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Funny / Friday Night Funkin' WITH LYRICS

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    Week 6 
  • Boyfriend and Girlfriend's exchange before entering the world of Hating Simulator:
    Boyfriend: (jokingly) Why? Is it one of those "cursed" games that sucks you inside it or something?
    Girlfriend: Yeah.
    Boyfriend: (Beat) Probably should've waited for your answer before I put it in the conso— (the game sucks them inside it)
  • During "Thorns", Spirit makes a reference to the "mom said it's my turn on the Xbox" meme, with the music abruptly pausing and the camera zooming in on him as he sadly laments how he got to this point.
    Spirit: Dad said it was my turn on the BS1he really meant it.
  • The ending, following the revelation that Daddy Dearest trapped the Spirit into Hating Simulator himself:
    Boyfriend: I have lots of questions!
    Girlfriend: Do you wanna kiss your hot girlfriend?
    Boyfriend: I have zero questions!

  • After his battle against Whitty left his voice permanently fast, Boyfriend went Daddy Dearest for help, resulting in "six weeks of intensely painful, debatably unnecessary vocal cord surgeries". One can imagine Daddy dragged it out on purpose.
  • Girlfriend says she's had fun during all the time she's been with Boyfriend. Boyfriend asks if that includes the mortal danger.
    Girlfriend: You know, I really had fun during all those weeks I spent with you.
    Boyfriend: Even when that lemon guy tried to eat you?
  • Boyfriend asks Hex if he's yet another challenger who has a problem with him dating Girlfriend. Hex gets the wrong idea.
    Hex: Huh? No! I have no qualms with you determining that woman's expiration date. Would you like me to help you calculate it?
    Girlfriend: Please don't.
  • During "R.A.M.", seeing all of Hex's interactions with other characters, such as him going nuts over Whitty effortlessly dunking a basketball due to his absurd height, him trying and failing to bond with Tricky, and upon meeting Pico...
    Hex: Told him: "shoot the ball!" He did.
  • The above is further carried over into "Hello World!" where Hex mentions how he'd bring the friends he met onto his show as hypothetical guests, including visuals of Pico being into it and Whitty wearing a Paper-Thin Disguise that's just a bag on his head saying "Whitty is not here". Upon alluding to Tricky, we're given a rather humorous shot of Hex running from an angry Tricky chainsawing the couch.
  • The ending, in which Hex pulls his Big Damn Heroes moment by knocking Daddy Dearest's lights out by accident upon a reboot.
    Boyfriend: Whoa! Hex! You saved me!
    Hex: I did? Hooray!
    Boyfriend: And...just...punched out the guy with the stage.
    Hex: Oh dear.

    Week 7 (Tankmen) 

  • As much of a feelings trip as it is, Garcello's episode still has its moments, such as some witty remarks from the Boyfriend.
    Boyfriend: How do you even MAKE blue smoke? Cook a smurf?
  • And then right after "Headache", the Boyfriend nearly gives into taking the pack for rather... stupid reasons.
    Boyfriend: Sorry, pal. I just don't think smoking is right for me—OH MY GOD WAS THAT A RED ONE?
    Garcello: Ehhn…yeah?
    Garcello: Is, uh, the smoke gettin' to ya again? Didn't think that could happen twice…
  • During "Release", we're treated to a few gems such as:
    • Annie Hulking Out upon consuming The Liquid and taking Garcello home in an under-the-arm carry while Garcello screams, and then proceeds to drop him on the floor of her house.
    • The various results of Annie's attempt to cure Garcello's curse; the first one makes his hair point up and glow bluish white, not unlike a Super Saiyan Blue, the second one causing seemingly normal events until Garcello's neck begins to extend, and the third one turning him into a Waddling Head.
    • Garcello stuffing his face full of Annie's Cheez-Its while she looks on in disgust and confusion.

