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Characters / Playing It In Reverse

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Tropes applying to multiple characters

  • Abusive Parents: Kallian and Tyrea are both victims of this.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Machina already represent this to a degree, but it's even more apparent, given Egil's the protagonist and not an antagonist in this fanfiction.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Everyone sans Kallian and Linada.
  • Defiant Captive: The Machina when they are taken hostage by colony 6.
  • Older Than They Look: Every party member as a result of not being human, are older than they appear. Egil Vanea and Linada are over 1000 years old, Kallian is 151, Tyrea is unknown but she has to be older than 100, and Oka is 36. Alvis has been around since before the universe began, so he's the oldest.








  • Action Mom: Fights and is a mother to many littlepon.
  • Catchphrase: Insists she has one, even if Kallian doesn't seem to believe so.
    Oka:It like Oka always say! Oka is happy to help you!
    Kallian: Huh? When do you say that, Oka? I can’t remember.
    Oka: O… Oka say it plenty! She swears!
  • Team Mom: Considering she is an actual mom, it makes sense.
