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Music / Lordi

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Monstrous. Epic. Finnish.

Would you love a monsterman?
Could you understand
Beauty of the beast?

A Finnish hard rock/heavy metal band formed in 1996, they are best known for wearing monster costumes on and off of the stage. They won the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest contest with their single "Hard Rock Hallelujah", which also broke the contests' current record. Their music is inspired by KISS, which also led to them performing in costume.

Lordi has also made two horror films, The Kin and Dark Floors, where they star as (who else?) the monsters.


  • Get Heavy - 2002
  • The Monsterican Dream - 2004
  • The Arockalypse - 2006
  • Deadache - 2008
  • Babez for Breakfast - 2010
  • To Beast Or Not To Beast - 2013
  • Scare Force One - 2014
  • Monstereophonic (Theaterror Vs. Demonarchy) - 2016
  • Sexorcism - 2018
  • Killection - 2020
  • Lordiversity - 2021
  • Screem Writers Guild - 2023

Current Line Up:

  • Mr.Lordi - Vocals
  • Kone - Guitar
  • Hiisi - Bass
  • Mana - Drums
  • Hella - Keyboards

Former Members:

  • Awa - Keyboard
  • Enary - Keyboard
  • Amen - Guitar
  • Kita - Drums
  • Otus - Drums (Passed away on Feb. 14, 2012)
  • OX - Bass
  • Kalma - Bass
  • Magnum - Bass
  • G-Stealer - Bass


  • Album Title Drop:
    • In "Hard Rock Hallelujah": "It's the Arockalypse!".
    • In "Blood Red Sandman", Lordi sings "No one leaves/The Monsterican Dream".
  • All Drummers Are Animals: And the rest of the band too.
  • All There in the Manual: The backstories of the stage personas.
  • Alter-Ego Acting: The members of Lordi are never referred to by their real names in authorized works, and only give interviews in full costume, in English as opposed to their native Finnish.
    • Slightly played with with Mr. Lordi himself, who has occasionally given interviews out of costume and in Finnish - but always with his back to the camera: this is mostly because he has a heavy northern Finnish accent. He was finally seen dropping this in one interview and speaking Finnish while in costume on-camera, mostly because the initial mystique of their band has long since faded and there's no real justification for him to not speak Finnish on camera at this point anymore since everyone already associates Lordi as being Finnish.
    • Subverted when Otus' real name (Tonmi Lillman) was revealed after his death.
  • Ancient Astronauts: Magnum was supposedly a malicious one who caused galactic calamities by distributing technologically advanced weapons. He was killed in one of the calamities, but reanimated as a zombie.
  • And I Must Scream: The titular sentient doll in Schizo Doll is abandoned by her owner, a young girl. Luckily, years later, the now grown woman finds her again. The woman dies soon after and the doll is buried with her causing the doll to be trapped forever underground with no way to escape or die and her owner's rotting corpse as her only companion.
  • Apocalypse How: Depending on the song, either humanity is devoured by the eponymous "Scare Force One" airship or, on a more Biblical route, a rain of brimstone and fire is unleashed by God in "Heavengeance".
  • Based on a Great Big Lie: Despite being on the album cover, promotional pictures and every live show for Get Heavy, bassist Kalma didn't play a single note on the record - Magnum did. Funnily enough, Kalma ended up in the same situation, playing all bass tracks on The Arockalypse, before leaving and being replaced in all promotional materials/live shows by Ox. Though in fairness, the band did credit the bassists.
    • In a recent interview, Mr. Lordi revealed that he played all guitars on the "Demonarchy" side of Monstereophonic, not Amen, who had trouble getting the guitar parts down, and who was heavily against the entire project to begin with.
  • Back from the Dead: The emponymous House With No Name has the power to zombify any dead body brought onto its grounds ("You come to life as we go there"), and restores them to full life once they're brought inside it. They look severely spooky while it's happening, though ("you looked like something evil as the house gave you life"). It only works for a few minutes-about long enough to make a flower crown-before the ressurrectee goes insane and tries to kill the person who brought them there.
  • Back Stab: The witch tries to poison Dracula for refusing to save her son's life. Later in the next song, Dracula also goes insane and kills the She Wolf.
  • Badass Boast: The chorus to "The Devil Is A Loser".
    The Devil is a loser, and he's my bitch!
