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Characters / Infinity Train Boiling Point Ruby Sulphur Trio

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Ruby Sulphur Trio

The main group of focus in the story, a trio composed of two Denizens (Chris and Phos) and a Passenger (Boscha) whose adventures drive most of Act 1 of the story.

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    In General 
  • Aerith and Bob: The names of the members are Chris (perfectly normal), Boscha (female variant of Bosch, which is unusual), and Phos (short for Phosphophyllite, and while Gem names typically range from common to uncommon, Phosphophyllite isn't one of them.)
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Phos is the tallest member, Boscha is a slender witch, and Chris, being just a crystal ball, is the smallest of them.
  • Expy: Since the story is inspired by Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail, the main trio are clearly based on the Red Lotus Trio. In particular:
    • Boscha is an expy of Chloe Cerise: Both being red-haired girls with fire powers and fiery tempers who are taken by the Train during a moment of great stress.
    • Chris is an expy of Atticus: They're both the most sensible members of the team, the one that doesn't have a human appearance, and act as the voice of reason when things get too hectic. Or at least, Chris tries to.
    • Phos is an expy of Lexi: They're both the tallest members of the team, and both have met the Apex before, having been critically injured by them.
  • Expy Coexistence: As said above, they're expies of the Red Lotus Trio from Blossoming Trail. The Stinger of Chapter 7 reveals the trio also exist in this universe and both Trios meet at the end of Chapter 11.
  • The Fellowship Has Ended: After Boscha leaves the Train and returns to the Boiling Isles, it doesn't take long for Chris and Phos to follow suit; Chris goes back to his teaching duties in Mana Academy, while Phos becomes the new leader of Zenith Fantasy after Simon and Grace kick the bucket wheeling The True Apex.
  • Flat "What": This is their reaction once the Cursed Princess Club make their introduction.
  • Freudian Trio:
    • Boscha is the Id: She almost always jumps headfirst into action and asks questions later, and she's the most intense member of the trio.
    • Chris is the Ego: While he can tap into the future, he stays in the present for the most part, and tries to keep things civil between everyone.
    • Phos is the Superego: They're cool and collected, if a little bit dry, and tends to be the first to notice things the other two miss.
  • Masculine, Feminine, Androgyne Trio: Chris is Masculine, Boscha is Feminine, and Phos is Androgyne.
  • Meaningful Name: They're named after the Realgar's gem's alternate name, with Realgar itself symbolizing self-love and self-acceptance, among other things.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: In order, Chris is the nice one, being the one most concerned with keeping things diplomatic and just having a generally nice disposition. Boscha is the mean one, treating everybody as beneath her and carrying a sense of arrogant bravado that makes her quite intense to deal with. And Phos is the inbetween, having a sourer attitude compared to Chris, but nowhere near the malice or cruelty Boscha clearly exhibits.
  • Rag Tag Bunch Of Misfits: A three-eyed witch who's also a pyromaniac, a sentient crystal ball who can see into the future, and an androgynous gem-based humanoid is a rather bizarre team up no matter where you look at it.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Boscha's the red oni, 'nuff said, with Chris and Phos acting as the blue onis, though the former moreso than the latter.
  • Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick: Boscha is a pretty nasty piece of work, while Chris, and to a lesser extent Phos, are nicer and at least approachable.
  • Vague Age: It's hard to tell how old each member of the Trio's supposed to be: Chris is a sentient crystal ball who seemingly works and lives at the Mana Academy Car, but there are no hints as to how old he's supposed to be. Phos' original age was around 300 in their canon, but seeing as they're a Denizen here, whether that still applies or not is unknown. And Boscha? The best the Train can come up with while compiling her data is "Age: Teenager" and that's it.

The Trio

    Boscha Urodela 
See her page here.

