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Characters / Rise of the Tomb Raider

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For characters introduced in Tomb Raider (2013), see here.

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The Remnant

    The Remnant in general
A group of natives descended from the Prophet's original followers who protect the Divine Source.

  • The Remnant: As they call themselves, they're the only thing left of an ancient civilization, living in crude wooden cabins among ruins and fighting with bows and arrows, having lost the infrastructure to produce anything more advanced.
  • Schizo Tech: Due to their isolation from the rest of the world ever since they pushed the Soviets out of their valleys, the Remnant use an interesting mishmash of technologies. They communicate via radio but simultaneously employ messenger birds. Their main armaments are bows and arrows, yet they still field a bunch of Cold-War-era firearms the Soviets left behind. Much of their infrastructure is cobbled together from wood or built into ancient ruins dating back to the glory days of their civilisation almost a millennium ago, but they still have limited access to welding torches and such. At least as interesting is the sheer amount of technical knowledge they're still privy to. Although there shouldn't be anyone alive in their villages who could've taught the current generation about modern technologies, the Remnant fighters have astounding insight into the tech Trinity installs all over the region, and what needs to be done to disable it efficiently and permanently.



Leader of the Remnant, Jacob first appears in as a prisoner in the Gulag. There he meets and befriends Lara Croft, who frees him from his cell in exchange for information regarding the Divine Source. Later decides to help Lara fight against Trinity.

  • Action Dad: To Sofia. That said, she's just as good at combat.
  • Based on a Great Big Lie: Kitezh, his cult, his beliefs about the Divine Source.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Pulls it a couple of times in the game, even lampshading it by mentioning to Lara that they "seem to have a habit of saving each other".
  • Heel–Face Turn: It's implied that Jacob as the Prophet was a tyrannical theocrat, since Kitezh contains an organized city filled with torture for exorcisms, forced labour and other oppressive practises.
  • The Fog of Ages: It's implied that living for so long has resulted in Jacob forgetting many things about the past, including details about the construction and design of Kitezh and even past family members.
  • Good Counterpart: To Mathias. Jacob is also a false prophet who built a cult centered around him but he feels more responsible, is kinder to his people, and is truly A Father to His Men. It's implied that he was once just like Mathias but has now reformed his ways.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Gives Lara one before disintegrating after she destroys the Divine Source.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Reveals to Lara that what they consider the Divine Source wasn't meant for mankind as evident by the Deathless Ones, zombie-like beings who guard the Source vehemently. He killed most of his old tribe to keep the secret of the Source from getting out, then lied to his people about its importance to make sure no one got their hands on it.
  • Kung-Fu Jesus: Despite being an obvious expy of Jesus as the Prophet, Jacob has no trouble kicking some serious ass barehanded.
    • Jacob borders on being a One-Man Army, judging from the trail of corpses the immortal leaves in his wake in the prison after he and Lara are separated. This makes sense, given he can't be killed and has a thousand or so years of practice.
  • The Leader: Of his people, the Remnant who are a native tribe of the land that look over the Divine Source. While he does aid Lara he's reluctant to point her to where the Source is and tries to convince her to turn back.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He's the Prophet, kept alive by the Divine Source.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: Despite being a Prophet and having seemingly divine abilities of his own, Jacob still believes in God, as evidenced by the prayer he gives to God when he heals Jonah.


Portrayed by: Jolene Anderson

Sofia is the fiery spirited female warrior and daughter of Remnant leader Jacob.

Sofia first appears in the Siberian Wilderness, fleeing from Trinity soldiers alongside a man named Elias. After witnessing his death, Sofia discreetly tails Lara to a Soviet facility, where she warns Lara to "leave this place before it's too late."

She is hostile and suspicious of Lara during their first few encounters due to not knowing why she is present at the exact time Trinity has invaded. Later, however, Lara proves herself a worthy ally after she aids the Remnants in resisting large waves of Trinity invaders.

  • Action Girl: Definitely, having been one of the main guards of her people for quite a while now.
  • Braids of Action: Sports two long ones that go down her back.
  • Dead Guy Junior: She's named after Jacob's first wife, who is implied to have died centuries before this Sofia was born.
  • Fiery Redhead: She’s marked by her red hair and rather fierce disposition.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: She initially dislikes and is extremely distrustful of Lara, but they grow to become friends over the course of the fight against Trinity.
  • She Who Must Not Be Seen: She flies the helicopter in the Cold Darkness Awakened DLC. Unlike Nadia, who has lines throughout the whole mission and appears at the end, Sofia is never seen or heard.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Pulls this on Lara.


