vengeful Bale

A black unicorn as arrived.
