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This page is part of the character sheet for Pathfinder, covering Monitor creatures (classified as Outsiders native to the Middle Planes in 1st Edition).

For tropes pertaining to monitors in Starfinder, see Starfinder Outsiders.

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Axis (Lawful Neutral)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Beings created by existence itself to enforce the Monad, a state of balance between all forces of the multiverse. Aeons were True Neutral in 1st edition and associated with no plane in particular, but 2nd edition changed their alignment to Lawful and moved them to Axis. This is explained in-universe as this having been their true nature all along, and their migration as simply being part of a steady cycle far too long for mortals to have recorded more than one short leg of.

Aeons are divided into three broad groups, originating out-of-universe from the distinct 1st edition outsider strains merged under the aeon family in 2nd. "True" aeons are diffuse creatures that embody opposite concepts of reality and work to keep the universe in balance. Axiomites were once part of this group, but split off long ago to pursue the arts of creation and perfection and now serve as the primary inhabitants of the city of Axis. Inevitables are the policemen of reality, created by the other aeons to enforce and protect the order of the universe against the disruptive actions of mortals and immortals.

NOTE: Since most tropes that apply to true aeons do not apply to axiomites, these are listed under their own folders.

  • Balance Between Good and Evil: And between light and darkness, thought and instinct, life and death, and everything else. Aeons believe that the universe exists in a state of profoundly delicate balance between countless opposing forces, which must be kept in careful check to preserve the stability of the cosmos.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Aeons exist beyond the understanding of most mortals, endlessly striving toward goals unfathomable to mortals. Their ways are at one moment beneficent and in the next utterly devastating, but always without ardour, compassion, or malice.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: Many aeons have nothing in their forms anything approximating the human shape except by sheer coincidence.
  • Oxymoronic Being: Each type of aeon represents the balance between two diametrically opposing concepts — life and death, logic and impulse, knowledge and ignorance, creation and annihilation — which they work to keep in balance.
  • Retcon: In 1st edition they were True Neutral and the main outsiders representing that alignment. In 2nd edition they have been changed to the main outsiders representing Lawful Neutral instead (inevitables, the previous representative of this alignment, were made into a subset of aeons).
  • Sentient Cosmic Force: Each aeon embodies the realm of reality it would seek to balance, attempting to enforce a harmony as perfect as that of its physical form upon all things.
  • Telepathy: Aeons mentally scan the thoughts and intentions of others, then reply with flashes of psychic projections that emit a single concept in response to whatever the other being was thinking, which displays how the aeon perceives future events might work out.


Level: 2
Size: Small

  • Familiar: A paracletus can be chosen as a familiar by spellcasters of appropriate alignment.


Level: 4
Size: Medium

  • Extendable Arms: A synesis can stretch its arms and body in unpredictable ways, but only when it would defy the expectations of others.


Level: 5
Size: Medium
Aeons that oversee the balance between deliberate contemplation and instinctive judgement.
  • Casting a Shadow: An othaos in an area of normal or bright light can consume the light and heat around itself.
  • Light 'em Up: An othaos in an area of dim light or darkness can radiate intense light and heat.

Level: 7
Size: Medium
Aeons that maintain the balance between fate and free will.
  • Combat Tentacles: A theletos possesses a pair of flexible crystalline tentacles which can drain a creature's sense of fate and destiny.
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: A theletos can release a cone of energy, which overwhelms intelligent creatures with the knowledge of various fates that destiny has in store for him—there is no way to make sense of them, and the victim is staggered.


Level: 12
Size: Medium

  • Your Soul Is Mine!: An akhana can use its tail to siphon life essence and steal the soul from a grappled foe.


Level: 14
Size: Large

  • Stupidity-Inducing Attack: In combat, agnoias prefer to reduce their enemies' intellects.
  • Un-person: Agnoias can remove their victims' memories from the consciousness of reality. People once familiar with a victim find their recollections clouding over, and any intellectual influence a victim may have had is removed. This effect even extends to printed works; a shelf of books authored by a victim transforms into incomprehensible gibberish.

