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YMMV / Arrow S 4 E 8 Legends Of Yesterday

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  • Broken Base: Was Felicity justified for being angry at Oliver for keeping his son a secret after all the lies he told in Season 3 and his promise to be honest with her from then on? Or is Oliver entitled to some time to process this life-changing information by himself before he tells other people about it?
  • Fridge Horror: Most of them did not appear in this episode, but every known character in The Flash (2014) (Iris and Joe West, Earth-2 Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick, Patty Spivot, The Rogues, etc.), Dinah and Sara Lance, and Samantha and William Clayton all likely died when Savage blew up Central City.
  • Ho Yay:
    • Their final scene together has Oliver and Barry hugging each other gleefully.
    • Malcolm is seen gently caressing Vandal Savage's ashes.
  • Narm: Felicity's breakup speech sounds like it was written by a 13-year old.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Felicity's reaction to Oliver's son in the first timeline. Given that Season 4 has depicted Oliver and Felicity's relationship as mature, open and balanced with the pair communicating about their issues, Felicity's bizarre "I can never trust you" after Oliver kept a secret from her for less than a day was seen as a cheap attempt to manufacture drama and justify Oliver continuing to lie to her.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: The Oliver/Felicity and William issue takes up a chunk of screentime that could otherwise be spent on the Savage plot or the Flash and Arrow cast getting to bond. Especially criticized as thus far Season 4 had managed to balance the Olicity relationship with the plot by keeping them relatively drama-free and in the background of most episodes. This episode returns to soap-opera style romance that was criticized regarding Oliver/Felicity in Season 3 and Oliver/Laurel in Season 1.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Kendra and Carter at the end. Because they are meant to be with each other, Kendra gently ends things between her and Cisco with whom she has better chemistry. Lampshaded when Cisco tells her that she does not seem to like Carter much. This later got an Author's Saving Throw on Legends of Tomorrow when Kendra blows up at Carter for acting like they're destined to be together when she still doesn't remember anything about him.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Vandal Savage not being a 13,000 year old caveman, but more of an Expy of Hath-Set. However there is still hope, as Savage had Nth metal before the meteor shower, meaning he might have already been immortal.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
    • Central City University History Professor Dinah Lance could have been a key character in the two-part Crossover given that the main villain and two Guest Star Party Members are literally attached to history. Sadly, Alex Kingston was busy filming Doctor Who.
    • For the matter, the absence of her daughter Sara, but more on that below.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Sara's appearance in the two-part Crossover could have planted the seeds for Legends of Tomorrow much better by further establishing her character relationship with the Hawks more than what might happen in their own series.
  • Trapped by Mountain Lions: The subplot with William has no connection to the main plot and is a literal distraction that keeps Oliver from being focused on the mission.
