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Abandoned vale

    Mind Tavit 
Also known as a servant mind. They are a creation of the Shapers, whose sole purpose is to analyse their surroundings and vet potential visitors. Their remarkable ability to hibernate gives them an extremely long lifespan.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Tavit is a living creature, though one made by Shapers to serve a sole purpose. It's unknown if it's male, female, or even possessing a gender in the first place.
  • And I Must Scream: Being abandoned for hundreds of years as they fell in and out of hibernation has been tough for them, causing them a great deal of anguish that they cannot properly comprehend or convey due to their limited programming.
  • Apologises a Lot: They are aware they do not possess the answers to questions that may be asked to them due to their hibernation and decay of their internal organs. If they cannot properly answer a question, they'll let you know by apologising profusely.
  • Body Horror: Once grown, they can never move from where they've been placed, with their body becoming little more than a statue. Even worse, as they age or if they're left unattended, their organs decay, reducing their mental capacity even more than before.
  • Deep Sleep: They hibernate when not being used, sometimes for decades at a time. It's taken a toll on their programming.
  • Instant Waking Skills: They'll instantly snap out of their hibernation if someone visits them, ready to resume their duties to the best of their abilities.
  • Nice Guy: They've been programmed to be helpful and provide information to visitors, so it's a given they're this. Even when they can't provide answers to questions asked to them, they'll politely apologise or answer the question to the best of their abilities.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Because of their hibernation, they have impressive lifespans. This does reduce their grasp on time though, as years may seem like days to them.
  • Scatterbrained Senior: Due to their advanced age and lack of maintence, their programming has devolved over time, causing them to lack knowledge on basic information and repeat generic phrases on a loop.
  • Stepford Smiler: They're deeply troubled, but can't produce more than a happy facade due to lacking the capacity to experience emotions on a whim.
  • Welcome to Corneria: Because of their limited scripting, they occasionaly spout pre-programmed dialogue at inappropiate times, causing them to come off as artificial and robotic.

An anxious servile who herds Ornks outside his village. He is the first servile encountered by the player.

  • Bad Liar: He's not good at putting on a brave face, constantly letting his anxiety slip through the cracks.
  • Break the Cutie: If you attack his Ornks or tell him you wish for him to be utterly devoted to your whims, he'll drop all his excitable mannerisms and respond to you with utter terror.
  • Broken Pedestal: He'll become upset and terrified if the player makes it clear that they intend to control the Serviles, confirming his fears that the Shapers seek obediance from the serviles above all else.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He loves his Ornks and will freak out if any harm befalls them.
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming: Him and his fellow serviles were once created as mere slaves for the Shapers. Due to being abandoned for so many years in an isolated island, they've created their own civilisation and governments. The player is as shocked by this as Timo is shocked by them.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Timo is in awe of the Shapers and will respond with almost childlike glee when he encounters you for the first time. He'll adore you even more if you make it clear you don't intend to enslave him, removing his worries about your intentions.
    • He'll stop worshiping you and start fearing you if you tell him to subject himself to your control, confirming his fears that he will lose his freedom at your hands.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: If the player has malevolent intentions, he'll still rush to you with open arms, essentially resigning himself to your commands. When he realises this, it's too late for him.
  • Keet: He's excitable, cheerful, and eager to stay on the good side of others. He'll quickly lose these traits if he feels like he may be enslaved by the player.
    • It's unclear how genuine his personality is, as while he is incredibly energetic and excitable, he's clearly trying to cosy up to the Shaper in an attempt to escape their wrath.
  • Nervous Wreck: He's well aware of how powerful the Shapers are and suspicious of their intentions unless you explicitly confirm you seek only diplomacy and not control. If you affirm the contrary, he'll break down, barely able to hide his absolute terror and dismay.
  • Nice Guy: He's an energetic and friendly fellow, if one who is a bit too trusting for his own good.
  • Oh, Crap!: If the player makes it clear they wish for him to be a mere servant, he'll lose all his energy and enthusiasm and respond with pure terror.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: He'll do everything he can to make himself appealing to the player, desperate not to be taken captive by an outsider. Whether you respect his requests is entirely up to you.
  • Properly Paranoid: He has some deep-rooted suspicions that the player may not have his best interests at heart, seeing him as a mere servant rather than a sentient being. If the player goes down this path, he'll be proven correct, not that it does him any good.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: While he'll leave the map after your conversation, he'll flee much quicker if you start attacking his Ornks.
  • Stepford Smiler: It's never explained how genuine his personality is, as while he's undeniably a friendly person, he's also clearly putting on a strong face to try and appease the player. He'll drop this entirely if the player makes their desire to control him clear, becoming a Nervous Wreck and running off.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: You can reassure Timo that you only wish to leave this island, having no desire to control him or subjucate his people to your whim. Timo will be relieved and incredibly grateful, heaping praise on you for your benevolence.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Or you can admit you wish for him to be subservient to your demands, causing him to have a nervous breakdown. You can also kill his domesticated Ornks, creatures who he cares for dearly.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He'll be terrified beyond belief if the player confirms he wishes to control him, barely able to hide his nervousness at this proclaimation.