Level: 16
Size: Large

Guardians of space and time, bythoses exist to track down flaws and tears in the fabric of reality, fix them, and remove whatever beings caused or aggravated them.

  • Clock Roaches: Bythos hunt beings whose abuses of spatial and temporal magic cause, or might cause, damage to the fabric of spacetime.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: A bythos has a four-armed humanoid shape.
  • Rapid Aging: A bythos' strikes cause a living target to rapidly age.
  • Time Master: Bythoses can fudge with time fairly extensively in combat, such as by causing Rapid Aging in their foes or by temporarily displacing creatures from the flow of time.


Level: 18
Size: Large

Level: 20
Size: Large

The greatest individual aeons, pleromas represent the duality of creation and destruction.

  • Celestial Body: A pleroma's body appears as nothing so much as a roughly humanoid portal to a field of stars, nebulas and galaxies, constantly burning bright, flickering out and shining back out of the darkness, again and again and again.
  • The Power of Creation: A pleroma can manifest a sphere of shining white light that creates matter of the pleroma's choice as it moves. In addition, they can cast creation and create water as innate spells.
  • The Power of the Void: A pleroma can manifest a sphere of complete and utter darkness that can potentially annihilate anything it touches. They can also cast disintegrate as an innate spell.

Level: 23
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Large

  • Bird People: Apkallus have the heads of raptors and powerful hawk-like wings.
  • Human Disguise: Apkallus can adopt two alternate forms (one human, one merfolk) in which they move through terrestrial and aquatic civilisations.
  • Pocket Dimension: An apkallu can conjure the door to a personal extradimensional archive in which it collects and preserves lore. An apkallu's archive is similar to an archmage's sanctum but is 2000 cubic feet in size. If an apkallu is killed or rendered unconscious, its body and any items it is carrying are immediately transported to its archive. An apkallu can conjure the door to the archive of a slain apkallu where the latter died.

Level: 1
Size: Tiny

Creations of the axiomites, arbiters serve as scouts and missionaries, searching the multiverse for threats to alert their stronger allies to and spreading the message of law and order to the mortal races.

  • Alternate Company Equivalent: They physically resemble D&D's monodrone modrons (only much smaller) and, before the OGL was replaced by the ORC, serve a similar role as the basic Lawful Neutral outsider.
  • Death or Glory Attack: They can release all of their internal energy in a devastating burst, but will remain depowered and helpless for a full day afterwards. As a result, they only use this attack as an absolute last resort.
  • Familiar: An arbiter can serve a Lawful Neutral spellcaster as a familiar, and they use this role as an opportunity to steer mortal souls firmly in the embrace of true Law.
  • Spy Bot: The arbiters' role is to keep an eye on the forces of chaos and protect the lawful.

    Axial Monitor 
Level: 15
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Large

  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The Axial monitor's triangular torso has three shoulders, each with two arms.
  • Truth Serum: When an Axial monitor questions a creature that is helpless or pinned, it can compel the creature to answer its questions truthfully.
  • Two-Faced: Three identical faces surround an Axial monitor's head, set equidistantly around it.

Level: 8
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Fantastic Caste System: Axiomite society is broken into three divisions, each with its own duty and purpose: the construction and maintenance of inevitables; the expansion and construction of their capital city; and the exploration and calculation of reality's laws and constants.
  • Fusion Dance: The Godmind of Axis is a gestalt mind formed by the greatest individuals of the axiomite race.
  • Sentient Cosmic Force: Axiomites are the personifications of mathematical law.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: An axiomite has two forms: a humanoid-shaped creature, or a cloud of glowing, crystalline dust that constantly swirl and congeal into complex tangles of symbols and equations.

Level: 0
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Tiny

  • Ingesting Knowledge: A gishvit absorbs knowledge from its surroundings and from individuals who wish to store their memories and experiences within its pages.

