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Characters / Rot & Ruin

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    Characters introduced in Rot & Ruin 

Benny Imura

"It's just that I'm fifteen, and I have this crazy idea that I might actually have a life in front of me."

The protagonist of the series, Benny is a teenager haunted by the trauma of watching his parents being turned into zombies on the first night of the apocalypse, and resentful of his older brother Tom for not saving them. His perspective on zombies and people changes when he joins Tom as an apprentice bounty hunter.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: To Tom at the start of the series. Their relationship improves vastly by the end of the first book.
  • Apologetic Attacker: To the zoms he fights in later books, as a way with coping with the guilt of killing what are essentially sick, mindless creatures who used to be human.
  • Badass Creed: 'Warrior Smart'. Becomes his Battle Cry later as well.
  • Battle Couple: Becomes one with Nix.
  • Blood Oath: He and Chong made one when they were nine, swearing never to date any of their friends... Benny actually holds onto it as he gets older and starts developing a crush on Nix. When he confesses this to Chong, Chong promptly hits him and calls him an idiot for holding onto a dumb promise they made when they were kids.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: As Tom points out, Benny is smarter than he looks. But at the start of the series, he's only interested in finding an easy job that'll let him keep his rations, and has no interest in the world outside of his town.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is always ready with a sarcastic comment, no matter the circumstances.
    Saint John: The darkness wants to take you. The darkness wants to take us all. Do you not agree?
    Benny: Not today, thanks.
  • Dead Person Conversation: Starts having these with Tom after his death, and wonders more than once whether this means he's going crazy.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Eventually becomes this to Nix.
  • Fantastic Racism: Absolutely despises zombies at the start of the series, after having lost his parents to them. He learns to take a more black and white view over the course of the first book.
  • Fiery Redhead: Benny acts first and thinks later, and, especially in the first book, has a hard time keeping control of his temper.
  • Half-Sibling Angst: Doesn't seem to have this with Tom despite them only sharing a father, and never refers to Tom as his 'half-brother' - but does use this to hurt his brother when he calls their mother 'my mom' during an argument. It works.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Spends most of the first book calling Tom a coward. When Charlie calls Tom a coward? Benny punches him in the face.
  • Kid Hero: Is 15 at the start of the series and 16 by the end of it.
  • Love at First Sight: Thinks he has this with Lilah when he first sees her on a Zombie Card and is struck by her beauty and the sadness in her eyes... but gets over it pretty quickly once he actually meets her.
  • Love Epiphany: After years of denying his feelings for Nix because he can't imagine dating a girl he's known since he was in diapers, he risks life and limb to rescue her from Charlie and when they've finally gotten to safety... realises he does have feelings for her and kisses her.
  • Oblivious Younger Sibling: Starts off the series this way, being completely skeptical of people's view of Tom as a fearless, legendary bounty hunter. Exascerbated by the fact that he barely has any idea what Tom does in his job, nor does he see his brother's unbeatable fighting skills for himself until later in the first book.
  • Parental Abandonment: His die on First Night when he's only a baby. Although he has no memories of them, the faint memory of their death has a significant effect on how he views the world and his brother.
  • Repressed Memories: Of First Night. Benny is convinced that Tom abandoned their mother to be killed by their newly zombified father. In truth, their mother had already been bitten when she told Tom to take Benny and run, and Benny's memory of her white dress with 'red sleeves' is actually the memory of blood soaking through her dress.
  • Sibling Team: Forms one with Tom when he becomes his apprentice.
  • Successful Sibling Syndrome: At the start of the first book. Benny hates being known as the famous Tom Imura's kid brother, especially since he believes Tom's heroic reputation to be a sham. He bitterly refers to his brother as 'Mr-I'm-Freaking-Perfect-Tom-Imura'.
  • Taking Up the Mantle: After Tom's death, he takes his place as leader, including adopting his sword.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Under Tom's training and guidence, he grows into a fierce warrior and eventual leader.

Tom Imura

"It's okay to be scared. Scared means you're smart. Just don't panic. That'll get you killed."

