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Recap / Doug Doug I Forced An Ai To Play A Kids Adventure Game

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Original Stream Date: May 15, 2023

Video Date: June 28, 2023

The AI Pajama Sam stream, alternatively known as Can an A.I. beat a children's adventure game? or I forced an Ai to play a kids adventure game, is a video made by DougDoug, in which a ChatGPT -driven replica of Sam attempts to get through Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside. With Doug clicking where AI Sam instructs, and Chat offering words of encouragement, there's no way it could go wrong... right?

"How would Levigate Trope-Tan bail? Into LightningDank's home superb fast. BABAGABOOSH!''..."

  • Artificial Stupidity: Sam often tries to do random things that don't make sense with the information provided (such as trying to make some kind of chemical to cross water) and inevitably spirals into complete incoherence after enough inputs, forcing Doug to essentially "kill" it and redo it to fix it, which doesn't solve it long term. The stream itself is one of his longest because of that.
  • Bait-and-Switch: This gem from a TTS message talks about a babbling, incoherent entity controlling the direction of the playthrough.
    KamesaruOG: Guys, He's getting more incoherent. It might be time for Doug 2.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: The Sams are prompted to say "RIGGED" whenever something doesn't work, borrowing from Twitch Chat.
  • Catchphrase: "Babaga-BOOSH!"
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: While discussing Sam 17's code, Doug accidentally presses the button to let him listen in, and upon registering the discussion Sam 17 promptly dies. The implication Doug and Chat take from this is that he realized he was an AI and broke from the revelation.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The Sams, starting from 4, start to talk about a mysterious villain seemingly greater in threat than Darkness (although thanks to Doug's description of the scenario, they prioritize capturing Darkness) named High Demon Elgrim. He can apparently be summoned to the corporeal realm by sacrificing 18 children, which Doug did.
  • Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance: At one point, a Sam finds himself taking part in a quiz show, with the first topic he picks being about Ancient Egypt. Upon being asked who the basis for the Sphinx was, Sam answers "King Tut", while also bragging that he hopes the rest of the questions weren't as "easy" as this one, "else, we would be out of a show!" This was the wrong answer.note 
  • Precision F-Strike: The Sams will occasionally drop a swear into whatever they're saying abruptly.
  • Running Gag:
    • Chat chanting "#THATSMYSAM" whenever Sam succeeds, or conversely, the more skeptical chatters chanting "#NOTMYSAM" when a new Sam is born.
    • The most infamous part of the stream: The Sams slowly losing their mind and talking about complete nonsense (and sometimes making demonic screeches) and/or Doug executing them and replacing them as a result.
  • Sanity Slippage: Each Sam ends up going through this. They start mostly in-character as Pajama Sam, speaking simply like a child, but as they are asked questions and give answers they start to drift out of character. Soon they are talking with strange, incongruent slang (Sam 1 devolves into a "British pirate" for example), cursing, and waxing sesquipedalian and loquacious. Once it gets to the point that a Sam's answers are just paragraphs of nonsense strung together, that's Doug's cue to put him out of his misery and bring in a new Sam to start the process over.
  • Suddenly Shouting: The Sams tend to do this a lot. The tone of their voices can change on a dime, and they go in and out of shouting at points. Sometimes they end their sentences with full on screeches.
  • Vocal Dissonance: There are two points where Sam's AI voice suddenly gets very deep. Doug and Chat both call it "rapid puberty."
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: While there were 25 Pajama Sams, only 8 of them are actually involved in beating the game. This is because of a combination of unfortunate tech issues and Doug's own incompetence in updating context to the brothers/saving the file, forcing him to put down the rest of the brothers immediately before they even get onto the field or say anything.
    Doug (reading chat): "SAM 14 WAS LIKE A BROTHER SISTER TO ME"
    Doug: He barely existed! All he did was learn about his past very briefly and then died.
  • Word-Salad Humor: This is what the Sams descend into if left to live too long, using completely nonsensical and unprompted solutions for their problems.
    Sam 1 (after being asked how to get Otto the boat in the water): Oh asterisk come on, asterisk. This is going quite contrary to what I thought. It's understandable why he [Otto] doesn't want to go near the water. I myself have a fear of the dark. But for a superspeed snorkler like myself this going to crash like real bad. Maybe I could mix gas and oil then somehow use that combination to fashion a makeshift floatation device capable of operating invulnerability around my hands and feet (breathes) Asterisk, grins, asterisk, would be cool, like a galactic squirrel. Yeah, that sounds good and should work. Other than that, let's see. Huh. Wait, no. While I'm decent in many things, I don't think that I am quite aieiet knowledgeable enough to gain nuggets of pure gold at bio-engineering level of mixing, one texture with another.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Doug delves into this trope to make progress through the game, killing and replacing the child-like Pajama Sam AI.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Because the Sams weren't fully aware of the fact they were in a point-and-click adventure game, he keeps trying to do actions that aren't allowed (eg. trying to literally murder trees with terrorism) or aren't the actual solution (eg. trying to walk across the river with the plank of woodnote ), go off on non-existent quest chains (eg. trying to do a favor for the friendly tree he encounters after losing his items, when the tree isn't game important), and try and defeat High Demon Elgrim.
