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Tropers / XYZ

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Axis Powers, UNITE... wait... shit.

XYZ... who am I? Well I guess you could say I have a very average life... and stuff... y'know... I'm a very smart person, which is a proven fact since I have an IQ of 134, but I digress, my life is pretty dull. I'm not a crazy Otaku or anything like that, I'm pretty popular at school, and am also pretty athletic, and I doubt anyone would expect me to like the things I do... unless they really knew me. I'm a junior in High School going through all IB Honors classes. They're fun... but not that fun. I really like Video Games (I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan), Anime, and I tend to watch a lot of Let's Plays. They're one of my guily pleasures... but you'll get to see more of that later.

Not to be confused with Xyzzy, but he's a pretty cool guy, so it's ok. Also not to be confused with Pokemon X and Y

    Things I like 

    I Am Responsible For 

    Tropes in my Life 

Tropes XYZ demonstrates

Tropes that occur in my life

  • Fan Nickname: Generally, people refer to me by either Xav or X if they're my friends. I've also been called seXy
  • Five-Man Band: My USTA Team for 2013
  • Tennis Boss: I regularly face off against these whenever I play against someone in tennis.
  • Tomboyish Name: Quite a few of my female friends have names like this, some of them nicknames given to them. For example:
    • Bub (Allison)
    • Alex (Alexis)
    • Danny (Daniella)
    • Joe (Jolena)
