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Characters / We Could Be Round Three

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Characters from the third round of We Could Be.

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The Count (Super High School Level Sleep Paralysis Demon)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Affably Evil: Continuously insists he is revenge personified and is occasionally a less than pleasant person, but also tends to be sympathetic to his fellow captives.
  • Anti-Hero: By his own admission in as many words. Avenger is not a good person, but he has far better standards than Handsome Jack.
  • Chaotic Evil: His canon alignment.
  • Foreign Cuss Word: Prone to cursing in French when he's frustrated.
  • Laughing Mad: Has a very distinctive 'kuhahaha' laugh, and will do so loudly when in a fit of rage.
  • Meaningful Rename: Late in the game, he becomes more amenable to going by Edmond Dantès again.
  • Mentor in Sour Armor: Extremely foul-tempered and prone to manic outbursts, with a dismal view of the world that he will impart to the more idealistic of the cast in no uncertain terms as a warning.
  • Morality Pet: Tyzias and Rin/Murderbot ingame, Ritsuka outside of it.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Confesses to Rin that Edouard de Villefort's death amounted to this, as even he Would Not Hurt A Child.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: His entire MO and view of what 'justice' is.
  • Personality Blood Types: Since he's human now, he's Type O. 'Ambitious', 'strong willed', and 'aggressive', among other things.
  • Revenge Before Reason: It's right in the name. Specifically, he has a brief break in sanity and makes an effort to head for Jack's office on a suicide mission after Tyzias' punishment.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Looks and acts like a revenge-crazed madman, but is also a genius in spite of that.
  • That Man Is Dead: Sees himself as an 'Avenger' and 'the Count of Monte Cristo', not 'Edmond Dantès'. Loathes the idea that becoming human may have reverted him to the latter.

Calypso Dynamite

The Cyborg (What’s the Female Version of a Himbo Again? Herbo?)

The victim of Case 2.

  • Cyborg: It's in her title. She's very strong because of it.
  • Dumb Blonde: Cal isn't the smartest person in the world and often catches flak for it.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: When she shows off her muscles during the first trial, a lot of the female characters are immediately attracted to her.

Casey Brinke

The Driftmaster (Brighter Than the Sun)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Casey dotes on her cat Lotion and gets along well with the other animals in the station.
  • The Medic: As an EMT, she knows some first-aid and often helps out Serizawa in the infirmary.
  • The Pollyanna: Somehow manages to keep an optimistic outlook despite the many, many hardships she's gone through.
  • Tulpa: Explains this as her origin, having been created by a sapient street from a thought.

Lt. Columbo

The Detector (Stupid, on PURPOSE)

One of the victims of Case 6.

  • Crutch Character: He is extremely skilled at deduction and putting the various pieces together in trials, but being a mod character means it's a Foregone Conclusion that he will die.
  • Happily Married: And happy to bring up his wife whenever the situation seems appropriate.
  • Last-Name Basis: Always referred to as just Columbo.

Crea Bildrick

The Builder (Yes she can!)

One of the victims of Case 4.

  • Second-Person Narration: Unlike most of the other characters, her bracket narration is all given in second-person perspective.

Dr. Daisuke Serizawa

The Beastmaster (The Oxygen Destroyah)

One of the victims of Case 5.

  • Eyepatch of Power: As one of the Eyepatch Dads.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: His fate in his original world, which leaves him at a bit of a loss in the station. He pulls one off again in Case 5, with devastating consequences.
  • The Medic: Does his best to look after the health of everyone trapped on the station, as well as keep himself informed of their medical conditions.
  • The Needs of the Many: Fearing the deployment of the Oxygen Destroyer across the multiverse, he decides to sacrifice himself and Majima to save the others and their worlds.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Traumatized from his experiences in WWII, on top of the stress of his weapon.
  • The Stoic: Maintains a strict emotional affect near constantly, reflected by his largely emotionless icons.
    • Not So Stoic: Completely snaps when under the influence of hallucinogenic gas, showing off an erratic, impulsively violent streak a mile wide. He displays it again after his Oxygen Destroyer becomes his motive, smashing his pad into a wall.
  • Team Dad: In the course of trying to attend to the needs of the others, he gradually finds himself taking on (and enjoying) a paternal role to much of the younger generation.

Emma Hawkins

The Mythhunter (Bigguilt)

A (surviving) culprit of Case 6.

