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Recap / Chico Bon Bon Specials Very Berry Holiday

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When Barry the Berry Bear doesn't show up to deliver the traditional Blunderberry Cakes on Blunderberry Day Eve, the Fix-It Force kicks it into high gear to save the town's most magical holiday!


  • Bait-and-Switch Comment:
    Chico: I don’t like that idea, Rainbow…I love it!
  • Binocular Shot: We see through this POV when Chico is showing Poppy Kettlecorn Barry’s Bakeshop.
  • Cartoon Cheese: Tiny gets up in the middle of the night to get a snack of a yellow wedge of cheese covered in holes.
  • Christmas Light Chaos: In their rushed chaos to put the berry lights on the tree, the Fix-It Force gets tangled up.
  • Christmas Special: A half-hour long movie in which the town of Blunderburg celebrates Blunderberry Day.
  • Cock-a-Doodle Dawn: A rooster crows on Blunderberry morning.
  • Dramatic Drop: When Tiny sees that Barry hasn’t visited the lab yet, she drops her cheese as a Sting plays and the camera does a Staggered Zoom.
  • Foreshadowing: Barry the Berry Bear yawns when Poppy sees him through Chico’s binoculars. This foreshadows him not delivering the blunderberry cakes later in the episode because he fell asleep.
  • Heavy Sleeper: Barry is such a heavy sleeper that nothing the Fix-It Force does can wake him up.
  • Interactive Narrator: Neil Ostrich narrates the episode in rhyme and interacts with Chico when he gains Medium Awareness and asks him why he can hear his voice during his Banana Break.
  • Mondegreen Gag: Why the Dunderheads didn’t put the lights on the tree:
    Mayor Murphy: The Dunderheads forgot to put on the berry lights!
    Mr. Dunderhead: Berry lights? We thought you said "Put on hairy tights"!
  • Parrot Expo What: When Rainbow says they need to use root optimization to put the lights on the tree, Clark replies “Root optima-whatta?”
  • Running Gag: The Fix-It Force doing a group high-five every time they’re under mistleberry.
  • Santa Claus: Barry the Berry Bear is the Blunderberry Day equivalent of Santa. He dresses in a red suit and drives a flying sleigh, but he delivers blunderberry cakes instead of presents.
  • Saving Christmas: The Fix-It Force has to save Blunderberry Day after Barry the Berry Bear fails to deliver the traditional Blunderberry cakes on Blunderberry Eve.
  • Separate Scene Storytelling: When Chico reads the story of the very first Blunderberry Day, done in Deliberately Monochrome sepia.
  • Subbing for Santa: The Fix-It Force has to fill in for Barry the Berry Bear to deliver blunderberry cakes to the people of Blunderburg when he falls asleep and is unable to do it himself.
  • Under the Mistletoe: Blunderberry Day has “mistleberries”, but since there’s No Hugging, No Kissing the characters high-five underneath.
  • You Mean X Mas: Blunderberry Day is very much Blunderburg’s version of Christmas.
