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Recap / Outlander S 6 E 7 Sticks And Stones

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Recap of Outlander
Season 6, Episode 7:

Sticks and Stones
Claire struggles with her demons as a nefarious rumor begins to spread on the Ridge. Tensions rise as the residents fear there is a dangerous person in their midst. Richard Brown and his Committee of Safety arrive, claiming to be there in the name of justice


  • Barred from the Afterlife: Discussed: Tom is concerned if Malva had enough time to confess her sins to get to Heaven before she died.
  • The Corpse Stops Here: After Claire finds Malva murdered, she tries to save the baby by performing an emergency C-section. Tom and Allan see Claire in Malva’s blood and assume Claire murdered Malva. Her holding the dead baby and admitting to cutting him out of his mother doesn't help much either.
  • Dishonored Dead: Tom wants Malva buried in the woods instead of the local cemetery because he does not want his “whore” of a daughter and her “illegitimate son” to be buried next to God-fearing men and women. Claire and Jamie will not have it.
  • Drawing Straws: Jamie tells Josiah and Keziah that whoever chooses the short straw marries Lizzie. Keziah picks the short straw and is handfasted to Lizzie.
  • Hallucinations: Lionel Brown manifests as Claire’s deepest subconscious fears and insecurities.
  • Like Father, Like Son: In this case, "Like Great Uncle, Like Grand Nephew. " After deliberation, Roger decides to pursue a career as a minister like his great uncle and adoptive father Reverend Wakefield.
  • Lonely Funeral: Malva’s funeral did not have many attendees because the community did not want to be associated with Malva and her societal taboos.
  • Love Triangle: Lizzie, Josiah and Keziah are in a polyamorous relationship.
  • Malicious Slander: The rumors of Jamie’s alleged infidelity and Claire’s alleged murder of Malva spread around Fraser’s Ridge. Many of the residents are disrespectful to the Fraser family.
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: Lizzie reveals she is pregnant, but she does not know if Josiah or Keziah is the father. It does not bother her as she is in love with both of them and is happy if either of them is the father. Genetically speaking, it would not make a difference since Josiah and Keziah are identical twins. Even if it were possible to have a blood test in this century, it would identify both of them as the father.
  • Mirror Scare: Lionel appears in Claire’s mirror, amplifying her anxiety and trauma.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: Tom and Allan assume Claire murdered Malva after seeing Claire in Malva’s blood.
  • Mushroom Samba: Claire takes some ether to get rid of Lionel. Instead, she hears voices accusing her of being evil, including Lionel, Black Jack Randall, Dougal, Allan, Tom, and Geillis.
  • My Own Private "I Do": After Jamie finds out Lizzie is pregnant, he has Lizzie and Keziah handfasted before they can officially marry. Later, Lizzie and the brothers trick Roger into officiating a ceremony between her and Josiah so that she is handfasted to both of them.
  • Nosy Neighbor: The residents of Fraser’s Ridge are curious to know what happened to Malva. Specifically, Hiram Crombie wants to see Malva’s dead body for himself.
  • Ominous Knocking: Claire hears knocking at the door, believing it to be Malva. But it was Lizzie, trying to tell Claire about her pregnancy. With this information, Claire is relieved that she cannot be Malva's killer.
  • Or Was It a Dream?: Claire was not sure if she killed Malva since she was under the influence of ether and does not remember what happened.
  • Roll in the Hay: Lizzie’s hair is messy with grass after sleeping with Josiah and Keziah Beardsley.
  • Sibling Triangle: Both Josiah and Keziah are happily in a relationship with Lizzie.
  • You Are Not Alone: Claire tells Jamie about her dark thoughts and how Lionel Brown still haunts her. Claire blames herself for all the terrible things that have happened to her loved ones and admits to using ether to hide her problems. Jamie tells her no one would be around without her and that they will face Claire’s demons together.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Subverted. After Keziah is chosen to be Lizzie’s husband, Jamie tells Josiah to leave and not return until after the baby is born.
  • Wham Line: Two in the same scene:
    Richard Brown: Mr. Fraser. We’ve come for your wife.
    Jamie Fraser: Well, ye can be on yer way then.
    Richard Brown: Now, see there, you’re wrong. We’ve come to arrest her for the murder of Malva Christie.