Level: 5
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Large

  • Non-Action Guy: Despite their size, mercanes are relatively weak in combat and their weapons are primarily for show.
  • Proud Merchant Race: Mercanes are known throughout the planes as a race of traders in magical items.

Level: 4
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium

  • It Can Think: An orsheval is as intelligent as a typical human and quite familiar with trade. Many arrogant mortals have ignored or insulted orshevals, thinking them dumb beasts, only to be chastised with truespeech.

Level: 4
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Large

  • Panthera Awesome: A pavbagha is the reincarnated soul of an enlightened worshipper of Irori transformed into the shape of a white tiger.

Level: 4
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Books That Bite: These creatures can manifest as large, sturdily bound books.
  • Improvised Weapon: A scrivenite wields its silken ribbon bookmarks like lashes.
  • Seeker Archetype: Every scrivenite has a deep need to record anything and everything around it in excruciating detail. Effectively immortal with no need to eat or rest, they spend their time making notes about everything they observe. What moments they don't spend recording the world are instead invested into organising that information or reviewing the work of other scrivenites for accuracy.

The Boneyard (True Neutral)

Alignment: True Neutral

  • Animal Motifs: Numerous psychopomp varieties and ushers resemble birds associated with funeral themes, such as crows, ravens and whippoorwills, in whole or in part.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite their creepy appearances and association with death, their job is a necessary one.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: All psychopomps are completely immune to disease.
  • Psychopomp: Psychopomps preside over the flow of life. Their primary concerns focus upon souls in the vulnerable transition between death and their final afterlife, protecting the dead from predators like daemons or qlippoth.
  • Team Switzerland: Since psychopomps help convey souls to all of the Outer Planes, and thus provide petitioners equally to each of those realms, they enjoy a special status as respected neutrals among many outsiders except daemons and qlippoth.
  • Touch the Intangible: Their attacks naturally affect incorporeal beings, helping them with their tasks of corralling restless spirits and watching over the souls of the dead.

Level: 1
Size: Tiny

Diminutive psychopomps resembling a variety of small songbirds in funerary masks, the nosoi serve their more powerful kin as spies, wardens of sacred sites, and clerks, scribes and archivists in the great libraries of the Boneyard.

  • Cool Mask: Nosoi wear masks covering their beaks and faces. These are usually leather long-nosed mask like a plague doctor, but can occasionally have designs reminiscent of things such as the lids of Egyptian canopic jars.
  • Familiar: A True Neutral spellcaster can gain a nosoi as a familiar, and nosoi are particularly likely to serve as familiars to mortals who fight against the undead or tend to large libraries and archives. If their master creates — or, even worse, becomes — an undead creature, their nosoi familiar will ditch them without hesitation.
  • Food as Bribe: A nosoi considers eating a rare treat, and sometimes shares the information it knows if given a suitable tasty bribe.

Level: 3 (4 if trained)
Size: Medium


Level: 4


Level: 4
Size: Medium

  • Asteroids Monster: When a viduus transforms or is killed, its cocoon body bursts open, expelling a swarm of biting black-and-white centipedes.
  • Fake Memories: A viduus that strikes a living creature with its quill rewrites memories.
  • The Pen Is Mightier: A viduus uses its quill as a weapon.

Level: 5
Size: Medium

Skeletal psychopomps who ease the passage of souls into death. Catrinas go to great effort to comfort the newly dead, although they will not disguise the finality of their fate, but this usually has more to do with ensuring that the machinery of the afterlife runs smoothly than with true compassion for the deceased.