    Trinity in general

The main antagonists in this game. To the world at large (or at least to those aware of them) they appear to be just another secretive but well-funded and well-supplied mercenary outfit, with a long reach and few scruples to hold them back. In reality, however, they are an ancient order of fundamentalist religious zealots who deem Earth in it's current state as too corrupt and trying to "cleanse it" so that they may re-make it as they see fit.

  • Ancient Conspiracy: Said to have their hands in many an event in history, and as one document points out in the game, one of their leaders is a Cardinal in the Vatican.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In the first game, finding GPS caches will eventually unlock two messages to Trinity. The first is a telegram from an operative warning that the Axis powers had taken an interest in Yamatai and must be stopped. The other is from an assassin who was sent to observe Matthias, but failed to prevent his ascent. He implored the person who decoded the caches to kill Matthias.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Ana and Konstantin were only a fraction of their members. By the end of the 2nd game, they're still out there and allow Lara to live for the time being to further their own plans.
    • There's even one for Trinity itself; their High Council, one of whose members is a Cardinal in the Vatican.
    • In the first game, there is a letter to Trinity from an Imperial Japanese soldier during World War II, suggesting that Trinity had been looking for Yamatai as well. It's confirmed in the comics.
  • Knight Templar: Almost literally, since they infiltrated the Catholic Church sometime in the 10th century, and one of their leaders is a Vatican Cardinal.
  • The Illuminati: They control most of the world through the shadows and and their main goal is to "cleanse" it if they can find a power strong enough to to it.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Most of Trinity’s forces are simply freelance mercenaries as Trinity pays well, as opposed to their elite inner circle core made up from the most devoted believers. Lara can overhear two of the inner circle talking amongst themselves about how they will get rid of the mercenaries once the Divine Source is found.
  • Take Over the World: Their other main goal.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Several of their hired muscle are very displeased about the situation and would rather leave but are unable due to the extreme isolation of the valley and Konstantin.


Portrayed by: Laura Waddlell, Kay Bess

A former lover of Lara's father who still keeps ties with Lara after his death. It's revealed that she's part of Trinity and seeking the Divine Source to cure her own illness and to become immortal.

  • Becoming the Mask: While it started as just a way to get close to him, she ended up genuinely falling in love with Richard Croft and enjoying her time as a surrogate mother-figure for Lara.
  • Big Bad: She this for Rise of the Tomb Raider. While Konstantin his the antagonist Lara faces the most his actions are the result of her manipulating him for his entire life.
  • Big Bad Friend: She's this to the Croft family.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Only used Lara's father to find out the location of the Divine Source, although she claims to have loved him.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To Himiko. Himiko is a thousand year old supernatural monarch, Ana is a normal human being. Himiko was a queen who ruled over an empire and desires to rule over the modern world, Ana is only a middle-woman who has to report to her superiors in Trinity. They also serve as the one controlling the Big Bad, but while Himiko exploited Mathias's desire to leave her cursed island, Ana was manipulating Konstantine his entire life.
  • Enfante Terrible: Started manipulating her brother, beginning with cutting wounds into his hands and making him believe God did it, when they were both children.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Constantly encourages and supports her brother Konstantin. Subverted in that she considers her brother a useful tool rather than holding any real love for him.
    • Played straight with Richard Croft. She really did love him, and when Trinity gave her the order to kill him, she couldn't do it.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Her voice noticeably becomes deeper and huskier after The Reveal.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Deconstructed Trope, smoking is what's killing her.
  • Immortality Seeker: She wants the Divine Source so she can cure her cancer.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: Because she's dying from cancer. Ultimately, though, a sniper bullet kills her instead.
  • In Love with the Mark: Was sent to seduce and murder Lord Croft, but came to genuinely love him. As a result, when the time came she was unable to kill him.
  • Made of Iron: At one point she's shot in the shoulder by Lara, with a gun that - depending on what DLCs are installed - might well be a magnum revolver or even a huge .50 AE Desert Eagle Expy. All she does is grunt a bit and fall down when the bullet hits her. A few seconds later she's already back up and yelling at Lara like nothing happened.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Well, Woman Behind: She's the reason why Konstantin does what he does.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Ana discreetly manipulated Konstantin, convincing him that he was on a Mission from God, to ensure he would find the Divine Source for her.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: She doesn't fight Lara herself, preferring to have Konstantin do all the fighting for her. Justified in her case since she suffers from severe lung cancer meaning that she would be too fragile to engage in a fight.
  • Smoking Is Not Cool: She suffers from terminal lung cancer, and it still doesn't stop her from smoking.
  • Walking Spoiler: Her involvement in the story heavily contextualizes several things once her full role comes to light.
  • We Can Rule Together: Tries to pull this several times on Lara throughout the game. She also may have this attitude towards her brother, but considering how epically she has manipulated him his whole life, he might well be just a means to an end for her.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Part of the reason why she's so desperate to find the Divine Source is that she's hoping it'll cure her cancer and make her immortal. She's pretty much in the final stages of the disease. Ultimately, though, as Hoyt Volker once said, "Cancer won't be what kills you"- instead, what kills her is a Trinity sniper after Lara destroys the Source.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: At the end of the game, she's killed by a sniper sent by Trinity to prevent her from telling Lara who really killed her father.
  • You Killed My Father: Lara thinks she was the one who killed him. She confesses she was meant to but couldn't go through with it as she truly did love him. Before she can tell Lara who really did however, she's killed herself.