  • The Bad Guy Wins: "Let's Go Slaughter He-Man" is about Skeletor's victory.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: The stalker narrator of "My Heaven Is Your Hell" enjoys watching his crush sleeping.
  • Beauty Is Bad: The number of gorgeous, murderous women in their songs is through the roof. "Girls go Chopping" is a good instance, but the real trope winner is definitely "Hot & Satanned".
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Twistedly subverted in "Slashion Model Girls", where the victim who believes she will become a model has her face cut up both by the one who does her make-up and the people in the crowd.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: In "None For One" the brother tricks the sister to attempt to kill their father so she could be taken away and hospitalized while he would be the only spoiled child. Years later she figures out his plot and escapes to get her revenge on him.
  • Boy Meets Ghoul: "Would You Love A Monsterman?" in one of the interpretations. "She's a Demon" is a more straight version.
  • Body Horror: A common topic in their music. Their costumes count as well, notably Amen - an ancient mummy with a hole through his cheek, Hella - a human woman crudely mutilated to become a life-sized Barbie doll or Mr. Lordi himself, who has carried a variety of cut off fingers, loose eyeballs and skinned faces as decoration on his armor.
  • The Caligula: According to "Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir", Mr. Presideath kills babies because they're annoying and crushes kittens with his foot.
  • Call-Back: In the end of "Sir, Mr.Presideath, Sir" the pilots ask two of the crew to go to the Lavatory. Those two are 'Charlene & Evilyn'.
    • Don't forget 'Monster Is My Name' which calls back all the way to the lyrics of 'Get Heavy'.
  • Cassandra Truth: "They Only Come Out At Night" has a brief mention to the fact nobody will believe the titular "they" exist.
  • Chainsaw Good: "Chainsaw Buffet"
  • Cluster F-Bomb: The chorus to "Sincerely With Love."
  • Comic-Book Adaptation: Three Lordi graphic novels have been released in Finland. Scare Force One and the Demonarchy half of Monstereophonic also received comic books illustrating the songs' lyrics.
  • Cover Version: Covers of Alice Cooper's "He's Back (The Man Behind the Mask)" and Accept's "Midnight Mover" have been performed live. They also made a cover of "Autiotalo"/"The House" by Finnish band Dingo.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: "How to Slice a Whore" is about a company that provides services for these type of people in how to deal with their supposedly unfaithful girlfriends (hint: violently).
  • Creepy Awesome: The image they're aiming to project. As far as we can tell, they've succeeded.
  • Creepy Child: The little girl from the first music video of Would You Love a Monsterman, albeit only for her Glowing Eyes of Doom at the end.
  • Creepy Children Singing: Absolutely all over the place. The opening tracks of most albums feature them, and there's a particularly powerful (when you consider her backstory) example in "Hella's Kitchen", which is a song composed entirely of children singing.
  • Creepy Doll: Keyboardist Hella, and the songs 'Schizo Doll' & 'Forsaken Fashion Dolls'.
  • Cue the Flying Pigs: "It Snows In Hell" is based on another common saying of the trope, and in the song itself it seems to mean that a long-foretold day (i.e the day it snows in Hell) has finally arrived: The day the protagonist pair of lovers would be apart by death.
  • Cursed with Awesome: The zombie protagonist from Haunted Town and the vampires from Vampyro Fang Club.
  • Cute Is Evil: Strangely enough, this theme is everywhere. They have dozens of songs about adorable or innocent-looking girls revealing to be demonic beasts.
  • Danger Deadpan: The pilot at the end of "Sir, Mr.Presideath, Sir" is very tranquil as he comments that they are going to crash against "Scare Force One".
  • Dark Is Evil / Dark Is Not Evil: Zig-zagged frequently. Most of their songs feature dark creatures (namely the band members themselves) as evil creatures, but in other songs (such as "Would You Love A Monsterman?" and "Monsters Keep Me Company") they show a kinder side, and in others ("Hard Rock Hallelujah") they come across as some form of Sociopathic Hero.
  • Darker and Edgier:
    • The Monsterican Dream had a much heavier sound than Get Heavy, with much darker and depressing themes.
    • Following the same trend, Deadache also had a heavier, darker sound than its predecessor, with songs about the life of Ed Gein, murderous doctors and women wearing boots made of human skin.