A sentient crystal ball that Boscha meets after entering the Train. He becomes her first companion, mostly to keep her in check.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A floating, sentient crystal ball.
  • Afraid of Blood: He becomes quite squeamish when Boscha Couldn't Find a Pen for her dress, so she used her blood instead.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: Downplayed. He assists Phos' in their fight against Lapis Lazuli by using his future vision to predict what they'll do next.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: His honest desire to figure out Boscha's reason to act the way she does causes her to breakdown, nearly threatening the Car they're on before Phos calms her down.
  • Crystal Ball: A sentient, floating one at that.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He wanted to drive the Apex away from his academy, but Boscha's brutality forces him to interfere.
  • Foil:
    • To Atticus. They're both the non-human Denizen of their group, Atticus being a talking corgi, while Chris is a sentient crystal ball. They're both the Non-Action Guy who still manage to find a way to help; Atticus by providing emotional and moral support, while Chris has the ability to see the future and is ridiculously tough to hurt. Finally, their reasons for joining their respective girls are different: Atticus joins Chloe because he wants to come along with her, while Chris goes with Boscha to ensure she doesn't go overboard.
    • To MT. Both of them are Denizens made of really tough materials: MT is made of Chrome, Chris is made some unspecified crystal. MT is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Chris is a Nice Guy. MT is a humanoid Denizen, Chris is a non-human Denizen. Finally, both of them join their Passenger partners for ulterior motives; MT joins Jesse in hopes of getting a number, while Chris joins Boscha to stop her from going on a rampage.
    • To Lexi. They're both non-human Denizens with supernatural powers; Lexi can control papers and shapeshift, while Chris can see the future. Both of them are initially wary of their respective girl, but while Lexi smugly doesn't believe Chloe can impress him, Boscha's cruelty horrifies Chris so much that he goes with her to restrain her. And while they both don't like the Apex, Chris simply wanted them to leave his home Car and seems to be ambivalent to them at best, while Lexi completely loathes them.
  • Gone Horribly Right / Gone Horribly Wrong: He asked Boscha's help to drive away the Apex. Instead, she gets so into it she nearly kills them before the students interfere.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": A crystal ball named Chris.
  • Mundane Utility: He can use his future vision to verify whenever Boscha's lying or telling the truth, as shown during the Astral Car. He also, as a crystal ball, can be used to look into a person's past.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: He can tank an Elemental Punch from Boscha so well that she's the one who gets hurt by it.
  • Non-Action Guy: Can't fight, as he's a crystal ball, but he's capable of tanking punches from Boscha. Chloe hitting him with her donut holer wrecks the donut holer than him.
  • Power Floats: He floats everywhere, and he can see into the future.
  • Seers: As a crystal ball, he has the ability to see into the future. He's also capable of letting someone see the past.
  • Smart People Play Chess: He plays chess against Atticus in Chapter 13 as his battle with it implied that he was the victor.
  • Story-Breaker Power: His ability to see the future is a technique even Boscha doesn't have, and one that could easily tip any battle into the trio's favor. The only reason it doesn't go this far is because Chris himself can't actually fight, and Boscha, the best person who could use the future sight, more often than not runs off to do her own thing instead.
  • Support Party Member: Out of the main trio he's this, lacking any offensive abilities like Boscha and Phos, with his main ability to see the future helping stop things from getting worse.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: While he doesn't like the Apex, he genuinely thinks what Boscha does to them is going too far, to the point he has to interfere.