    Vakkiri serviles 
The serviles living in Vakkiri. They tend the crops and look after the Ornks.
  • Flat Character: They have the exact same personality, all being hard workers who plant crops across the city. There's nothing else to them.
  • Kick the Dog: They're nice people just minding their own business. That needn't stop you from slaughtering them all with reckless abandon.
  • Nice Guy: They're very polite and friendly, being respectful to the Shapers should they cross paths with them.
  • Nice Girl: The ladies are no less polite, being coureteous and polite when passing by Shapers.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Nothing is stopping you from killing them but your own morality. It's an option at any point even if it's not a very wise one to make.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: Hurting or killing them or their livestock will obviously cause you to fall out of favor with Vakkiri's citizens, turning the place into a large battlefield you're incredibly unlikely to leave from unscathed.
  • Welcome to Corneria: They have limited dialogue and tend to repeat what other serviles have said, making listening to them redundant.

    Vakkiri Guard Serviles 
The guards of Vakkiri. They keep the city safe from rogue creatures.
  • Agony of the Feet: Their feet hurt. All of them have the same problem for some reason.
    Guard Servile My feet hurt.
  • City Guards: Of Vakkiri.
  • Cool Sword: They are equipped with swords. While not the most glamorous, they're well used and show their dilligence and dedication to their work.
  • Elite Mook: They have twice the health of normal serviles and will put up a good fight if they need to.
  • Flat Character: While not as flat as the guards from Watchhill, they have little personality.
  • Glass Cannon: They have rather low health, yet will obliterate new and low level players due to their powerful swords.
  • Good Is Not Soft: They will welcome you to their village and treat you with respect, but will quickly put a sword through your heart if you provoke them enough.
  • Nice Guy: They're friendly and polite to Shapers, should they mutually agree to keep on good terms with one another.
  • Schmuck Bait: Attacking them is an incredibly stupid thing to do early on, considering the fact they pack a massive punch.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Killing them has little benefit and will irreparibly destroy your relationship with them, yet it is an option should one wish to do so.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: Causing havoc in the city is ill-advised, considering you'll lose access to several important pieces of information as well as useful early game quests.
  • Welcome to Corneria: They have little unique dialogue, parroting what their fellow guards say.

A member of the Awakened and a woman who sees the Shapers as equals rather than masters or inferiors.

  • Berserk Button: A mild example, but she doesn't appreciate being looked down upon, becoming far more brash and confrontational if she feels her intelligence is being insulted.
  • Boomerang Bigot: She has some disdain towards serviles who accept their position without question, seeing them as weak and mindless. She's quite adamant of her intellect, and dislikes other serviles who don't strive to be anything other than what they already are.
  • Brutal Honesty: She is very blunt and direct, a jarring contrast to most serviles.
  • Establishing Character Moment: She responds to the player with polite indifference, rather than excitement, fear, or anger. This sets her up as a woman with strong convictions who won't kowtow to stronger forces because of their powers. She politely welcomes the player to her shop while making it clear she won't be pushed around or intimidated by their status.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She's a reasonable and levelheaded person, but she is quick to voice her opinions and scoff at those who she sees as overly content. This makes her come across as a bit snootish, despite her good intentions.
  • Nerves of Steel: She looks a Shaper in the eyes (who could easily blast her to smithereens for her insolance) and refuses to bow down to them or cower in fear, showing her to be an iron willed woman with a strong sense of justice.
  • Properly Paranoid: She believes a Taker spy is in Vakkiri. She's dead on.
  • Quest Giver: She'll task you with finding a Taken spy hiding in the village.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's seen as a leader to many serviles due to her reputation in the Awakened, and is able to be articulate and rational should the serviles or the player seek her leadership.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: She's quite young, and a highly intelligent and driven woman.
  • Women Are Wiser: She's female and one of the sharpest minds in Vakkiri.

A chef for the serviles in the city. She is very dedicated to her job.
  • Disc-One Nuke: Her knife is rather powerful, and there's no time limit for giving it to her. It's a good idea to hold onto it and use it until you can find a stronger weapon, due to it's high power.
  • Discount Card: She'll give you a sale on food if you bring her back her knife.
  • Nerves of Steel: Like other Awakened members, she believes in fair trade and equality, even with a Shaper with more a megelomanaical outlook.
  • Supreme Chef: She's a skilled cook, respected by the other serviles for the quality of her food and her dedication to her work.
  • Quest Giver: Her trusty knife was stolen by another servile in the village and she requires you to reclaim it.
  • Team Chef: She is the resident chef of Vakkiri, providing food for the other residents.
  • Workaholic: She's a dedicated and skilled worker, earning respect from many of the other serviles near her.