    • Actually, scratch that, every album since "To Beast Or Not To Beast" (with the minor exception of Monstereophonic's Theaterror half and the latest Screem Writers Guild) are about the band dabbing into their darker and edgier roots.
  • Deal with the Devil: Although their song "Devil Is A Loser" is a trope namer and the exact mockery of this, in "Down With The Devil" it is about a guy who makes a deal with the Devil, is a real go-getter and is willing to sell other souls to get what he wants.
  • Death Flag: There are plenty in the Demonarchy story. In order:
    • Lizzie when she is lost in the wild and spies on the witch's lair, as seen in the comic.
    • The witch's son, because he was in love with the She Wolf and one night she went insane and fatally bit him.
    • The witch herself, because she had a grudge on Dracula for refusing to save her son's life.
    • The townfolk mob, for trying to save Lizzie only with pitchforks and torches, the lyrics say that only "some of them had guns".
    • The She Wolf, for crushing on the wrong guy, seeing how Dracula's temper was not the best, was it really a surprise he turned against her when he went Ax-Crazy?
    • Billy, for wasting time inside the witch's lair after the monsters died, forgetting that they are always Not Quite Dead.
  • The Devil Is a Loser: Trope Namer
  • Distinct Double Album: Actually, distinct septuple album. After Killection was presented as a fictional compilation album, consisting of songs in different styles that represent what Lordi (as "The Monster Squad") would have sounded like in the 70's through the 90's, Lordiversity is a compilation of the albums that those songs would have come from, each in a different genre and meant to represent the sound of a different year.
    • Skelectric Dinosaur (1975) - Hard rock
    • Superflytrap (1979) - Disco
    • The Masterbeast from the Moon (1981) - Progressive rock
    • Abusement Park (1983) - Classic heavy metal
    • Humanimals (1987) - AOR
    • Abracadaver (1991) - Thrash metal
    • Spooky Sextravaganza Spectacular (1995) - Industrial metal
  • The Dog Bites Back: "Monster, Monster", as described below, is about a victim flipping the tables on her killer, while the music video for "Scare Force One" has the tortured passangers revolting against its torturers
  • Do Not Go Gentle: "Monster, Monster" has a victim deciding to go out in a blaze of glory against its attacker. Another example would be the protagonist of "Be My Maniac" who is inflicting Domestic Abuse with BDSM undertones on their significant other and has grown bored of the status quo. They then encourage their abused lover to turn the tables on them and become the abuser in exchange.
    No safe word
    Baby make it hurt
    If you make me bleed
    I'll believe you really love me
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: According to "The Riff", he's one Hell of a guitarist who's actually a pretty nice guy.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Lordi started out as a vaguely monster-themed Industrial Metal project manned entirely by Mr. Lordi. No live performances were given until the release of Get Heavy, and early material features everybody but Lordi in monster costumes.
    • After officially forming, Lordi was a quartet for almost half a decade, using a drum machine until Kita joined, made even more interesting by the fact that the original bassist wore the exact same costume.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Happy endings are very rare examples in Lordi songs, but the werewolf protagonist from Lycantropical Island counts. Although he's shot and killed with a silver bullet, he does reach the titular island as a ghost, according to Word of God.
  • The Empire: A conquering Empire of monsters is the main theme of "United Rocking Dead".
  • Enfant Terrible: "The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead" is about a group of these. "We're not bad for the kids (We're worse)" also encourages this type of behavior.
  • Epic Riff: In-universe, the topic of "The Riff".
    The sonic thunder froze my heart
    As he cranked out the riff
  • Evil Versus Evil: In "How It Snows In Hell" there's a cloaked Knight Templar attempting to burn a Mr.Lordi's girlfriend at the stake. Effectively the video becomes Knight Templar man versus Card-Carrying Villain Mr.Lordi.
  • Femme Fatale:
    • "Deadite Girls Gone Wild" is about one of these.
    • "Man-Skin boots"", likewise, is about a "man-eater" (perhaps literally, if her boots really are Genuine Human Hide).
    • "Hot & Satanned" is about a bullied girl who committed ritual suicide merely so the Devil could make her beautiful and allow her to have her vengeance. And what a vengenace that is too...
    • "Bella from Hell" is about a girl who is "more than a dancer" and who has a "grinning skull all covered in flames" behind her fake face.