Portrayed by: Charles Halford, Zack Ward

"Our goal is within reach, but we must be vigilant. If we succeed here, a new world awaits. One of our own making."

Konstantin is the leader of a Battalion of Trinity's Forces, and a main antagonist in the game. He is first seen when he leads a team to the Tomb of the Prophet, in Syria.

He was raised by Trinity and suffers from a Messiah Complex, which is encouraged by his manipulative sister, Ana. He takes part in the massacre of Jacob's people in the old Soviet facilities and surrounding valley, during his search for the Divine Source so he can cure his sister of an illness that is slowly killing her, and also lead an immortal army.

  • Bad Boss: Not afraid to inflict bodily harm to his men if they fail in their tasks.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To Mathias. Mathias formed and leads an small island Cult the Solarii Brotherhood, while Konstantine is a middleman soldier in the vast organization call Trinity. Mathias doesn't believe in anything he preaches, while Konstantine is deeply religious. They also have a woman backing them up, but while Mathias knows Himiko's true nature, is only helping her out so he can escape her cursed island, and cares nothing for her or anyone else, Konstantin gets manipulated by his sister Ana into believing he is destined for greatness, and he genuinely cares for her.
  • Dirty Coward: He can't fight Lara unless he has an advantage, i.e. firing at her from a helicopter, taking away her weapons while he has an assault rifle, etc.
  • The Dragon: To his sister Ana.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Due to Ana suffering from an illness, she needs to rely of her brother to find the Divine Source for her. Plus, Konstantin is also the Climax Boss of the game and Ana herself doesn't last long after he dies.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Cares deeply for his sister, Ana.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Like Mathias before him, he has a deep, threatening baritone.
  • Final Boss: Defeating him will win the game. After that it's just the final cinematic for Lara's confrontation with Ana.
  • The Heavy: While the true main antagonist of Rise is his sister Ana, Konstantin is still the biggest antagonistic obstacle that Lara has to face.
  • Made of Iron: He survives a helicopter crash completely unscathed. Afterwards he takes two axe strikes to the back and a combat knife to the chest and still refuses to die.
  • Meaningful Name: He shares a name (albeit spelled with a K) with Constantine the Great, the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, showing both his power and religious belief. Also, Constatine founded the Byzantine Empire, and the city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) was named after him, which is where the Prophet/Jacob fled from.
  • Red Right Hand: Suffers from stigmata that causes his hands to bleed. It's revealed Ana deliberately cut his hands as a child to make him believe God was responsible.
  • Religious Bruiser: As a high-ranking Trinity officer, this is the be expected, but Konstantin is pretty out there even by their standards.
  • Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred!: He tries to goad Lara into killing him by bringing up her father's death. The player can decide whether or not he succeeds.
  • We Can Rule Together: Invokes this almost verbatim to his sister when they discuss their plans about what to do with the Divine Source once they have it in their possession.
  • Villainous Breakdown: His final battle with Lara wears his patience and sanity very thin, very quickly.
  • Villainous Respect: Downplayed, while clearly outraged at the idea of losing to her in a fight, his boss fight does have him admit he sees Lara is a challenging foe and even goes as far to say he thinks Lara is actually a better archeologist than even her father.
  • You Have Failed Me: Did this to an unfortunate mook via gouging out his eyes when some of the natives escaped their prison.

Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch characters



Portrayed by: Ashly Burch

A girl who Lara saved from Trinity soldiers.

  • Agent Mulder: Wholeheartedly believes the Baba Yaga myth is real, and is disappointed when Lara proves this instance false.
  • Co-Op Multiplayer: In Endurance Mode, if playing in Co-op mode, while the player will always see themselves as Lara, they will see the second player as Nadia instead... Assuming the other player did not up and use a card that changes Lara's outfit. If so, Nadia is absent, instead replaced by a clone of Lara wearing the outfit the card gave. Clones aside, this alongside the different color glow stick is likely for player identification, as the two characters are the same gameplay wise.
  • It Works Better with Bullets: Lara is worried when she's held at gunpoint on first meeting in a panic... But realizes that the handgun aimed at her isn't even loaded. Nadia notes it doesn't even work anymore, so Weapon for Intimidation was the best she could do.
  • Voice with an Internet Connection: During the Cold Darkness Awakened DLC. She's in the helicopter Sofia is piloting above the chemical plant, calling out weapons and prisoners as well as reading through a utility manual to tell Lara how to disable the facility.



Nadia's grandfather. He's a former Soviet soldier who ran away to be with one of the prisoners at the Gulag he worked in.
  • The Determinator: Dude decided to go fight Baba Yaga to rescue his wife despite being an octogenarian. He got pretty far too.
  • Rage Within the Machine: After being sent to guard the Gulag his conscience couldn't take what he saw, so he started sabotaging everyday operations. Serafima eventually convinced him to move onto outright rebellion and join the Remnants.

     Baba Yaga 

Baba Yaga/Serafima

The legendary witch of Russian folklore. In reality, she is Nadia's scientist grandmother who used the Baba Yaga legend to fight the Russian military long ago.
  • Arc Villain: Of the Baba Yaga DLC. Natch.
  • God Guise: Well, ancient Russian folklore witch guise. She's actually Nadia's grandmother.
  • Sanity Slippage: Started to believe she really was Baba Yaga after too much exposure to her own hallucinogens,

Blood Ties

     Amelia Croft (née De Mornay) 

Lara's mother, who died when she was very young. Amelia was much like her daughter and a Rebellious Spirit. She was also an accomplished painter and amateur archaeologist herself.

  • Arranged Marriage: Amelia was betrothed to the Earl of Farringdon, whom she detested. She met and fell in love with Richard Croft at Oxford, and she scandalized her family (in their words) by breaking off the engagement to marry him instead.
  • Decomposite Character: The original Lara Croft became Reboot Lara and her.
  • Generation Xerox: After a fashion. She has the original Lara Croft's backstory of a failed marriage and then being marooned in the Himalayas. Sadly, she didn't become an unstoppable badass like her daughter.
  • The Lost Lenore: Lara's father never got over her loss. Although already interested in immortality before her passing, her death in a plane crash while flying to meet him in Tibet turned it into an outright obsession, and he even attempted to use a ritual he discovered in a failed attempt to restore her to life.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Becomes one for Richard when he first meets her, injecting life and laughter where Richard was always studious and focused. Her death hits him particularly hard.
  • Missing Mom: As far as Lara, or anyone else, knew, Amelia disappeared while flying to meet Richard to investigate a find in Tibet. Lara discovers that Amelia was fatally injured in a plane crash. She survived the initial crash, only to succumb to her injuries and the cold before she could be rescued, something Lara's father never forgave himself for. He then attempted to resurrect her using the elixir and ritual he came to Tibet to find, but the effort failed. He subsequently brought her back to England and laid her to rest in secret in the Croft family crypt beneath the mansion.
  • Old Money: The DeMornays are implied to be this, and fitting with their aristocratic nature, Amelia was betrothed in an Arranged Marriage into another noble family.
  • Posthumous Character: She's long dead by the time the reboot series begins, and her story is revealed entirely by relics and documents Lara finds while exploring Croft Manor.