    Mid-Fight Masses 
  • After hearing of how evil and horrible Daddy Dearest was from Garcello being forced to work for him, where do we see him after the Garcello week? Standing in line for a bathroom in Funk E. Cheese along with Skid, Pump and Pico because they each drank nearly a full gallon of Dr. Fussenpepper just like BF did.
    Daddy Dearest: Please don't tell my wife I still eat here.
    Skid: We've been waiting foreeever!
    Pump: There's nothing spookier than single-serve restrooms…
    Pico: I am this close to shooting the lock!
    • This leads to Daddy Dearest deciding to try and have a rap battle on the stage to decide who goes first. The only problem? The stage is being operated by animatronics for the next half-hour, specifically broken down animatronics of Funk E. Cheese (who looks like Ritz), Tankeroni (who looks like Tankman with a pizza color scheme for a body, with an upside-down head), and Limon (Monster with a lime for a head instead of a lemon, while wearing a maid dress).
      • Even the subtitles hate Ritz: "He's Rap Rat. He's the worst."
  • The only reason BF is rapping against Sarvente in the first place? Like the original mod, the church is literally the only place on the street that has a working toilet that would accept BF, as all the other stores (and Tankman's food van named "Top Bun") rejected him by slamming the door in his face. With the subtitles keeping track of a "Door Slam Combo".
  • The video establishes Sarvente and Ruvyzvat through a more explicit back-and-forth phone call just before BF and GF enter:
    Sarvente: C'mooon, it's gonna be a big night!
    Ruv: I do not see cause for such celebration.
    Sarvente: This is the night I save my thousandth soul and complete the church's choir! I'd really love for you to be there for it, especially since you tracked him down for me.
    Ruv: ...No promises.
    Sarvente: You know the choir won't sound right without your bass...
    Ruv: You could say without me you'd be in big treble.
    Sarvente: DON'T YOU GET SALTY WITH ME, MISTER! ...That was very unholy of you.
    Ruv: Ah, but unholy man cannot go to church, da?
    Sarvente: (sigh) Just try to make it, okay?
    • And once the Boyfriend survives "Worship" and "Parish":
      Sarvente: (panting) Agh…! Stupid… free-spirited… kid…! Oh… hey. Finally decided to show up, huh?
      Ruv: Da.
      Sarvente: Sorry you… have to see me like this.
      Ruv: Let me guess. Lost soul has desecrated chapel and exhausted you again?
      Sarvente: (sigh) How'd you know…?
      Ruv: I had feeling.
  • When the Boyfriend enters and makes it loud and clear that he only came here because of a severe Potty Emergency, Sarv quickly takes the opportunity to hold him hostage.
    Sarvente: Come now, there's no way the will of God would lead you all the way here just for that.
    Boyfriend: Ehh…
    Girlfriend: It was the big flashing sign, actually.
    Sarvente: That's God's sign!
    • She tries twisting the duo's words again once "Worship" is finished:
      Sarvente: Rrgh… I don't think you understand what you're rejecting here, little lamb! Everyone who finds this church needs to be saved. You're in great danger if you don't join!
      Boyfriend: I'm in greater danger if you don't point the way towards the bathroom.
      Sarvente: The way is GOD'S WAY!
  • From "Parish", there's a moment where Sarvente takes the lead vocals describing her goal as "noble" and "simple", with the Boyfriend respectfully repeating the two aforementioned words as the backup. Then Boyfriend switches to the lead vocals and describes Sarvente's controlling behavior as "pushy" and "creepy", with the nun repeating them in a spoken, offended tone.
    • From the same portion of the song, said by Sarvente: "Save your ass from Hell forever!"
  • After Ruv delivers his line about breaking a leg just before "Zavodila", Boyfriend feels relief that the stage is being set with burns, and happily retorts.
    Ruv: I'd say "break a leg", but I might break yours.
    Boyfriend: Hohoho! Finally, a burn! Missed those things! Well… BOOP BEE BO!
    Ruv: Can you translate that one for me?
    Boyfriend: (politely) Oh, yeah, sure. Ваша шляпа похожа на депрессивного кролика! Translation
    Ruv: Okay, now I break both legs.
  • Despite how dramatically "Gospel" is adapted here, one brief Shut Up, Hannibal! from the Boyfriend towards Sarvente has him boast about his accomplishments both in-universe and how he's "a huge hit online with tons of patrons and subscribers".
  • Ruv expresses pride in the Boyfriend for finally getting Sarvente to let go of her desperate soul-saving practices after hundreds of years. However, since the Boyfriend also made her overcome with guilt, sorrow and tears...
    Ruv: But you also make her cry, so leave in next fifteen seconds or I turn you into okróshka.
  • After the battle, Boyfriend has a laugh at the idea that Girlfriend would try to keep his soul, and asks her to confirm. Girlfriend pointedly dodges the question.
    Boyfriend: Man, that Sarvente sure made a lot of wild accusations, didn't she? I mean, come on! You wouldn't really try to take my soul all for yourself, right?
    Girlfriend: (Uncomfortable Silence)
    Boyfriend: ...Right?
    Girlfriend: MMMMMMMWAH!
    Boyfriend: No thoughts, head empty...
  • In The Stinger, we hear the rest of the Funk E. Cheese animatronics' corny rap performance about the food served there.