  • Genre Roulette: Taken about as far as it possibly can with the Lordiversity project, a collection of seven albums recorded and released at the same time, all with radically different sounds.
    • Skelectric Dinosaur - a classic rock record inspired by early Kiss, or Alice Cooper
    • Superflytrap (1979) - a disco album inspired by Earth, Wind and Fire, the Bee Gees and Boney M.
    • The Masterbeast from the Moon - a progressive rock record inspired by the likes of Rush and Pink Floyd.
    • Abusement Park - a traditional heavy metal album influenced by 80's Kiss, Scorpions, W.A.S.P and Twisted Sister.
    • Humanimals - an 80's pop rock/glam metal record inspired by Bon Jovi, or latter-day Alice Cooper.
    • Abracadaver - a straight forward thrash metal cut heavily influenced by Metallica, Anthrax and Pantera
    • Spooky Sextravaganza Spectacular - is a mid-90's industrial metal album, quite similar to White Zombie, Rammstein and very early Lordi demos.
  • God Is Evil: The theme of Heavengeance.
  • Great White Hunter: Where's The Dragon? is about one of these, who's lying through his teeth since he can't produce any of the trophies of the mythical monsters he killed.
  • Haunted House: "House Of Ghosts".
  • Heavy Meta: "Bringing Back the Balls to Rock", "Hard Rock Hallelujah" and "This is Heavy Metal".
  • Heavy Mithril: They sing metal, they dress up as monsters, and many of their songs have a horror theme, often directly referencing stereotypical horror tropes.
  • Helicopter Flyswatter: The intro to "Arockalypse" is a spoken news bulletin about a zombie invasion, including a snippet from a reporter who gets knocked out of the sky by a monster climbing a building.
  • Hell: "Hell Has Room" treats both Heaven and Hell as hotels, with the former being booked full, while the later has a -5 star rating.
  • Hellhound: "Bring it (The Raging Hounds Return)" features them.
  • Hollywood Satanism: The "Devil Is A Loser" music video starts with Mr.Lordi crashing a party of hollywood Satanists and proceeding to explain why they suck via song.
  • "I Am Great!" Song: "I'm The Best".
  • Ice Queen: The subject of "Dynamite Tonite".
    She's so cold keeps her distance icy queen
    • The narrator intends to defrost her.
      She'll need some warmin' up and I'll bring her the heat
  • I Love the Dead:
    • "Last Kiss Goodbye" is about a man carrying his (clearly dead) lover to their "secret hideway", though she "still looks lovely". "Cadaver Lover" is about a woman who steals the corpse of her boyfriend. Both songs showcase some inner turmoil about it, and a realization that nobody will look favourably on their actions.
    • "Night of the Loving Dead": the dead love you.
    • House Without a Name involves a house with the power to bring people back from the dead, Pet Sematary style. The narrator digs up an old girlfriend and is delighted that she comes back to life on the way there. He still needs to bring her inside for it to work properly though. He notes that the rotting smell has grown on him throughout the trip.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: "Chainsaw Buffet" and "Candy For The Cannibal"
  • Intercourse with You: "The Night Of The Loving Dead". Intercourse with zombies.
    I take you in my coffin where you can kiss my bones
  • I Would Say If I Could Say: "The Night Of The Loving Dead":
    If I had a heart you would make it pound
  • Jump Scare: The very last moments of "The Night The Monsters Died"
  • Kayfabe Music: What do you mean, "people in monster suits"?
    • It's worth noting that the band takes their monster personas extremely seriously, refusing to be seen out of costume, only using their stage names while in costume, and speak exclusively in English. Former drummer Kita was let go simply for having a side project where he performed out of costume, using his real name.
  • Knight Templar: "Evilyn".
    All sinners go to hell
    She's gotta help them go
  • Later-Installment Weirdness: Lordi's music after the dissolution of the Eurovision lineup is markedly different from their classic material, being heavier, more metal-influenced and even more shocking in terms of lyrics, themes and music videos. Since 2016, the band has experimented with Progressive Metal, and made seven simultaneous studio albums, all of which are in radically different genres.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: "Children of the Night" features a child-killer being killed by the ghosts of the children he killed.
  • Lighthouse Point: "The Ghosts of Heceta Head".
  • Love Makes You Evil / Love Makes You Crazy: Any time love is mentioned, you can bet your soul it will fall within those tropes.