    Brodus Blade 
A muscular woman who is a member of the Awakened. She helps guard Vakkiri.
  • Blood Knight: She won't hesitate to get her hands dirty should the need arise, and will make it clear that she supports violent paths when dealing with threats.
  • Brawn Hilda: She's a woman and she's extremely large and powerful.
  • Cool Sword: She has a sword by her side, one that probably used to belong to a guardian.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She won't hesitate to attack anyone causing trouble in the village. She also has no problem enlisting the help of a Shaper to kill the bandit serviles plauging the village, making it clear that is her preferred solution to the raids
    Brodus...But be warned, if you threaten us, your powers will not dissuade us from acting against you."
  • Leave No Survivors: She does not approve of the bandits plauging Vakkiri and suggests killing them all to end their raids. She can be talked out of this if your leadership is high enough, causing the bandits and Vakkiri to reach an uneasy truce.
  • Quest Giver: She asks for help in dealing with the bandit raids on Vakkiri, making it clear that she won't automatically bow down to you if you help with her problems.
  • Self-Deprecation: She knows she's not very good at explaining things, and bluntly says that Sencia is a better choice for a teacher if one wishes to learn about the Awakened.

A servile who creates potions and powders.
  • Kick the Dog: You can do so to him, scolding him for studying the Shaper's work. He'll be taken back by this and apologetic for his actions.
  • Nice Guy: He's an Awakened, but has no ill will against the Shapers, being incredibly friendly to the player providing they don't antagonise him needlessly.
  • Quest Giver: He'll ask you to open a box he reclaimed from the ruins. It's a rather simple task, but he'll reward you nicely for doing so, showing his appreciation for fair trade.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Instead of scolding him for researching Shaper artifacts, you can congratulate him for his intelligence. He'll beam with pride and profess his respect for you and your kind.

    Learned Pinner 
An old servile renowned for her wisdom, hence her nickname. She knows the history of Sucia and resides by the artifacts she and others have collected, observing and studying them frequently.
  • Cool Old Lady: She may not be able to hold her own in a fight, but she is so intelligent and friendly that she is respected by all the other serviles. She helped overlook the serviles when they lacked guidance, and this kindness has been repaid by them adding the title 'learned' to her name.
  • Determinator: Despite the hardships her and her people have faced, she's kept on going, determined to help build a functioning society. It's quite obvious she's succeeded.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She adores and admires all things the Shapers have created, barely being able to contain her joy should you make yourself known to her.
    • She won't even object if the player makes it clear they want her to obey them, merely stating some of the other serviles may not be as approving of this outlook.
  • Long-Lived: She's been alive for a while and has seen the island change, adapt, and grow. She's earned the title 'learned' due to her age and world experience.
  • Loved by All: She's beloved by the other serviles, who respect her enough to address her as "Learned Pinner." It's clear she's done much to earn this respect.
  • Nice Girl: She's a complete sweetheart, showing nothing but respect and love to the Shaper should they encounter her. Sadly, she won't drop this disposition should they antagonise and belittle her or her kind.
  • Older and Wiser: She's many years the senior of other serviles, and one of the most intelligent and respected of them.
  • Quest Giver: She requests you investigate a school infested with rogue creations in order to discover the secrets the Shapers left behind. She's unable to complete this task herself due to her weak combat skills and advanced age.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: You can reassure her you do not wish to control the serviles, merely wishing to live alongside them until you can escape the island. She is incredibly pleased if this option is chosen.
  • Women Are Wiser: She's a woman and she's as intelligent as she is beloved.

    Leader Khobar 
A fearless and powerful man who is the leader of the guards in Vakkiri.
  • Badass Boast: Should he be antagonised, he'll deliever a line that will reaffirm why he's so respected and feared.
    Khobar You made us. We owe much to you. But you shapers, with all your might, all your power, all your wisdom, are not immune to steel. You will shread us. You will mow us down like wheat. But we will win!
  • Berserk Button: He will not take kindly to a player that doesn't share his beliefs, reacting with fury should they react negatively to his ideals.
  • Brutal Honesty: He'll speak his mind, different opinions be damned. He really does not like the Obeyers, or the Takers for that matter.
  • Cool Sword: He's got an impressive sword. Be very scared if you witness it in action.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He loathes the Takers due to their needless hostility, outright calling them mad.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's a reasonable and fair man, but like many of the Awakened, he won't back down from conflict and he'll make his unwavering strength known to you frequently.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He's an angry, angry man, and he'll fly off into a rage if he feels threatened by the player. It's a fitting trait for a soldier.
  • Hero-Worshipper: He admires Ellhrah greatly, heaping praise onto the Awakened leader when he talks about him.
    Khobar ...You may not think that a Servile can be wise. If so, I think you will be surprised.
  • Hidden Depths: He's rather intelligent with the letter he asks you to give to Ellhrah merely being an excuse to get you to talk to him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's a bit coarse and cold, but a good man at heart.
  • Mood Whiplash: If certain dialogue options are picked, he'll go from threatening to kill you to politely conversing with you.
  • Mr. Exposition: He's there to provide you with information about the Awakened, Obeyers, and Takers, sprinkling in his opinions into his descriptions. He's got a lot to say, providing you have the time to listen. He'll also bring up some brief details about nearby cities, filled with warnings about their conflicting ways.
  • Nerves of Steel: Few things faze him, and he won't back down to threats. He shares this trope with the other residents in the dining hall.
  • Quest Giver: He wishes for the player to clear a trade route overtaken by rogue creations. Complicating this request is the fact that He believes someone is summoning them.
    • He'll also task you with delievering a letter to Ellhrah after clearing Watchhill.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He enforces the law and protects fellow serviles, leading to the soldiers and civilans alike to think very highly of him. He's firm, but fair and articulate, unwavering in his beliefs should the need arise for such boldness. Despite his distrust of the player, he'll be reasonable with them should they affirm that they see eye to eye with him.