  • Calacas: Catrinas are strongly inspired by representations of the dead in Mexican folklore, in terms of both their appearance as skeletons adorned with flowers and wearing festive clothing and of their welcoming and largely benign, or at least not truly malevolent, personalities. Unlike Mexican calacas, however, Catrinas aren't the spirits of the dead — or at least no more so than any other outsider, and like the rest retain no memories of their prior selves — acting instead as psychopomps ushering souls in the next world.
  • Dem Bones: A catrina looks like a skeleton, despite not being actual undead, as a way to impress on the souls of the dead the nature of their fate.
  • Emotion Control: Catrinas project a thirty foot aura where intense emotions are dulled and calmed.
  • Kiss of Death: A catrina can kill a grappled, helpless or willing target with a passionate kiss which will eventually kill the target if it lasts long enough.
  • Nice Girl: They are always female and the most compassionate of the psychopomps, as they know how terrifying death is to mortals and so usually try to calm them as they take them to the afterlife.


Level: 6
Size: Medium

  • Plague Master: Morbais are masters of healing and poison who fight mass outbreaks to help prevent epidemics, but also foster the creation of new diseases to keep mortal populations in check.
  • Winged Humanoid: A morbai's curved back and ragged shawl partially conceal two pairs of small, brown-feathered wings.


Level: 7
Size: Medium

The skeletal, avian vanths are the soldiers of the Boneyard, keeping watch over the River of Souls against raids by daemons and worse, fighting directly against the undead and descending upon sites of mass deaths to harvest souls to prevent their rising in undeath.

  • Dem Bones: A vanth looks like a black skeleton with raven wings, a long tail and a vulture's skull.
  • A Kind of One: The original Vanth is a figure from Etruscan funerary and tomb art, who seems to have had a similar role as Charon's and was most likely conceived of as a singular entity.
  • Sinister Scythe: A vanth's scythe is a badge of its station, reflecting its role as a harvester of souls.
  • Winged Humanoid: A vanth has a humanoid skeleton and raven wings.


Level: 8
Size: Medium

  • Calacas: Calacas are skeletal psychopomps who, unlike others, deal with the living rather than the dead. Their role is to comfort and counsel those who mourn a fallen loved one, typically by promoting philosophical acceptance of death and through joyous celebration of the departed's life, and especially to discourage them from using necromancy to bring their loved one back. They typically wear formal or festive clothing to hide their skeletal forms and carry ornate guitars, in addition to antique weapons to be used in extremis if all diplomacy fails.
  • Dem Bones: A calaca resembles a large skeleton, but disguises itself from head to toe in local finery to hide its true nature.

Ember Weaver

Level: 8
Size: Medium

  • Power Nullifier: An ember weaver's eerie radiance can nullify enemies' protections or immunities against charm, fear and mind-affecting effects.


Level: 9
Size: Medium

  • Your Soul Is Mine!: Shoki carry staves of cold iron capable of imprisoning a single soul at a time. Shokis use them against only the most stubborn or demented souls, whom they capture and personally escort to the Boneyard for judgment.


Level: 10
Size: Medium

  • Due to the Dead: Keres protect the resting places of the dead from necromancers seeking to exploit them.
  • Genre Savvy: To deter the living from treading upon the cemeteries they mind, keres employ tactics similar to those of mournful ghosts and mythical beings from storytellers' tales of spirits and haunts.
  • Supernatural Fear Inducer: A kere's shroud inspires infectious terror in those who touch it.


Level: 11
Size: Diminutive

Level: 13
Size: Medium

Morrignas act as bounty hunters and investigators, tracking down those who would escape or tamper with the flow of souls into the afterlife and dealing with them as they judge appropriate.

  • Animal Eye Spy: A morrigna can see through the eyes of a spider swarm she summons as though it were the sensor of an arcane eye spell.
  • Animal Motif: Spiders. Morrignas consider the patient, careful and trap-weaving spiders to be their spiritual kin, as they hunt their own targets in much the same manner. Further, morrignas possess the ability to control the spiderwebs they drape themselves in as though they were part of their bodies, and can summon spiders at will and see through their eyes.
  • The Faceless: Their faces, with the exception of their mouths and noses, are completely covered by their masks.
  • Summon Magic: They possess the innate ability to summon a Spider Swarm or a Giant Spider to their aid.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: A morrigna can take the form of any living humanoid or animal as they please.
  • Winged Humanoid: Morrignas resemble women with pale grey batlike wings.