Benny's older brother, one of the most feared and famous bounty hunters and zombie killers in California. Tom has a different approach to hunting zombies, though, as Benny soon learns.

  • The Ace: Tom's character in a nutshell. He's the best, most famous zombie killer in the Ruin, and has the admiration and respect of the town of Mountainside, to the point where the mayor and the sheriff see his presence as the only thing preventing a wave of total anarchy and crime in the Ruin. The bounty hunters also seem to see him as their de facto leader.
  • Affectionate Nickname: 'Kiddo' for Benny and 'sweetie' for Nix, which she doesn't mind, much to Benny's annoyance.
  • Aloof Big Brother: His relationship with Benny is strained at the start of the series, in part due to a lack of communication.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Benny, obviously, and later Lilah, Nix and Chong when he takes them under his wing.
  • Big Brother Mentor: The first book's plot kicks off with him taking Benny on as his apprentice. Not only does he train his brother to fight, but he's also full of wisdom and advice that change the way Benny views the world.
  • Crazy-Prepared: And tries to instill this in his students through a method he calls 'warrior smart'.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Lost his birth mother when he was a child, and then watched his father turn into a zombie and murder his adopted mother, leaving him to fend for himself and his baby brother at the age of twenty.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Has his moments.
    Tom: The day I'm jealous of someone like Charlie Pink-Eye is the day I'll cover myself in steak sauce and walk out into a crowd of the living dead.
  • The Dreaded: To Charlie's bounty hunters, who are reluctant to take him on in a fight even when they've got him outnumbered and outgunned.
  • Happily Adopted: By his stepmother after she marries his father when he's sixteen, and whom he never refers to as anything but 'Mom'. He tells Benny that she was more of a mother to him than his birth mother, who died when he was too young to remember her.
  • In-Series Nickname: 'Fast Tommy' by some of the other bounty hunters. J-Dog and Dr Skillz call him 'Kahuna', which in Hawaiaan means 'shaman'.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: See below. The Imuras as Japanese, and reportedly descended from samurai. Tom is the closest thing the series has to a modern samurai.
  • Killed Off for Real: At the end of Dust and Decay.
  • The Lost Lenore: Jessie Riley is this to him after her death, to the point where he tells Lilah he doesn't think he can ever love another woman again.
  • Master Swordsman: His weapon of choice for killing zoms is his katana.
  • The Mentor: To his 'New Samurai'. Even makes a joke about it by calling them 'my young Jedi'. Inevitably leads to Mentor Occupational Hazard.
  • Mr. Fanservice: One of Nix's journal entries describes how half the women in town are in love with him, to the point where groups of them gather in his neighbour's garden to watch his shirtless sword practicing sessions. The webtoon milks this by giving him a gratuitous Shirtless Scene.
  • My Greatest Failure: Sparing Charlie's life after killing the other nine bounty hunters that attacked Sunset Hollow. Charlie begged for his life and swore to turn over a new leaf. He lied. Tom holds himself responsible for all the bloodshed and suffering that Charlie caused after.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being The Stoic, has his moments: such as calling his students 'my young Jedi' and quipping 'I'm not the sheriff of these here parts' in a goofy Old Western accent when Kirsch and Strunk try to convince him to stay in Mountainside.
  • Parental Abandonment: Loses his birth mother when he's too young to remember her, and then his father and adopted mother on First Night.
  • Parental Substitute: To Benny. Later also becomes one to the orphaned Nix and Lilah.
  • Practically Different Generations: Is eighteen and a half years older than Benny.
  • Promotion to Parent: Raises Benny after their parents are killed on First Night.
  • Red Baron: Is the only bounty hunter not to give himself a nickname, and isn't a fan of the ones people give him, which include Fast Tommy, Tom the Swordsman, and Tom the Killer.
  • Spirit Advisor: After his death, Benny and Lilah hear his voice in their heads, mostly with advice and warnings during dangerous or difficult moments.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Insists to Benny that he and Jessie are just friends and nothing more, which later turns out to be Blatant Lies.
  • The Stoic: Is calm and unflappable in the face of murderous zombies and psychopathic bounty hunters. Very rarely shows flashes of temper and Benny describes his face as 'only showing the expressions he wants to show'.
  • Team Dad: As the oldest in the group and the kids' mentor, falls inevitably into this.
  • Too Cool to Live: Dies in the second book after one last display of badassery.