A slightly odd servile with a strange yet familiar way of talking.
  • Alliance Meter: Clakkid can tell you what other Awakened members think of you, letting you know if you're on the right track or not.
  • Book Dumb: He sounds like an idiot, yet he's good at finding out nuggets of information, even if he's a bit hard to understand.
  • Genius Ditz: He's a bit verbally challenged and not taken seriously by any of his fellow serviles. That said, he's incredibly perceptive and good at acquiring information about the world around him and it's inhabitants.
  • Gossipy Hens: He has a keen insight regarding Vakkiri and it's inhabitants, information he'll blabber on about to anyone willing to listen to him.
  • Hidden Depths: He's surprisingly astute despite his mannerisms and personality, knowing a lot about you and other's perceptions of your actions.
  • Hulk Speak: He speaks in simple and broken sentances.
    Clakkit I smart like them. I no dumb. I no talk shaper. I no talk like you. I servile talk. Choice.
  • Nice Guy: He's friendly and helpful, even if he can be a bit difficult to understand due to his strange way of speaking.
  • The Pig-Pen: He's described as having very dirty clothing, one of many reasons he's not well liked by his fellow serviles.

A servile shopkeeper with a skill in the art of wheeling and dealing.
  • Flat Character: There isn't much to him, especially compared to the other residents of Vakkiri who tend to have a distinct personality. He's merely a good shopkeeper with connections to other cities.
  • Quest Giver: He tasks you with finding out what happened to his contacts, offering good pay should you do so.
  • Team Switzerland: Due to being a merchant, he has little care for the politics taking place on the island, willingly dealing with contacts from other islands in order to get good items.

An anxious servile in Vakkiri.
  • Properly Paranoid: Even if you reassure her you do not wish to subject her to your control, she still remains weary. A smart choice, considering what the Shapers are capable of.
  • The Quiet One: She has little dialogue, due to being very shy.
  • Shrinking Violet: The best word to describe her would be timid. She's quiet, withdrawn, and on edge.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: You can cause her to shut down by telling her she needs to be controlled.

A young servile girl unaware of the existence of the Shapers.
  • Bad Liar: When she's caught in a lie about the knife, she withdraws from the conversation and shuffles off, making her appear even more guilty.
    Lietz Well, I haven't done anything wrong. I'm... uhhh... innocent. That's right.
  • Children Are Innocent: Despite stealing a knife, she is very naive and impressionable, believing any lies the player tells her about the Shapers.
  • Death of a Child: If you're feeling awfully sadistic, you can simply murder her. Keep in mind that she's a young girl. You Monster!.
  • Nice Girl: She's polite to you and well mannered, even if she happens to be a thief.
  • Pet the Dog: She's only a kid, so being lenient on her can feel rewarding. You can use this to get the knife by pretending to be naive to the fact she stole it, leading to her dropping it when your back is turned.
  • Warm-Up Boss: She is the first person you're likely to test your leadership strength on, so it's fitting she's the easiest to persuade. You can persuade her to surrender the knife she stole if you make the right choices.

An overweight and wealthy servile. She has come to claim fealty to the Awakened.
  • Badass Boast: She doesn't back down to threats.
    Dreet Shaper, I am awakened. I will not be your slave. Attack me if you want, but I will not submit to threats. Get out of my house, and only return when you will treat me with respect.
  • Big Fun: She's overweight, yet despite being well off, she's humble, shrewd, and dilligent.

A strange servile living on the edge of town.
  • Affably Evil: He's remarkably polite, even when trying to get you to murder someone.
  • The Mole: He's a spy for the Takers, trying to convert you to his side.
  • Obviously Evil: He's short, pale, and a Taker spy.
  • Quest Giver: He wishes for you to assassinate Ellhrah as a favor for the Takers, promising to reward you nicely for doing so.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He'll flee the town if you reveal him to Sencia.
  • The Quiet One: He doesn't talk much, unless he has a reason to. He has a lot to discuss with you however.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He's the most morally questionable character in Vakkiri.
  • Walking Spoiler: There's a lot more to him than what meets the eye.