Joseung Saja

Level: 14
Size: Medium

  • Ascended Demon: When a joseung saja reaps the memory of an ijhyeojin sahkil and the saving throw is critically failed, the ijhyeojin loses all memories and becomes another joseung saja.
  • The Atoner: Joseung sajas have committed grave sins in their lifetimes and must work guiding deceased souls to the Boneyard until they've been deemed to have fully atoned for their sins.
  • Deader than Dead: A creature whose soul is reaped by a joseung saja cannot be return to life or become undead except by a 9th-rank or higher ritual.
  • Emotion Control: When needed, joseung sajas alter their target's memories to remove painful emotions and ease them into a peaceful death, so those who die tragic or violent deaths will not become ghosts.


Level: 15
Size: Medium

  • Arch-Enemy: Their full wrath manifests against any who commit massacre in an unnatural pursuit of souls.
  • Winged Humanoid: A memitim looks like a black-winged woman.


Level: 17
Size: Medium

  • Damaged Soul: Eseneths, commonly known as soul-stitchers, are dispassionate surgeons who repair damaged souls.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: An eseneth's spirit needles are composed of its essence. The needles form and dissipate at the eseneth's will and exist only as long as it does.


Level: 17-25
Size: Medium

  • Arch-Enemy: The focus of their enmity is upon the traitorous sahkils.
  • Large and in Charge: An olethros mother is much taller than normal olethroses.
  • One-Gender Race: All olethroses are clearly female.
  • Touch of Death: An olethros’s fated touch shows her target glimpses of its own fate and draws the creature inexorably closer to its doom.
  • Truly Single Parent: Olethroses are born from other olethroses via rare immaculate conception.

Level: 18
Size: Gargantuan

Ram-headed titans of living stone and metal, fulgati are reapers of entire civilizations. When the time comes for a nation or culture to die, these creatures are sent to tear their ruins to the ground and wipe out their few survivors, clearing the land for new growth to arise on the graves of an obliterated past.

  • Bloody Murder: A fulgati's blood is a lethal poison that can leave a terrain barren for decades. Wounding a fulgati with a slashing or piercing weapon will expose the attacker to it.
  • Dig Attack: A fulgati's eight grasping limbs allow it to burrow at a respectable clip, and even burst from the earth in the middle of unsuspecting enemies.
  • Dumb Muscle: Fulgati are destroyers, unfettered by excessive reasoning.
  • The Juggernaut: Almost nothing can stop a fulgati. They have a laundry list of immunities and resistances, a very high spell resistance, damage reduction that is only beaten by adamantine, and their regeneration can only be negated by artifacts, epic-level weapons or mythic sources.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: In the exceedingly rare case that anyone survives a fulgati's rampage, their mind will actively try to remove all memories of the creature, explaining the destruction it wrought as the results of a more "mundane" cataclysm like an earthquake.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Not only do these creatures have four arms in the places arms are supposed to be, they actually have four more arms instead of legs.
  • One-Gender Race: All fulgati are female.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: These unusual psychopomps are tasked with destroying civilizations that have run their course, and with spells like Earthquake, Epidemic, Incendiary Cloud and such, they are more than up to the task.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: A fulgati towers a staggering 80 feet in height, and exists for the purpose of leveling entire civilizations.
  • Winds of Destiny, Change!: Fulgati warp probability with their mere presence, making tragedy more likely to happen. In game terms, rolling a natural 1 within 300 feet of a fulgati will result in an Epic Fail.

Level: 20
Size: Huge

Yamarajes are the greatest of the psychopomps outside of the ushers themselves, presiding over the Boneyard as lords, law-speakers and judges of the dead.

