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Playing With / Mangst

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Basic Trope: Subtle angst displayed by tough characters.

  • Straight: The Big Guy Flash Young, who's normally a rather tough and Hot-Blooded young man, tends to remain quiet in times of sadness. Such as whenever he calls back those times at the Boarding School of Horrors back in Maine.
  • Exaggerated: Flash is practically stone faced when hit with a devastating catastrophe. Not even a Single Tear rolls down his cheek; Just plain indifference.
  • Downplayed: Flash frowns a bit, and occasionally has the Single Tear, but otherwise, he's relatively stoic.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Flash is an Emotional Bruiser who cries Manly Tears for when tragedy strikes.
  • Subverted: Flash is revealed to be Not So Stoic...
  • Double Subverted: ...But it's because he got a terrible sickness that induces a runny nose and also has some itchy eyes.
  • Parodied: Everyone has Ocular Gushers whenever they're inconvenienced in the most minor ways. Flash is eerily quiet whenever he gets hit with pretty much the most horrific atrocities known to man.
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether Flash cries Manly Tears or subdues them tends to be Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted: Flash cries Manly Tears, but not to the extent that it's an inversion of this trope.
  • Enforced: Flash is a tough character, but even he has problems of his own. And it's not tough to cry a lot, otherwise Flash would be considered Not Badass Enough for Fans.
  • Lampshaded: "At least shed a Single Tear, damn it... Why are you always so quiet?"
  • Invoked: Flash cried once as a kid, and it was coupled with Inelegant Blubbering. The moment was so utterly embarrassing that Flash swore off crying forever.
  • Exploited: After someone gets murdered and Flash is a suspect, his silence is considered as Incriminating Indifference.
  • Defied: Flash is forced to cry.
  • Discussed: "Don't mistake my silence for indifference. I suffer as much as everyone is."
  • Conversed: "Look, I don't know but he seems pretty inhuman for not crying when his own father dies in front of him."
  • Deconstructed: Flash is called out for his alleged callousness and Lack of Empathy, and is treated as The Sociopath, after a horrific tragedy strikes him. They don't know that Flash is grieving and mourning the tragedy as much as the others that were affected by it; He just doesn't want to sound like a nuisance.
  • Reconstructed: However, when Flash reveals that he does indeed suffer, he also calls them out for over acting and pretending like it's the end of the world for them; They don't really care, they just act like they do care. Of course, while this does earn Flash some flak, the explanation does make sense in hindsight; Flash is, after all, a 7 foot tall of muscles stacked upon muscles.
  • Implied:
    • Flash is considered to be inhuman for not crying so much, but we don't know what it is that Flash should be crying about.
    • Flash, in the more dramatic times, may be a lot quieter than his usual boisterous behavior, but he does tend to be more understanding and caring, even though he's never seen crying.
  • Played for Laughs: Flash may cry quiet Manly Tears, but he's clearly not as horrendously overt as just about everyone around him.
  • Played for Drama: Flash's silence is more often than not mistaken for a Lack of Empathy, even though he really is empathetic to any tragedy around. This makes him a pariah and gives him the reputation of a jerkass.
  • Played for Horror: Flash is quiet after a horrifying tragedy... Because he's clearly broken beyond recognition. The only thing remaining is a Thousand-Yard Stare.

Look, if you're wondering why I'm so quiet... It's that I don't want to be a disturbance.