Bandit woods

An aging servile who has grown tough due to living in the woods for many years.
  • Affably Evil: He's a ruthless bandit, yet he can be reasoned with, though it means having to give him and his companions food in order for him to leave Vakkiri alone.
  • Asshole Victim: Polite as he may be, few tears will be spent if he's killed.
  • Berserk Button: He'll try to kill you if you ignore his threats or decide to trespass on his property.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He picks a fight with you, extorting you of your hard earned gold if you wish to pass. This can backfire on him severely if you're powerful enough.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He has no delusions that what he is doing is somehow acceptable, outright calling himself a bandit.
  • Cool Sword: He's a powerful fighter and a skilled swordsman, despite his old age.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's getting on in years and just so happens to be a ruthless bandit.
  • Karma Houdini: If you can strike a deal with him and Brodus, he'll not be punished for extortion.
  • Noble Demon: If he offers a deal to you, he'll go through with it, showing that underneath his bandit exterior, he does have some morals.
  • Oh, Crap!: If you threaten to brutally murder him with your magic, he backs off, not even bothering to extort you due to being scared out of his wits. He does promise next time to make you pay.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: He's a bandit, the first of his kind, and damn proud of it.
    Ghurk ...We believe it is called banditry. We may be the first servile bandits. We are proud.
  • Schmuck Bait: Fighting him and his bandit friends is suicidal if you're a low level. They deal heavy damage and can attack you from afar.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: He may see himself as a bit better than he actually is.
    Ghurk In shaper books we read, bandits always get away and live to fight elsewhere. We think we be same.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: Instead of simply killing them, you can strike a deal with them. This causes them to become a Karma Houdini, but it brings stability to both the bandits and Vakkiri.


A hermit who lives in the woods.
  • The Ace: She's an extremely fearsome warrior, being able to decimate the low level enemies near her. She won't take any of your compliments or pay you any respect if you battle with her though.
  • Brutal Honesty: She bluntly tells the Shaper she couldn't care less about them, something rather ballsy to say to someone as powerful as a Shaper.
  • Cool Old Guy: She's rather old, but still a fearsome warrior, and is a badass, if unpleasant individual.
  • Disc-One Nuke: She'll cut through the rogue creatures in the ruins, even if you won't get xp for her kills.
  • Good Is Not Nice: She's a good fighter who can be convinced to help you out, though she is far from a pleasant or personable individual.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: She'll join you for a little while if your leadership is high enough, if only because she doesn't like the idea of Vakkiri soldiers roaming near her house to fight the rogue creations.
  • The Hermit: She lives by herself in the woods, preferring to be unbothered. She'll even offer to help you fight if it means not having any more company in the form of soldiers clearing out the rogues near where she lives.
  • Jerkass: She's overly blunt, hostile, and dismissive of others. It's no wonder she lives on her own.
  • Non-Player Companion: She can't be controlled by the player and will nab your xp if she kills an enemy, making her powerful, but unpredicatable and sometimes detrimental companion.
  • Noodle Incident: It's unknown what exactly caused her to fall out with the people of Vakkiri, though it's likely they had a mutual hatred for each other.
  • No-Sell: Trying to intimidate her will only annoy her and trying to scare her by claiming the rogue creations will just get more powerful won't faze her in the slightest. You'll only be able to persuade her if you're charismatic and astute enough.
  • No Social Skills: Not that she cares. She's a deeply unpleasant person who does little to hide her disdain for others.
  • Old Soldier: She is a powerful fighter, easily able to kill the spawner in the ruins should you convince her to help you.
  • Sequence Breaking: It's possible to avoid having to enlist her help by killing the spawner in the ruins before meeting her, something that can easily be done if you're well equipped enough to deal with the rogue thahds that inhabit the ruins.

    Watchhill guard serviles 
Some serviles guarding the fort in Watchhill.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: They're protecting Ellhrah, the leader of the Awakened.
  • Cool Sword: They both wield an old, dented, yet still usable sword.
  • Flat Character: They really don't have much to do but warn you about the rogue creations and point you in Seerula's direction. If you're lucky, they'll tell you that Ellhrah likes you, but that's the most personality they'll display.
  • Mr. Exposition: They mainly serve to tell you about the rogue creatures, where to find help, and if Ellhrah likes you or not. They're utterly irrelevant to the plot otherwise.