  • Breath Weapon: A yamaraj can breathe a cone of cold or raw decay in the form of clouds of carrion-eating insects.
  • Energy Absorption: A yamaraj absorbs electricity to strengthen itself.
  • Feathered Dragons: Yamarajes resemble dragons covered in black feathers and sporting a pair of raven-like wings and a birdlike head.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Yamarajes vaguely resemble black dragons, though they are easily distinguished by being feathered instead of scaled.
  • Poisonous Person: Their venom saps the youth and vitality from living creatures.
  • Work Hard, Play Hard: Yamarajes eagerly indulge in exquisite banquets during their infrequent personal time.

Level: 17
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Large

  • Deader than Dead: A shinigami possesses six gems in which it encapsulates souls. Once per day, a shinigami can hold up a gem that currently contains a soul and crush it, sending the soul to the afterlife and releasing a burst of negative energy.
  • Sinister Scythe: A shinigami wields a scythe made of bone.

The Maelstrom (Chaotic Neutral)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Alternate Company Equivalent: Being embodiments of raw chaos and natives of the Chaotic Neutralinvoked Outer Plane, they are one to the slaadi in Dungeons & Dragons, specifically their pre-4th Edition incarnation, and were created by Paizo to replace the slaadi, who are not OGL and therefore cannot be used. On the whole, proteans tend to be more philosophical than slaadi.
  • Arch-Enemy:
    • Firstly, proteans are natural enemies of all lawful planar races — their principal foes are the Lawful Neutral axiomites and inevitables, of course, but they're just as opposed to the angels and the devils, and legions of proteans have laid siege to Heaven, Axis and Hell for as long as these realms have existed.
    • Secondly, while proteans get along fairly well with most chaotic outsiders, they loathe demons and qlippoth, which they see as perversions of themselves, and have warred against them for as long as their races have been aware of each other's existence.
  • Bizarre Alien Reproduction: Protean reproduction can happen in a very wide variety of forms, and true to their chaotic natures follows few hard patterns. Some proteans are formed from the souls of mortals of suitable alignment, although that's far less common than among other outsiders; others are spontaneously formed from the creative potential of the Maelstrom, elevated from lesser proteans or — in a fairly rare case among outsiders — created through other proteans reproducing, whether "conventionally", through polyamorous mating balls or just from the parent protean splitting in half like an amoeba.
  • Bizarre Alien Sexes: Proteans don't really have sexes or genders in the way mortals understand the concept, and can adopt and discard whatever gender identities they feel like, often on a whim. Their shapeshifting also allows them to take on whichever sexual organs they want or need, allowing any given protean to make itself male, female, hermaphroditic, neuter or something even more bizarre as it pleases.
  • Healing Factor: A protean can easily recover from deafness or blindness by quickly growing new sensory organs.
  • Hive Caste System: Proteans are divided into several sub-castes, each with a different appearance, abilities and roles — keketars and izfiitars are priests, kings and prophets, oshageroses and naunets are frontline soldiers against order, azuretzis are spies, imenteshes proselytize the ways of chaos among other societies, and so on.
  • Monster Organ Trafficking: Protean scales can used to replace any Chaotic spell during item crafting.
  • Random Effect Spell: All proteans have the ability to create warpwaves, whose random effects can never be predicted by the protean itself.
  • Sentient Cosmic Force: Proteans are the living exemplars of the concept of chaos itself.
  • Snake People: Most proteans have serpentine lower bodies and humanoid torsos.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: All proteans have mutable forms and can change shape into other creatures.

Level: 1
Size: Small

Tiny creatures often classified as proteans due to their alignment, home plane and serpentine shapes. Other proteans resent this association, and do not see more than minimum kinship between themselves and the diminutive voidworms.

  • Familiar: Most voidworms are seen as familiars of Chaotic Neutral mortal wizards, and it's speculated that they may be created by the very act of being summoned.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: They look like beautiful glowing worm creatures and are only two feet long.
  • Tail Slap: Voidworms attack by slapping foes with their tail.