Nix Riley

"We're trapped here. Trapped isn't 'alive'. Trapped isn't 'safe'. And it isn't 'free'."

Benny's crush and one of his childhood friends, a girl who dreams of life outside of Mountainside's walls.

  • Action Girl: Develops into one under Tom's tutelage, channelling her rage and grief into violence.
  • Battle Couple: Becomes one with Benny.
  • Badass Bookworm: Is described as bookish in the first book, and eventually becomes a fierce warrior.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Played with. Winds up with quite a distinctive facial scar, but other characters (especially Benny) thinks it just adds to her beauty.
  • Broken Bird: After the events of the first book.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Gets extremely jealous of some of the girls around Benny, including Lilah and Riot.
  • Damsel in Distress: Her kidnapping kicks off the third act of the first book.
  • Death Seeker: Benny suspects she has slightly tendencies towards this in the third book, and even outright asks her at one point if she wants to die.
  • The Determinator: Doesn't let anything stop her from her goal of trying to find the jet.
  • Emotionless Girl: Veers into this while she's trying to grapple with her mother's death, to the point where it scares Benny.
  • Fiery Red Head: Is filled with anger at the world, especially after her mother's death.
  • Meaningful Name: Phoenix - she's a Fiery Redhead and she rises defiantly from her tragic past to become a fighter.
  • Missing Mom: Hers was murdered by Charlie Pinkeye. She never gets over it, and it becomes her driving motivation throughout the series.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: Has liked Benny since they were kids, but he always struggled with the idea of dating a girl he's known since they were both babies. He comes around eventually and Nix is Promoted to Love Interest fairly quickly.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: To Benny.
  • You're Not My Father: Says this to Tom when he's trying to get her to return to Mountainside. Ironically, had her mother lived, he might've been her stepdad.


"What I see... I kill."

Known as The Lost Girl, Lilah has lived alone in the Rot and Ruin since she was a little girl, killing zoms and anyone else who crosses her path.

  • Action Girl: Was trained to fight zoms by her adopted father, and perfected her skills while living alone in the wilderness.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Develops a crush on Tom and convinces herself it's love. He turns her down gently, for a number of reasons, their age difference being the primary one.
  • Badass Bookworm: Has read every book she can get her hands on, a by-product of being by herself since she was ten, and has formed most of her ideas of relationships and love from novels.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: To Chong, eventually returning his affections.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Is very quick to lose patience with the rest of the characters, especially Chong.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: Despite her rough, feral appearance, pretty much every male character (even Tom) comments on her stunning beauty.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Develops this with Nix.
  • Hulk Speak: Occasionally falls into this due to not having spoken to another human being for most of her life.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Is not familiar with societal concepts of modesty and isn't shy about showing skin, much to Benny's embarrassment.
  • Jungle Princess: Is the Ruin's equivalent of this.
  • Mentor Ship: A one-sided version towards the group's leader and teacher, Tom.
  • Mystical White Hair: There's a mundane reason for it - it was bleached white by the sun - but it certainly adds to her unique appearance and near mythical status.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Benny. He is briefly attracted her when he sees her on a zombie card, but upon meeting her, realises that 1) he actually likes Nix, and 2) Lilah is a bit too nuts for his preference.
  • Slap-Slap-Kiss: Her relationship with Chong, once they get together.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: Her and Chong.* Violently Protective Girlfriend: To Chong, once they get together.

Lou Chong

"Chong was a self-admitted sidekick. No one should ever depend on him for anything heroic."

Benny's best friend, who takes a job as a spotter at the start of the first book. Later trains with Benny and Nix under Tom and joins them on their adventures.

