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Characters / Legends Of Lore Bound

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    Thomas Barnsley 



  • Island Base: the sand from which Silikon derives his power settles out as an island. While he is for all intents and purposes omnipotent anywhere in the world, it is here where he centres his most overt indulgences.
  • Phantasy Spelling: the name Silikon is an intentional misspelling of the element silicon, referring to the fact that he's made of sand. The manner of misspelling, replacing a 'c' with a 'k', is a reference to the video game franchise Mortal Kombat, from which the entire roleplay takes much inspiration.
  • Power Crystal: Silikon's physical being is a crystal formed of pure, condensed time sand. It contains so much power that it has its own claim to godhood.
  • Time Master: a time god who controls time, existing in any and all points in time at once? Sounds like a time master.


  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Lagoon is a firm believer in the supremacy of the Atlantean master race.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: Atlantean ninja armour that takes its powers of colour changing from the versatile cuttlefish.
  • Cool Mask: wears a mask stylised to look like a cuttlefish.
  • Ninja: Lagoon is a ninja from Atlantis.
  • Proud Warrior Race Girl: being Atlantean, a thpically violent people, Lagoon embodies this trope well.
  • Stock Ninja Weaponry: poisoned wrist blades and enchanted ink to act as smoke screens or oil slicks.
  • Unwanted Revival: Lagoon finds little happiness in her revival at the end of Silikon, as it nullifies the honour of dying in battle.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: It's revealed in The Otherworld Gladiators That she was once a nice little girl who made a promise to katálixi to fight Dhy'xhdrygn when she was older but eventually fell for her people’s propaganda and became the hateful woman she was today.


The Otherworld Gladiators


  • Came Back Wrong: one resurrection even Delta was involved in blemished her skin with deathly pale birthmarks.
  • Death Seeker: Delta seeks only to atone for her family's curse of dishonour, and sees her death as a perfectly valid way to achieve this.
  • Spin-Offspring: Delta is the daughter of Lagoon and Titus from SILIKON.
  • Take Up My Sword: Delta uses her father's sword as a weapon in her quest to regain family honour.


  • An Ice Person: the main way in which Entromorph utilises its abilities is through the solidification of ambient water vapour into ice weapons. The science version of cryomancy, in essence.
  • Cyber Cyclops: Entromorph was built with only one eyepiece.
  • Do Androids Dream?: robotic sentience is loosely explored in Entromorphs character. It is established early on that the battledroid component of its programming, which is driven by mindless obedience, and the complex analytical component required to use its unique powers, which is necessarily more curious and thoughtful, are at odds when it comes to the question of soul.
  • Energy Absorption: Entromorph does this constantly, either from the surrounding or directly from its enemies as a form of attack.
  • Entropyand Chaos Magic: as implied in the name, Entromorph's fighting gimmick is its ability to willfully manipulate thermodynamics. It does so with such precision that it basically comes across as magic.
  • Explosive Overclocking: the way in which Entromorph is ultimately defeated.
  • Eye Beams: the most devastating weapon at Entromorph's disposal - the ability to expel absorbed energy through its eye in one focused laser beam.
  • SkeleBot 9000: Entromorph's body is not only built like a skeleton; it even functions as a skeleton when Entromorph cocoons itself with protective ice armour.
  • Telepathy: on the rare occasions that Entromorph does speak, it is in this manner.
  • The Voiceless: for the most part Entromorph is completely silent, to the point where its own creators are surprised to hear it speak.

Dr Silas Moe

Mr Jackson West


Wahid and Ithnan


  • Chain Pain: one of Worm's weapons of choice is the length of broken leash hanging from his collar.
  • The Grotesque: Worm is, beyond the shadow of a doubting Thomas, a very ugly being. But he is not evil.
  • Hungry Menace: being a corrupted spirit of plague, Worm constantly hungers for anything from flesh to rotten vegetable matter.
  • One-Winged Angel: near the end of his first fight, Worm tranforms into a proper gigantic worm.
  • Phlebotinum Rebel: after being bound for so long as a corrupted spirit of nature, Worm is given a chance to turn on his master, and promptly seizes it.
  • Tortured Monster: Worm never wanted to be a slave to powerful evils. The reality of what he has become is a source of great bitterness for him.
  • The Worm That Walks: a perfect summation of what Worm is physically; a shell of metal and cartilage teeming with insects.