Level: 3
Size: Small
Crocodile-headed proteans who exist to sow disorder in the written words, akizendris delight in turning poems into meaningless word jumbles, planting crude jokes within valuable texts, and scrawling obscenities across priceless texts.
  • Book Burning: Akizendris gleefully corrupt and alter texts to vex scholars and sages across the planes with contradictions and untruths.


Level: 4
Size: Large

Unusual proteans with humanoid torsos, ourdivars are brought into being by the very act of being summoned.

  • Death-Activated Superpower: An ourdivar that is killed or banished erupts in a minor warpwave of chaotic energy.
  • Snake People: The upper body of an ourdivar is that of a bestial humanoid, while its lower section is a serpentine tail.


Level: 5
Size: Small

Diminutive blue wyrms and adept shapeshifters, azuretzis delight in mocking everyone and everything they encounter, and are often employed by their more powerful kin as spies and saboteurs.

  • Master of Disguise: An azuretzi can mimic the form of a creature by studying it.
  • Power Parasite: An azuretzi can borrow a creature's talents with a touch attack, suppressing and gaining the target's ability to use a single spell or spell-like ability.


Level: 7
Size: Large

Powerful, brutish beings, the naunets advance the cause of chaos in the most direct way possible — by rampaging through the borderlands of other planes to dissolve them back into the formless potential of the Maelstrom.

  • Blood Knight: Always ready for a fight, naunets pride themselves in acting swiftly and striking before unpleasant distractions like diplomacy can blunt a combat's beginning.
  • Fog of Doom: Six naunets working together can create a cloud of multicoloured chaos that harms those inside.
  • Too Many Mouths: Two tentacles ending in jaws emerge from a naunet's back.


Level: 8
Size: Medium

Immaterial proteans formed spontaneously within the depths of the Maelstrom, pelagastrs spend most of their time on the Universe, hopping from body to body to indulge in the sensations of the flesh.

  • Demonic Possession: A pelagastr can merge its body with that of a corporeal creature to take control of the victim.
  • Sense Freak: Pelagastrs hop from host to host to savor the strangeness of the physical world using as many senses as possible.


Level: 9
Size: Medium

  • Prehensile Tail: An illureshi can use its tail to grab unattended items and activate wands.


Level: 10
Size: Large
Imenteshes are missionaries of chaos, traveling far beyond the Maelstrom to spread the word of entropy and creation to planes locked under the dreary rule of law.
  • Brown Note: A subtle telepathic whisper constantly surrounds imenteshes, confusing the minds of the weak-willed.


Level: 11
Size: Huge

  • Acid Attack: An ibshaunet is surrounded by a corrosive aura that inflicts acid damage on those that approach it.


Level: 13
Size: Medium

Crocodilian proteans who live to ward off or destroy entities that threaten the purity and freedom of true chaos.

Level: 15
Size: Large

The wandering clergy of the proteans, Hegessik proteans act as intermediaries between their home plane's powers — such as keketar choruses, izfiitars, protean lords and the gods of the Maelstrom — and aid in the transition of mortal souls into true proteans and of proteans into new castes.

  • Brown Note: A mind-bending susurrus of voices and false perceptions infuses reality in close proximity to a hegessik.
  • Deadly Gaze: When opened, a hegessik’s third eye produces a powerful gaze attack.
  • Extra Eyes: A hegessik has a third eye on its forehead.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Hegessiks have two pairs of arms, one small and slender for fine manipulation and one large and powerful for combat and heavy tasks.
  • Walking the Earth: Hegessiks are the itinerant clergy of the proteans, wandering the wilderness of the Maelstrom.

Level: 17
Size: Large

Powerful proteans who serve as prophets and priest-kings within what loosely passes for protean civilization.

  • Cool Crown: All keketars can be distinguished by a crown of glowing energy on their head.
  • Monster Lord: Keketars are the leaders and prophets of the protean race.
  • Teleport Interdiction: All creatures teleporting near a keketar will either be nauseated or temporarily put into suspended animation.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: A keketar can create a quasi-real illusion that can shield those that believes in it, and is easily breakable by those that do not.