  • Love Martyr:
    • The narrator of "She's a Demon", who is in love with a murderous demon, but continues loving her despite the fact that..well...she's a demon. The final verses imply she ends up killing him, and he's happy with it.
    • In the Demonarchy story the witch's son was in love with the werewolf girl and on one full moon night she fatally wounds him. Later on, the same werewolf girl would crush on the vampire, thing which also proves fatal to her when the vampire goes insane and ends up stabbing her heart with a silver knife.
    • To a lesser extent "Your Tongue's Got the Cat", although here the man is way more reluctant about his possessed girlfriend.
      I hope you're still in there somewhere
      I tell myself that I still care
      But those glowing eyes keep me aware
  • Lyrics/Video Mismatch: "It Snows In Hell". In the lyrics, the narrator rises from his grave to kill his treacherous lover. In the video, Mr.Lordi saves a girl from being burnt at the stake.
  • Mad Doctor: Doctor Sin is about a demonic surgeon whose hell is an operating theater, where he eternally excises the spiritual tumors of his victims (perverts, it would seem, since the lyrics reference visiting houses of ill repute and watching porn).
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: "The Devil Hides Behind Her Smile". The narrator suspects that his lover is hiding something terrible, or maybe it's all in his head.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family:
    • Kita
    • The first bass player as well, as his character was of the same race as Kita.
  • Metal Scream
  • Mondegreen Gag: Courtesy of web animator Harry Partridge, "Biomechanic Man" becomes "Bye Old Mechanic Man".
  • Monster Clown: "Hell Sent In The Clowns". It's unclear if they're actually supernatural, but they're evidently murderous.
  • Murder Ballad: "It Snows in Hell", "Missing Miss Charlene", "Horrifiction", "Shotgun Divorce", "Midnite Lover", "Evilyn", "The Devil Hides Behind Her Smile", "Mary Is Dead", "Slashion Model Girls"... Every second song, really.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: "Midnite Lover".
    You were his wife,
    Give him a whack,
    So we could have a life!
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: "My Name is Monster" is a Badass Boast by the titular Monster.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Granny's Gone Crazy is about someone's grandma going on a killing spree.
  • Never My Fault:
    • "Bite It Like A Bulldog" is about a murderer who refuses to admit his blame, and instead diverts it to other people.
    • "Horrifiction". "In the court room you're confused: it was the monsters, it wasn't you."
  • Once an Episode: Every album has at least one "Scarctic Circle Gathering" track, which aren't really songs, but generally Lordi-themed audio tracks serving as an introduction to the record, be it through a mock-movie trailer, a fake news report, a creepy nursery rhyme or a parody of a classic rock radio station.
  • Obsession Song: Since they are monsters, pretty much every song about love turns into this.
    • "Not the Nicest Guy" seems to be about a supernatural entity declaring its love in the most disturbing way possible.
    • "Dynamite Tonite".
      Gimme gimme fuel for my fire just a little spark of desire for her delight I'll serve dynamite tonite
    • "Evilove".
      Your cries, they make no difference
      I'll always love you the same
  • One-Man Band: The band was originally a solo project of Mr Lordi where he would play all of the instruments himself.
  • Our Demons Are Different: At the end of the song "Sexorcism", it's revealed that the demon who was possessing the girl was actually a pretty Nice Guy who was in cahoots with the priest so they could both get laid constantly.
  • Palette Swap: Drummer Kita started out re-using founding bassist G-Stealer's costume, only with hair.
  • Perky Goth: The star of the "Hard Rock Hallelujah" music video.
  • Perspective Flip: The majority of their songs talk about monsters, but "Monster, Monster" (ironically, given the name) talks about a victim flipping the tables on the actual monster.
  • Pet Monstrosity: "Pet the Destroyer".
    Pet the destroyer!
    My beast le royal!
    Sweet killing machine!
  • The Power of Rock: In a lot of their music videos, they can rock hard enough to raise the dead.
  • President Evil: "Sir, Mr.Presideath, sir" is about a genocidal, supernatural "Presideath".
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "HARD! ROCK! HALLELUJAH!"
  • Pungeon Master: Mr.Lordi loves to crack a pun in song and album titles ("Girls go Chopping", "To Beast or not to Beast", "Deadache", "Scare Force One").