Lord Lucius Excrucius


Path to Rebirth




Evil has Won


Lord Sraker




  • Brother–Sister Team: Ricecake and her seven year old brother Pip
  • Children Are Innocent: Averted, Ricecake has few compunctions about killing other fighters in order to earn her wish. Though in her defence, the three she ends up actually killing aren't exactly saints...
  • Children Forced to Kill: Ricecake is only ten years old when she agrees to Silikon's offer to fight. Though strictly she is forced by circumstance, rather than having no choice in the matter.
  • Crapsack World: 23rd Century Mars appears to be one of these, at-least through the siblings' eyes. When given the choice at the end, they decide to stay on Silikon's Island
  • Kid Hero All Grown-Up: In her cameo in Otherworld, Ricecake appears as thirty-something year old "Inspector Kaye".
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Ricecake hates her true name, to the point where it's only mentioned once in the entire text of SILIKON. It's Ribekah Kaye. Pip's full name is Philip Kaye.
  • Promotion to Parent: Ricecake, after the death of her and Pip's mother.
  • Training Montage: Ricecake underwent one of these as she trained for her fight against Walter.


  • Children Are Innocent: Unlike his sister, played straight.
  • Children Forced to Kill: When Ricecake gets in trouble in the second fight, Pip takes it upon himself to enter the arena and ends up shooting Walter Lyllghwll in the head
  • Little Brother Is Watching: The only time Ricecake helps other fighters is at the request of Pip. Furthermore, it is his idea to ask Silikon at the end to resurrect the other fighters.
  • Littlest Cancer Patient: Ricecake's motivation to fight

Titus Marcus Antonius

  • Butt-Monkey: Even after his revival at the end of SILIKON, Titus could never live it down that his dreams of becoming Emperor of Rome were destroyed by a little girl.
  • Official Couple: His ship with Lagoon becomes canon, shortly before their respective exits from the game.
  • Pet the Dog: His interaction with Stomp, after the dinosaur saves his life.
  • The Conqueror: Prior to being disgraced, he was one of these in his own world.
  • Would Hurt a Child: By his own admission, he had no problem doing this back in his own world. He was very happy to be matched up against Ricecake, though this hubris led to his downfall.

Edward Percy Worthington

  • Racist Grandma: At first, Worthington considers Ricecake and Pip to be "savages". His views later soften when he gets to know them better however, and he even helps Ricecake train for the second fight.
  • The Butler Did It: Worthington used to be an assassin prior to his arrival on Silikon's island, his butler disguise allowing him to slip among the highest in the land unnoticed.

Spider Grandmother

  • Or Was It a Dream?: Since she only appeared in Ricecake's dreams, it was initially unclear whether Grandmother Spider was real or just a figment of Ricecake's imagination. The Grandmother's appearance in the crowd after the final fight implied the former, but it wasn't until her cameo appearance at the end of the Otherworld Gladiators that this was confirmed for certain.

The Otherworld Gladiators

Prince Cadeyrn

  • Children Are Innocent: Heavily inverted. Cadeyrn enjoys watching mortals fight to the death, is known for transforming those who displease him into statues, and unsuccessfully tries it on with female fighters.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Towards the end of Otherworld, it is revealed that Cadeyrn was born human and abandoned as an infant, to be found and adopted by the future Queen. Though, the fact that Cadeyrn at this point seems indistinguishable from any other fairy indicates that humans and fae may actually be of the same species, just raised in different conditions.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: The first part is debatable.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Cadeyrn's age is never specified but given that time is measured in centuries in the Kingdom of Faerie, he must be much older than he looks. Doesn't stop him acting like the spoiled brat he is though.


  • Ambiguous Gender: While Eilwen identifies as female throughout the game, it is noted that she has been male at some points in the past.


Samten Choegyal

  • Flat-Earth Atheist: To a degree, although he does recognise the existence of great powers, he doesn't believe they should be called gods.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: It's implied at the end of Otherworld Gladiators that after his resurrection by the Queen, Samten comes to this conclusion.

