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Characters / The Arts Of Dark And Light The Goblins

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This page is for any and all Goblins in The Arts of Dark and Light.

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    In General 
  • Bubble Gloop Swamp: Wiccam Fensboro all the way. The swamp tends to behave like quick sand at some spots and its not unusual for gas to rise from the swamp floor with explosive results.
  • Green Goblin Blood: They have green blood, which gets spilled in large quantities during the first battle of the series.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Goblins ride wolves in lieu of horses. This works better with their smaller stature.
  • Slave Race: Humans are fully willing to kidnap and enslave goblins on occasion, though they don't generally go out of their way to do this. Orcs on the other hand, have honed their enslavement down to a science and even use Goblins as emergency food.
  • What Measure Is A Non-Human: According to the Holy Church of Amorr, Goblins don't have souls. Additionally the humans frequently enslave them, force them to fight in the gladiator arena and kill them in war without a second thought. However, a chapter from their perspective shows that they have human level psychology and Summa Elvetica reveals a story of their heroism and reasonably advanced kingdom.
  • Zerg Rush: They are much smaller and weaker than other races and thus tend to rely on speed and numbers to fight larger, more muscular opponents.


Lieutenant Bextor Fenwick promoted to Galdrun Bextor Fenwick
One in twenty hits. You're getting better boys.
  • A Goblin and His Wolf: Bextor and his wolf Upo.
  • Good Is Not Soft: If he needs to, he will kill enemies, sacrifice tribesmen or even get the hoblets he's trying to save to go out fighting to make sure that he saves as many beings as possible. He can do this without batting so much as an eye and on a whim. He's still very capable and able to protect Wiccam Fensboro from the Orcs as best as he can.
  • Guile Hero: During the Orcish occupation of Wiccam Fensboro, he manages to keep a few steps ahead of the orcs in order to protect the Hoblets. When this can no longer be kept up, he still manages to sneak out the children and allow the parents to kill several of the orcs in a last stand.
  • It Gets Easier: He's a bit horrified to feel this way towards the end of The Hoblets of Wiccam Fensboro.
  • Know When to Fold Them: When he can no longer hide the Hoblets from the Orcs, he convinces a dozen of the remaining Hoblets to a last stand where they have some conditions in their favor, while Old Cattail took the children to safety. This saves the children and what little remains of the Hoblets, as well as prevents Goblin bloodshed from the Orcs in retaliation for aiding the Hoblets.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Bextor knows that they stand no chance against the Orcs, but doesn't want the Goblins giving the appearance of treachery or usefulness to their campaign. Given this, he teaches them to appear incompetent and inadequate for combat and convinces them that previous records of Hoblet presence were due to faulty record keeping.
  • Rank Up: He gets promoted to Galdrun towards the end of The Hoblets of Wiccam Fensboro.

Meerfin Shistgurble

Even by goblin standards, Meerfin Shistgurble felt life had been unnecessarily cruel to him.
  • Ambiguously Bi: He is definitely interested in the goblines, but also likes the way a pretty male goblin admires him.
  • Cosmic Play Thing: He described his childhood as crowded on the edge of a swamp and occasionally cannibalistic. It got much better through hard work and determination, until Orcs enslaved him, then humans and finally he got used as a living body to summon a Watcher into.
  • Demonic Possession: A group of Amorran clerics summoned a Watcher into his body.
  • Doomed Home Town: Deconstructed. The death of his hometown occurs on the very page it was introduced and is almost glossed over before the next is done with. It remains a horrifying experience to both him and the reader, before opening up the gateway to many things that are even worse, rather than a life of adventure and revenge.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Played with. After a lifetime of horrible luck and a grizzly experience with war, he remains silent and patiently awaits death through whatever ritual he witnesses around him. Dignified, but due primarily to learned helplessness.
  • Self-Made Man: From lowly origins to Third Assistant Frogcatcher under Groonul Poisonspear
  • War Refugees: His home village was destroyed and he was drafted into the Orcish army. After deserting, his life only got worse.
  • We Barely Knew Ye: He dies in the chapter he was introduced in and his POV narration doesn't even last the entirety of this.