A Denizen that Boscha reassembles after the Mana Academy Car. They become Boscha's second companion soon after, for better or worse.
  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: When they arrive at The Mall Car to help free Zenith Fantasy and escape the incoming fight against Hazel, their blade proves to be sharp enough to slice the cell bars to bits.
  • Accentuate the Negative: While they can't think of many good things to say about Boscha, they come up with quite a few negative traits, which Boscha cuts off before they list them all.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Played With. On the one hand, they have been shattered to pieces and left in a state of constant suffering until Boscha revived them. On the other hand, they have yet to be put through the same pain and anguish as in their canon series.
  • Adaptational Badass: Very, very Downplayed. Phos in their home series wasn't a particularly great fighter, and almost every time they got into an actual fight, they got cracks all over. In here, while they're still not the best fighter, they don't crack anywhere near as frequently.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: They spend most of their time with Boscha snarking at her and trading insults, but at the end of the day, they really do care for her. This becomes more pronounced after the Boschazens are created, since they not only treat Boa, their closest equivalent to Boscha, a bit more nicely, but make their disapproval known when Chloe begins to Speak Ill of the Dead.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: They're nowhere near as vain or whiny as in canon, though being left as sentient shards and hanging around Boscha probably helped in that regard.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Downplayed, since they're still an androgynous, crystal-based humanoid. However, rather than being an amalgamation of gems given sentience, they're a Denizen.
  • Aloof Ally: Downplayed. Phos carries themselves with an air of apathy and melancholy, which greatly contrasts the likes of Boscha, but they're on the same page as the rest of the trio.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Lapis implies that back in their original Car, Phos wasn't particularly well liked by their peers. Once we do see it later in Chapter 9, Bort's words more or less imply that they were right, since Phos is on the receiving end of a Disappointed in You remark from Bort for bringing Boscha to the Lustrous Car.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Looks feminine but is written with gender-neutral pronouns.
  • And I Must Scream: They're still sentient as shards, which the Apex discover to their horror.
  • Ancestral Weapon: Obsidian gifts them Antarcticite's Serrated Blade of Pain per the latter's request, which they gladly accept.
  • Badass Normal: Unlike their teammates, they don't have any supernatural powers or magic at their disposal, leaving them to survive by their wits and, eventually, Antarcticite's Serrated Blade of Pain.
  • Berserk Button: Don't speak ill of Boscha while he's around. Chloe messes up a chance to bond with him when she begins acting Innocently Insensitive regarding how such a nice Denizen like them became partnered up with Boscha.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me:
    • Granted, "nice" isn't the word you'd usually use to describe Boscha, but her not only reviving them, but telling them how they were better than they thought and that they could actually get stronger practically earned her their loyalty.
    • Phos comes to Simon and Grace's aid at The Archfiends Car because Simon actually listened to their plight to be destroyed and showed sympathy for them. They do this once again for the final battle, freeing and helping Zenith Fantasy escape from The Mall Car as the final battle is about to begin.
  • Big Damn Heroes: They stop Golbez from striking Simon and Grace at the Archfiends Car.
    • During The Mall Car, they're among the first Denizens to help Zenith Fantasy out, not only slicing their cell bars to pieces, but helping them try and escape the Car before things get really intense.
  • Body Horror: Besides the obvious "sentient crystal shards" thing, as soon as the Apex reassemble their mouth, the first thing they do is scream and beg them to kill them.
  • Cooldown Hug: Gives one of these to Boscha when she starts freaking out over her rant about how a Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse, which they also lampshade.
  • Classical Anti-Hero: They have severe self-esteem issues, which is implied to be because of the way they were treated back at their Car. While they still have it after hanging out with Boscha, they hide it behind a sarcastic front.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Phos has a rather dry tongue; quipping how much longer until they get transferred away from Chris and Boscha, and pondering whether dying of laughter counts when Boscha asks if it would kill them to say something nice about her.
  • Eating Optional: When the Cursed Princess Club invite the Ruby Sulphur Trio to their tea party, Phos casually states that they don't really eat.
  • Foil:
    • To Lexi. Both of them are the humanoid Denizen member of their trios, both have a close relationship with their redheaded leaders, and are not to be messed with. However, while Lexi's humanoid form is just one of many he can take, Phos is restricted to their humanoid self. While Lexi hates the Apex with a burning passion, Phos is at least thankful to Simon and Grace for hearing their plight. And while both they and Lexi are impulsive and rush headfirst into things, Phos eventually grows out of this mindset, while Lexi is stuck with it.
    • To MT. Both of them are humanoid Denizens made of metals (Chrome for MT, the similarly named gem for Phos) and who mostly go by nicknames. MT is a living reflection from the Chrome Car, while Phos is a living Gem humanoid from the Lustrous Car. MT is identified as female, while gender-neutral writing is used for Phos. Finally, MT is literally Made of Iron, while Phos is rather brittle.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: As said by Lapis, they were originally nothing more than a historian back in the Lustrous Car, who couldn't really fight to save their life. Cue a week with Boscha later, and not only is Phos a decent fighter, but they can match and overpower Lapis despite the latter's combat experience.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: They're quite happy when Obsidian hands them Antarcticite's sword.
  • Heroic Willpower: Despite The Boiling Underworld Car glitching like crazy due to Hazel's Uproar, Phos manages to stand up regardless and finish off Lapis Lazuli, who's been left helpless by the same event.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: They begged Simon to kill them once they opened their box, the guy obliging by sheer terror.
  • I Choose to Stay: When Lartsa explains how the Cars work for Denizens, Boscha suggests that if Phos wanted, they could return to their Car whenever they wanted. They decide to postpone the idea, visibly concerned about it.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Averted. During the Mêlée à Trois in Chapter 13, they decide to join Zenith Fantasy in the fight against Boscha, even though the witch is leagues above them. Boscha approves.
  • It Was a Gift: Antarcticite, by the way of Obsidian, gifts them their Serrated Blade of Pain for their journey.
  • Just Passing Through: Claims that they landed at the Archfiends Car by accident when they save Simon and Grace from Golbez. Which, given the random and infinite nature of the Train, might actually be true.
  • The Leader: Becomes the new leader of Zenith Fantasy after escaping from The Mall Car.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: After Lapis convinces them to go to the academy, their idea to invade it is... to run straight towards it while screaming bloody murder. They end up shattered due to this.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Their encounter with the Boiling Undine armor is made more personal by Lapis Lazuli being the one donning the armor, prompting Phos to face them mostly on their own, since Chris is a Support Party Member.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: They're introduced in the present day as sentient shards, though they get reassembled pretty quickly after Boscha gets the box.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: They're practically one of the few Denizens to actually get along with Zenith Fantasy, Simon in particular.
  • Odd Friendship: Appears to have developed one with Simon of all people.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Every time Lapis tries to demoraliza Phos so they can overpower them, they simply shut them up by fighting back.
  • Took a Level in Badass: By Chapter 13, they take a stand against Boscha without flinching. Even Boscha is surprised and quite proud of this development.
    • "The Boiling Underworld Car" further cements this, featuring Phos not only shutting down and fighting back Lapis Lazuli every time they try to demoralize them, but they manage to stand up and move while the entire Car is glitching the heck out, and gather enough strength to throw Lapis into the glitching sea, destroying them for good.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: One week of walking around a person such as Boscha has left Phos rather apathetic, especially when she begins looking for a fight and snooping around in order to cause trouble.
  • The Team Normal: Between Boscha, who has a smorgasbord of superpowers, and Chris, who has future vision, Phos stands out as the one member of the trio who doesn't have any supernatural powers at their disposal.
  • Unwanted Revival: They didn't want to be revived, as they let know Boscha when she brings up how she brought them back from being a bunch of sentient shards.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Boscha tells them this much when they're feeling down, and after some prodding from Chris, saying how just because they're Weak now doesn't mean they can't become stronger. By the end of Act 1, they're willing to protect Zenith Fantasy from Boscha's tirades, something that the witch herself is proud of.
  • You Called Me "X"; It Must Be Serious: Boa calling them by their proper name instead of "Phos" is the first sign that they're not dealing with the same Boscha anymore.