  • Due to being non-canon, Selever knows everything's not real and uses this power to mess with everyone.
  • RecD previously stated Selever wouldn't be in the musical. His first line?
  • Girlfriend complains that they got pulled away before she got the high score on "Evil Skater".note  Selever is not amused.
    Selever: Shut up. Stop making references.
  • Boyfriend is confused how Selever exists since, from his perspective, Sarv and Ruv have only been a couple for a few weeks. Selever proceeds to give a sarcastic abridged version of his backstory.
    Selever: It's a long, BOOORING story. Alternate dimensions, Nothing World, never met our parents, wanna make my lil' sis happy, say hi, Rasazy.
    Rasazy: (completely deadpan) Hello.
  • Boyfriend questions why Selever doesn't just go get Sarv and Ruv if they want to meet them so badly, and Selever explains that they used to do that, but now copies don't do it anymore, or, as Rasazy put its, "No more bootlegs."
  • Selever explains that since Boyfriend got his Ruv to confess to Sarv, he now can force the video to exist, all for the sole purpose of trolling RecD with his provocative pose. It doesn't go as planned.
    Selever: ...huh? Why can't my finger uncurl?
    RecD: (as Tankman) First time in E for Everyone's videos, eh?
    RecD: (smugly) Aren't impressions fun?
  • The first lyrics Selever and Boyfriend sing are basically just a huge joke about how much RecD's viewers begged him to cover the song, even showing an image of the comment section of people asking for it. Boyfriend calls this out as pandering.
  • Selever uses his powers to open portals to other universes.
  • After Selever rejects the world showing him and his sister with their parents, Boyfriend tries to make him feel better with an inspiring speech. Selever dismisses him immediately.
    Boyfriend: But...even if they're not YOUR version of your parents, doesn't seeing ANY version of you and your little sister meeting their real ones give you hope you might one day, too?
    Selever: NOPE, you're not slapping a feel-good moral on the funkin' SELEVER SONG. Here's a portal, it's probably the right one, GOODBYE.

    Week 5 

    Bob and Ron 
Unsurprisingly, the April Fools video is full of laughs.

  • The ending. When it's revealed that the tale of the Uberkid massacre was being told to Ski, Baby Blue Brother, and Bandu, they're all incredibly traumatized, with the latter two crying their eyes out, resulting in The Boyfriend chiming in:
    Boyfriend: "Pico! What have I told you about telling your war stories to literal children?!
  • The Boyfriend suggests they read something different, something nice and non-violent, and hands Pico a book. Reluctantly, Pico reads the title aloud...


    Zavodila 2 
  • Daddy Dearest apparently cooks his burgers by literally sending the cows to burn in hell, then making the patties with their cooked flesh. Overkill doesn't even begin to describe it.
  • When a knock on the door is heard, Boyfriend immediately assumes PETA's after them for eating damned meat. He's close: it's actually Peter. Selever apologizes, since he was apparently doing another crossover somewhere else.
  • Boyfriend complains about Selever showing up again. Selever doesn't even try to justify his appearance this time.
    Boyfriend: Selever?! I thought you weren't canon!
    Selever: Exactly! Now get in the portal.
  • The whole situation starts because Selever decided to funk with Boyfriend again by forcing him to hook up another version of Ruv and Sarv in hopes of them being the pair that finally canonizes him.
    Selever: I gotta admit, you're a pretty good matchmaker. So I'm just gonna throw you at potential parents until you MATCH up mine and MAKE me canon. HAVE FUUUN! *Portals out*
    Boyfriend: (with his "missed note" sprite) This is hell.
  • Ruv is confused at Boyfriend speaking English, and Boyfriend knowingly laments Ruv has one of those Boyfriends.note 
  • During his third verse, Boyfriend confesses he's started to regret helping his Sarv and Ruv get together, since now Selever can show up and mess with him any time he wants.
  • Since Boyfriend knows Ruv's whole aloof persona is a facade, he spends most of the song questioning his lyric choices and encouraging him to confess to Sarvente. Once Ruv inevitably lets it slip how much she means to him, Boyfriend starts pushing him over to her. When Ruv asks what he's supposed to say, an exasperated Boyfriend yells at him to just tell the truth and quite bluntly demands they get started making kids so he can leave.
  • After the song is over, Ruv exits the church, and Boyfriend assumes it didn't work out since Ruv is scowling. Ruv informs him he's just incapable of smiling and that they already got married (which was easy since they live in a church).
  • When Boyfriend questions why Juno-Sarv and RecD-Sarv sound the same when the Ruvs don't, Juno-Ruv simply chalks it up as "budget".
  • RecD-Ruv is impressed by Juno-Ruv's ever famous line and tries it for himself. It doesn't work as well thanks to RecD-Ruv's speech patterns.