  • Agent Mulder: She believes that cryptids are real and one of her life's goals is to see Bigfoot.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Blames herself for getting her crush killed while they were sneaking into the school.
  • The Xenophile: Obsessed with cryptids, fawns over the nonhumans on the station, and dates an alien.

Fjord Stone

The Sea-Man (Orb, Sword, Vored)

A victim and culprit of Case 4.

Goro Majima

The Street Demon (The Demon Dog of Kamurocho)

A victim and culprit of Case 5.

  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Despite not actually being anyone's dad, Ryoko basically treats him as one most of the time, although it's meant affectionately.
  • Eyepatch of Power: As one of the Eyepatch Dads, but particular for him and his status as an ex-yakuza.

Gwen Poole

The Loose Canon (OOO3 Shut-in)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: While she can't use the full extent of her panel-breaking powers here, she does recognize a few characters from series she's watched/read, and calls out Jack for basing his game on Danganronpa.

Hagoromo Lala

The Sparkslinger (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Doom Magnet: Verging on a non-romantic version of Cartwright Curse, she's had three roommates over the course of the round, all of whom died.
  • Fictional Age of Majority: She's been considered an adult on her world since she turned 13.
  • Human Outside, Alien Inside: She's mostly unaffected by hallucinogenic gas, her blood type is "some symbols that hold no meaning in any Earth language," and marijuana makes her drop her Verbal Tics.
  • Only One Name: As she admits after case 5, "Hagoromo" is just something she picked up on Earth.
  • Running Gag: She's an adult-lun.
  • Verbal Tic: "Lun," of course, with an occasional confused or shocked "oyo."

Princess Harumi

The Bladewind (The Good Daughter)

The culprit of Case 3.

  • Expository Hairstyle Change: When she is cornered by Tyzias during Trial 3, she purposefully lets her hair down to, as in canon, emphasize the difference between her normal self and her "real self" (The Quiet One).
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: In the last week before her trial, she considers opening up to the rest of the cast about her actions as a villain and her real personality and trauma, but the hallucination motive discourages her from this. She does open up, but only briefly during the trial before she is executed.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: The king and queen never let her out of the castle alone, and she mentions having never seen a farm in person.
  • Sinister Whistling: What she did as she was going to murder Jared. Doubles as an Ironic Nursery Tune from her universe.

Jared Kowalski

The Manwrangler (General Sgt. Fishwhacker)

The victim of Case 3.

  • Friend to All Living Things: Even before regaining Mr. Fish and the fattest pigeon, he's immediately very affectionate and friendly towards all the other animals that come out of the regains.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Regularly comments about how much he likes all of the cast, except for Simon.
  • Nice Guy: Gets along with pretty much everyone, except for Simon for being "horse racist."


The Priest (Fetching Friar)

Made it to the survivor pool.

Marcy Wu

The Ranger (Wuthless Intellect)

One of the victims and culprits of Case 4.

  • Family of Choice: Outright refers to the "Found Family trope" about the rest of the cast in her deadletters.

Marissa Newland

The Sundancer (Oh, Worm?)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She's done with the supervillain life and would prefer to have nothing but normal everyday problems to deal with.


The Robot (Less Annoying Than Claptrap)

A culprit and victim of Case 6.

  • Hates Being Touched: Gets extremely anxious when people are too close to it in general.
  • Withholding Their Name: Is extremely irritated about its chosen name being used on the public profile, and eventually gets Jack to change it to "Rin."

Parker Rochford

The Queen (Tyranticarius Rex)

One of the victims of Case 6.

  • The Fashionista: Upon getting a wardrobe in week 5, she immediately makes it her life's goal to give everyone else a makeover.
  • Gossipy Hens: She lives for the gossip and is constantly trying to get everyone to spill their secrets to her.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being kind of an Alpha Bitch, she really cares about everyone else and does her best to look out for the younger teen girls.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: She occasionally makes up random cheers either to encourage or tease the other characters.
  • Trauma Button: Explosions. Said button gets pushed hard during the fourth investigation.

Priss Asagiri

The Motorenegade

The culprit of Case 2.