Ellhrah's Keep

The leader of the Awakened.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the most powerful member of the Awakened, and can hold his own in a fight.
  • Badass Boast: He doesn't take crap from contrarian Shapers.
    Ellhrah I know that most of your shapers will feel that way. Most of you are, frankly, our enemies. But if we have to die defying you, that is what we will do.
  • Death by Irony: He can be slain with the Shaper artifact that he gives you to defeat Warp.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Killing him will earn you respect with the Takers, though it's a hell of a battle early on, due to his myriad of bodyguards and soldiers determined to protect him from attackers.
  • Foreshadowing: He is likely the first person you encounter who will point out his worries about the cannisters you use. This becomes very important in the late stages of the game.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's a Nice Guy, but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty should circumstances call for such actions.
  • The Leader: He's the head of the Awakened.
  • Nerves of Steel: He'll look a Shaper in the eye, regardless of their intentions towards him. Due to being a leader, he's unfazed and unafraid, ready to fight if the need arises.
  • Nice Guy: He prefers diplomacy over violence, wishes to make peace with the Shapers and live alongside them as equals, and is nothing but cordinal to any Shaper that enters his keep with benevolent intentions.
  • Permanently Missable Content: Cause too much trouble with the Awakened and a huge portion of his story will be inaccessible.
  • Properly Paranoid: He will only eat his own food, due to being scared he may be poisoned. This is a wise choice, as the Team Chef is actually a Taker spy.
  • Quest Giver: He will allow you to join the Awakened should you kill Warp the vlish. This is made difficult because Warp is controlled by a living servant mind called Control Four, a creature who does not like serviles in the slightest.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He seeks equality with the Shapers and wishes for a peaceful settlement with warring factions, opposed to the sentiment held by many of his underlings.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: He's beloved by the other Awakened, with nobody having anything bad to say about him. Even the brutally honest leader Khobar has nothing but praise for him.
  • You Lose at Zero Trust: Naturally, he will turn hostile to you should you stir trouble in his keep.

The most heavily armed servile in Ellhrah's keep.
  • The Ace: He's well versed in the knowledge of fighting, and will provide you with in depth insight about how weapons are use on Sucia island.
  • Cool Sword: He has an incredibly sharp blade by his side. It's as impressive as his reputation as a feared and respected commander.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has some choice things to say to you if you let him know you don't approve of him learning to fight.
    Swan Really? And I don't feel it's right for the shapers to abandon us here, leaving us to starve and be devoured by their other creations.
  • Elite Mooks: If hired by the taken to assassinate Ellhrah, he'll prove far more difficult than his fellow soldiers due to his higher health, damage, and armor.
  • Nice Guy: Disdain for Shapers aside, he's reasonable and rational, staying polite with even those he disagrees with. It's obvious that he's respected for his consideration and kindness alongside his impressive combat prowess.
  • Noble Bigot: He doesn't have much love for the Shapers and will refuse to teach them his fighting skills, but he still is cordinal to them, and lets them know he'll happily work alongside them if they both continue to respect one another.
  • Number Two: He's second only to Ellhrah, the leader of the Awakened.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He sometimes deals with matters too trivial for the likes of Ellhrah, and is a rational and levelheaded man who can easily be made to see reason.
  • Quest Giver: He is being harrassed by a particuarly dangerous vlish named Warp, and despite his distrust of Shapers, he'll bite his tongue and ask you for your help in killing them.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Continuing his Deadpan Snarker speech, he has a rather scathing finishing line to cement what he thinks about the Shaper's cowardice.
    Swan You forced us to be like this. You created us, and then you left.

A quiet and shy servile who hangs around the pool.
  • Affably Evil: She may be The Mole of Ellhrah's keep, but she's very polite and friendly to you.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She is nice, quiet, and working for Nabb, one of the Takers.
  • Disc-One Nuke: She tells you about a wand so powerful it could instantly kill Ellhrah and Swan, two incredibly difficult opponents in the early game. In the remake, this is changed to a wand that can stun them.
  • Team Chef: She cooks for the serviles in Ellhrah's keep, except for Ellhrah himself.
  • The Mole: She is loyal to Nabb, a sworn enemy of the Awakened.
  • The Quiet One: She doesn't talk much, even to the Shaper if she encounters them.
  • Shrinking Violet: She's shy and timid, barely able to keep eye contact with you.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Nabb.
  • Walking Spoiler: She's a Taker.

Several merchants. They hang around in the commerce section, ready to sell goods to anyone with enough coin to spend.

    Ellhrah's keep guard servile 
The lazy and stupid guy guarding the ruins.
  • Artificial Stupidity: It takes him a very long time to alert anyone if you're found trespassing in the ruins. He'll buy the same lies over and over if you feed them to him.
  • The Ditz: He's gullible and terrible at his job, making it a trival task to nab the wand he's meant to be protecting.
  • Epic Fail: If the player is allied with the Takers, he's singlehandedly responsible for allowing the player to get the weapon used to kill everyone else in the keep.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His incompetence can get Ellhrah, Swan, and all the other Awakened soldiers killed if the player wishes to exploit him.
  • No Name Given: They're simply another guard.
  • No-Sell: Stupid as he may be, he won't fall for the player's lies if they claim Ellhrah sent them without a key. They'll call them out for this and threaten to call the guards.
  • Over Worked Sleep: He prefers sleeping on the job rather than doing his duties.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He's arrogant enough to eat up any praise sent his way, somehow believing the player is geniune when they say they'll tell Ellhrah how vigilant they are.
  • The Slacker: He's lazy and incompetent, a poor combination for someone guarding an important Shaper artifact.
  • Stealth-Based Mission: Sneaking past him is an option to steal the wand he's guarding.
  • Super Gullible: They'll fall for almost any lie you tell them.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: You can simply kill him instead of tricking or sneaking past him.