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: "Wake the Snake" and "Fire in the Hole" seems to be about rapists. Rape is also implied in a few songs, such as "Blood Red Sandman" ("On this unholy night I'll make you my own!").
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: "To Hell With Pop" basically amounts to one of these. "Horrifiction" is also one towards the people who think horror movies can turn people into killers (and the killers who justify themselves with that argument).
  • Resurrection Revenge: "It Snows In Hell." The narrator rises from his grave to kill his former lover who is responsible for his death.
  • Revenge Ballad:
    • "It Snows In Hell". The narrator rises from his grave to kill his lover who is implied to be responsible for his death.
    • "None For One". The brother tricks the sister into murdering their father, and she is taken away and locked up. In the last verse, she figures out his plot and escapes to get her revenge on him.
  • Revisiting the Roots: After the ambitious "Lordiversity" project, the followup album "Screem Writers Guild" is perhaps one of their softest and catchiest albums from their modern era, in the vein of "Get Heavy", but with a cinematic horror atmosphere akin to "The Monsterican Dream". It was received warmly by the fanbase.
  • Revolving Door Band: Lordi has gone through 11 line-up changes with Mr Lordi being the only constant member.
  • Rock Opera: "This is...the Arockalypse!"
  • Rockumentary: 2014's Monsterimies, which focuses mainly on Mr. Lordi despite the band's wishes.
  • Serial Killer: Far too many to count. "Cadaver Lover" has a (Rare Female Example) necrophiliac serial killer, for instance.
  • Scare Chord: Very recurring.
  • Scary Scarecrows: "Scarecrow". Mr. Lordi joked in an interview that his friend Tracy Lipp always pestered him to write a song about one, and when he did, it ended up being one of the softest and catchiest tracks off the album, akin to The Ramones' Pet Sematary.
  • Scary Musician, Harmless Music: These dudes dress like creatures straight out of a sci-fi/horror movie, but their music wouldn't sound out of place on a classic rock station.
  • Shout-Out / Song of Song Titles:
    • "Bringing Back The Balls to Rock" is riddled with Shout Outs. The lyrics mention: "Monsters of Rock" and "Breaking The Law", two Judas Priest songs; "SMF" (Twisted Sister); "Metal Heart" (Accept); L.O.V.E Machine (WASP); "Looks That Kill" (Mötley Crüe); "Youth Gone Wild" (Skid Row); "Creatures Of The Night" (KISS); plus the Black Sabbath allusion mentioned above. And if you really want to get that deep, the expression "Stand Up And Shout" is the title of a Dio song, and, well, any metalhead when hearing an anthem about "balls" immediately thinks of "Balls To The Wall" (Accept).
    • There are also shoutouts to horror movies like Army of Darkness ("The Deadite Girls Gone Wild") and other subjects like the song "Deadache" about serial killer Ed Gein.
      • Blood Red Sandman's music video is best summed up as one giant tribute to Evil Dead.
    • The cover of the "Beast Loose In Paradise" isn't "like" the cover of the KISS alblum Creatures Of The Night, it IS the cover, just with the faces of this band instead.
    • The bassist, OX, derived his costume (minotaur) and stage name from John Entwistle's nickname, "the Ox".
    • "Horrifiction" aludes to several horror films like A Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, Friday the 13th, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead and Hellraiser. Its main premise of a killer obsessed by horror movies denying his fault can be a reference to Scream as well.
  • Serious Business: Their monster personas. They do all their interviews in-costume and go by their stage names on the credit. Making your face public as a Lordi member is terms for immediate dismissal, and even in the age of social media, no photos of the current lineup, bar one decades-old pre-Lordi picture of Mr. Lordi are known to exist.
  • Singing Voice Dissonance: Mr.Lordi speaks in a much softer tone than his guttural tone, and he also speaks in a thick Finnish accent, while his singing voice lacks even a hint of accent. Contrasted to his present singing voice, his younger voice from the 90s up to The Monsterican Dream included sounds more like a Texan teenager trying his best to give a growling monster impression.
  • Sinister Minister: Mana - the lizard-something "Minister of Sinister".
  • Sociopathic Hero: In several songs they seem to be trying to do something positive (in "Devil Is a Loser" they're mocking Satanists, in "Hard Rock Hallelujah" they're preaching the religion of Metal and helping outcasts, in "It Snows In Hell" Mr.Lordi saves a woman from being burnt at the stake), it's just that they also happen to be murderous, sadistic monsters.
