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Trivia / MonteFjanton

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  • Approval of God: Some of the people who made or participated in the films reviewed actually approve of getting their works blasted by the series. Usually this is just evidenced by a comment left by the original creators (which may or may not be pinned), but Daniel Lehmussari gave them a copy of one of his movies before its release so they could review it, allowed Felix to interview him, and has even tagged along on one of their tours (when they were doing midnight screenings of Death Academy).
  • Creator Backlash: The members feel like a lot of their older projects fall into this. The episodes of Felix Recenserar where they tackle their old films note  tend to involve a lot of Self-Deprecation as a result. This is also the case for the Felix Recenserar episode from 2016 where they review their very first reviews from 2011.
    Felix: We're 30 seconds in, dear viewers. DO YOU GET WHY NONE OF OUR OLD FILMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET NOW?
  • Flip-Flop of God/Shrug of God: Are Morgan Månstråle's theories true? There's no concrete evidence for either, and Basse has said that it's one of the main plot holes of the series and that it's up to the viewer's interpretation. Sometimes, the series will blatantly state that everything Morgan says is true, only to redact that and claim that the entire truth sayer community is a LARP that only Morgan and Kenneth believe is for real. The finales of both seasons 2 and 3 don't exactly help matters.
  • Magnum Opus Dissonance: The review of Hip Hip Hora was the channel's most popular video for 5 years, but the members all agree that it's an Old Shame that should really get forgotten due to all of its flaws. On the flipside, Felix has mentioned that the Felix Recenserar episodes he's the most proud of are those tackling Suxxess and Die Zombiejager.
  • Missing Episode: Unlike the first two episodes (which were just copyright claimed, see below), the third episode of Klassen reviews has disappeared from YouTube entirely with no explanation. Fortunately a mirror exists on the group's Dailymotion page.
  • No Export for You:
    • Basse has stated in the NärCon 2015 Q&A that they won't do English subtitles for their more recent works simply because it would be too time consuming and take away precious time that could be used to make more content. That said, they turned on YouTube's community subtitles feature in case any fans wanted to contribute fansubs, and when someone asked in a 2021 Q&A stream if they would accept subtitles through other means (such as private messaging) they were open to the idea.
    • Involuntarily inverted by several of their reviews due to copyright claims (usually by SVT): these videos can be viewed anywhere on Earth but Sweden. When the channel started getting sponsored by a VPN service, they even created a playlist featuring these blocked reviews and mentioned that the VPN would be a good way to get around this issue.
  • Parody Assistance: Dan Bratt and Anja Schmidt (who both acted in the Swedish Dingo Pictures dubs) have participated in some of Felix' reviews of those movies.
  • Schedule Slip:
    • Felix Recenspelar had a 4-year long slip between 2017 and the end of 2021, and episodes could take anywhere between a few months to a year to come out before then.
    • The first season of Mystikhörnan fell victim to this - they intended to film and release one episode every other week, but in the end, the second episode was released a month after the first, the fourth and fifth were released two months after one another and the last three episodes were delayed for almost half a year. The crew learned from this and filmed the following seasons in advance.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Before the review of Hip Hip Hora, the "Swedish films and films dubbed to Swedish only" formula of Felix Recenserar had not yet been established, and there were plans to review foreign films before that. As a matter of fact, it was pretty close that one of the first episodes of Felix Recenserar would have been of the miniseries Tales from the Neverending Story.
    • The bonus material from Mystikhörnan also discusses some scrapped ideas for the series. One stand-out example being that Morgan would use paper slips bigger than himself in the second season's Q&A episode because his soul is stuck in the same box they usually keep the questions in, which was rejected due to all the extra work that would get a too small payoff.
