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Ho Yay / Slow Start

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It's a common opinion that for the Winter 2018 anime, Slow Start outdoes the openly Yuri Genre Citrus for its homosexuality.

  • Not surprising at all, considering the amount of yuri doujins by the same author under the circle Hakka-ya.
  • Eiko's dense vacation schedule with several of her female classmates makes Tamate wonder if she's going on a Harem Route.
  • On an outing in the third episode, Eiko made effective flirts to her classmate Hina but followed with Just Joking Justifications. Hina wondered whether those justifications were sincere:
    • Hina thanks Eiko for coming with her to purchase a limited-edition toy. Eiko replied it's fun just looking at Hina's happy face...then said she expected Hina to make a comeback.
    • Hina noticed her smoothie has two drinking straws, and wondered if it's for couples to drink together. Eiko then proceeds to drink half of it from the straw closer to her, and told Hina that's probably for that purpose.
  • Eiko's present for Hana and Tamate's birthdays are two teddy bears tied with a red ribbon. When Hana tries to separate the toys, she found it not unlike separating two lovers.
  • After both Hana and Tamate agreed to keep the toys tied at Hina's apartment while Tamate will come to see it more often, Eiko comments that an Event Flag has been raised.
  • In the third episode, Tamate calls out Eiko as Kamuri's husband.
  • In the sixth episode, Kamuri forgot to put on dresses for two consecutive days because she was thinking about Eiko.
  • The seventh episode... is a huge Eiko X Enami ship-tease, when Eiko persistently attempted to seduce Enami and gets to fall for the latter instead.
  • And even side characters cannot avoid being seen as lesbians. For example, the two grandparentsnote  the viewers have seen of Tamate are both female. While certainly Tamate will have two grannies, a lot of viewers wondered whether the grannies were a couple.