Level: 20+
Size: Medium

Immensely powerful, six-armed proteans and the highest clergy and spiritual leaders of the protean race.

  • Cool Crown: All izfiitars can be distinguished by a halo of ever-changing symbols on their head.
  • High Priest: Izfiitars loom above keketars, cardinals among the clergy, and divine the will of the Speakers of the Depths.
  • Magic Knight: Izfiitars have monstrous physical attacks and stupendous magical powers.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: An izfiitar has six arms in total.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: An izfiitar can create a quasi-real illusion that can shield those that believe in it, and is easily breakable by those that do not.

Level: 21
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Blob Monster: Baatamidars resemble floating blobs of undulating, prismatic ooze with four tentacles and dribbles of oily slime that always drip upwards.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Due to the threat they pose to planar communities, celestial and infernal commanders alike make defeating baatamidars a top priority, sometimes even joining together.

Level: 4
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Dem Bones: A burleev looks like a humanoid skeleton with a complete set of internal organs.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: A burleev's supernatural nimbus burns brightly with cold or heat, which it can switch at will.

Level: 17
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Thinking Up Portals: The internal skin of camaraches constantly splits into temporary extraplanar portals. The planar travel a camarach produces is usually wholly random, except when specifically chosen by the camarach.

    Chaos Beast 
Level: 7
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Blob Monster: The body of a chaos beast constantly twists upon itself and reshapes into new forms.
  • Perpetually Protean: Chaos beasts have no set form except a single eye and a maw filled with teeth. Beyond that, they're constantly shifting and altering themselves, growing new appendages while absorbing or mutating old ones. In combat they shapeshift every turn, and are actually immune to Forced Transformation of any stripe, including Flesh-to-Stone and the like.

Level: 10
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Proud Warrior Race: Einherjar pride themselves on prowess in battle, and forever seek to prove themselves by challenging worthy foes.

Level: 12
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Horse of a Different Color: Valkyries prefer equine steeds capable of flight, such as sleipnirs, dragon horses and pegasi.
  • Valkyries: Valkyries are monitors formed from the souls of valiant warriors, and resemble human, dwarven, or elven women clad in gleaming armor and riding flying steeds. They scour battlefields to look for valiant heroes about to die; when they find them, they either help them survive to fight again or claim their souls to turn into einherjar, who often form retinues that accompany valkyries around.

Level: 22
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Gargantuan

Watchers are enigmatic and insrutible to nearly all creatures, due in large part to the mystery surrounding their home plane. Watchers lurk in worlds on the brink of destruction, preparing to watch events unfold and collect a piece to be enshrined in Jandelay.

  • Photographic Memory: Watchers see and remember every sensation around them with perfect clarity, and their memory never fades.
  • Stealthy Colossus: Despite their enormous size, watchers have an unnerving ability to fade into the background, causing other creatures to overlook or ignore them.

Other Planes

Level: 13
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Poisoned Weapons: A creature damaged by an empusa's lash is affected by its toxic venom.
  • Snake Whip: An empusa can manifest a whip-like weapon that appears to be a coiling serpent.

Level: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Gender Bender: Though they typically take female form, vendenopterixes are comfortable taking the shape of any gendered humanoid.
  • Kiss of Death: A vendenopterix's kiss drains her victim’s mental facilities until it acts like a buffoon or clod.
  • Poisonous Person: A vendenopterix's claws are coated with venom.
  • Winged Humanoid: A vendenopterix looks like an elven woman with dragonfly wings.

Level: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Large

  • Blood Knight: Zentragts relish opportunities to charge into battle and eagerly serve in the vanguard of Gorum's armies. They quickly grow bored if there is nothing to fight, and challenge any creature present that looks like it can handle a rough fight to maintain their high spirits.
  • Metal Muncher: Zentragts can eat metal, seeing it as a form of communion with Gorum.

Alternative Title(s): Pathfinder Outsiders Neutral Planes