    Too Slow 
  • The first thing Girlfriend says after seeing Sonic.EXE in person straight after Boyfriend's Your Mom roast used to lure him?
    Girlfriend: Aw, man... It's one of those "dark era" Sonics that takes himself too seriously.
    Sonic.EXE: (pulls a sad face)
  • After Sonic.EXE claims that Sonic doesn't sing when offering BF a choice of a game to get the warp rings back, Boyfriend goes into Motor Mouth mode with lots of different Sonic trivia (meshed together from multiple separate Sonic continuities, even including the infamous "Ogilvie" concept from the Archie comics), all while Sonic.EXE listens dumbfoundedly.
    Sonic.EXE: are one weird, dead kid.
    (after listening to BF ramble for a bit)
    Sonic.EXE: Oh, I cannot WAIT to slaughter YOU.
  • Once Sonic.EXE loses, Boyfriend takes the moment to rub it into the demon's face, while Girlfriend, who advised against rap-battling him earlier, joins in as well. This amusement doesn't last long, though...
    Boyfriend: HAH! I won! expected. Now hand over those rings!
    Sonic.EXE: You didn't win! I WON! I always win!
    Girlfriend: (aside to Boyfriend, who's trying to hold in laughter) Somebody's a sore loser!
  • Boyfriend ends up teleporting himself out of there by using a blue ring, thinking that Girlfriend will follow with him. However, she doesn't, and she realizes that Boyfriend effectively left her to die. Sonic.EXE comments with a sarcastic, "I know, right?"
  • The Sequel Hook of the video has Majin Sonic show up, hinting that a lyrical cover of "Endless" would come in the future. Of course, that inevitably led to the "mustache or shadow" debate.
    Boyfriend: Aren’t you that mustache guy from Sonic CD?
    Majin: No, no, no! I’m the cheekbone guy from Sonic CD!
  • A few days after the video released, a series of YouTube shorts were released on MugiMikey's channel, each depicting Sonic.EXE meeting each of the mainline FNF cast, which results in varying degrees of hilarity. They just have to be seen to be believed!
    • Tankman himself has quite the insult to say to Sonic.EXE upon first seeing him, serving as a Take That! at stuff seen negatively by a mass fanbase.
    Tankman: Ugh... What the hell are you supposed to be? Get off my battlefield, you cringe-ass Roblox baby Huggy Wuggy Rainbow Friends Cocomelon clickbait son of a bitch! Also, you're ugly! (does an Aside Glance to the camera) Ha!
  • Likewise, a later short came out where Sonic.EXE shows up on the ship from Among Us and easily succeeds in killing all players after telling the crew that he would to their faces, because he technically didn't count as an Imposter and thus wasn't voted out.
    • The Take That! towards YouTube's content judgement policies (among other things) when the green Crewmate describes Sonic.EXE as "one of those YouTube Kids characters".
      Yellow Crewmate: (fondly) Just like us!
    • In the latter half of the short, Red gets freaked out by the possibility that Sonic.EXE would find out that he's the Imposter... which he does. This amusing conversation plays out before Red is thrown out along with all the remaining crewmates.
      Red Imposter Crewmate: Listen, dude. You better not tell them I’m the Imposter! ...or you’re going to have an unfortunate accident!!!
      Sonic.EXE: Oh, yeah? Hey, everyone! Red's the-!
      Red Imposter Crewmate: (attempts to skewer Sonic.EXE, only for his spear tongue to get grabbed without EXE breaking a sweat) Uh-oh.

  • The whole video kicks off with Zanta preparing to face Edd, Tom and Matt... and Boyfriend as well, except he wasn't there to begin with. Turns out Zanta genuinely wanted to get to take on FNF's titular protagonist personally, but couldn't get the chance.
    Zanta: Ho ho ho ho ho... You three and your little blue friend will *never* outperform me!
    Tom: What? We didn't bring the blue guy...
    Zanta: Really? Aww, I was looking forward to fighting him...
    • It gets funnier when Edd rings up Boyfriend to see if he'd like to do so. He refuses before hanging up.
    Edd: Hey Boyfriend, wanna rap against a zombie?
    Boyfriend: (riding on Girlfriend's shoulders at home) What? Why would I ever have a rap battle against a zombie? Nobody wants to see that!
    • Straight after this, Matt does his best to do an impression of Boyfriend, Zanta temporarily breaking his villainous act to tell Edd and Tom not to give him any notes.
  • During the song itself, when Zanta talks about how Christmas would be better if he was in charge, Edd brings up that, apparently, everybody is armed to ward off intruders, complete with art of Zanta at the mercy of a satellite-dish laser cannon attached to a household.
  • In the aftermath, Zanta becomes a Graceful Loser and decides to finish the battle in a draw. However, he solely gives Team Edd the win just to get away from Matt's Cloud Cuckoo Lander tendencies.
Matt: Hold on! You still have to battle me, The Boyfriend! Beepity bwep boppo!
Zanta: Oh, what do you know, you won after all, Christmas is saved, bye. (Zanta Claws his way out of an awkward situation)
  • And straight after, the three celebrate their victory... right before realising Santa still got shot and is lying dead, in the Family Guy death pose to boot. Tom, after mentioning this, just poses with a thumbs up to the camera as Edd and Matt look at the body in bafflement.

    Defeat and Finale 

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