  • Badass Biker: Priss was in a biker gang as a teenager, and even still loves motorcycles and rides them to chase a feeling of freedom. She's also a vigilante/mercenary.
  • Cartwright Curse: Has mentioned losing a lot of people important to her, including at least two significant others, which led to how cynical and bitter she is.
  • Cop Hater: Can't stand the police, believing they're useless at best and corrupt at worse... which, given her experience thus far, is usually true. She does mention a Friend on the Force to Majima, but even he had a lot of proving himself to do.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: While losing her parents at the age of 12 led to Priss being troubled and feeling dreams were beyond her reach, her real cynicism catalyst was at 17, when the police refused to investigate her boyfriend's suspicious death.
  • Fantastic Racism: Much more downplayed compared to Simon, due in part to her being taken from the original series as opposed to later sequels and remakes that increased the trait (it was there in Crisis but she formed bonds with a few Boomers who hadn't wanted to hurt anyone). Is at first suspicious of Murderbot due to it reminding her of the "Boomers" from her own canon, but after a tense initial meeting she eventually mellows out.
  • Mysterious Middle Initial: Her profile doesn't list what the "S" stands for.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Every other sentence out of Priss contains at least one obscenity.

Pyrrha Nikos

The Polebearer (Natural Born Cereal Killer)

The victim of Case 1.

  • Demoted to Extra: Does not appear much in the round, due in part to the person playing her being a mod (and missing out on a lot of RP for several weeks). Also ends up being the first person to die.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Is this to Ruby Rose, who watched Pyrrha die back in their canon. She becomes this again as the Case 1 victim.

Red Riding Hood

The Blood Hunter (What Big Teeth You Have!)

The culprit of Case 1.

  • Big Sister Instinct: Develops this towards Ryoko fairly quickly, despite Ryoko's annoyance about being fussed over.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: The Wolf, who came out during a friendly spar and killed Pyrrha then.
  • Tempting Fate: In week one, she warns Ryoko it'll be bad if she doesn't get enough sleep. She proceeds to not get enough sleep, leading to the Wolf being released.

Rex Sloan

The Demo-Man (Sparky-Sparky Boom Man)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Hot for Preacher: Starts flirting with Libra soon after first meeting him. It somehow ends up working.

Ruby Rose

The Gunsmith (Sweet Summer Child)

Made it to the survivor pool.

Simon Laurent

The Delinquent (Can’t Do Reverse Math)

Made it to the survivor pool.

  • Animal Motifs: Constantly likened to a rat due to his poor hygiene and worse personality.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against "nulls," which in his view any of the nonhuman cast count as.
  • Lack of Empathy: As constantly brought up in the narration, though he realizes it to some degree and can at least fake it enough to not get called out.

Ryoko Shinonome

The Mecha-mancer (Insert Title Here)

One of the culprits of Case 5.

  • Ace Pilot: Not just of her Sentinel. She also pilots Claptrap while the dead are trapped inside him, helping to fight off multiple loaders in the process.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: She makes a point of exploring the vents on each new floor when they open up, as well as using them to get in and out of locked rooms without needing to wait on the other team.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Even when she begins to warm up to the other station inhabitants.
  • Animal Motifs: Often compared to a cat due to her aloof personality, her temper and her animosity towards Simon, who is often compared to a rodent in turn.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Seems to be her preferred method of taking out enemies. It's how she destroys a few loaders during endgame but more notably, it's also how she eventually kills Handsome Jack.
  • Childhood Brain Damage: For a given degree of "childhood" - Ryoko has very literal brain damage as a result of her infection with DD-426.
  • Handicapped Badass: Despite being frail and ill, she puts up quite a fight when she puts her mind to it.
  • Heroic B So D: Suffers from one of these following Red's death in the first trial and then again during Week 4 when she abruptly recovers one of her most traumatic memories of shooting and killing Tetsuya Ida.
  • In-Universe Nickname: She has several. Red shortens her name to "Ryo", Rex occasionally calls her "Miss MVP" and Claptrap refers to her as "Captain".
  • Mecha: She is the pilot of a giant mecha known as a Sentinel, to which her title is a reference.
  • Mind Virus: Ryoko suffers from one of these – DD-426, a nanomachine virus that causes degenerative damage in the brain. It causes her constant pain, for which she needs medication, and blocks out pieces of her memory until in-game events jog it. Come week 5, she even forgets her roommate Red and her memory can't be jogged. The only indication that she ever remembered Red is that her injured hand (from punching Simon to defend Red) instinctively makes a fist as she tries to remember. And later, she ends up even blocking out the kill she did.
  • Nanomachines: Her brain is augmented them, which is what allows her to pilot her Sentinel. They're also the cause of her illness as her DD-426 it's causing them to literally pull themselves out of her brain.
  • Odd Friendship: With Rex - the two of them get off on a particularly bad foot but after finding some common ground eventually become very close friends.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Red's hoodie becomes this for her after her execution and from then on, Ryoko is rarely seen without it. Her not wearing it at the start of Week 5 is the first red flag that her memories have degraded to the point of completely forgetting Red.
  • 20 Minutes into the Future: From the perspective of the other Earth native characters – she comes from the year 2064.
  • Unkempt Beauty: As in canon, she's pretty and would probably be quite beautiful if it weren't for the toll her illness takes on her.