Gamud the Goblin

Queen Titania

  • Reset Button: The Queen effectively functions as a living one of these at the end of Otherworld. But then it's only logical that a being with the power to grant almost any wish would have the power to bring a handful of mortals back to life.

Path to Rebirth







  • Ax-Crazy: There’s only one thing on bites mind, murder, and if that has nothing to do with the situation he's not interested
  • Big Bad: of SILIKON tournament.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: does this to anyone he is not kill straightaway.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: he doesn’t really have much a character other than murdering people.
  • Mistaken Identity: was actually the one who was supposed to compete instead of Rip
  • Raptor Attack: While Rip averts some of the most common traits of this Trope Bite plays most of it straight
  • Lack of Empathy: Bite only sees other people as prey.
  • Ironic Hell: Bite loves murder above all else, when he dies he sent to heaven where he can’t kill anybody.
  • Unwitting Pawn: we learn in The Otherworld Gladiators that his actions were being manipulated by Dhy'xhdrygn


Spit and Snap

  • Flat Character: they only really exist to get other people to the islands, that’s it.


  • The Dragon: serves this to Silikon
  • Jerkass: he may even upstage Titus in this regard
  • Karma Houdini: despite kidnapping stomp and being the main reason Rip and Crawl metaphorically and literally went through hell the worst he gets is a head butt by crawl.
  • Samurai: he just isn’t as honorable as your typical samurai.
  • Meaningful Name: his name means clock in Japanese.

The Cloaked God

The Otherworld Gladiators


  • An Arm and a Leg: he loses his corrupted on to Dhy'xhdrygn near the end
  • Arch-Enemy: with Dhy'xhdrygn and junkbox.
  • Badass Bookworm: Thanks to his book being his primary weapon.
  • Cool Old Guy: He’s by far the the oldest mortal in the entire series. he still manages to win the tournament at the end
  • Determinator: as his story goes on it becomes very clear that he’s fighting off his own death until he can make one last push against Dhy'xhdrygn
  • Glass Cannon: his magic is quite strong but he himself is quite frail a can be taken down with one or two hits.
  • Go Out with a Smile: he dies happy knowing that his final action would help millions of people escape the wrath of Dhy'xhdrygn and Delta still alive and well
  • Killed Off for Real: after he stops Dhy'xhdrygn plan to destroy the multi-verse he finally succumbs to death.
  • Last of His Kind: the rest of his race was killed by Dhy'xhdrygn
  • Light 'em Up: His spell Expurget and the main spell Dhy'xhdrygn fears
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Played with When he was about to Fight Delta he’s intending to kill her until she talks about what happened to Lagoon, he couldn’t bring himself to do it he also spares Xion in the next fight subverted later on. although the other two can be argued as a mercy killing
  • Our Mages Are Different: he is able to do all sorts of spells as long as he could read them out of his book.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!:gives this to junkbox after he makes Entromorph to kill Silas
    ""You dare call yourself a revolutionary, bringer of justice!" Kat yelled as he weirdly started to bleed all over his body as his eyes turned red, blood poured out of them like tears. "Your pain is not special, your revenge is meaningless and your hatred is maddening." the air started to thick as junkbox look at Kat, his face becoming more worried. "I'll tell you what true pain is disgusting blob, the pain that everyone you know and love is dead, the pain in seeing your precious god's face. Seeing comrades and civilians perish trying to give the rest of the universe a little bit more time and having to live with the choices you made." everything in the room shook before Kat yelled "Spróxte!" sending Entromorph flying like a bullet to the other side of the room. "And because of all that I don't have the right to stop trying now.""
  • Summon Magic: he can summon a T Rex looking monster and a giant magical Mech.
  • Take Up My Sword: he asked the Queen to give Delta his book
  • War Is Hell: He doesn’t look back at his time fighting Dhy'xhdrygn with any joy and talks about the people he’s lost along the way.
  • Weak, but Skilled: he’s not that strong but who needs strength when you can summon a T Rex.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: gives this to Delta a couple times.