  • Amazon Chaser: Falls head over heels for Lilah... even though she scares the crap out of him.
  • Badass Bookworm: Develops into one over time, starting the series as a nerd with little interest in fighting.
  • Blood Oath: He and Benny made one when they were nine never to date any of their friends... Benny breaks it.
  • Cowardly Lion: Is terrified out in the Ruin and even runs away at one point because he thinks he's holding his friends back. But proves himself as a capable fighter in the pits and doesn't hesitate to fight for his friends.
  • Cowardly Sidekick: Sees himself as one, in comparison to Benny, Nix and Lilah, whom he considers the heroes. Proves himself wrong on more than one occasion.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Benny.
  • Last-Name Basis: Everyone calls him 'Chong', never 'Lou'.
  • The Load: Is this during the second book, especially during the fight with the rhino.
  • Lovable Coward: Starts out as one, but finds his courage over the course of the series.
  • The Smart Guy: Is frequently described as the smartest one in the group, and definitely has the most scientific knowledge and intellectual curiousity.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: Him and Lilah.

Charlie 'Pinkeye' Matthias

"Hell, boy, I ain't evil. I'm just the guy that's in power."

The antagonist of the first book, Charlie is a ruthless, sadistic bounty hunter who takes pleasure in killing zoms and is the mastermind behind a nightmarish place called Gameland.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: To Jessie Riley, who rejects him pre-series. He doesn't take that well. Jessie also warns Nix to stay away from him because 'guys like Charlie seem to think that anything they both their hands on belongs to them'.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: begs Tom for his life after he and a group of bounty hunters attack Sunset Hollow and are wiped out by Tom. Tom shows him mercy - something which he'll later regret...
  • Back from the Dead: Comes back briefly as a zombie at the end of the first book... only to be killed again by Nix.
  • Broken Pedestal: To Benny, who grew up thinking he was 'the man' - only to be proven horribly wrong.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: To the point where people laugh at his jokes and listen to his stories more out of fear than anything else.
  • Killed Off for Real: Benny throws him off a mountain at the end of the first book.
  • Red Right Hand: Is a straight example, being an albino and a villain - although no one comments on his albinism in-universe.
  • Villainous Lineage: Charlie's brother, Big Zak, is cruel and abusive towards his son. His other brother, White Bear, and his father, Preacher Jack, are both equally sadistic and carry on Charlie's legacy with Gameland.

Marion Hammer AKA the Motor City Hammer

"We kilt more zoms than the whole army, navy, air force and marines put together. And that includes the pansy-ass National Guard."

Charlie's right-hand man, an equally brutal and cruel bounty hunter.

  • The Brute: Is big, scary and not very bright.
  • Dumb Muscle: Doesn't have much to his character besides being Charlie's bruiser.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Marion. Legend has it that he murdered his father with a screwdriver for giving him that name. As such, no one calls him by it... except Tom.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Lilah at the end of the first book.

Morgie Mitchell

"Morgie's the family dog."

Benny's other childhood best friend, who's a little clumsy and hopeless but ultimately well-meaning.

  • The Atoner: Never forgives himself for letting his friends leave town without him.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Has a raging crush on Nix, who very obviously likes Benny. Morgie is pretty gracious when she and Benny ultimately get together.
  • Butt-Monkey: Chong and Benny are constantly giving him a hard time.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: The first thing he does when he sees Lilah on a Zombie Card is comment on her rack. And then compare it to Nix's.
    Chong: Jeez, Morgie. Don't you think of anything else but boobs?
    Morgie: No. Why would I?
  • Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure: Ends his friendship with Benny in a fit of rage right before Benny leaves town, signifying the last of Benny's ties to Mountainside severing.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the fourth book, when he carries on Tom's training on his own and commits himself to joining the Freedom Riders.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Nix.

Jessie Riley

"Save Nix. Save my little girl."

Nix's mother, who is constantly struggling for money. Has a dark history with Charlie.

