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Comic Book / The Switch Electricia

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The Switch: Electricia is a Kickstarter-funded comic by Keith Champagne and Tom Nguyen.

Electricia is a villainous member of Murderer's Row, a group of the worst, most dangerous criminals in the world. Together, they've terrorized, murdered, stolen, and who-knows-what-else.

However, Electricia is starting to have second thoughts about being a villainess. If anything, she seems to crave more than terror and mayhem. She ultimately gets her chance with the murder of The Switch, a superhero that her team's tussled with for a while. She decides to go off and deal with his sidekick, The Switcheroo. However, when she confronts Switcheroo, something unexpected (for Switcheroo, at least) happens. Electricia spares her life. Of course, she doesn't tell the others.

So, with the city in need of a new hero, Electricia decides she's found her new calling. Donning the now-dead Switch's costume, she decides to be a heroine instead, fighting crimes rather than causing them. Of course, choosing such a life is not going to be easy, especially when she still hasn't completely left her old life.

The Switch: Electrica was funded on March 18th, 2016, and released on June 27th, 2018.

The Switch: Electricia contains examples of:

  • Animal Companion: Electricia has Dr. Hate, an 80-year-old criminal mastermind in the body of a cat.
  • The Big Guy: The hulking Moss serves as the muscle for Murderer's Row.
  • Compelling Voice: Lover Boy has a voice that can compell people to do whatever he commands them to, which is likely the only reason he's the leader of Murderer's Row.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Electricia's Heel–Face Turn starts when she can't bring herself to murder Switcheroo, the Switch's teen sidekick.
  • Hulk Speak: Moss speaks in broken English and doesn't seem to grasp how to use pronouns - he keeps referring to Electricia is "the she".
  • Older Than They Look: The Truth looks like a young girl, but Electricia mentions that she's actually a thousand years old.
  • Plant Person: Moss of Murderer's Row is a giant walking man made out of living moss.
  • Really 700 Years Old: The Truth is hundreds of years old, despite looking like a teenage sidekick.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Lover Boy of Murderer's Row has eyes that glow red when using his hypnosis powers.
  • Shock and Awe: Electricia, naturally. Along with electricity-based powers, she has the appearance of electricity making up her body.
  • Shower of Angst: Early in the book, Electricia takes a shower after Lover Boy forces her into anal sex.
  • Stripperific: In her villain guise, Electricia seems to be wearing little more than gloves, boots, and strategically-placed lightning.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Interstellar is an evil space god who's taken residence inside the body of a normal teenage boy named Zach.