Tyzias Entykk

The Lawbringer (Honorable Judge Windpisser)

Died fighting Jack on Week 5.

  • Absurd Phobia: Deathly afraid of clowns. Very quickly becomes less absurd once you think about what indigobloods are known to do back home.
  • Deal with the Devil: Implied to have made one with Gamzee to get him to kill Jack while she ransacks his office.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She's willing to use any methods possible to get a confession, including randomly accusing people and trying to get Serizawa to break doctor-patient confidentiality.

     Other Characters 

Handsome Jack

The one overseeing the round as both team's host and "Instructor".

  • Abusive Parents: To a multiversal extent. His quest to find a still-living Angel somewhere in the multiverse is doomed to start with because Angel can not exist in any universe that also has him in it.
  • Alternate Self: Too many to count. Part of the overarching plan for his abuse of worldhopping technology is recruiting every one of his other selves that he comes across.
  • Berserk Button: Mentioning Angel or questioning his qualifications as a hero immediately gets under his skin as few other things do.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Evil as he is, it's clear that he loved Angel and in large part, all his world hopping comes down to a futile attempt to be reunited with her. Of course, as it's pointed out, it's entirely his own fault that she's dead and he was a terrible parent even when she was still alive.
  • Facial Horror: The unsettling nature of his mask is played for all its worth. Doubly so with the 'original' Jack whose mask is splattered and stained with blood during Tyzias and Gamzee's attack.
  • Malicious Misnaming: Dishes it out in spades, as well as being the occasional recipient. It's also implied that he just flat out doesn't care enough to properly memorize anyone's name or title.
  • Narcissist: His name is "Handsome" Jack after all.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Elizabeth ended up captured and used by Jack when she came to rescue him.

Gamzee Makara

The merchant of this round, as in all previous rounds.

  • Air-Vent Passageway: How he gets around most of the time.
  • Monster Clown: Tyzias sees him as one due to actually being aware of how indigobloods usually behave. However, he acts perfectly friendly to everyone when he first appears, and the worst he does is throw inconvenient regains at people from the vents. Although he does murder Jack pretty brutally.
  • Neutral No Longer: In previous rounds he just handed out regains to the characters. However, during week 5, after Tyzias makes some sort of agreement with him, he goes with her to murder Jack. Unfortunately, Jack has backups.

The Shepherdess (Elizabeth Comstock)

  • Dead Person Impersonation: We're led to believe that the Shepherdess is the one Angel the Jacks found who didn't die. In fact, they still haven't found one, and Elizabeth just responded to that name to keep Jack from finding out that she'd been contacting his captives.
  • Mysterious Watcher: The Shepherdess, who's been captured and is being used by Jack but is trying to work to free the captives on the space station.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Forced to become one for Jack - both in the sense that he treats her much like a surrogate Angel but also in that she is forced to take Angel's role in having her powers controlled and abused to further Jack's plans. She's even kept within the former Angel Chamber to further drive it home.
  • Wetware CPU: She's been plugged into a control core on the station so that Jack can control and use her portal and reality-altering abilities.

The other Handsome Jacks/AI Handsome Jack

  • Assimilation Plot: Every Jack is in on the plan to replace people with copies of their consciousness. It's a minor plot point that some Jacks would rather cut out the "academy of heroism" ruse entirely and get right to killing everyone.
  • Cessationof Existence: The fate of the AI Jack who tries to hack into Murderbot in the final battle, only to be wiped out via The Power of Friendship.
  • Expendable Clone: One of the Jacks is murdered over the course of the round, and many, many more die in the final battle with the survivors. but the difficulty of fighting them comes with the fact that however many Jacks die, there is always another one.
  • Walking Spoiler: The very fact that there are other Handsome Jacks on Helios spoils a decent chunk of the plot, as well as the climax of Round 3.