  • Action Mom: Survives a week in a zom pit before Tom rescues her and attacks Charlie with a rolling pin when he threatens her daughter.
  • Broken Bird: Is never the same after her time at Gameland and, according to Nix, starts having nightmares again after she finds out it's reopened.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Lost her husband and two sons on First Night, and was so desperate to keep her daughter from starving that she agreed to let Charlie take her to Gameland to fight for her life in a pit full of zombies.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Dies in Tom's arms after begging him to save her daughter.
  • Mama Bear: Goes against a fearsome bounty hunter twice her size with nothing but a rolling pin when he tells her he's going to take her daughter to Gameland, the place where she almost died.
  • Rescue Romance: With Tom, who saved her from Gameland.
  • Second Love: Tom is hers, after she loses her husband (whom we know little to nothing about) on First Night.
  • Struggling Single Mother: She and Nix are dirt poor and live in a bad part of town. Nix mentions in her journal that her mother used to be a production assistant in Hollywood before First Night, and now she does odd jobs as a seamstress and cleaner.
  • Sweet Baker: Her baking skills are constantly praised by characters.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She never gets any lines in the first book nor any scenes apart from her death, but her impact is felt strongly on the characters - especially Nix, for whom she becomes a driving motivation for the rest of the series, and Tom.

Rob Sachetto

"Our town isn't anything more than the last bits of mankind's dream, and we're stuck here until we die off."

An erosion artist who draws zombified portraits of people so that their family members - and bounty hunters - can track them down.

  • The Alcoholic: Hinted at, when he pours bourbon into his coffee.
  • Came Back Wrong: Is murdered by Charlie Pinkeye, resurrected as a zombie, and led by Charlie to the Imura residence so he can murder Tom and Benny.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Is tortured to death by Charlie.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Is introduced (and not named) in an early scene where Benny interviews for the role of an erosion artist - and is later revealed to be a key component in the Lost Girl's story.
  • Eccentric Artist: A low-key example. He mostly keeps to himself and Benny finds him a little odd when they first meet.
  • The Eeyore: Is resigned to the fact that the world is over and they're slowly dying along with it. Benny calls him out on this: 'You always this depressing or is it that crap you poured in your coffee?'
  • My Greatest Failure: Running away and leaving George Foreman and the two orphaned girls in the cabin where they'd barricaded themselves - although he'd set out to look for help, fear for his own life led him to keep running and eventually he forgot where the cabin even was.

Mayor Randy Kirsch

The current mayor of Mountainside, who's committed to keeping things exactly the way they are. Tom and Benny's neighbour.

  • Mayor Pain: See above. One of the reasons why he and Strunks beg Tom to stay in Mountainside.
  • Nosy Neighbour: From Benny's perspective, as he admires Tom and makes a point of telling Benny that Tom wouldn't approve of him hanging out with Charlie and the Hammer.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Somewhat. He's one of the kinder adults in town, but his inaction when it comes to Charlie and the Hammer is frustrating.

Captain Keith Strunks

Chief of Mountainside's security, though he used to be a high school drama teacher.

  • My Greatest Failure: Led his students to safety when the apocalypse hit during a school play - but regrets that he didn't manage to save all of them.
  • The Sheriff: Is basically this, but isn't very keen on anything that would force him to step outside the fence and even tells Tom he can have his job.

George Goldman

"He doesn't sound ordinary. He sounds like a hero."

Foster father to Lilah and Annie, who raised them in the little cabin in the woods where they ended up besieged by zombies for the first severals years of the girls' lives.

  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: He was just an ordinary man, but he dedicated his life to raising two little girls after their mother died, teaching them how to read and write and fight, and giving them love and affection.
  • Driven to Suicide: Rumour has it he killed himself in despair after being driven mad by the loss of his girls, but Tom suspects that Charlie actually killed him and made it look like suicide.
  • Papa Wolf: To Lilah and Annie, his adopted daughters. Losing them eventually drove him insane.

Brother David

"God go with you and before you and within you."

One of the monks of the Children of God, a religious group that protects zombies, seeing their presence on earth as part of God's plan. Lives in a gas station in the middle of the Rot and Ruin.

