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Playing With / Flowery Insults

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Basic Trope: Insulting with elaborate detail.

  • Straight: Pete Perkins, completely fed up with Flash Young, lets out a scathing dressing down:
    Pete: Flash, you're honestly one of the most feculent, abhorrent, and boring characters I've ever had the misfortune of meeting in my life. I bet everything under my name that all of your single braincell is housed and bouncing around in that stupidly huge pompadour of yours, which, due to your giraffe genetics, is constantly being bonked over by doorways, thus giving you a ridiculous speech impediment that you try and shamelessly try and pass off as a pitiful excuse of an "accent", you're so corpulent and gargantuan that you need to be weighed with the same scales they use for freight containers, with your size being such a surprise that you're even born considering that Your Mom had to actually give birth to you before she passed away due to the sheer labor of defecating you out of her foul swamp of Dagobah, and if I had the option to be constantly revived just to be tortured to death by all the horrific torture methods for a billion years than being merely in a 50 mile radius of your foul presence, then I would gladly take the former option. To put it shortly: Go fuck yourself.
  • Exaggerated: ???
  • Downplayed: "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
    Pete: Flash, wallahi, I would rather be eating pork and any other haram foods on Ramadan and in broad daylight than within your foul presence, you son of a motherless hyena, grandson of a stinking jackal, great-grandson of a plucked vulture, and clan member of the most dirty, cowardly scavengers known to man!
  • Justified: Pete's Rage Breaking Point was Flash splashing Pete with a bucket of rainbow paint. Pete needed to blow some steam off, in all honesty.
  • Inverted:
    • Flowery Praise.
    Pete: Flash, you might just be the most handsome, charming, muscular, and well endowed human being that honestly deserves more than just being called that I've ever had the great fortunes of meeting. I will get on my hands and knees for your praise, for I am just some nerd who you have saved, and I will be the man who sings your praises every time someone asks me about you. If I were a woman, I would have bore your babies by now.
    Pete: Flash, you're honestly one of the most big... Dumb... Fat... Er... Painful to live with... Doodoohead I've ever had to deal with. Look, I can't come up with these incredible insults on the fly here! Don't judge me for having terrible insults!
  • Subverted: Pete gets interrupted mid-sentence.
    Pete: Flash, you're honestly one of the most-
    Flash: Yeah, yeah, keep yappin'. Don't fuckin' care.
  • Double Subverted: Pete continues to flowery insult him.
    Pete: Fuck it, I'm still saying it. Flash, you're honestly one of the most...
  • Parodied: Pete uses flowery insults of the Big Stupid Doo Doo Head variety.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • No such insults are that flowery.
    • There are no insults at all.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded:
    Flash: Good fuckin' grief, Pete! Who knew ya had so much bottlin' up inside ya!?
  • Invoked: Professor Bryce Baxter tells Pete that the only way to make Flash stop is to tell him off, and especially go for the ones that are both eloquent and painful.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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