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The Storn
"[I]n that place, where nightmares thrive to hunt and kill, five kids were to be born[,] and they would be known to the rest of Existence as The Storn..."

Hashmal on The Storn, A Revenant's Tale

The children of Dekncraath and Kry'atha, conceived in the Infernous. They range genetically from Arkn to Dekn, in direct correlation to Kry'toha's corruption (and how close she was to being a Dekn) at the time they were conceived.


Cele'ra'cria Storn
Cele'ra'cria. By PJArtama.
Appears in: The Revenant's Tale

The Prime Arkn Storn, firstborn of Emperor Dekncraath and Empress Kry'toha. Known as the Arkn Visionary, she is gifted with the power of precognition. She is renowned not just for her powers, but for her great beauty.

  • True Blue Femininity: Her signature color is blue (typically accompanied by white and silver), and she is the most outwardly feminine of her siblings.


Hash'mal'kesinus Storn
Hashmal. By PJArtama.
Appears in: The Revenant's Tale

The Arkn Storn, second child (and first son) of Dekncraath and Kry'toha. He is known as The Arkn Warrior. After nearly being killed by his father, he joined the Arkaissa Guild in their fight against the ex-King Urabi.

  • Back from the Dead: His father killed him by deliberately throwing him into the Infernous. He escaped, and went on to be known as The Revenant.
  • I Have Many Names: He's been called Hashmal, The Arkn Storn, the Second Storn, The Arkn Warrior, The Revenant, and Drogo Araton.
  • Occult Blue Eyes: His left eye is bright blue.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: His right eye is golden yellow.


Samsi Storn
Samsi. By PJArtama.
Appears in: The Revenant's Tale

The Dekn Storn and Fourth Storn. Known as the Dekn Singer, Samsi is a gifted vocalist, with a voice resembling that of her mother.

     Emperor Clubs 

Clubs Storn
Clubs. By PJArtama.
Appears in: The Revenant's Tale, The Queen Reborn

The Dekn Storn and second Emperor of the Dekn.

Arknza / Arknangels

A group of powerful Arkn who are direct descendants of the Hethe. Their Hethian blood grants them powers that are normally only accessible by the gods. A prophecy claims that they will one day face the Carver in battle and emerge victorious, leading to a new golden age.


“I have lost everything to this city, to the war over it! I won’t lose you…”
Appears in: The Queen Reborn

Arkn of Wisdom, Magic, Hope, Tragedy, and Secrets, Raziel is the third Arkn, created as the avatar of Gar'sha. He is renowned as the father of magicks for his work in the study and mastery of the magickal arts, and served as the Arknmagus of Elysia prior to the inquisition. He is the husband of Phoenix, the father of Helios, Nath'haniel, Jos'sephine, Vicc'ter, and Chamuel, and the grandfather of Ambriel.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Ephraim calls him Rah’zi.
  • Ambiguously Gay: While his sexual orientation is never explicitly stated, he is confirmed to have had a relationship with Gilgamesh, been seduced by Dekncraath, had a family with Hazel (a male Arkn), and later produced a son, Chamuel, with another male Dekn named Phoenix (whom he later married).
  • Dad the Veteran: During peacetime, he fathered three children with a fellow Arkn named Hazel. After he left the Arkn, he also fathered Chamuel with Phoenix, a defected Dekn.
  • Forced to Watch: Because of his honored place as one of the original Arkn (and a Hethe-blooded), the Arkn Council refused to execute him for breaking his vow of celibacy, instead forcing him to witness the brutal public executions of his family.
  • Gentleman Wizard: He’s one of the first Arkn (the Arkn equivalent of a blue-blood) and Hethe-blooded. During the Golden Age, he was part of the upper echelon of society.
  • Heavenly Blue: His signature color is glowing, electric blue. (Much like Ellpagg's eyes, it's a sign of his Hethian roots.)
  • Interspecies Romance: He's had at least two relationships with Dekn partners: first with Dekncraath, and much later with Phoenix (a Dekn living on Earth).
  • Literal Split Personality: De'ebo used him to practice splitting the essence of a being into two separate entities: one good, and one evil. This resulted in the creation of Azazel, who sided with Dekncraath and Harbinger and helped to form the Dekn empire.
  • Nice Guy: "He was always a kind soul Raziel was."

    Queen Ambriel 

Am'bariel Laha'brea Paradasi
“I’m not your princess to guard! I’m the Arkn queen!” (By PJArtama)
Appears in: The Queen Reborn

“I’ve lived my entire life going through motions that were always someone else's plan. I’ve always been someone's pawn, a piece, someone to blame, to kill, to possess and control. For once… I want to make this decision. If I’m going to die, then I will do it as my own choice, my own will."

The Golden Queen, ruler of Riviera and former ruler of Paradisium, Ambiel is the daughter of Kry'atha and Josephine. After her mother was killed in the War, she was raised by adoptive parents under the name Lahabrea; upon discovering her true identity, she fled the Paradisium, hiding out on Earth in the guise of a human until being found by Dekncraath and condemned to the Infernous. After twenty-one eternities of torture, she was released and returned to the Paradisium, overthrowing the corrupt government and becoming the new queen. She later became the leader of the neutral kingdom of Riviera, where she ruled until the End Times.

  • Back from the Dead: Twice:
    • After many eternities of being tortured in the Infernous (which instantly causes the death of anyone who enters it), she escaped and was returned to life.
    • She attempted to sacrifice herself during the Battle of Paradisium by throwing herself into the city's engine, using her innate powers to weaponize the city itself (with her Life Energy as the engine and pilot). This didn't permanently kill her, and she returned to life; however, she had lost her wings and powers, and was forced to live through the end of Existence as a Broken Angel.
  • Break the Cutie: How else would you describe an innocent young woman discovering that her entire history was a lie, before being stalked, killed, and trapped in a literal hell, where her soul was ripped apart for eons?
  • Broken Angel: During a decisive moment in the Battle of Paradisium, she threw herself into the core of the city's engine, weaponizing the city with her life force, but losing her wings and powers in the process.
  • The Chosen One: Not only is she an Arknza, but she was chosen by the Hethe Gar'sha to establish a utopian kingdom in the city of Riviera, creating a sanctuary and ushering in an era of peace and prosperity for the Arkn and Dekn alike.
  • Foil: To El'lepagi. Both are Arknza born of noble, Hethian blood; both were betrayed by governing Arkn bodies (Ellpagg by his father, Ambriel by the Council of Paradisium); both endure legendary suffering in the Infernous; and both are absurdly stubborn, with fiery tempers (though it takes much more to bring it out in Ambriel) and a tendency to go above and beyond the call of duty, even at the cost of their own safety. But while Ellpagg allows his suffering to turn him into a monster who rages against both the Arkn and the Dekn, Ambriel rises above her suffering to become a shining beacon of light for the Arkn and the Dekn alike.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Ambriel is strongly associated with divinity (she has Hethian blood, and is regarded as an emissary or representative of the gods — first as a Muse, then as Queen and an Arknza). Gold and white are her signature colors: she's known as the Golden Queen, her eyes are gold, her wings are tawny and white, and she regularly sports one or both colors.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted: during the battle against Dekncraath's army, she tried to sacrifice herself in the core of the Paradisium, weaponizing the city by transforming it into a living mecha. This didn't destroy her completely, however, and she revived...without her wings or powers.