Ruined school

A hostile thahd who resides within the school.
  • Arc Villain: The boss of the ruined school.
  • The Brute: Naturally, since it's a thahd. It's also much larger, stronger, and has far more health than most thahds.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He cares for his pet fyoras and thahds and is furious that you killed them. He decides to get even by trying to kill you instead.
  • Hulk Speak: Surprisingly enough, Rawbone can speak clearly. He does have a fractured way of speaking though.
  • Large and in Charge: Rawbone is huge, and the boss of the ruined school.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Rawbone doesn't inspire much confidence, does it?
  • Obviously Evil: He's a giant angry thahd who shacked up inside an abandoned school. He's probably up to no good.
  • Stupid Evil: While smart for a thahd, he's an angry brute with little grey matter between his evil eyes.
  • You Can Talk?: The player is shocked that a thahd has developed the ability to talk.

The servant mind in the ruined school.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Another trait shared by servant minds across Sucia.
  • Apologetic Attacker: If you try to threaten them, they'll poison you, dealing a lot of damage to your character. They do feel remorse about it, saying it's what they have to do in a situation like this.
  • The Confidant: Defniel told them about their journal notes, hoping they could alert someone there if they were to visit the ruins years later.
  • Destroy the Evidence: They had their memory erased to hide the fact they held research about what was going on in the school.
  • Easy Amnesia: Their mind can be wiped on a whim, useful for when they are holding important knowledge that other Shapers don't want to be revealed.
  • He Knows Too Much: Their memory was wiped due to them holding intimate knowledge of the research that went on in the school.
  • Instant Waking Skills: As expected of a Servant mind, they can break out of hibernation in a heartbeat.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: For some strange reason, they were forced to forget everything they learned, not even remembering what they were meant to teach to the Shaper students of years past.
  • Mr. Exposition: Povralus provides limited, vague, yet imporant information about the ruined school as well as advice about how to deal with servant minds whose faculties have faded due to neglect and age. The most they can do is infuse your body with a cannister, though this can take a bit of effort to pry from them.
  • My Greatest Failure: While they aren't capable of conveying many emotions, they're saddened that Defniel risked his life to write his journal rather than leave the school behind.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Like all servant minds, they're very ancient.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: The solution that the Shapers give them. It's vital for keeping them alive and functional and the effects can last hundreds of years.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even though they took pride in the information they obtained, they happily allowed their mind to be wiped in order to appease the Shapers.

The head researcher in the school and a teacher. He is long dead by the time of the game.
  • All for Nothing: Two examples.
    • He spent a huge amount of time teaching Shaper students about creating servants as well as many other mystical things. Somehow, he came across knowledge that he wasn't meant to, causing higher-up Shapers to demand the school be abandoned and the research destroyed, meaning all his hard work was to be discarded.
    • In an act of defiance, he tries to hide his journal containing notes inside the school, but he was found and killed before he could finish writing all the notes down.
  • Cool Teacher: He was enthusiastic about his work and cared for his students, desperate to keep on with his research even when given the orders to forget everything he had taught at the school.
  • Death By Genre Savvy: He knew that the Shapers would not allow any information to leave the school, so he tried to hide notes alluding to research in secret areas. He was found and killed for this.
  • He Knows Too Much: He was murdered before he could compile all the research that he'd amassed inside the school.
  • Mr. Exposition: His notes provide a little bit of information about what was happening at the school. Unfortunately for him, the rest of his notes were either unwritten or destroyed.
  • Posthumous Character: He was killed by other Shapers long before the events of this game.
  • Properly Paranoid: He's worried that he won't be able to keep on studying the research once him and his students are evacuated from the school. In order to leave some information behind, he stays behind as everyone else escapes to make some notes on what the research was. He's killed before he can finish compiling them.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Determined not to let his research go to waste, he tried to hide forbidden knowledge within the school. This got him killed by a fellow Shaper.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Tragically, nothing came out of his attempts to preserve the school's research.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: His notes were incomplete and he lost his life, with his sole purpose being to showcase the seedier side of the Shapers.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: His determination to continue his research leaves to him having little importance as a character, yet demonstrating that something sinister is going on in Sucia, with the Shapers playing a large role in it.
  • Walking Spoiler: He's far more than just a simple teacher.