  • Stage Names
  • Stalker with a Crush: Supernatural variations.
    • "Not the Nicest Guy".
      You never realized I'm back here to stay like a fungus that grows on your side
      You never realized I won't go away not tonight
      I'll never leave you lonely I'll be there tryin' to grab a hold yeah
    • "My Heaven Is Your Hell".
      I watch you while you sleep
  • Stalking is Love: Present every time they talk about love or romance. Given they are supernatural monsters, it's not exactly surprising.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers:
    • "My Heaven Is Your Hell".
      My heaven is your hell, I'm bound to roam the shadows
      The way you shine is killing me, we two cannot be one
    • "Evilove":
      I wanna be your dream-date
      Who takes away your breath
      But I'm the man of your nightmares
      The gentleman death
  • The Movie: Dark Floors, a horror movie starring the cast of Lordi was released in 2008. A short film called The Kin was released four years prior with the same gimmick.
  • Take That!:
    • "To The Hell With Pop" and "Bringing the Balls Back to Rock" are both aimed at the current state of music industry.
    • "Horrifiction" is a giant Take That! to people who try to trace back Serial Killer's behaviors to horror movies.
    • "The Riff" states that the Devil has lost his mind "with all that Hip Hop shit".
    • "Devil Is a Loser" also takes swipes at goths.
      Got yourself some grease paint
      set of white and black
      all you got was laughter
      and Gene Simmons on your back!
  • Tear Jerker: While most of Lordi's ballads lead more towards the Murder Ballad, "End Credits" is Mr Lordi's funeral song where he recalls his earliest childhood memories and why he became the monster we know and love.
  • Title of the Dead: "Night of the Loving Dead".
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: "They Only Come Out At Night" is about something that lurks in the shadows and disappears at sunrise.
  • Three Chords and the Truth: The instrumentation and compositions of most of their songs are very simple and straightforward. For example, the opening riff for 'Would you Love a Monsterman' consists of only two power chords.
  • Through the Eyes of Madness: The narrator of "The Devil Hides Behind Her Smile" suspects that his lover is hiding something terrible, or maybe it's all in his head. He kills her and then hears her calling him again.
  • Torches and Pitchforks: What the townfolk brought to save Lizzie from the witch. Dracula and the She-Wolf make sure they don't survive.
  • Town with a Dark Secret: "Haunted Town" is about a small town where zombies come back from the dead.
  • Undead Child: Children of the Night is about a Serial Killer being haunted by the children he murdered.
  • Un-person: Every time a member leaves the group, the promotional material featuring them is replaced by newer material and all mention of them is removed from the website. The only way to find out information about older members is by searching through fansites.
    • Averted with Kalma, however, as he has made a few guest appearances after leaving the group.
  • Voice of the Legion: Death apparently speaks like this, as Mr.Lordi's voice distorts every time he quotes him. Same can be said for the demon in the song "Sexorcism".
  • Villain Song: Given their shtick is being movie monsters, most of the songs qualify. But specifically there's "Kalmageddon", for the former band-member Kalma.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: "Sir, Mr.Presideath, Sir" shows a pretty wildly beloved "Presideath".
  • We Used to Be Friends: "It Snows In Hell" is a Revenge Ballad directed at a former lover.
    • According to Mr. Lordi, this is the case in real life with Enary. In an interview, he revealed Enary took her firing hard, and isn't on speaking terms with anyone in the band, whereas pretty much every other ex-member is at least on friendly terms with Mr. Lordi.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: "My Heaven Is Your Hell" touches on this.
    Free me from my life eternal, there's no blessing in this curse
    Night by night is so infernal and yet it's getting worse!
  • The Wild Hunt: "Haunting Season" is about this.
  • Witch Hunt: The main theme of the It Snows In Hell music video. Also in Break of Dawn: "Give us back our Lizzie, you godforsaken witch, we'll burn you at the stake for what you did!"
  • Woman Scorned: "Girls Go Chopping" is about zombie Woman Scorned.
  • Would Hurt a Child: "Children of the Night" is about a child-killer being driven insane by the ghosts of the children he killed. Additionally, in "Sir, Mister Prsideath, Sir", the Presideath kills babies when they cry because they sound annoying.