     Atlas De Mornay 

Lara's uncle, and brother of Amelia Croft. He attempts to steal Croft Manor from her despite the fact he's not a relative of Richard and loathes the family.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Has every single awful trait about them which Lara doesn't possess.
  • Evil Uncle: Not evil per se, but a colossal dick and antagonistic towards Lara.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: His hatred of Richard Croft is incredible and more or less entirely unjustified. It's also fairly inexplicable even by Old Money Aristocrats Are Evil standards since Amelia didn't even marry outside of her social class as Richard's still aristocracy.
    • Although an aristocratic family that seems to consist of a single heir, whose name is mocked for his public research in myths about immortality.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: A despicable detestable snob but he did love his sister. Sort of.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's a jackass, but couches it in civility. He even offers Lara a "generous" stipend so long as she complies with his demands to vacate her family home. Journals and letters written by her mother that Lara finds throughout the house indicates he even insulted her father to his face like this.
  • Graceful Loser: After Lara finds her mother's tomb thus proving her death and gaining ownership of the manor, Atlas intermediately becomes more civil and offers her his services, after openly disregarding her in his first letter when he thought he had her at his mercy. It's possibly his only redeeming quality...unless he thought Lara was going to sue him for harassment.
  • Hate Sink: He manages to be more despicable then the actual villains in the main storyline.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Never actually appears in the game, and only addresses Lara directly twice in the present day, both in letters she finds in the house. The first time ordering her to vacate Croft Manor so he can seize possession in the absence of a will, or proof that Amelia is dead. The second conceding his defeat and relinquishing his claim to the house.
  • Kick the Dog: Attempting to steal Croft Manor from Lara despite the fact he has no claim to it, Lara is his niece, and he ostensibly loved his sister.
  • It's All About Me: Amelia's family was outraged after she broke off her unwanted engagement to the Earl of Farringdon. Atlas' journals and letters reveals he's more concerned about how it reflects on him and the family than he is about his sister's happiness.
  • Jerkass: Openly disdainful and resentful of Lara's father, he wants to get his hands on Croft Manor. After Croft's death he transfers this to Lara herself and not only schemes to have her committed by suggesting she needs therapy after the events of the first game, but then tries to seize control of Croft Manor and have her disinherited.
  • Loophole Abuse: Despite Lara being Richard and Amelia Croft's heir, Atlas used one of these in an attempt to seize control of Croft Manor and her inheritance. His claim to the house hinged on the fact that Amelia disappeared but was never actually pronounced dead. The comics also indicated he was using her Yamatai claims to have her sanity questioned. Either way, Atlas has no blood relationship to the Crofts nor any title to their estate. Lara defeated the effort when she discovered her father secretly buried her mother in the family crypt beneath the mansion, thus proving Amelia was, indeed, dead, and establishing her as the rightful heir to Croft Manor.
  • Pet the Dog: The above Graceful Loser moment.
    • Another is the fact after Amelia died, he offered to raise Lara himself and "undo all of Richard's damage." Too bad he turns against her after Yamatai.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Attempts to seize the home of his hated in-law's estate from the man's actual daughter and heir.
  • The Resenter: Atlas harbors a deep resentment for Lara's father, which began when his sister broke off an Arranged Marriage in order to marry Richard Croft. It escalated after Amelia disappeared while flying to meet him in Tibet, with Atlas blaming Richard for her death. He later projected this onto Lara, as well, and treated her quite harshly after her mother's death. It eventually led him to attempt to seize Croft Manor out from under her, and his effort was only defeated when Lara discovered her mother's resting place and was able to prove that she was indeed dead.


The Butler to the Croft family.

  • The Cameo: Presumably the shakily-handed butler carrying a tray in the post-credits scene of ''Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
  • Honest Advisor: He reports Lara's trouble making friends to Richard Croft, and suggests that Richard should spend more time with his daughter.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: His letters and Lara's commentary regarding him make it quite clear they were fond of one another.
  • The Jeeves: He's a butler, of course, and one who was devoted to Lara's father, and to Lara after his death. It is also heavily implied that he cared for (and often put up with the antics of) a young Lara more than her father did due to the latter's often neglecting family in favor of his archaeological pursuits.
  • Mythology Gag: One of his letters recounts that Lara locked him in the freezer in a fit of pique; something the player could do in Tomb Raider II
  • The Unseen: Like Atlas, he is only heard from through letters in game.