  • Alas, Poor Villain: at the end of the tournament he’s betrayed by his master and his body is slowly taking over. Before his mind goes blank his last thoughts is of his family
  • Big Bad: of Otherworld Gladiators
  • The Dragon: to Dhy'xhdrygn or at least one of his
  • Dramatic Irony: There is a lot.
    • There is no person he hates more than Eilwen but for most of the tournament he because her when he takes over her body
    • he made the deal with Dhy'xhdrygn mainly to avenge his family, a family that still live. he doesn’t find this out until he can’t turn back
    • He also helps Dhy'xhdrygn so his people wouldn’t have to fear the gods anymore, despite the fact that he selling his people into slavery to Dhy'xhdrygn at best
  • Death by Irony: his body is stolen by Dhy'xhdrygn
  • Fantastic Racism: Hates the Fae with the burning fiery passion but considering his back story it’s hard to blame him
  • Grand Theft Me: his specialty.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: He’s pretty much a living blob that steals people’s bodies and can morph into literally anything he pleases.
  • Manipulative Bastard: he spends the entire tournament messing around with everyone he even takes control of two of them
  • Our Goblins Are Different:
  • One-Winged Angel: he shows off his true form at the end of the tournament
  • Pet the Dog: he shows kindness to some of the contestants like Worm and Gamud although it makes sense considering he empathizes with the former and the latter is his son
  • Tragic Bigot: read tragic villain down below
  • Tragic Villain: his actions are motivated by Eilwen leaving his people and his family to die
  • Walking Spoiler: his motivations are big part of his character
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: read tragic villain above.


  • Broken Bird: when we meet her in the story she’s lost everything and it reflects in her personality
  • The Cynic: she tells Luna that the Prince will most likely not grant her wish
  • Tragic Bigot: The Faes took everything from her mainly his husband junkbox and and son Gamud

Path to Rebirth





The Otherworld Gladiators

Path to Rebirth

    Methodia Chicken 


Sir Walter Lyllghwll

  • Ice Pick Lobotomy: Walter's primary offensive strategy, which he uses to kill Lagoon in the first fight.


  • Arch-Enemy: is this to SILIKON and katálixi.
  • Big Bad: services this for the whole series
  • The Chessmaster: manipulates multiple people in his plans of absolute destruction.
  • God of Evil: more specifically he’s the God of space that can’t stand anything else existing beside itself.
  • Eldritch Abomination: a being from the dark corners of space on a mission to consume all life and even time itself.
  • Expy: of azathoth, both being humongous unstoppable monsters from the darkest corners of space. The only difference is Dhy'xhdrygn can still think.
  • Karma Houdini: he gets away with pretty much everything he’s done, at worst his plans were ruined.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: We see nothing of his true form except one tentacle.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: If he succeeds they will be nothing left
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness/ Hijacked by Ganon: does this to Junkbox

The Otherworld Gladiators


Gordon Bennett

    Crazy Girl 17 



Meishou Quickpaw

The Otherworld Gladiators

Luna Mooneye

Path to Rebirth

Matt "Edge" Fletch

    Xion-the grand aegis 

The Otherworld Gladiators



The Otherworld Gladiators

Path to Rebirth

    Wary Wolf 

Path to Rebirth

Ulrygg the Ulfsark

  • The Berserker: His battle lust is akin to a maddened bull. And recklessly charges into battle with his great-cleaver GRAVESTONE in hand.
  • Horny Vikings: Wears wolf pelts. Owns a longship. Scandinavian. Wields a big weapon. Has a horned helmet. Yep. He's a Viking.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Even Vikings have a soft side.

Ulrygg's Wolf Pelts

  • Living Clothes: Somehow, the act of bringing Ulrygg back to life extended to the wolf pelts that he wears. They remain unimpressed.

Left Shoulder Wolf

Right Shoulder Wolf

Groin Wolf

  • Butt-Monkey: Well, technically a butt covering wolf. It sucks to be a loincloth.

Right Boot Wolf

  • Snarky Non Human Side Kick: Strangely, the boot seems to like Ulrygg, he mocks the other wolves along with the other contestants.


Path to Rebirth


Path to Rebirth

    Fleem Swipes 

Path to Rebirth