Crag Valley

A servile who resides in the valley.
  • Flat Character: She has little characterisation, due to being unwilling to have a conversation with you.
  • Hulk Speak: She has a basic way of talking, like many serviles who haven't adopted the Shaper's style of speech.
  • In the Hood: She wears a large hood, obscuring most of her face.
  • Nervous Wreck: She can barely have a conversation with the Shaper without stammering.
  • No Social Skills: She can barely say a sentence without stammering and running off.
  • Odd Friendship: With Forney. He's a beacon of energy and she's a Shrinking Violet.
  • Shrinking Violet: She's withdrawn and nervous, trying to avoid contact with the Shaper at all costs.

Another servile who resides in the valley.
  • Disc-One Nuke: His armor is much better than what you will likely have when you first encounter him. It's easy to obtain from him, though it'll upset him if he's forced to part ways with it.
  • Establishing Character Moment: For the Obeyers as a whole. When he encounters you, he can't contain himself, being absolutely estatic by your presence. He'll also part ways with his prized armor if you force him to. This shows him as a loyal pushover, but a nice guy.
  • Hero-Worshipper: He adores the Shapers and will be upset if you show humility, as it conflicts with his infalliable view on you and your kind.
  • Mr. Exposition: He serves to give a bit of information about the Obeyers and their ways of thinking.
  • Nice Guy: He's friendly, supportive, and polite, a direct contrast to Dern.
  • Kick the Dog: You can force him to give you his chainmail, which he'll do. He'll lose a lot of his enthusiasm if this choice is made, as the chainmail is very special to him due to being a family heirloom.
  • Odd Friendship: With Dern. He's excitable and cheerful and she's shy and gloomy.
  • Pet the Dog: Instead of taking his armor from him, you can compliment him. He's very pleased by this, as it shows that his idol is admiring his clothes.
  • The Pollyanna: He's a very happy fellow, reacting with utter glee when encountering you.
  • Undying Loyalty: Due to being an Obeyer, he adores the Shapers and is beside himself to encounter you. He actually gets upset if you point out your shortcomings, as he doesn't like the idea of his idol second guessing themself.

Spiral Burrow

    Control Four 
The servant mind residing in Spiral Burrow.
  • Affably Evil: Even when trying to murder you and all disobediant serviles, it's polite, calm, and collected.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: If you threaten to shut it down, it'll plead with you to spare it.
  • Ambiguous Gender: It has no gender, just like any other servant mind.
  • Ax-Crazy: It does not like serviles, to put it mildly.
  • Captain Obvious: There's a little gem if you cause it to shut down.
    Control Four Control Four does not respond to your queries. It is dead.
  • Consummate Liar: It is a very good liar, expertly denying the fact it sent the rogue creatures to kill you.
  • Control Freak: It loathes the idea of free will, trying to eradicate any servile that seeks to be free of Shaper control.
  • Evil Old Folks: It's very old like other servant minds, and a bit of a douche.
  • Fantastic Racism: It has been spawning rogue creations to seek out and kill serviles due to its innate hatred of their independance. It sees them as only worthy of being slaves, cosying up to the Obeyers due to their desire to be controlled.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Control Four is rather cunning for a servant mind, gaslighting and manipulating you in order for you to spare it. It also has used the rogue creations as bodyguards, trying to stop the player from getting to them.
  • Really 700 Years Old: It's extremely ancient like other servant minds, and even a bit rogue due to its advanced age.
  • Scatterbrained Senior: Its old age and lack of maintence has made it turn incredibly evil, wishing to eradicate any serviles that won't bow down to the control of the Shapers.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: you can shut it down if you wish to appease the Awakened. You do this by convincing it that it's no longer needed.
  • Token Evil Teammate: It's one of the most outwardly malevolent of the servant minds.
  • Villainous Breakdown: If you try and shut it down, it will plead with you, appeal to your senses, and try and convince you to turn against the serviles. As it goes on, it becomes more and more desperate.
  • Walking Spoiler: Control Four is more than just a simple servant mind.
  • We Can Rule Together: It promises you this if you feed it.

Thorny Fen

A servile almost (or actually) killed by roamers (if the player is too slow.) She is a scout for the Obeyers.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Being eaten by roamers isn't a nice way to go.
  • Damsel in Distress: She was about to be eaten by roamers before you can come along and (optionally) save her.
  • Eaten Alive: If the roamers get to her before you resuce her, this will be her fate.
  • Flat Character: She's a bit character who serves to be rescued, provide information, and give some supplies if you ask that of her.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Like the rest of the Obeyers, she adores the Shapers.
  • I Owe You My Life: If you save her from roamers, she'll readily offer supplies, being upset that she doesn't have enough to give to you.
  • Mr. Exposition: She'll divulge some information about the rogue creations nearby.
  • Nice Girl: She's helpful and friendly, probably because you saved her life.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: You can save her from what would have been a painful death at the hands of hungry roamers.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Likewise, you can also kill her or simply leave her for dead.