  • Badass Preacher: Although he's a pacifist, it's no mean feet capturing and restraining zoms without hurting them.
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: What Benny thinks of him at first, especially when he hears that some of the Children of God sometimes sacrifice themselves to zoms, but he grows to respect Brother David.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Preacher Jack's men - comes back as a zom which attacks Benny and Nix.
  • Odd Friendship: With Tom, whose job as a bounty hunter is to kill zombies.
  • Zombie Advocate: He and the other Children round up lost zoms and return them to their homes, even keeping one named Roger under their protection at the gas station. They believe that zombies, whom they call the Children of Lazarus, are the meek who will inherit the earth and shouldn't be harmed.

Sister Sarah and Sister Shanti

Two young women who serve in the Children of God and live at Brother David's wayside gas station.

  • Distracted by the Sexy: Both of them check out Tom even in between yelling at Benny for threatening Roger and taking Roger to safety.
  • Fiery Redhead: Sarah is one.
  • Zombie Advocate: Like the rest of the children. They're fiercely protective of the zom in their care, Old Roger.

Vin Trang and Joey Duk AKA The Mekong Brothers

Two Vietnamese-American bounty hunters who work for Charlie. Not actually brothers.

  • Bash Brothers: A villainous example.
  • Cowardly Mooks: They're scared to go against Tom, and would've thrown Charlie under the bus once they realise he set him up if they weren't so terrified of them.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Vin is shocked when he hears Charlie murdered Jessie and horrified when he realises Tom's little brother is with him when they're facing off in a fight.
  • Framing the Guilty Party: Charlie sets them up to take the fall for Nix's kidnapping and Jessie's murder by planting Vin's lucky charm in the Riley house.
  • Those Two Guys: Work as and appear in the book as a team.

    Characters introduced in Dust & Decay 

Preacher Jack

A mysterious, sinister religious zealot who lives out in the Rot and Ruin. Thought by Tom to be a harmless old loony, but turns out to be much more...

  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His vendetta of revenge against Tom is motivated by the deaths of his sons Charlie and Zak Matthias, for which he blames Tom.
  • Sinister Minister: Passes himself off as a kooky fundamentalist who tries to convert anyone who crosses his path, but is actually a deranged, murderous sociopath.
  • Villainous Lineage: No surprise that it turns out the equally murderous, sadistic Charlie Pinkeye is his son.

Sally Two-Knives

A fierce bounty hunter and good friend of Tom's.

  • Action Girl: Was a roller-derby queen before First Night and fought her way to the carnage to get to her family, which was the start of her career as a legendary bounty hunter.
  • Big Damn Heroes: brings together The Cavalry to back up Tom when he attacks Gameland.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Lost her two young children during First Night.
  • Flirting Under Fire: Flirts with Tom even after she's been shot and is in danger of bleeding out.
  • I Owe You My Life: Tom saved her life after First Night and she's been fiercely loyal to him ever since.
  • Just Friends: With Tom - despite her flirting with him and the fact that he doesn't complain when she plants a kiss on him, their relationship seems to be largely platonic with a healthy dose of respect.

J-Dog and Dr Skillz

A pair of famous bounty hunters with a kill count a mile long and a fondness for surfer speak.

  • Affectionate Nickname: 'Kahuna' for Tom.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Benny thinks they're weirdos, which they are... but that doesn't stop them from being fearsome zombie killers.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Their way of coping with the horrors they see is by pretending it's all a game, and hiding behind their laid back, surfer personas.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Despite their goofy personas, are fully capable of kicking all kinds of zombie ass, as evidenced when they rescue Benny and Nix.
  • Hidden Depths: Underneath their goofy surfer personas is a lot of deep-seated trauma and hurt that they cover up by treating life like one big game.
  • Surfer Dude: According to Tom, they were just breaking into the surfing scene when the Zombie Apocalypse hit, and decided to embrace the persona along with their new career as bounty hunters.
  • Those Two Guys: Work as a team and appear in the book as a duo.
  • Totally Radical: Benny and Nix are nonplussed and more than a little confused by the way they speak.

Fluffy Mc Teague

Another one of Tom's bounty hunter friends who fights alongside the gang at the Battle of Gameland.

Solomon Jones

A bounty hunter who joins the fight at the Battle of Gameland. Used to be a writer before First Night.

  • Hero of Another Story: Gets a POV short story in the Bits & Pieces anthology, where he's looking for Tom.
